• Published 3rd Jul 2021
  • 169 Views, 0 Comments

Villie - An Athletic Musician - Stelsun Darkstar

A short story about the daughter of Octavia and Bulk Biceps.

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Chapter 01: Music or Sport?

"Ah, Equestria. A land where every kind of creature becomes friends with eachother. Isn't it great?"

Octavia Melody was sitting on the couch, resting and thinking of the positive changes of the whole Kingdom. Her now husband, the bulkiest pony known in Equestria, Bulk Biceps, was doing his daily exercise at the local Ponyville gym. And their daughter, their precious little daughter, was peacefully playing in the front yard, like every normal filly would.

The grey coated mare almost jumped from the couch when she heard her child's cheerful scream. Octavia rushed to open the front door and to see what her daughter is exactly doing outside.

The filly saw her mother coming and she galloped right to her.

"Mother, hey mom, look!!"

The mare looked at her little daughter. She wasn't hurt. She didn't have any fresh bruise or an open wound. She was just a little dusty.

"What's wrong, Villie? What do you want me to look at?" Octavia asked worringly.

The little pegasus showed her flank.

"I got my cutie mark, mom! Do you like it?!"

The filly's new cutie mark was a single minim note, colored in light blue. Octavia liked it indeed, but she was still confused on how exactly she got it, when Villie was simply just playing outside with no musical instruments around.

"I really like it, hun. But.. what did you do to achieve such an amazing looking cutie mark?"

The little pegasus filly was waiting to tell her and a huge smile popped on her innocent pony face.

"I went to play with the neighbor's kid! They had a violin and a big BIG piano!! I played on both, then i just came back, and BOOM! I started floating without using my wings and then.. MY CUTIE MARK SHOWED UP!!!" Villie squealed happily as she was done talking. Her mother was crying happy tears after she heard her story.

"You can play both the violin and the piano?" Octavia wiped out her tears away. "I'm so proud of you, Villie.."

"DAD!!" The little filly squealed again when she saw her father arriving back home. He hugged her as tightly as possible when he noticed her galloping towards him. "Ouf! Okay, okay! Dad, you can let me go! Hahah!!"

The big, muscular stallion let his daughter go, then he asked her what was she doing whole day while he was gone. Villie explained everything, even with some extra details that weren't important at all. Her father was proud of her and her new cutie mark, but still, there was something that he felt like it was missing.. He never taught her any athletical things! Bulk decided to teach her tomorrow, so Villie wouldn't feel extremely tired.

When Villie fell asleep, Octavia and Bulk decided to talk to eachother in the kitchen. They had to discuss some stuff about their daughter's future.

"So, Bulk, dear," Octavia was feeling surprisingly akward for unknown reason, but she just giggled it off. "you know how our daughter got her cutie mark today?" Her husband nodded in agreement. "Well, i was thinking of sighning her up to a music school in Canterlot, where i used to study music and learned how to play the celo when i was a filly. Do you agree with me?"

The bulky pegasus placed his front hoof on his chin, putting his thoughts together. Then he nodded again, agreeing with his wife's school recommendation. Octavia was honestly surprised by that.

"I.. really expected you to disagree with me.." Then the gray mare let out a yawn, because she was tired. "Oh well, i should go.. to bed. Goodnight, dear."

Octavia headed off to the bedroom, Bulk then stayed a bit late and after some more minutes, he headed off to bed too.

When the morning sun rised up, the house of the pegasus stallion and earth mare got filled with Villie's morning song to her parents to wake them up a little early. Her voice wasn't the best, so she took an advantage of that to wake her mom and dad.

"Morning, morning, morning!! It's my morning song!!!" The filly sang loudly and full of energy as always.

After twenty minutes, the three ponies found themselfs at the table, eating breakfast, specificly, hay bacon with apple juice. While Octavia was eating from her own plate, she looked at her daughter and immediately remembered about the school she mentioned to her husband. She knew that it was the right time to tell her about it.

"Say, Villie. Would you like me to sign you up in a music school in Canterlot? Because, i have this tiny feeling that you're.. really good at making some good tracks, you know?"

Villie looked at her father, the bulk pegasus smiled and said.

"Your mother is asking you if you want to study in Canterlot, Villie. Where you can learn to be a great musician, just like your own mom!"

Villie 'ooh'ed once she fully realized on what Octavia ment, even though she said it clearly. The filly didn't say anything and continued on eating her hay bacon. Octavia slightly frowned and cleared her throat, which made her daughter focus her attention at her again. Once the filly looked at her again, Octavia was smiling again.

"Are you.. not gonna say anything, dear?"

Villie took another bite, then answered.

"I was thinking of joining a sport school, mom. Maybe i'll sign up in a music school when i get a little older. Like," She drank a bit of her apple juice. "like, right now, i just don't really feel.. inspired to create my own tracks and such."

The gray mare almost gasped from surprise. Looks like her little daughter was begining to look like her father, more focused on sports, probably bodybuilding and overall, living a healthy life. It was a great thing, of course, but her cutie mark was a literal note, that she got from playing the piano and the violin! It was still a honest surprise that she'll choose fitness and sports over music.. But despite her decision, Octavia knew that she had to accept her daughter's choice.

"Alright!" She got up, taking the now empty plate with her to the sink. "Just make sure to not overwork yourself. You have no idea how much muscle strain hurts, my dear!" The mare paused to wash the dish, then she added, "Only your father knows-"

When she turned around, she noticed that her husband and daughter were gone. Probably outside, where Bulk could train her? Probably! Anything good was possible.

Octavia looked at the window to check on them, if they're really outside. And yes, they were indeed outside, and just like she thought, Bulk Biceps was exercising with his daughter on the grass. The gray mare smiled and returned on washing the dishes.

Later, Octavia discussed with Bulk if they should sign up her daughter now, to a sport school. It was decided, Villie was going to the most popular school that involved sports, and that was...


..The School of Friendship..?