• Published 7th Jul 2023
  • 204 Views, 2 Comments

The Pony-Bird Adventures - Kyetta Cubid

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Enter Ponyville

After Big E located and confirmed a Private meeting with the Former Princesses of Equestria, that meant Kyetta and the Pony-Birds could explore and do whatever they want. Due to this, they had no idea what to do together.

"Man, I'm bored. Didn't think without Big E, we had something to do." Red said, as they all agreeded. "How can we all be bored? I mean we have the Kingdoms to go too?" Kyetta then spoke out to the others, as Chuck continued. "Like you said before, because they have the Rage Chi Orbs! And now with Cozy, Chrysalis and Terek now knowing who the new Elements are, I don't think we'll be going near them anytime." Kyetta then lowered her head in defeat.

Matilda then entered the talk. "Why not Ponyville again? I know, we went there before, but it's only to bring them Defence in the form of a Rage Fountain. Without one, they're lost." "Lost? They're always lost as those Mane 6 Ponies didn't know a single Squark of what to do!" Harley then shouted out to the Pegasus.

Just before it ended up in a big brawl between friends, something came in via a Green Flame. It landed in the middle of the floor as they looked at what it is. "What is it?" Bomb asked, as Chuck put in some guesses. "Maybe a Love Letter? Or perhaps a Message in a Bottle?" "Or Maybe a Genie in a Bottle" Bomb guessed as Red picked it up using her Magic. "Guys, there's no Bottle!"

Kyetta looked at the letter, finding it was from Twilight in Ponyville. It said;

To the Pony-Birds,

Since Mighty Eagle is having a Meeting with Celestia and Luna, I knew you'll all be bored. I had a talk to him if it'll be good to have you all visit Ponyville to know it more.

I know your first visit was small, but I wanted you all to know it more. My Friends want to know you all more too, including the residents of Ponyville too.

If interested, please come by at the time you can come by.

From, Princess Twilight

Once they finished reading the letter, they knew they had a second Chance to explore Ponyville. "We're going, right?" Jay asked. "Why shouldn't we? We deserve to explore more!" Chuck agreeded, as they were all agreeing. "We seen the Pony Side of things, now it's time for them to see the Birds side!" Kyetta said as they all joined their Hooves together. "Woo! Pony-Birds!" Once they all raise their Hooves, Red then grinned. "Let's paint that Town in our colors!" "YEAH!!!"

Back in Ponyville, Twilight and her friends were waiting for the Pony-Birds to come back. Each one was going to give them a Private Tour around the places they worked and lived.

"You did tell them the time, right?" Fluttershy asked Twilight. "I mean if I wanted too, then they'll be here right about now."

"Man, this bites!" Rainbow Dash said in a bored tone. "How long do they have to pack?" "It doesn't take me this long to pack. You don't have to complain about that." Rarity answered, even if it wasn't a question.

"Well, I do like to start of slow before startin' a new day." Applejack then said. "Yeah! I mean, a Perfect Party doesn't just happen like that! I do plan a lot for who we're doing the party for!" Pinkie Pie said, which confused her friends. Every Party she does is just that.

Meanwhile with the Pony-Birds, they were walking through Everfree Forest, without help, due to them knowing their way around the forest. "Now remember, Poison Joke loves to grow around this part of the forest!" Matilda warned them, as Harley rolled her eyes. "Yeah, like we don't know that! I mean, they're cruel to giving us different random effects, but they're still good for verbs... Oops, I mean Herbs!" Harley explained and added a little joke.

"Yeah. Remember that time when Bomb smelled some, and she was sneezing explosions for a full day! Not one of us could get any sleep or peace!" Chuck said, laughing. Bomb shook her head. "Thanks for the reminder, Bolt Brain!" "It wasn't as bad as Chuck rolling around in it. She couldn't stop turning normal Clouds into Thunder Clouds! It was worst than the sneezing!" Jay added, which made Chuck roll her eyes.

They all laughed as they made it to Ponyville. Once back, they headed to Twilight's Palace, to see what the Mane 6 wanted to show them. "Welcome back to Ponyville." Twilight greeted them.

"Thanks Princess. We're excited to be back around Ponyville, for a much longer tour." Kyetta said, as the other Pony-Birds looked behind her, smiling.

Twilight laughed. "Now then, I thought of who will be with who at where. Chuck will be with Rainbow Dash, Bomb will be with Applejack, Matilda with Fluttershy, Harley with Rarity and Jay will be with Pinkie Pie." She said, without taking a breather, which made the Pony-Birds clap their hooves together.

"Well, alright then, Let's a get going!" Chuck said as her and Rainbow Dash flew somewhere else.

Applejack put her hoove around Bombs neck. "You'll be lovin' it down at the farm! I always wanted to be teachen another Pony Specie." "Hey, I'll just be around to eat them!" Bomb and Applejack then laughed.

"I-I do want to introduce you to a friend of mine. Just be careful around his... unique magic." Fluttershy said, as Matilda gave a small giggle. "Don't threat. I've been around a lot of crazy species."

"You will love my Boutique! I'll be showing you how to make the perfect outfit. Maybe even make you one!" Rarity announced, as Harley flicked her Mane at some Stallions, who got distracted and walked into a light post. She looked at Rarity. "Huh? Oh yea yeah. Do that." Rarity then dragged the Emo Pony across to the Boutique.

"And that just leaves you and Me!" Pinkie Pie cheered. "Yeah! We're going to have some fun!" Jay added.

Once everypony took their Pony-Bird, that just left Red and Kyetta with Twilight, as Red got confused. "Why isn't there a 7th Member?" Red asked, as Twilight thought. "She's too busy to come. Don't worry, you'll still have some fun with me." Red had douts as they headed into the Palace.

With Chuck and Rainbow Dash, they made it to Cloudsdale and the Wonderbolts Academy, where Rainbow Dash was teaching. Chuck looked around both the Academy and Cloudsdale, whistling. "Now this place looks raving!" Chuck complemented.

"Yeah. I mean no other Pony Specie except Pegasi can come here. Twilight put a small spell of the others so they can walk on clouds. It was because Rarity had wings, but they burned up due to the sons heat." Rainbow Dash told her, which then made her laugh. "Yeah. Well, next time, can your friend use real wings instead of Butterfly wings? That might of been the cause!" Chuck told her, as Rainbow Dash then thought of how she knew that, as she was also curious on why she wasn't landing on a cloud.

"You know you might be a Pegasus, so why not stand on one?" Rainbow Dash said to her, as she had some bouts. "Well... you see, I'm not that kind of Pegasus and..." C'mon, it won't bite!" Rainbow Dash said.

Chuch then landed on the cloud, seeing nothing happened yet, as Rainbow Dash smiled, wondering what she was worried about. "So anyway, why don't we see your speed and... " She was then interrupted by a Storm sound close by. Every other Pony looked up, trying to find the cause, only to find it was the cloud Chuck was on. She then flew off it as some other Pegasus flew towards it and picked it up, as they were storm control. "Don't be scared. This might of been messed with the wrong Weather pattern."

Once they took the cloud away, Chuck went back to flying, as Rainbow Dash was a little concerned. "Nevermind! I mean I like flying above normal clouds. Anyway, want to check my speeds?" Chuck asked. Rainbow Dash gave her a nod as they flew towards the practice fields.

With Bomb and Applejack, both were at Sweet Apple Acres. Bomb was eyeing the many Apple Trees that were planted and how many Apples were in said trees. "This can't be real? This has to be somekind of public Street art? Those trees have to be somekind of display where we can't eat them!"

Applejack chuckled. "Ah, they are indeed real like the Tree of Harmony once was. C'mon, let's go check out the farm!" Both then headed down to the main farm, as Bomb was drooling a little from seeing the many Apples. "You see, unlike any old Apple farm, where you have to pick one Apple at the time, here at Sweet Apple Acres does it more quicker!" She then goes to the closest Apple Tree that had plenty of Apple Trees around the bottom, which made Bomb interested. "Ok, so now what?"

"This!" Applejack then kicked the Tree using her back hooves, which made the Apples fall out of the Tree and into the Buckets. One fell on top of Bomb's Head, but she was too distracted to realise. "Here, it fell on you, you take it." She then gave the Black Pony-Bird the Apple. "Thanks!" She then put it in her bag, saving it for later. "So, why don't give it a whirl? Here's another one!" She brought her over to another Apple Tree, already with buckets like the last one. "How just like I did it last time. Give it a good kick and it'll do the rest!" Applejack said, as she left Bomb alone with the tree.

Bomb didn't know how she did, but remember her kicking it with both hooves. She did the same with a little strenth, only for nothing to happen. She tried a few more times, going a little between her limit, only for her to loose to temper. "C'mon. I'm doing it as she did! Give me the APPLES!!!"

With Applejack, she was bringing over some cool Apple Cider for her and Bomb, only to hear the sound of a loud Quake from close by and where Bomb was. Panicing, she rushed to see if she was ok, only to find Bomb filled many Buckets with Apples. "So, did I do good? I see you have some Apple Cider." Bomb then said to Applejack, who was still surprised to see how many Apples she got out from the other trees around hers. "S-Sure. Some Ice-cool Cider, just like Granny used to make!"

Matilda and Fluttershy were having some Tea at her cottage. It was a small one, but plenty big. The most unique part was the many wildlife and Animals that visited her. "My, you have quite a friendly atmosphere here." Matilda complemented Fluttershy. "Yeah. Well, I know a lot about Animal care. I see kindness in many Animals, even insects." She said shyly.

Matilda smiled at her, as she then saw a small, white Bunny next to her. "And I see another friend has joined in our little talk." Fluttershy looked behind her and picked up the small bunny. "Matilda, this is Angel, my pet Bunny!" She said, giving a small snuggle. Angel saw Matilda and didn't trust her. "A friendly one if he gives me that face, isn't he?" Matilda said as Fluttershy looked at Angel, who put on a face smile.

"Well, he's just warming up to you." "I hate to be the downer of bad news, but sometimes, Bunnies can come out a little... Manipulive!" Matilda said, as Angel saw how she saw his real colors. Getting mad, he then jumped at Matilda, ready to attack her. "Angel, DON'T!" Fluttershy tried to stop him, only for him to be stared down at Matilda with a menacing glare. "Your a tough one, right? But I see your not as tough as you think you are! Now if you don't want to be in more trouble, I recommend you'll behave yourself as long as I'm here!" Matilda ordered the small bunny, as he then hopped back to Fluttershy, a little scared. "Wasn't that a little too far?" "Of course not. I always do the same when watching some of the younger Pony-Birds, even with my kind." Matilda said, as Fluttershy was interested when she said her other kind, but it was interrupted by another voice.

"My my, I didn't think someone would teach that menace of a bunny a lesson!" The voice then came from another creature came into their talk. He was a Pony head with a long Brown Body, but he had other body parts of other Animals, being a Right Lion Paw, Left Bird claw, Right Lizards Claw Leg, Left Goat Leg, Right Bat wing, Left Pegasus Wing, and a Dragons tail. "Oh Discord, didn't think you'll be visiting?" Fluttershy said, as Matilda got his name. "Matilda, this is another of my friends, Discord."

"Yes! Hello, my dear! The Name's Discord, former and always lord and creature of Chaos!" He then shook her hoove as he was still talking about himself. "I never thought of meeting another friend of Fluttershy's and hopefully mine too!" He then moved away from her, and as he did that, the hand he was shaking her hoove with detached, which surprised her. "My my my, he's very... Unique in his own style, huh?" Matilda said, still surprised. She then stopped the Hooveshake, as Discords hand returned back to it's rightful place. Discord looked back at Matilda, looking at her curiously. "You know, my dear, you remind me of another Specie of Pony, before I was turned into a Statue." Discord said as stared at Matilda with a very curious look. "Maybe because of me looking and feeling like Fluttershy?"

Discord then thought, as he made a charkboard appear and started doing research in his own form. "No no no, that's not it. Before I tried to turn Equestria into my own amusement, some of my Cotten Candy Clouds were then blowned away, as some Clouds still looked like what they were before? Why is that?" He was questioning, which then made Fluttershy concerned. "What is it, Discord?" Discord then stopped his research as he then focused back to them. "All I remember just before being turned into a Statue, I remember finding some Pegasus around said clouds, all flying, but one flap blew many Clouds away!"

Fluttershy thought. "Well, many Pegasus can blow large clouds away, but not with their own wings?" Both then looked at Matilda, who was confused on why they were looking at her now. "If I'm troubling you, I'll be happy to leave." "No no, We're just curious on what kind of Pony you are, because you can't be any old Pony-Bird or Pegasus." Matilda then looked down. "Only Big E can explain that, or even Twilight. There's a book about who I and the other Pony-Birds are!" She then explained to them.

With Harley and Rarity, both were looking around Carousel Boutique, which was a small clothes and Dress Store. Rarity looked around, seeing everything was where as it should be, but Harley wasn't too interested in the store and what it had to offer. "So, this is a Store?" "Not quite, darling. Even if this is my little taste of heaven and also my home, it's also where I work, to make dresses for my friends, like you!" Harley moaned as she guessed why Rarity brought her to the Boutique. "Am I becoming your Mannequin?" Rarity then shuttered how she guessed, but not like that.

"Not Exsacally, darling. Since I did make dresses for my friends before, I want to gift you something for saving my and my friends from before." Rarity said with honesty, which made Harley put her hoove on her face, embarressed for asking. "Now then, which Fabric colors suits you?" Rarity asked as she brought out many fabrics as she was about to go into a song, but was stopped by Harley. "Don't! Just... no singing!" Rarity then went quiet, seeing she was serious. "Sorry, it's just something me and the others do when expressing outselves. So, what says 'Harley'?" Harley moaned as she looked over the many fabrics.

With Kyetta, Red and Twilight at the Castle of Friendship, they were in the Liberty part the castle, where it had many books. "Yeesh, so many books!" Red said, annoyed. Kyetta and Twilight were looking at the many books of the Creatures of Equestria, including the many Pony Species. "Oh yeah, even a Princess can't have this many books. You were quite a bookwork before?" Kyetta asked jokishly, which made Twilight chuckle. "You got me. I was one of the Princesse's pupils in my youth, now I'm the Princess of Equestria, and soon, you'll be the Elements of Harmony." Kyetta looked at the books, seeing their was nothing about the Pony-Birds or what Red was in her Flashburn form. "I have seen what Red was with her Fire wings, but that was a long time ago! But with the new kingdoms that appeared, we'll get some answers!"

Red signed, knowing she wouldn't of gotten that far on who she was. She remembered the Cutie Map, which did show the new Kingdoms, which might of reacted from the Pony-Birds. "Igniton!" Red muttered, which Twilight and Kyetta didn't hear. "Wonder how the others are doing?" Kyetta asked.

Back with Rarity and Harley, she was finished with the dress for Harley. The dress was a lime green with dark green above it. The lime green was a little transparent, showing her legs. It was decorated with Emeralds and some Lime Gemstones. "Like or Love, dear? I call this 'Green and Gorgeous'!" Rarity announced, as Harley wasn't sure with the name. "I don't know about the name. It's more like 'Between a Green and Slimy Place'." Harley said, which disgusted Rarity a little. "Green? Slimy? Where did you get that from?" Rarity asked. "What? Is it either my green coat? Green Mane? Or is it where I was formally from?" Harley asked, as Rarity got confused. "Where your from?"

With Pinkie Pie and Jay, both were having some fun at the bakery, Sugarcube Corner, which was both a bakery, Pinkie Pie's home and her Party central. Both were making a large cake to symbolize their new friendship, but they piled it on one corner, it toppled down on them both, but they dug their was out and laughed "I gotta admit, I never had this much fun with someone whos like me!" Pinkie Pie said with glee. "Tell me about it! I was born in Triplets, but everyday with them felt a little boring. I always wanted to know what other kingdoms were like." Jay said.

"Tell me about it. I lived in a Rock farm with my sisters and everyday felt boring. That's the reason I moved to Ponyville and became who I am now!" Pinkie Pie said. Jay then gave her a close hug. "Don't know about the owners reaction about all this mess, but we'll get it cleaned up?" Pinkie Pie looked at the Bakery, seeing how messy it was. "Oh, your right! Let's get cleaning!" Pinkie Pie then rushed to get some cleaning Supplies as Jay had other ideas, as she brought out a Blue Rage Orb. Pinkie Pie came back with the cleaning Supplies, and saw the Rage in her hoove. "OOO! Pretty! What Rage is that?" Pinkie Pie asked, looking at the Rage's Blue color, as Jay then inserted the Rage into her Chest. Once activated, she then sprouted Watery Wings, Blue water markings appeared on her Hooves and face and Blue wavy streaks in her Mane. "Hydro pump! Bring out the Soap!" Jay announced and ordered. Pinkie Pie got excited as she put Soap on Jay, who then did a Water Tornado, which cleaned up the Entire Bakery in one go. Once that was done, Pinkie Pie was surprised to see she put the cake they made back up.

She looked around the bakery, seeing how clean it was. Not only did Jay's water form clean the cake mess, it did clean the entire Bakery's downstairs. "Can I use that Rage then things get messy?" Pinkie Pie asked, which Jay chuckled, but stopped. "Your being serious?"

After a long Day, everyone returned back to the Castle, to meet back up. "So I'm guessing everyone had a good day?" Twilight asked, as everypony agreeded.

"We learned about one another." "You said it!" Rainbow Dash and Chuck hugged each others wings around each others backs.

Applejack looked at Bomb, as she looks at Twilight. "Well, nothin' like a good day down at the farm. Maybe not much work for one." She looked at Bomb. "I need to work on my back hoove strength." Bomb replied, looking at her back legs.

"It was quite a joy. Never thought another Pony could handle Angel and be that friendly to Discord... but..." Fluttershy said, but stopped, which got Matilda's attention. "I'm sure whatever Discord told you about me is just a stition." "That or it's just classic him." Rainbow Dash said, as the Pony-Birds were then interested if he knows plenty about them.

"Well, I made a grand Dress for Harley here, and to be honest, Why Green? I mean Emeralds, I'm happy with, but why Green?" Rarity said and asked, as Harley just sighed. "I never complained about your color, so why mine?"

"We had a blast! We did make a mess, but that Blue Rage really cleaned up the Bakery!" Pinkie Pie said with glee, as everyone didn't thing Jay would of taken a Water Rage Orb.

"I had to bring one to Clean up! Cleaning an entire place takes forever!" Jay complained. "But you know how much power a single Orb can punch?" Red then got mad at her. "Well, it's not like I can control it or anything?" Red just sighed as she walked away from her.

"Well, I think we get to know each other a little more. We can do this more often, if it's fine with Mighty Eagle?" Twilight asked, as Kyetta was hoping he was fine with it. "We can ask if you like?" Kyetta said. "He will! He's a reasonable being! I mean, how can he tell the Princesses of Equestria and talk about us?" Twilight hoped so, since it's a long time since they retired and her old Foulsitter became Queen of a kingdom.

With Big E, he was in the Palace, talking to Magical Holograms of the Former Princesses, being Celestia, Luna and Cadence. "I'm Honered to meet you three, even without being in real life."

"Me too, Mighty Eagle. Ever since Beaksburg has been discovered, we knew the Rage will return to Equestria!" Celestia said in the Hologram. "But the Rage Chi outside of the Kingdoms can't be controled by other Species! That's why they're returned to those Kingdoms." Luna added.

"I get your scared, but don't worry. Your former Student and her friends met my Pupils and found their replacements! By soon, they'll know about the Kingdoms that have now appeared." Big E said. "And which Kingdom do you think is first?" Cadence asked, as Big E looked at her. "I think I know the closest to the Crystal Empire."

Author's Note:

This was almost a long one to write. Almost 4,000 words!

They'll be new Kingdoms that the Pony-Birds will be exploring and protecting. The Kingdoms will also be close to Towns in Equestria.

Also about Winter, she'll be in the next Chapter, so be on the look out.

- Kyetta Cubid.