The Pony-Bird Adventures

by Kyetta Cubid

First published

A new MLP Adventure starts with...Birds?

After many years from the last season of MLP, A new breed of heroes will rise! Join Kyetta, Red, Chuck, Bomb, Halery, Matilda, Jay and Winter as they become the new Elements of Harmony...or Elements of Destruction!

As they use their Power's from the Power of Rage Chi, they'll be using them to help out all of Equestria... as they'll have to face Enemies in different Kingdoms New and Old!

Here come the Pony-Birds! Part 1

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After many Years after the Mane 6 took care of all the friendship problems, peace finally came to Equestria! However, after many years of protecting Equestria, the Mane 6 retired from doing their duties of the Elements of Harmony. But what if their was another group of Ponies to take their place?

One faithal day, Twilight and her friends were at her palace, having their Friendship meetings. To make it feel like old times, they did it in Twilight's palace, around the Cutie Map.

"It's always good to have all of us around this very Table that helped us know where the friendship problem is." Twilight said camelry, as they all agreeded.

"I agree Darling. After those years of facing Chrysalis, Terek, Cozy Glow, Sombra and... I have no clue what else, we still stuck together" Rarity chimed in.

"We really kicked butt and got through everything!" Rainbow Dash pumped up as she flew upwards.

"Not to mention many new friends." Fluttershy said shyly.

"Ain't kiddin'. We really went through a lot, haven' we?" Applejack spoke out.

"Not forgetting all the parties we celebrated after the victories!" Pinkie Pie said, excitedly, which earned her some laughs from her friends.

They all still kept their friendship, even if they weren't together, but Twilight's laughter died down, making them concerned.

Rarity then asked her something. "Anything wrong, dear?"

Twilight then looked down at her. "Well, I was thinking to myself and this is why I thought of the meeting. Since the Destruction of the Tree of Harmony, I was thinking... maybe it'll be time to... find someponies to... take over as our new Elements of Harmony?"

All her friends then got confused and concerned.

Fluttershy then shyly got into the talk. "Y-Your saying you want some other Ponies to... replace us?"

Twilight then answered. " I mean I don't want to replace the friends I already got, but since we all gave up being Equestria's protectors, I thought it'll be time to find some other Pony group to take our places."

Rainbow Dash then ranted about her plan and decigion. "No way I'll find another Pegasus who is Awesome like me!"

"A-And what about another who'll look after my Animals and care for them?" Fluttershy quietly whimpered.

Applejack was agreeing with her friends. "Hate to break it to ya, Sugar, but if their was another me, I hope they'll know how we do on the Apple Farm."

"And need to make the best Parties like me!" Pink Pie then yelled out.

Rarity scoffed a little. "I hope if I do find a replacement, they know what Style suits others!"

"I know your all not glad with this, but if we were to find Replacements and Successors, I'll have to be the first one to find mine. By then, you'll find your own!"

Twilight heard that her friends are both agreeing and against it, but when will they find their Replacements and where... as they're prayers were spoke, as they heard a crash coming from outside.

"Well, that hurt as much, Red!"

"Well, sorry, my friend! I'll aim at it next time!"

They all heard somewhat arguing coming from outside, as they all headed out to check on what happened. They found some shopping stalls were destroyed by something.

Rainbow Dash got a bit excited about what they were facing. "OH YEAH! I haven't had a good fight in a long time!"

Applejack then replied. "I mean I'm a little rusty, but I'll be sure to give them a good whoppen'!"

Everyone thought even if it was that long to not having a good fight, they still had to know what the threat was. They go near the destroyed stalls and looked into them, finding something they thought of never seeing.

They saw it was two Ponies, both being Alicorns. One was a Hot Pink color with a Bright Blue Mane. She also had the same colored eyes like her Mane and her Cutie Mark was a Cube that had Six lines going through one another and had the colors of Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue and Purple. The other was a Bright Red, with a Red Mane and Black Tail. She had Blue eyes and her Cutie Mark was a Red Feather. All the Mane 6 were confused on the Red one and the Pink ones Cutie Mark.

Both then got out of the Holes and Stalls, as the Pink One talked to the Red one.

"Yeah, maybe we should get better aim before firing." The Pink Pony spoke to her friend.

The Red one then replied. "You got it. Better tell Chuck and Harley once we get back to Beaksburg!"

The Mane Six didn't understand what was going on and what they were talking about, as they didn't know anything about any 'Beaksburg' on the Cutie Map.

Twilight then growned a little concerned about both Ponies and what happened. " Excuse me, you two! I would like to ask you two something."

Both then looked at Twilight, confused. " O-Oh, sorry about the Stalls! If you want us too, we'll be happy to pay for the damages! Right Red?"

The Red pony, who was called 'Red' was distracted and then focused on her friend. "Huh? O-Oh yeah... Let's do that!"

The others didn't think that Red was listening to what was going on. "I seen Maud listen better than her." Pinkie Pie jokely said, which caught Red's attention.

"Well sorry, but us Pony-Birds love to cause come Destruction from time to time!"

Once she said her and possibly the Pink Ponies Specie name, they thought they discovered another Specie of Pony they never heard about before.

"What are 'Pony-Birds'?" Rarity questioned.

Fluttershy thought about their specie, but only the 'bird' part. "I learned about many bird species, but never Pony-Birds?"

"I researched every Pony Specie in the whole of Equestria, but I haven't heard about your kind before." Twilight said in a questioning tone.

"W-Well, the reason for that is... our hometown, Beaksburg, has this weird barrier that protects it from any type of Dark Magic. We don't know how it works, but we guess it's the energy that comes from where we builted it! If you wish, we're happy to bring you to Beaksburg." The Pink Pony offered.

The Mane Six huddled up, questioning them. " So what do you guys think?" Twilight first questioned.

Rarity then spoke. "I don't know. We seen what they done! Maybe we shouldn't!"

"But these are new pony Species we never thought of meeting! And to be honest, the Destruction they caused on those stalls looked pretty cool!" Rainbow Dash said with some pride in her tone.

Applejack then wanted to know something from her. "Who's side are you even on?"

Fluttershy then quietly spoke. "T-They don't look bad if we get to know them, like we're doing now."

"And maybe, if we're lucky, they could have friends just like we are!" Pinkie Pie said, which reminded them all about the meeting.

With the Pink Pony and Red, both then looked at each other.

"What do you think?" The Pink Pony asked Red.

" Hey, if they're planning on getting rid of us, we'll be happy to leave right now!" Red then ranted.

The Pink Pony then thought of what she said and decided to leave, until Twilight came over to them.

"Since we're having a problem of our own, we'll be happy to check on this... Beaksburg?" Twilight said, which earned her some smiles.

"Great! We'll give you sometime to get your stuff and be on our way!"

"No need, it'll just be quick trip, just to check on what we're facing. Thank you for your concern..." Twilight then paused, not knowing her name.

"I'm Kyetta! Kyetta Cubit! And you may of met my friend, Red." The Pink Pony, who they all guessed is called Kyetta now.

Twilight was interested in seeing another pony who was kind hearted and honest. "Kyetta, huh? You remind me of me when I was young."

Red then butted in. "Who do I remind you off?"

She didn't say as they headed to a Hot Air Balloon, as it then floated above the sky and checked around all of Equestria, starting with going over Everfree forest.

After a few minutes of flying in the Sky, they were thinking of the others.

"Since we're going to have a while until we get to Beaksburg, why don't you all introduce yourselves?" Kyetta asked, since they guessed she didn't know who they are.

Twilight was the first to introduce herself. "I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle, the once Element of Magic and Harmony!"

"I'm Rainbow Dash, former Element of Loyalty and the Awesome member of the group!"

"Applejack. Was Element of Honesty and Apple Farmer of Sweet Apple Acres."

"I'm Fluttershy. I'm the former Element of Kindness." She said in her quiet, peaceful voice.

"I am Rarity. I'm the fashionable one of the group, with my own Boutique! Caracal Boutique! I am also the once Element of Generosity."

"I'm Pinkie Pie! The once, but still, Element of Laughter! I can't wait to know your friends and see how they throw a party!" Pinkie Pie said excitedly, as it also reminded both Kyetta and Red.

Before they could remind each other, the Balloon then landed somewhere, which was somewhere not on the Cutie Map. Red and Kyetta looked out of the Balloon and found out where they were.

Kyetta then spoke out to everyone. "We're here and home!"

They all got out of the Balloon and looked at where they now were. It was a Medium Town that was surrounded by a large crater. It did have three Bridges, two destroyed, but the one in the middle was still up. Everyone was surprised to see another Town that wasn't anywhere on the Equestian Map or ever been spoke off before.

"After many years of knowing every part of Equestria, we didn't know there was even another Village." Twilight said with interest. Kyetta and Red then both walked across the Bridge as the Mane Six were still looking at the entire Town.

Red then yelled out at them all. "You all know this is the part where you follow us!" They then heard Red as they saw them both heading to the other side.

"Oh yeah, be careful around the bridge and the Crater! We don't want anypony lost or anypony knowing what's down there!" Kyetta added. The Mane Six looked down as they backed up, seeing how deep and dark it was. They crossed the Bridge also.

Once over the Bridge, they got a better view of the Town, finding it to be a bit destructive and all over the place, but to the residents, it was home.

"Watch out for the Delivery barrels if your a Pegasus or Alicorn! We don't want anyone knocked down!" Red warned everyone. Rainbow Dash decided to call it safe and started to walk.

After heading around Town, the Mane Six were confused on why they were following Kyetta and Red for a while now and were thinking they were the only friends, as they found another few Buildings, but they looked more sturdy and fancier from the others.

Rarity then went a little Rarity once she looked at the place. "Not my taste, but I'll live with it. Besides, Marble is a fancy Material."

"Yet Expensive!" Another Voice came out, which caught everyones attentions. They saw it was a Large, White Alicorn with a Brown Mane and Tail with Black edges. He had Brown eyes and his Cutie Mark was a Tin of Sardines.

"Big E!" Kyetta and Red both cheered in Excitement, as the Mane Six thought they knew him. Rainbow Dash thought his name was funny and tried to keep in her laughter. "Sorry, but it's the name! Big E?"

"I get you all know my Nickname, but if you want to, you can call me by my real name. MIGHTY EAGLE!" The Alicorn, that Kyetta and Red called Big E, but is really Mighty Eagle announced, the Mane Six was believed he was their leader.

"N-Nice to meet you Mighty Eagle. I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle, and these are my friends and former Elements of Harmony." Twilight Spoke out.

"I'm Pinkie Pie!" Pinkie Pie introduced herself again as Big E chuckled.

"No need for introductions. To be honest, we all know about you!" Big E said as he brought out a Newspaper from a few years ago. Twilight used her Magic to lift it up as she smelled something Funky about it.

"Apologies. Sardine Juices get... everywhere!" Big E apologiesed.

Twilight was still discussed from the smell and just gave it back to him. "I can Sme... See! I can see that!" Just then, they heard a few more hoof sounds coming towards them.

"Kyetta! Red! We thought we lost you two!" They all then saw Five more Pony-Birds. Two Pegasus's, Two Earth and One Unicorn.

The Pegasus's were both different. One Yellow and White. The Yellow one had a Black Mane and Tail. She had Brown eyes and a Lightning Bolt Cutie Mark. The White one had Black Hair also but Pink Ends of her Hair. She had Violet eyes and an Egg Cutie Mark.

The Earth Ponies were also different. One Black and Blue. The Black one had a Black Mane and Tail, with Orange Ends. She had Pink eyes and had a Bomb Cutie Mark. The Blue one had a Blue Mane and a Black Tail like Red. They had Yellow eyes and her Cutie Mark was nothing but a Triangle.

The Unicorn almost sickened Rarity, as she was Green with a Black Mane and Tail, with Green at the ends. She had Grey Eyes, which they guessed her other was hiding underneath her Mane. Her Cutie Mark was a Boomerang.

"Chuck! Bomb! Harley! Matilda! Jay! We thought we'll never see you guys again!" Kyetta and Red both were excited to see them, thinking they were friends.

The Yellow Pony-Bird then got embarrissed, "We did want to follow, but Matilda thought it would be dangerous!"

"You did say Big E was alright with us using the Slingshot!" The Black One said. After she said that, Big E looked at them.

"Is that so? Everyone?" Big E then looked down at them, as they all huddled up in a scared pile. " At least Matilda listened!" As he said the name, the White one then got flustered, who everyone guessed was Matilda.

Matilda then spoke out. "Oh well, looking out for the others! The Responsible one and all!" Big E agreeded to her.

He then looked down and put in another order. "Now Present yourselves! We have Royalty and Guests!"

All the Pony-Birds then got out of the hug and lined up next to each other. Red got out of it and headed back to Kyetta. Matilda took her Spot.

"The Name's Chuck! The Game's Speed! I can outmatch a Lightning Storm is that was possible!" The Yellow Pegasus, who was called Chuck, was the first to introduce herself.

The Black one then introduced herself. "Hi! I'm Bomb! If you need some Explosive Destruction, I'm your Pony-Bird!"

Matilda introduced herself again with respect. "I am Matilda. I'm the Protective and Responcible one of the group, if everyone listens to me that is." She sighed after saying that.

"I'm Jay! I'm the jokish one! Here for the Fun!" The Blue one spoke out.

The Green one sighed, knowing she was last. "The Name's Harley or whatever. I'm not sure why I would introduce myself to more than my Species Royalty, but whatev's. Welcome to Beaksburg."

They were interested in meeting a group of Seven, not Six.

Once Introductions were out of the way, Big E then spoke out again. "And now you got to know everyone, we all welcome you to Beaksburg! Take as much time as you'll like. Everyone here will treat you like one of us, if you treat them like an Equal! The Balloon is yours right? We'll make sure nothing happens to it!"

Once Big E was done welcoming the Mane Six, he decided to leave for a large Building in the Middle of the Town, but before he headed there, he turned his back at the Mane Six. "Also, that Temple is off limits to everyone, but me, Kyetta and the others! I'll allow you into it once you find your own Element of Equestria!" Once he gave them that warning, He headed back to the Temple, which caught the Mane Six's Attention.

"That Temple looks awfully familiar to me. I seened it before, in a book, but where?" Twilight then questioned herself, as she decided to Explore Beaksburg with the others.

Here come the Pony-Birds! Part 2

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After Big E welcomed the Mane 6 to Beaksburg, they were offered a tour around town. Each of the Birds helped out a member of the Mane 6 tour around town, but the only thing Twilight was interested in was the large Temple in the middle of town.

"Anything in your head?" Twilight then jumped as she was greeted by Kyetta and Red again. "You've taken a liking at our Temple when Big E went over there?"

Twilight looked at the Temple again, realising she saw it somewhere. "That Temple overthere... I seened it before! In one of my books!"

Both looked at each other, since they just arrived back home. "Since your our guests, want to check it out? I mean we're not allowed anywhere near it without Big E's prilagies, But your a Princess, right?"

Twilight agreed as they all headed to the Temple.

"To be honest, I wasn't too sure on you, but I can think this'll be the start of a wonderful friendship!" Red said with confidents.

"Well, I thought Kyetta was your only friend Guess we were all wrong." Twilight said to Red.

Red then yelled out at her. "Well what do you expect? We were here relaxing while you were surviving Chaos and Destruction of Magic!"

Meanwhile with Chuck, Bomb, Rainbow Dash and Applejack, they were all walking around the Shopping District of Beaksburg. They joined groups as there was a park closeby.

"This place looks really rocking! Why wasn't this on the Map?" Rainbow Dash said, wowing at the many stalls and the Park.

Applejack looked at the stalls, finding it does have a Apple Stall. "Well, al' be! You do have an Apple Store 'ere." She said, looking happy, until she realised something. "Hang on a sec! This 'ere ain't from the farm!"

"Because they aren't growned or harvested from the outside! They're growned here!" Bomb corrected her. One of the stall owners saw Bomb and Chuck and threw them both apples, which they just grabbed.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack were surprised how they were given apples for free, thinking they must be famous.

"Thanks for the Apples!" Chuck said to the stall owner. "Shall we?" They all then headed to the park, as both former Elements of Harmony were talking to each other.

"So they gave them free Apples and they're not payin'? I think they're knowned around here?" Applejack suggested. "And those Prices? They're way better than your families!" Rainbow Dash insulted to her, as it gave her ideas.

With Matilda and Fluttershy, both were looking around a serene area in Beaksburg, without any destruction and loudness. "My, this place is very quiet." Fluttershy said in her Quiet voice.

"I come here everytime I can't handle the pressure of the others." Matilda said quietly, as she sat on a bench. "Wanna feel it's serenity?"

Fluttershy walked to the Bench and sat next to her, as they were feeling the peacefulness. "Maybe this place isn't as bad as I thought.

Matilda smiled as they kept feeling the Serenity. "I heard about the outside and how peaceful it is now. We should check it out soon."

Fluttershy smiled, since it's been peaceful in Equestria for a while now.

With Rarity and Harley, both were looking around some stores. There were some fashion Stores, but not for her tastes. " Well, they're not into my taste, but maybe I could bring my Fashion Store here and they'll see my styles are more than theirs." Rarity suggested, as Harley disagreeded.

"Bad idea, hon!" Harley said to her, which made her confused. "'Scuse me?"

Harley then sighed. "The last Store that was here had to close, due to a bad arguement with a customer and the owner. You should of seened it. It. Was. Funny!" She then gave a smile, which made Rarity nervous.

"Anyway, I did get your Fashion catalogue. Nothing came to me. Not even in my style of me and my Species!" She complained, as Rarity was interested.

"You mean Pony-Birds, dear?" Rarity asked, as Harley started to ignore her.

With Jay and Pinkie Pie, both were hanging out in a Bakery and were making their own Cupcakes, which ended up in a mess. Both were laughing and having Fun.

"Y-You know? I always thought their was always another Pony like me, but your something else!" Pinkie Pie said.

"You too!" Jay said. "I'm in fact born in a family of three! Jim and Jake. Jim's the oldest!"

Pinkie Pie then gasped after what she said. "Your in a Family of three?! I was born with a family of four!" Jay was surprised to hear that they aren't both different.

Back with Big E, he was inside the Temple and looked around. Inside was all Marble and had many Banners representing an Element, being Fire, Earth, Lightning, Goo, Nature, Ice, Water, Light, Magic and Wind. Below the Banners were many colored Orbs, each with a different Symbol.

"So I'm guessing with the Princess of Friendship here, she'll want to know about the Rage?" One of the Guardians of the Temple asked Big E as he agreeded. "Once her and her friends know the Danger of what these Orbs represent, it won't be long until Evil wants to get their hooves on them!" Big E said.

"Shall we close up the Temple?" Another Guardian suggested, but Big E declinded. "No. I'll have to tell her myself, as it's also time for Kyetta and her friends to know why I picked them!" Big E and the Guardians then left the Temple as Kyetta, Red and Twilight came out of their hiding.

Twilight was then concerned. "So you both are sure we both won't get caught?" She asked, as Kyetta and Red walked around the Temple. She then looked at one of the Rage Orbs, wondering what it is about. "What are these things? I never seen them before. Not even one book I read confermed their Origins."

"You better not touch them! Those Rage Chi Orbs are very Powerful stuff!" Red warned her, as Twilight now got the names. "Rage Chi?"

"I have no idea also. Me and the others heard about them and got a little look of them, but they were in their pure state. No Element in them!" Kyetta said to her, which made her more interested.

Twilight then got the word 'Element', which she also heard about. "Maybe...?" She was about to levitate one of them, but was stopped. "I best not touch or activate! You'll go mad with power!"

They all saw it was Big E and the others, which made Kyetta and Red panic. "Big E?! We're sorry for coming in without your permission!"

Big E chuckled to her. "Don't threat, I knew the Princess was interested in the Temple before I left! And with it, I wanted to show you all something. I welcome you all to the Temple of the Rage Chi!" He outstretched his wings as he welcomed them in.

They all then looked at the Orbs, wondering what they represent. "Each Orb represent an Element in all of Equestria!" Once he said that, Twilight realised something. About the Elements of Equestria.

Pinkie Pie was interested in the Pink Rage Chi. "Ooo, this is Pink like me!" Before she could touch it, it then levitated her off the ground. Everyone saw her floating upwards. "PINKIE!" The Mane 5 yelled at her as she kept levitating upwards, before depleading and she came down in rapid speed.

Panicing, Kyetta then touched the Blue Orb, as it then sent a Wave of water at where Pinkie was going to land. She was saved by it, as it also got her Mane wet also. Her friends came to see if she was ok. "Pinkie, are you ok?" Fluttershy asked as Pinkie Pie moved some of her wet Mane.

"Can I do that again?" She asked as she dried her Mane, returning it back to it's poofy style, making her friends and everyone else laugh. Kyetta put the Rage back as Twilight came over to her.

"I want to say thank you for saving my friend! You have our gratitude!" Twilight announced as Kyetta giggled. "Well, we know the Rage Chi better than anypony else!" She said.

Twilight saw how Kyetta and her friends worked and made her decigion. "Kyetta Cubid, How would you like to become the New Element of Harmony?" Twilight asked, as Kyetta didn't know what to say, but was pulled away by Red and the others. "Yeah sorry, but Beaksburg is home to her and to us! You can't split her away from the Squad!" Red said to her.

"Please forgive them. Kyetta is the only Pony that was kind enough to stay with us, and the Birds came too attached to her!! Big E apologised.

Twilight gave a giggle, but was interrupted by a shaking, which hasn't happened in a long time. "What the? After many years, another attack?" Twilight questioned as they all headed outside of the Temple, being introduced by a Large Shadow Pony trying to break into Beaksburg, but was failing to do so.

"Forgive my language, but can anypony or Pony-Bird explain what is that?!" Chuck asked in panic.

"The Pony of Shadows? We banished it a long time ago, with the Pillars of Harmony?" Twilight Said in confusion, as Red become jokish. "Maybe the past is coming back to haunt us?" She said, as they all looked at her.

The Shadow tried to constrict the Barrier, but the barrier was still standing, making the Shadow more angry. "I'll never get those Orbs with this barrier in the way!" It said in anger. Everyone heard it's request, as the Temple was the only thing it was after.

"The Temple? Why the Temple?" Twilight was questioning as Rainbow Dash wasn't waiting around. "I was waiting to face this Shadow again! Element or not, Here we come!"

"Just like the good old days, right?" Applejack said, joining her.

Rarity just shook her head. "We don't have our Elements!"

"O-Oh my!" Fluttershy was concerned for her friends safety and followed them.

"Wait up girls!" Pinkie Pie yelled out as she bounced after them. Twilight was about to yell out, but just sighed. "Just like old times."

She then looked at Kyetta and the others. "Please be safe! The Shadow isn't what you'll expect it to be!" Big E kept Kyetta and the others closeby. "I'll keep them close, Princess!"

Twilight smiled as she flew away, but Kyetta was concerned. "Please let me go with her! They don't have their original Elements!" Kyetta asked, but Big E didn't want her to be harmed.

The Mane 6 made it out of the Town's barrier and were ready to fight. The Pony of Shadows looked down at them, giving a chuckle. "So you six think you can stop me like before? HA! You all don't have the Pillars or your Elements to stop me!"

Twilight then glared at him. "But the Power of our Friendship will stop you! Ready girls?" They all were in a circle, but nothing happened, as they were retired and Elementaless. "Oh no."

Just before Twilight and her friends could escape back into the city, the Pony of Shadows then used it Shadows to trap them and absorb them inside of it. "Now without the guardians of friendship, nothing will be able to stop me!" The Shadow roared, as the other Pony-Birds saw what happened, making them panic.

Kyetta and the others heard what happened, as Big E had an idea. "You six are our last defence! Go out and protect our fair city!" They were now happy to do some action.

"Sweet!" Chuck cheered.

Bomb heard and put down her Comic Book. "Now we're getting somewhere!"

"Let's go!" Red yelled as they ran out of the Temple. Before Kyetta could leave, Big E stopped her before giving her a bag. "You'll need it!" Big E whispered to her, making her confused. "Ok?"

Once she left to help out her friends, Big E smiled, knowing her and her friends will be the keys.

Once outside the town, Kyetta and the Birds looked up, seeing what they were facing. "O-Ok everybird, r-ready?" Kyetta said nervously.

"You know it!" Red said to her friend.

"Let's go!" Chuck said with glee.

"Never punched a Shadow before." Bomb said, wondering.

"I'll help out friends." Matilda said, nervous.

"This shall be fun!" Jay said, being excited. Harley gave a nod..

Kyetta then gave the order. "L-Let's do a thing!" They all then ran towards the Shadow, thinking of helping the Mane 6 before the facing the Shadow, but they were all trapped well inside.

Back in the Temple, Big E was seeing Kyetta didn't know what to do, until he used telepathy Magic to connect to her.

"Kyetta, look in your bag! It'll help you and your friends!" Kyetta looked inside the bag and found six Purple orbs, which were all Light Magic. "R-Rage?"

Big E then wanted her use them. "Now place the Rage into your chest!" Kyetta didn't understand, as she did it anyway. Once installed, a bright light made the Shadows move away from her and her new powered form. She now had Glowing Purple wings and markings on her Hooves and Face. Her hair also got some waving Purple parts in it.

The Pony-Birds coulden't believe what came to their friend as she was stopping the Pony of Shadows. "Guys, get the Rage Orbs and place them in your chest!" They didn't understand, thinking they was the cause of Kyetta's new form. They all grabbed the Rage Orbs and place them. "Do it!"

They then placed the Orbs into their chests, as they now were Powered by Light Magic, ready to fight the Pony of Shadows. "Show them the Powers of Rage Magic!"

They then started doing a Magical Light show that harmed the Pony of Shadows, weaking it. Kyetta also saw it was freeing the Mane 6 due to the powerful Light. Once they freeded the Mane 6, the Pony of Shadows then goes into a foul form. "Maybe not this time, but another time!" The Pony of Shadows then ran away from Beaksburg as the Pony-Birds raised their wings in light.

Once the attack from the Shadow was over, Kyetta returned the Orbs back to the Temple. Twilight and her friends were even more greatful for her and her friends saving them. "I guess we're now east retired, huh?" She joked, making them laugh a little.

"But the most cool part was you all being powered by... Whatever happened to you guys?!" Rainbow Dash said, as she then fainted on the ground. "I'm going to love these new Species!"

"If that Apple Store owner wants to try something out of Beaksburg, I could bring some 'ere if they want? Free of charge. And while we're at it, why not try some Apples from the farm?" Bomb thought about her offer, liking the idea of free Apples. "Sure! I mean I love the Corn that Matilda grows, even if I don't get to eat it, but sure, why not?"

Fluttershy was still shivering from being attacked by the Pony of Shadows. "M-Maybe retirement isn't a bad idea. I could be with my Animal friends more and maybe come to the Serene part sometimes." Matilda thought about that. "The Station isn't in works for years, but since it's a start of a new friendship, why not?" Fluttershy was happy to have a new friend.

Jay and Pinkie Pie were both jumping and talking too much that the others don't know what they're saying. "Anypony know what they're saying?" Chuck asked, as no one answered.

Rarity and Harley were just in quiet, until it broke. "I want to thank you for saving me. If you want too, I'll be happy to give you a discount on one of my stores and free fashion advice." Harley loved free stuff and smiled. "Only if the dresses have Emeralds, Jade and is my favourite greens!" Rarity was discusted about her requests. "Foul Steps." She said to herself.

Just before the Mane 6 were about to head back to Ponyville, Twilight thanked Kyetta and the Pony-Birds again. "This visit was... most interesting. And I'm glad to have new Elements of Harmony on our sides." Kyetta then smiled. "Thanks, but it wasn't just me, it was a friend effort!" Red then spoke to her. "Can we have a Statue in our honer?" Red asked.

"Don't push it!" Big E said, making everyone laugh.

Once Twilight and her friends made it back to Ponyville, she was in her liberty, reading the many books. She was now happy to have new Elements of Harmony.

"Twilight! You better read and see this!" Spike, now a fully growned Dragon, came rushing into her room, carrying Starswirl the Bearded old Book, and she was surprised to see it glowing.

"W-What is this?" Twilight said as Spike gave her the book. "But that's not the weirder bit! C'mon!" They both headed back to the Cutie Map room, seeing it has expanded, showing many new Kingdoms, including Beaksburg. "We're going to need to tell everyone about this."

Meanwhile somewhere else, the Pony of Shadow's retreated back to the one who freeded it from Limbo. "I'm sorry master. I failed the mission, all because of Pony-Birds!" It then growled, as the Creature then growled at him in a deeper tone.

"Pony-Birds! They'll be called into a disaster to my plan, but you did give them a warning!" The Figure said as they looked at a Manuscripts about the Rage Chi and their Elements. "I think it's time to bring back some old friends. And once I get my Hooves on those Orbs, not only will I have the power to Destroy Equestria, but I'll have the power to wipe all the Kingdom's off the map!" He then chuckled as a Statue of a Petrified Chrysalis, Terek and Cozy Glow glowed and started shattering.

The Rage Fountains

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After a few days after meeting the Mane 6, Fighting off a large Foe, getting a taste of Rage Chi and being promoted as the New Elements of Harmony, Kyetta and the other Pony-Birds were still sleeping in their hammocks upon the very next day.

"No no, Winter... That place isn't for a risk... "Kyetta said in her sleep, but not before waking up to Red's hoove in her face. "R-Red?!"

Once she yelled out Red's name, it made Red and the others wake up, knocking them out of their Hammocks. "Dude? What was that for?" She then felt her hooves touch on one of her Hooves. "And were you snuggling my Hoove?"

Kyetta then answered in laughing. "Not quite, and everyone with wing's entering Feather Molting season?"

"Molting Season isn't until next week?" Chuck complained aswell, as Harley then flipped Red, Chuck and Matilda's Hammocks, making Feathers bounce out of them. Matilda got embarrassed. "I-I don't molt in my Hammock that much!"

"Guess it's early this time?" Chuck said innocently. Just then, they heard barging of Big E coming in. "MIGHTY EAGLE!" He yelled as he came into their room. "Big E!" They all then yelled out.

"What's goin' on today?" Bomb asked, looking eager, which earned a laugh from Big E. "Nothing too important, but we'll have to head to Ponyville because the Princess discovered something very big that we all have to see!" He announced, which made them interested.

"I don't know what it's about it, but it'll be connected to what we did yesterday to keep all the Kingdoms and Equestria safe!" He added, as they remembered what happened.

After the Pony of Shadows returned and threatened to take the Rage Orbs, Beaksburg had to return them to the Kingdoms they donned at.

"It was a hardy choise, but it still had to be done!" Kyetta said with maturity. Big E seen she listened and was happy for her. "Now, get everything you'll need. We head there now!" They all got their stuff they'll be needing and headed out to Ponyville, just across the Forest.

After they made it passed the forest, they were surprised how they were still together.

"Geez, I never thought getting lost in a forest would be this annoying!" Harley said, annoyed. "Just be happy we're still together!" Chuck put in, which just made the Green Pony-Bird annoyed.

Once they were in Ponyville, they saw many Ponies in different Colors, from their Manes, coats and eyes, each having a unique Cutie Mark.

"I hope they won't knowest us?" Bomb questioned, due to their Cutie Marks not looking normal, but all their Cutie Marks looked different. "Just be glad they're all not Equal symbols." Kyetta joked as they checked around town and tried to find Twilight's palace. "Equal Symbols?" Red asked, as they didn't get the joke.

Big E followed them to Twilight's Palace, which looked like a Crystalized Tree. "Just think this was an old Library." Big E said to himself as they were greeted by a Purple Dragon. "Hey, we always use a Dragon for our New Year festivals!" Chuck spat out as Big E was thinking Twilight was waiting for them. "I see the Princess was waiting for us?" He said as the Dragon answered. "Yes. She'll like to see you all in the Cutie Map room."

He then brought them in as some were laughing a little. "Cutie Map. That's a good one." Kyetta said as they started laughing. Once inside, they were surprised how large it was. "So much bigger once your inside!" Red said in a interested tone. "That's what some say. Oh yeah, I'm Spike by the way!" The Dragon introduced himself. "Don't worry, Twilight told me about you all."

"We're going to be famous after this!" Chuck said gleeing, which then earned her a hammer to the head by Bomb. " You can thank me later." She said.

Once they got to the map room, they were introduced to the Mane 6 and a large Map of all of Equestria, including new locations and Kingdoms that they don't even know about.

"Your seeing this too, right?" Rainbow Dash asked. "There are Kingdoms that even we haven't been too before?" Applejack added.

"The Map expanded?" Pinkie Pie was way surprised like them.

"I'm glad your all here! I'm sure you met my assistant, Spike?" Twilight greeted and asked. "We have! Nice Dragon!" Jay replyed. Even without more seats, the Pony-Birds either took one of their Seats or they were ok standing. "Darling, you know that's my seat!" "Funny? The last time, I saw this seat was reserved for one tail! Mine!" Rarity and Harley complained to each other.

"Anyway, thank you all for coming. I know it's been a while since we met, but this is more important than anything else!" Twilight said as she placed Starswirl's Journal on the Map. Once she opened it, it revealed a Pony with a Grey coat, White and Grey Mane and a beard and blue eyes. His Cutie Mark coulden't be seen with the cloak, but he was in a wizard style, with a Blue cloak and hat. "Starswirl!" Twilight and the Mane 6 were surprised to see, as Big E realised who they were looking at.

"Greeting to my Niece, if your seeing this, I myself will be long gone. I am Starswirl the Bearded and I have to warn you about inpending doom of all Equestria!" The book then revealed a Manuscript of sorts. "What your looking at is the Raging Manuscript's. They tell a old Tale about the protection and Destruction of Equestria itself!" They all looked at the Manuscripts, seeing what they're represnting.

"Each Destruction is connected to a Element that connects all of Equestria! Fire, Earth, Lightning, Goo, Nature, Ice, Water, Light and Magic! Two are still unknowned to this day! To this, I need you to find a group of Ponies that maybe connected to their Elements! If you have, then it'll be time!" Just then, they saw their Cutie Marks appear on the Map, right around Ponyville. "If I was here in real life, I'll want you to be safe and protect those Elements with your very lives! I wish you all luck!" The Magical Spirit of Starswirl then disappeared back into the book, as Big E was concerned on who is Starswirl's Niece.

"So Starswirl isn't your Uncle?" Pinkie Pie asked, since the others don't know. "If anyones Starswirl's Niece, then they'll be our important key!" Big E said after what they saw. "If they are, then many Evil will be after her and her friends!" Twilight said with concerned.

Something then came up to Big E. "Say, do you know something more about the Rage Chi? Come with me outside if you all would?" Big E said as they all headed outside back to Ponyville and to the middle of town.

Once outside, Everypony was surprised to see Twilight outside with her friends. They were confused on Kyetta and the others. "Ok Mighty Eagle, what are you going to do?" Twilight asked as he brought out the same Purple Rage from before. "Could you give an announcement? I want to show everypony!" Big E asked, as she did.

"Everypony, My new friends here have an announcement!" Twilight spoke out as everypony around them were focused. "Ok everypony, how many times has Ponyville been effected by Evil's of Equestria?" Big E asked, as many Ponies answered.

"Many!" "Too much!" "Upon Ever-lasting Darkness, Chaos and Destruction of Magic, perhaps everyday!"

"Tough crowd!" Red said to the Mane 6 and Kyetta. "Anyway, to celebrate all those Disasters, us from Beaksburg has came with a baring gift!" He then brought out the Rage Orb, which made them confused. Big E then slammed the Orb into the dirt, which made them confused, but the Pony-Birds know what's going to happen. "A bit Violent?" Twilight said, as another thing was happening.

The Rage then went into the dirt and then grew out into something else. They all saw it was a Fountain that then glowed Purple and a bright Light then beamed up into the sky. Everypony was then surprised to see what the Rage had become. "But that's not all! Watch this!" Big E then retrieved the Orb from the Fountain, as the Light disappeared and the Fountain went silent. Big E then replaced the Orb with a Red one, which then glowed Red and spewed Lava out of it, which made everypony surprised again, including the Mane 6. "Why didn't we find these guys before? They could be great allies years ago!" Rainbow Dash said to the others.

"I-Impressive. How didn't we think of this before?" Twilight said with nervousness, thinking about the dangers of the Fountain that was now in the middle of Ponyville and her home village. "I can hear the nervousness in your voice, and don't worry, these Fountain's can help out around any village we're staying or visiting! Just as long as you replace the Rage Orb inside when a problem is around." He explained.

Just then, their was a panic around some stores. The Pony-Birds were concerned as they headed to the problem. As they were heading to the problem, they then thought about something. "Say, speaking about that Shadow Pony from a week before? Wonder if they're more?" Kyetta asked the other, as they had some disbelief. "If their was, then I'm the former Princesses!" Red complained, as they headed to the problem.

Once they got to where the Panic started, they saw many Ponies running away and hiding inside buildings, as what they were hiding from could possibly be bigger like the Pony of Shadows. "Be on your guards, y'all! This will be short!" Just then, the threat appeared... in the form of a Young Filly Alicorn with a light Pink Coat and light Blue and light cream Orange eyes. "You got to be kidding me!" Harley asked.

"Everypony, it is I, Cozy Glow! Here to warn you all about our return!" Everyone has disbelief about her return, but very Confused Pony-Birds. "Cozy Glow? Never heard of her before?" Chuck said as Bomb corrected her. "She's one of the evil who tried to destroy all Magic." "But wasn't she and two others suppose to be in stone?" Matilda asked.

"B-Bow down to your soon-to-be Empress of friendship!" She threatened as everyone was mad at the young Filly as Kyetta looked at the Pony-Birds. Red was thinking about what she was talking about. "What imbirdsal would want to take over anything that is given for free?" Red complained, as Matilda corrected her. "Friendship isn't just power to the Mane 6, it's also being a Weapon like the Rage!"

"Friendship? Weapon? HA! We're talking about Magic that is used as a Defence and a Weapon that was used to protect Equestria?" Harley joked as Jay came into the talk. "Y-Y-You don't know this? Many evil's of Equestria, wanting to destroy or take over! And a Secret League to show their revenge on the ones who defeated them!" "They didn't know how their plans would go and were beaten by the Elements of Harmony! I mean isn't it fortunate that no one thought of teaming up their Magic?" Chuck complained. "That's because you must be a fool to fall into their tricks!" Harley complained.

Had enough about the Filly, the Pony-Birds then picked up the young Pony and were going to carry her off. "It's Ok folks! We'll handle her!" Red announced as the Pony-Birds dragged her off, as the Filly started complaining. "Put me down, or you'll suffer my rath! One! Two!" "So what should we do with her?" Chuck asked. "Noogie her?" bomb suggesed, making Cozy Glow nervous. "Two and a Half?"

They then agreeded on something and hanged her up on a Filly Store sigh. "Y-You six don't know who your messing with! I'll get me revenge! You all will soon see!" Cozy Glow complained, as everypony were laughing at what the Pony-Birds did to her, them included. Matilda then had an idea and goes into a candy store closeby and brought some Candy for the Birds, her included. " Crime doesn't pay, pint size! You can tell that to your friends!" Red joked to her as she was enjoying her Candy. "Mmm, candy!" Kyetta said, making the Filly mad.

Once they finished with Cozy Glow, they headed back to the Palace, as Twilight wanted to know what happened. "Just a random Filly saying she's the Empress of Friendship or whatev's!" Harley complained. Even is she didn't ask, Twilight was then concerned. "Does she have a Pink Coat?" Twilight asked. "Not as Pink as Mine, also with Blue Mane, yeah." Kyetta answered, which made Twilight very concerned. "That's bad!"

They were then confused about her now being worried. "Anything wrong?" Kyetta asked. "I was scared about this, even before the Pony of Shadow's returned!" They were then concerned about her being scared. "After all these years, they have returned!" " Ok, tell us what's going on, or I'll use Water Rage on you!" Jay asked in a threat.

Twilight gave a sigh as she explained everything. "After many years and facing many Friendship problems, I was scared about them all returning! Queen Chrysalis, King Sombra, Lord Tirek, Cozy Glow, the Pony of Shadows, I'm scared about their return!" They were still listening to what she was scared about. " Even after trying to find the Bewitching Bell, they might be bringing back a Legion, worst than before!" They thought even after the many years of protecting Equestria, Twilight was now scared, as they weren't the Elements of Harmony anymore. "Well, since your made us the new Elements, we didn't know what to do, but from what your saying, we're in trouble!" Kyetta was worried also, until they heard more commotion outside, this time, more louder than a little Filly. "Again?"

Red walked towards a Window, as she saw a Cozy Glow and a two more creatures. One looked like a large Alicorn with some bug style towards her, with some holes around her Hooves and horn. Large insect wings and back. The other was a large Centaur, with a Black horse part and a red upper body.

"So it's true! If Cozy Glow's back, so are they!" Twilight said with concerned. They all left the palace as they were about to face old enemies. " Sorry, but friendships off the Menu!" Kyetta trying to be threatening, but they gave a chuckle, as they don't know why they were chuckling. " What's so funny?" She asked.

"Oh you don't know, but an old friend gave us a message!" The Bug Pony asked. "No amount of Friendship is more powerful than rage itself!" The Centaur added. They looked at the Fountain, seeing it was something they were after. "The Fountain. Rage!"

"On no they don't!" Red then rushed to the Rage Fountain, thinking the Rage Chi was something they were after. The villains then went after the Fountain too.

"Ok Princess, who are the other jokers?" Chuck asked. "The Bug creature is Queen Chrysalis and the Centaur in Lord Tirek! They joined Cozy Glow into stopping us years ago, but were petrified into a statue." "Until now!" Big E addeded.

Red was rushing to the Fountain, as she forgot she had wings and flew to the Fountain. "Dang it! Always forgetting!" She then flew thurther to the Fountain, but the three were hot on her tail. Taking the Rage, she then inserted the Rage into her Chest. Once they happened, like the Light Rage from before, she now had a flame style to her, with Flame patterns on her Hooves, eyes and some streaks in her Mane. Her Wings also gone into a large Fire Style. "Flashburn!"

The Villains didn't believe what they were looking at, but they recognised what kind of Pony-Bird she was. "So they are real!" Chrysalis said to her colligues. "Magic even I can't absorbs!" Tirek added in.

"Get out of Ponyville!" Red threatened as she then blasted them with a powerful wave of heat that sent them flying somewhere else. Everyone was scared of what they witnessed, but Red took the Rage out of her chest. "Yeesh, didn't think that power could take so much out of me!" Red complained, as Twilight was then impressed to see what she witnessed, still scared. Her friends saw what happened and went to congraduate her. "That... was... the most AWESOMEEST THING I HAVE EVER SEENED!!!" Ranibow Dash yelled out that it could be heard from the Cloudsdale. "You said it, but please don't do that around the farm. Don't want to redecorate." Applejack added with some concern. "Noted." Red said.

After seeing Red turn into her Fire Rage form, she wondered about seeing her Specie before in a Book once. "So I guess you know the ones I picked aren't who they appear to be?" Big E came into talking to her. "I seened those Wings before, but where? I read about them in a book before, but that was at the Princesse's Palace." She told him, as he knew it was about time she knew about the Pony-Birds and the other Kingdoms that appeared on the Cutie Map. "I'll talk to the Former Princesses and tell them about the Kingdoms that appeared on the Maps. They'll know what to do. But for this, I'll have to let Kyetta and Red lead them for a while. Can you make sure they stay in line?" Big E asked, as this is a task for them to control.

"If they'll harness their own power of Friendship as they showed us, We'll keep an watch over them." Twilight offered. Big E smiled, as Twilight saw her friends talking to the other Pony-Birds, but she was confused on how Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy returned and got freeded.

Meanwhile with the League, they were blasted away from Ponyville into the Mountains. "Uugh... what happened?" Chrysalis moaned as she got up. "That Magic isn't any old Equestrian Magic. It's something I can't absorb!" Tirek growled. "I'll get my revenge on those Pony-Birds one of these days!" Cozy Glow growned a hissy fit. They were then greeted by a familier face they haven't seened in a long time. "Well, my friends. Why don't we get back to planning our revenge on, not just Equestria or the Mane Six, but the other Kingdoms and those Pony-Birds!" The Figure then chuckled as they chuckled also, with some nervousness.

Enter Ponyville

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After Big E located and confirmed a Private meeting with the Former Princesses of Equestria, that meant Kyetta and the Pony-Birds could explore and do whatever they want. Due to this, they had no idea what to do together.

"Man, I'm bored. Didn't think without Big E, we had something to do." Red said, as they all agreeded. "How can we all be bored? I mean we have the Kingdoms to go too?" Kyetta then spoke out to the others, as Chuck continued. "Like you said before, because they have the Rage Chi Orbs! And now with Cozy, Chrysalis and Terek now knowing who the new Elements are, I don't think we'll be going near them anytime." Kyetta then lowered her head in defeat.

Matilda then entered the talk. "Why not Ponyville again? I know, we went there before, but it's only to bring them Defence in the form of a Rage Fountain. Without one, they're lost." "Lost? They're always lost as those Mane 6 Ponies didn't know a single Squark of what to do!" Harley then shouted out to the Pegasus.

Just before it ended up in a big brawl between friends, something came in via a Green Flame. It landed in the middle of the floor as they looked at what it is. "What is it?" Bomb asked, as Chuck put in some guesses. "Maybe a Love Letter? Or perhaps a Message in a Bottle?" "Or Maybe a Genie in a Bottle" Bomb guessed as Red picked it up using her Magic. "Guys, there's no Bottle!"

Kyetta looked at the letter, finding it was from Twilight in Ponyville. It said;

To the Pony-Birds,

Since Mighty Eagle is having a Meeting with Celestia and Luna, I knew you'll all be bored. I had a talk to him if it'll be good to have you all visit Ponyville to know it more.

I know your first visit was small, but I wanted you all to know it more. My Friends want to know you all more too, including the residents of Ponyville too.

If interested, please come by at the time you can come by.

From, Princess Twilight

Once they finished reading the letter, they knew they had a second Chance to explore Ponyville. "We're going, right?" Jay asked. "Why shouldn't we? We deserve to explore more!" Chuck agreeded, as they were all agreeing. "We seen the Pony Side of things, now it's time for them to see the Birds side!" Kyetta said as they all joined their Hooves together. "Woo! Pony-Birds!" Once they all raise their Hooves, Red then grinned. "Let's paint that Town in our colors!" "YEAH!!!"

Back in Ponyville, Twilight and her friends were waiting for the Pony-Birds to come back. Each one was going to give them a Private Tour around the places they worked and lived.

"You did tell them the time, right?" Fluttershy asked Twilight. "I mean if I wanted too, then they'll be here right about now."

"Man, this bites!" Rainbow Dash said in a bored tone. "How long do they have to pack?" "It doesn't take me this long to pack. You don't have to complain about that." Rarity answered, even if it wasn't a question.

"Well, I do like to start of slow before startin' a new day." Applejack then said. "Yeah! I mean, a Perfect Party doesn't just happen like that! I do plan a lot for who we're doing the party for!" Pinkie Pie said, which confused her friends. Every Party she does is just that.

Meanwhile with the Pony-Birds, they were walking through Everfree Forest, without help, due to them knowing their way around the forest. "Now remember, Poison Joke loves to grow around this part of the forest!" Matilda warned them, as Harley rolled her eyes. "Yeah, like we don't know that! I mean, they're cruel to giving us different random effects, but they're still good for verbs... Oops, I mean Herbs!" Harley explained and added a little joke.

"Yeah. Remember that time when Bomb smelled some, and she was sneezing explosions for a full day! Not one of us could get any sleep or peace!" Chuck said, laughing. Bomb shook her head. "Thanks for the reminder, Bolt Brain!" "It wasn't as bad as Chuck rolling around in it. She couldn't stop turning normal Clouds into Thunder Clouds! It was worst than the sneezing!" Jay added, which made Chuck roll her eyes.

They all laughed as they made it to Ponyville. Once back, they headed to Twilight's Palace, to see what the Mane 6 wanted to show them. "Welcome back to Ponyville." Twilight greeted them.

"Thanks Princess. We're excited to be back around Ponyville, for a much longer tour." Kyetta said, as the other Pony-Birds looked behind her, smiling.

Twilight laughed. "Now then, I thought of who will be with who at where. Chuck will be with Rainbow Dash, Bomb will be with Applejack, Matilda with Fluttershy, Harley with Rarity and Jay will be with Pinkie Pie." She said, without taking a breather, which made the Pony-Birds clap their hooves together.

"Well, alright then, Let's a get going!" Chuck said as her and Rainbow Dash flew somewhere else.

Applejack put her hoove around Bombs neck. "You'll be lovin' it down at the farm! I always wanted to be teachen another Pony Specie." "Hey, I'll just be around to eat them!" Bomb and Applejack then laughed.

"I-I do want to introduce you to a friend of mine. Just be careful around his... unique magic." Fluttershy said, as Matilda gave a small giggle. "Don't threat. I've been around a lot of crazy species."

"You will love my Boutique! I'll be showing you how to make the perfect outfit. Maybe even make you one!" Rarity announced, as Harley flicked her Mane at some Stallions, who got distracted and walked into a light post. She looked at Rarity. "Huh? Oh yea yeah. Do that." Rarity then dragged the Emo Pony across to the Boutique.

"And that just leaves you and Me!" Pinkie Pie cheered. "Yeah! We're going to have some fun!" Jay added.

Once everypony took their Pony-Bird, that just left Red and Kyetta with Twilight, as Red got confused. "Why isn't there a 7th Member?" Red asked, as Twilight thought. "She's too busy to come. Don't worry, you'll still have some fun with me." Red had douts as they headed into the Palace.

With Chuck and Rainbow Dash, they made it to Cloudsdale and the Wonderbolts Academy, where Rainbow Dash was teaching. Chuck looked around both the Academy and Cloudsdale, whistling. "Now this place looks raving!" Chuck complemented.

"Yeah. I mean no other Pony Specie except Pegasi can come here. Twilight put a small spell of the others so they can walk on clouds. It was because Rarity had wings, but they burned up due to the sons heat." Rainbow Dash told her, which then made her laugh. "Yeah. Well, next time, can your friend use real wings instead of Butterfly wings? That might of been the cause!" Chuck told her, as Rainbow Dash then thought of how she knew that, as she was also curious on why she wasn't landing on a cloud.

"You know you might be a Pegasus, so why not stand on one?" Rainbow Dash said to her, as she had some bouts. "Well... you see, I'm not that kind of Pegasus and..." C'mon, it won't bite!" Rainbow Dash said.

Chuch then landed on the cloud, seeing nothing happened yet, as Rainbow Dash smiled, wondering what she was worried about. "So anyway, why don't we see your speed and... " She was then interrupted by a Storm sound close by. Every other Pony looked up, trying to find the cause, only to find it was the cloud Chuck was on. She then flew off it as some other Pegasus flew towards it and picked it up, as they were storm control. "Don't be scared. This might of been messed with the wrong Weather pattern."

Once they took the cloud away, Chuck went back to flying, as Rainbow Dash was a little concerned. "Nevermind! I mean I like flying above normal clouds. Anyway, want to check my speeds?" Chuck asked. Rainbow Dash gave her a nod as they flew towards the practice fields.

With Bomb and Applejack, both were at Sweet Apple Acres. Bomb was eyeing the many Apple Trees that were planted and how many Apples were in said trees. "This can't be real? This has to be somekind of public Street art? Those trees have to be somekind of display where we can't eat them!"

Applejack chuckled. "Ah, they are indeed real like the Tree of Harmony once was. C'mon, let's go check out the farm!" Both then headed down to the main farm, as Bomb was drooling a little from seeing the many Apples. "You see, unlike any old Apple farm, where you have to pick one Apple at the time, here at Sweet Apple Acres does it more quicker!" She then goes to the closest Apple Tree that had plenty of Apple Trees around the bottom, which made Bomb interested. "Ok, so now what?"

"This!" Applejack then kicked the Tree using her back hooves, which made the Apples fall out of the Tree and into the Buckets. One fell on top of Bomb's Head, but she was too distracted to realise. "Here, it fell on you, you take it." She then gave the Black Pony-Bird the Apple. "Thanks!" She then put it in her bag, saving it for later. "So, why don't give it a whirl? Here's another one!" She brought her over to another Apple Tree, already with buckets like the last one. "How just like I did it last time. Give it a good kick and it'll do the rest!" Applejack said, as she left Bomb alone with the tree.

Bomb didn't know how she did, but remember her kicking it with both hooves. She did the same with a little strenth, only for nothing to happen. She tried a few more times, going a little between her limit, only for her to loose to temper. "C'mon. I'm doing it as she did! Give me the APPLES!!!"

With Applejack, she was bringing over some cool Apple Cider for her and Bomb, only to hear the sound of a loud Quake from close by and where Bomb was. Panicing, she rushed to see if she was ok, only to find Bomb filled many Buckets with Apples. "So, did I do good? I see you have some Apple Cider." Bomb then said to Applejack, who was still surprised to see how many Apples she got out from the other trees around hers. "S-Sure. Some Ice-cool Cider, just like Granny used to make!"

Matilda and Fluttershy were having some Tea at her cottage. It was a small one, but plenty big. The most unique part was the many wildlife and Animals that visited her. "My, you have quite a friendly atmosphere here." Matilda complemented Fluttershy. "Yeah. Well, I know a lot about Animal care. I see kindness in many Animals, even insects." She said shyly.

Matilda smiled at her, as she then saw a small, white Bunny next to her. "And I see another friend has joined in our little talk." Fluttershy looked behind her and picked up the small bunny. "Matilda, this is Angel, my pet Bunny!" She said, giving a small snuggle. Angel saw Matilda and didn't trust her. "A friendly one if he gives me that face, isn't he?" Matilda said as Fluttershy looked at Angel, who put on a face smile.

"Well, he's just warming up to you." "I hate to be the downer of bad news, but sometimes, Bunnies can come out a little... Manipulive!" Matilda said, as Angel saw how she saw his real colors. Getting mad, he then jumped at Matilda, ready to attack her. "Angel, DON'T!" Fluttershy tried to stop him, only for him to be stared down at Matilda with a menacing glare. "Your a tough one, right? But I see your not as tough as you think you are! Now if you don't want to be in more trouble, I recommend you'll behave yourself as long as I'm here!" Matilda ordered the small bunny, as he then hopped back to Fluttershy, a little scared. "Wasn't that a little too far?" "Of course not. I always do the same when watching some of the younger Pony-Birds, even with my kind." Matilda said, as Fluttershy was interested when she said her other kind, but it was interrupted by another voice.

"My my, I didn't think someone would teach that menace of a bunny a lesson!" The voice then came from another creature came into their talk. He was a Pony head with a long Brown Body, but he had other body parts of other Animals, being a Right Lion Paw, Left Bird claw, Right Lizards Claw Leg, Left Goat Leg, Right Bat wing, Left Pegasus Wing, and a Dragons tail. "Oh Discord, didn't think you'll be visiting?" Fluttershy said, as Matilda got his name. "Matilda, this is another of my friends, Discord."

"Yes! Hello, my dear! The Name's Discord, former and always lord and creature of Chaos!" He then shook her hoove as he was still talking about himself. "I never thought of meeting another friend of Fluttershy's and hopefully mine too!" He then moved away from her, and as he did that, the hand he was shaking her hoove with detached, which surprised her. "My my my, he's very... Unique in his own style, huh?" Matilda said, still surprised. She then stopped the Hooveshake, as Discords hand returned back to it's rightful place. Discord looked back at Matilda, looking at her curiously. "You know, my dear, you remind me of another Specie of Pony, before I was turned into a Statue." Discord said as stared at Matilda with a very curious look. "Maybe because of me looking and feeling like Fluttershy?"

Discord then thought, as he made a charkboard appear and started doing research in his own form. "No no no, that's not it. Before I tried to turn Equestria into my own amusement, some of my Cotten Candy Clouds were then blowned away, as some Clouds still looked like what they were before? Why is that?" He was questioning, which then made Fluttershy concerned. "What is it, Discord?" Discord then stopped his research as he then focused back to them. "All I remember just before being turned into a Statue, I remember finding some Pegasus around said clouds, all flying, but one flap blew many Clouds away!"

Fluttershy thought. "Well, many Pegasus can blow large clouds away, but not with their own wings?" Both then looked at Matilda, who was confused on why they were looking at her now. "If I'm troubling you, I'll be happy to leave." "No no, We're just curious on what kind of Pony you are, because you can't be any old Pony-Bird or Pegasus." Matilda then looked down. "Only Big E can explain that, or even Twilight. There's a book about who I and the other Pony-Birds are!" She then explained to them.

With Harley and Rarity, both were looking around Carousel Boutique, which was a small clothes and Dress Store. Rarity looked around, seeing everything was where as it should be, but Harley wasn't too interested in the store and what it had to offer. "So, this is a Store?" "Not quite, darling. Even if this is my little taste of heaven and also my home, it's also where I work, to make dresses for my friends, like you!" Harley moaned as she guessed why Rarity brought her to the Boutique. "Am I becoming your Mannequin?" Rarity then shuttered how she guessed, but not like that.

"Not Exsacally, darling. Since I did make dresses for my friends before, I want to gift you something for saving my and my friends from before." Rarity said with honesty, which made Harley put her hoove on her face, embarressed for asking. "Now then, which Fabric colors suits you?" Rarity asked as she brought out many fabrics as she was about to go into a song, but was stopped by Harley. "Don't! Just... no singing!" Rarity then went quiet, seeing she was serious. "Sorry, it's just something me and the others do when expressing outselves. So, what says 'Harley'?" Harley moaned as she looked over the many fabrics.

With Kyetta, Red and Twilight at the Castle of Friendship, they were in the Liberty part the castle, where it had many books. "Yeesh, so many books!" Red said, annoyed. Kyetta and Twilight were looking at the many books of the Creatures of Equestria, including the many Pony Species. "Oh yeah, even a Princess can't have this many books. You were quite a bookwork before?" Kyetta asked jokishly, which made Twilight chuckle. "You got me. I was one of the Princesse's pupils in my youth, now I'm the Princess of Equestria, and soon, you'll be the Elements of Harmony." Kyetta looked at the books, seeing their was nothing about the Pony-Birds or what Red was in her Flashburn form. "I have seen what Red was with her Fire wings, but that was a long time ago! But with the new kingdoms that appeared, we'll get some answers!"

Red signed, knowing she wouldn't of gotten that far on who she was. She remembered the Cutie Map, which did show the new Kingdoms, which might of reacted from the Pony-Birds. "Igniton!" Red muttered, which Twilight and Kyetta didn't hear. "Wonder how the others are doing?" Kyetta asked.

Back with Rarity and Harley, she was finished with the dress for Harley. The dress was a lime green with dark green above it. The lime green was a little transparent, showing her legs. It was decorated with Emeralds and some Lime Gemstones. "Like or Love, dear? I call this 'Green and Gorgeous'!" Rarity announced, as Harley wasn't sure with the name. "I don't know about the name. It's more like 'Between a Green and Slimy Place'." Harley said, which disgusted Rarity a little. "Green? Slimy? Where did you get that from?" Rarity asked. "What? Is it either my green coat? Green Mane? Or is it where I was formally from?" Harley asked, as Rarity got confused. "Where your from?"

With Pinkie Pie and Jay, both were having some fun at the bakery, Sugarcube Corner, which was both a bakery, Pinkie Pie's home and her Party central. Both were making a large cake to symbolize their new friendship, but they piled it on one corner, it toppled down on them both, but they dug their was out and laughed "I gotta admit, I never had this much fun with someone whos like me!" Pinkie Pie said with glee. "Tell me about it! I was born in Triplets, but everyday with them felt a little boring. I always wanted to know what other kingdoms were like." Jay said.

"Tell me about it. I lived in a Rock farm with my sisters and everyday felt boring. That's the reason I moved to Ponyville and became who I am now!" Pinkie Pie said. Jay then gave her a close hug. "Don't know about the owners reaction about all this mess, but we'll get it cleaned up?" Pinkie Pie looked at the Bakery, seeing how messy it was. "Oh, your right! Let's get cleaning!" Pinkie Pie then rushed to get some cleaning Supplies as Jay had other ideas, as she brought out a Blue Rage Orb. Pinkie Pie came back with the cleaning Supplies, and saw the Rage in her hoove. "OOO! Pretty! What Rage is that?" Pinkie Pie asked, looking at the Rage's Blue color, as Jay then inserted the Rage into her Chest. Once activated, she then sprouted Watery Wings, Blue water markings appeared on her Hooves and face and Blue wavy streaks in her Mane. "Hydro pump! Bring out the Soap!" Jay announced and ordered. Pinkie Pie got excited as she put Soap on Jay, who then did a Water Tornado, which cleaned up the Entire Bakery in one go. Once that was done, Pinkie Pie was surprised to see she put the cake they made back up.

She looked around the bakery, seeing how clean it was. Not only did Jay's water form clean the cake mess, it did clean the entire Bakery's downstairs. "Can I use that Rage then things get messy?" Pinkie Pie asked, which Jay chuckled, but stopped. "Your being serious?"

After a long Day, everyone returned back to the Castle, to meet back up. "So I'm guessing everyone had a good day?" Twilight asked, as everypony agreeded.

"We learned about one another." "You said it!" Rainbow Dash and Chuck hugged each others wings around each others backs.

Applejack looked at Bomb, as she looks at Twilight. "Well, nothin' like a good day down at the farm. Maybe not much work for one." She looked at Bomb. "I need to work on my back hoove strength." Bomb replied, looking at her back legs.

"It was quite a joy. Never thought another Pony could handle Angel and be that friendly to Discord... but..." Fluttershy said, but stopped, which got Matilda's attention. "I'm sure whatever Discord told you about me is just a stition." "That or it's just classic him." Rainbow Dash said, as the Pony-Birds were then interested if he knows plenty about them.

"Well, I made a grand Dress for Harley here, and to be honest, Why Green? I mean Emeralds, I'm happy with, but why Green?" Rarity said and asked, as Harley just sighed. "I never complained about your color, so why mine?"

"We had a blast! We did make a mess, but that Blue Rage really cleaned up the Bakery!" Pinkie Pie said with glee, as everyone didn't thing Jay would of taken a Water Rage Orb.

"I had to bring one to Clean up! Cleaning an entire place takes forever!" Jay complained. "But you know how much power a single Orb can punch?" Red then got mad at her. "Well, it's not like I can control it or anything?" Red just sighed as she walked away from her.

"Well, I think we get to know each other a little more. We can do this more often, if it's fine with Mighty Eagle?" Twilight asked, as Kyetta was hoping he was fine with it. "We can ask if you like?" Kyetta said. "He will! He's a reasonable being! I mean, how can he tell the Princesses of Equestria and talk about us?" Twilight hoped so, since it's a long time since they retired and her old Foulsitter became Queen of a kingdom.

With Big E, he was in the Palace, talking to Magical Holograms of the Former Princesses, being Celestia, Luna and Cadence. "I'm Honered to meet you three, even without being in real life."

"Me too, Mighty Eagle. Ever since Beaksburg has been discovered, we knew the Rage will return to Equestria!" Celestia said in the Hologram. "But the Rage Chi outside of the Kingdoms can't be controled by other Species! That's why they're returned to those Kingdoms." Luna added.

"I get your scared, but don't worry. Your former Student and her friends met my Pupils and found their replacements! By soon, they'll know about the Kingdoms that have now appeared." Big E said. "And which Kingdom do you think is first?" Cadence asked, as Big E looked at her. "I think I know the closest to the Crystal Empire."

The Frozen Kingdom

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After Big E got to an agreement with the former Princesses, he was set for the Pony-Birds to explore the other Kingdoms, that had the Rage Orbs at. He was handling a meeting with Twilight, her friends and Kyetta. "Since the Princesses went off without any arguements. Lovely Ladies, by the way, I think we're all set to explore the other Kingdoms." He explained, as they were excited to be going into another Kingdom they never seen before.

"New Kingdoms?! Let's get going!" Pinkie Pie said in excitement, which the Mane 6 were also excited, however, Big E stopped them. "Be warned about these Kingdoms, as they have Species you'll never, ever, met before! Each Kingdom, dwelling with Pony Species more powerful than the last!" He warned them, which they didn't believe. "I'm pretty sure they won't be that bad. After all, we did make a school that welcomed in other Species in Equestria." Twilight said carmly, as Big E had fate in them, as Kyetta was then interested.

"So, which Kingdom are we going to head to first?" She asked as Big E looked at the Cutie Map, looking at the one closest to the Crystal Empire. "Maybe there. The Kingdom next to the Crystal Empire, Canterfrost!" Once they heard the name, some of the Mane 6 started to giggle at the name. "I'm sorry. Canterfrost? Is that Kingdom really called that?" Rarity asked, as Big E had a serious look on his face, which made her and the Mane 6 be quiet. "Now then, we'll head off to the Empire first and then head to Canterfrost. Twilight, the Princess there is your Sister-in-law?" "What did you think? You know my Brother is also the Prince there." "Tell them if they do find a Carriage that is a Sled outside the Kingdom, that'll be for us." He asked, as she started writing a Letter to the Crystal Empire.

Big E then streached his wings. "Anyway, we bothered you all enough. We better be going now! C'mon Kyetta!" "You got it." Kyetta said at she got her bag and was about to head out, until Twilight made a bit of a request. "Since I picked Kyetta and her friends to be mine and my friend's successors, why doesn't she stay with me tonight and we'll meet you at the station in the morning?" Twilight suggested, as Big E thought about it. "Sure. But make sure your keeping her safe. We don't know who Starswirl's Niece is!" He reminded her as he left Kyetta with Twilight for the night.

Once Kyetta took a private Tour of the Palace, Twilight showned her to her room. "And this is one of my guest rooms." Kyetta was excited to have her own room for the first time and got on to an actual bed for herself for once. "My Own room! My Own bed! And it's BETTER than a Hammock!" Twilight giggled at her being excited. "You know, I feel like I have my own little Student, even if she is in her teens." "Thank you, Princess. I'm happy to see you as another Teacher." Kyetta then felt tired as Twilight still giggled, seeing Kyetta was still calling her by Princess. "Also, you don't have to call me Princess. You can just call me Twilight." "Ok. I'll tell the others to do the same." Kyetta then fell to sleep, as Twilight then used her Magic to put a Blanket over her, which gave her a warm feeling inside of her, as she then left her to sleep.

The next day, Twilight, her friends and Kyetta was waiting for the Train that was heading to the Crystal Empire, as Big E and the others came over. "Kyetta! We missed you!" Red cheered to her friend, as Kyetta was then interested. "After 8 Hours?" "It was a slow Night!" Chuck replied, as the train heading to the Empire arrived to the Station, Everypony was getting on the train as Rarity was then curious on one thing. "Why don't you all have a train going to the Empire? Isn't Beaksburg a Town?" The Pony-Birds stayed mute. "Let's just say the station was out of business for years!" Big E replied to her as they got onto the train.

Once the Train headed to the Crystal Empire, the Pony-Birds looked at the Crystal Spire, shining high from the rest of the Empire. Once they got off the train, they were excited to check out the entire Empire. "So, where first?" "Canterfrost? Chuck?" Red answered Chuck. "Twilight!" They were then greeted by two Ponies. One Alicorn and Unicorn. The Alicorn was a female, having a Pink Coat with a Pink Mane with some Teal and Beige in it, while the Unicorn was White with a Blue Mane. "Shining Armor! Cadence!" Twilight was happy to see them both, as they greeted them back. "Sis! Happy to see you back!" "And really impressed to meet Mighty Eagle in real life." Cadence was happy to meet Big E in real as Shining Armor was happy to see Twilight, who just confirmed to be his sister. "These are Mighty Eagle's Students and the new Elements of Harmony, if they keep that title that is. Their's Kyetta Cubid, Red, Chuck, Bomb, Harley, Matilda and Jay."

"Greetings Princess Cadence, or do you like to be called Cadence?" Kyetta asked, which earned a small giggle. "Cadence is fine. I see why Twilight has taken a liking to you and your friends." "And possibly to another! We're going to see Winter and Canterfrost!" Red said outloud. "Has the carriage arrived to the Kingdom?" Big E asked, as Cadence and Shining gave a nod. "Yes. They're waiting outside the Empire for you." They followed both of them through the Empire, as they saw the Crystal Ponies and the Statue of Spike with the Crystal Heart. "Didn't think he would of looked like that before." Chuck joked as they made it to the carriage, which had shed ski's replacing the wheels. Pulling it were two Stallions with Light Blue Coats and White Manes. They were wearing Armor that looked like they were made out of ice.

"Frosticorns! Didn't think of seeing them again!" Twilight was then surprised to see another Specie of Pony, even if they were explained or seen for a brief moment. "Another Specie of Pony? I have to find out the information and find that book." "We'll be happy to bring your party to Canterfrost so you'll meet with one Winter, Queen Gelu and look at the Rage Chi of Ice!" One of them said, which they were not going to the Kingdom, but also going to meet two other Ponies and find the Ice Rage. They all got on and it was then pulled to Canterfrost.

As they were being pulled, Kyetta, Big, Twilight, Shining and Cadence were inside while the others were sitting above the Carriage. "So let me get this straight, You met Kyetta and her friends just a month ago, saw their hometown, they thought the Pony of Shadows and you promoted them to be the next Elements of Harmony?" "That and I'm Twilight's replacement. She said I remind her of her when she was young." Cadence could only figure from Kyetta and her Sister-in-law. "Well, I'm glad she had good taste in you. I see you and your friends have a bright future." Cadence complemented her. "Just you all wait until you meet Winter! She's like a Sister to me!" Cadence and Twilight were curious on what Winter was like, until they were feeling like they were slowing down.

"We're here! Welcome to the Frozen Kingdom of Canterfrost!" The Stallion said as he let them out and they came out. Once out, they were greeted by an entire Kingdom that looked like it was made out of Ice and Snow. "Amazing!" "Almost looked like the Crystal Empire!" Shining and Cadence were surprised, as they saw how everything was built. "We'll be sight seeing enough while we go to the main Palace. Kyetta, you and your friends could go and find Winter. Maybe even recruit her back." Big E told them all, as they all then spitted up. One being Big E, Twilight and the two rulers of the Crystal Empire, while Kyetta and her friends goes to find Winter.

They looked around the Kingdom, looking at the many Frosticrons, which were either Light Blue or White. "My, I should have done research around new Species, so that I can remember them." Twilight thought to herself. Once they made it to the Kingdoms palace, they were then brought in by two guards, in which they opened the main doors to the throne room. On top of the throne was a Alicorn with a White Coat and a Light Blue mane, which also had a Snowflake pattern in it. Her Hooves were also encased in Ice. On top of her Throne was a Light Blue Rage Chi, which was much larger than the other Kyetta and her friends used.

"Princess Glacies, great Princess of the Frozen Kingdom of Canterfrost and all Frosticorns!" Big E announced to everyone, as the Alicorn then left her throne and greeted them with curicy. "I have been expecting you all, Princess Cadence and Shining Armor of the Crystal Empire and Princess Twilight Sparkle, new Princess of Equestria." They all didn't realise she even knowned about them. "Y-You know who we are?" "When someponies from the outside of my kingdom comes around, it's our Duty to know who they are and what their job is! And Mighty Eagle, it's been a while? How's Gale?" Big E rubbed the back of their head with their wing. "She'll get there." Cadence and Shining were a little confused on what kind of Pony Gelu was. "I know we just met, but we have a question, what kind of Pony are you?" That question then made the Frozen Alicorn looked at them, as they also witnessed some guards around the room. "If it's that much, I'll tell you about my Specie and the others from the kingdom's you'll seek!"

With Kyetta and her friends, they were having some fun playing some snow themed games. Kyetta, Red and Winter all were having a small snowball fight, which ended as Bomb threw a large one at all three. All of them laughed after they dug their way out. "When did we had this fun?" "Maybe because I decided to go back to this kingdom for my classes until I can control the Frozen Rage. I heard about it returning about the danger." Winter said. "But at least we got a little taste of it, and your missing out on it." "Maybe because your all in the right age of using it. How many did you use?" Once Winter asked that, they knew they can't lie to a friend. "Just three. Light, Fire from me and Water from Jay." Red confirmed to her. Winter was surprised to hear how many they used this far, as she remembered something when the Ice Rage was returned to the Kingdom. "I have something to show you guys, at the towns fountain!" They were then eager to know what it is as they followed Winter.

Back at the Main Palace, Glacies brought out a book about the Many Pony Species. "You see, unlike your Earth, Unicorn, Pegasus and Alicorns, their are many more Species of Ponies in Equestria. Each representing the Elements of Equestria, all in a kingdom of their own. Infernacorns, Quake Ponies, Electrosi, Sludgeicorns, Forest Ponies, Frosticorns, Aqua Ponies, Enlighticorns and Breezesi. A few others that haven't been found yet. You did go towards many Towns and Kingdom's in your youth, no?" Glacies then asked Twilight, as She remembered about going to many kingdoms and towns. "Yes, me and my friends have, but I didn't see anything else." "You and your friends were only focused on one thing at the time! That's the reason you couldn't find them, even before you found the Cutie Map." Big E explained to her, which made Twilight just cover her face using one of her wings.

With the Pony-Birds, they headed to the main centre of the Kingdom, which was a large, grand fountain that was both frozen and flowing Ice Rage out of it. They saw many other Frosticorns collecting some Orbs. "Heh, guess returning the Rage also brought the Fountain back to life." "Oh yeah, because once removed from the rightful Kingdom will shut off the Fountains, but once returned, they'll reactivate again." Kyetta and Red explained as Winter collected a few Orbs. "You all might need these if faced by an Equestrian Villain again." Kyetta took the bag from her friend. "Thanks! Say, since we're back to gether, why not come back to Beaksburg? We need all the help, plus, we're the new Elements of Harmony." "Whatever they are." Chuck replied behind her back, as Winter wanted to be part of the offer. "I'm Sorry, but I'll have to refuse. I'm still doing my test until I can handle the power of my Rage Chi." They all remembered, not realising the Black Crystals growing in the shadows of the kingdom.

Inside the Palace, Twilight was looking into the Species, until they heard a dark shake around the palace and the Ice Chandelier shaking above them. "If that thing breaks, so help me!" Some guards then came in. "Guards, what's going on out there?!" "No idea your Majesty, but some kind of Black Crystal's started growing around the East of the town!" Cadence, Shining and Twilight knew who it was. "Sombra!" "Get all available Guards outside and find Kyetta, Winter and their friends. We need all the help we need!" Glacies ordered as the guards went outside. "Protect the Ice Rage!"

Outside, the rumors were true, as Sombra was attacking. Everyone was confused onto his return, but they knew he was after something. "Ok, who's the Joker?" "King Sombra of the Crystal Empire! He almost wagered a War against all of Equestria, but that wasn't what he was after!" All the Pony-Birds were then confused. "You see, the real reason he wanted war was to find the Ice Rage, which would of frozen all of Equestria into an Eternal Winter." They didn't think the Frosticorns would of had their own history regarding it. Kyetta then looked inside her bag and brought out the smaller Ice Rages. "Perhaps today is when you can use one?" Kyetta offered her friend a Rage Orb, as Winter silently refused. "I-I don't think I can." "Hey! You better stop acting like a Scholar and start acting like a Bird!" Winter then felt a little braver as she took an Ice Rage.

Once they all inserted the Ice Rage into their Chests, all of them then gained Glistering Ice Wings, Light Blue on their Hooves and around their eyes and Light Blue streaks flowing from their Manes. Their activation caught the attention of Sombra. "The Rage has Returned!" Sombra said as he was going to attack with his Crystals, only for them to be frozen and shattered by the Pony-Birds frozen Aura. "What?" "You didn't think of how much power it had after so many years?" Winter told Sombra, as he just growled. "You may think I'm a treat now, but another has a Plan for all of Equestria, and once they're done with you all, you'll never see the ruining of Equestria!" Sombra announced.

Twilight and the others heard his plans inside the palace, which made her concern. "So the return of our former foes isn't a coincident. Someones planning for their return!" She thought as they saw many of his Crystals becoming frozen and shattering. Glacies then looked at Winter, who was now powered with a Frozen Rage. "I knew she was ready."

Sombra kept blasting them with his Magic, but they kept dodging his attacks, as all then decided to team up and launch themselves towards the main Crystal Pillar he was standing on, as he knew where they were launching at with incredible speeds. "Uh oh." Once they all smashed into the pillar, Sombra fell and goes back into his Fog form, retweeting from both Canterfrost and the Crystal Empire.

Once the threat was over with, Kyetta, Winter and their friends all were in the palace, as Glacies wanted to speak to them. "Winter, I saw what you and your friends did out there." My Princess, I'm sorry, but the Kingdom was in danger and I had to join them!" Glacies laughed a little, thinking she was mad. "No no, I'm in fact frilled for what you all did to protect our Kingdom from utter destruction. You all have grown up a lot." They felt a little warm after she said that. "However, you all are still young, but with the Rage, it knows your all maturing." "Thank you, Princess Glacies. We'll train hard and one day control all the Rage we need from the other Kingdoms!" Kyetta said, as she knew they wound. "Your all in my gratitude. Your all welcome back to Canterfrost anytime! And maybe I'll bring some Rage from the Kingdom in your Aid to protect all of Equestria!" She announced, as they were then excited.

Before they left back home, Kyetta and Red were saying their farewell to Winter. "And your sure you don't want to come?" "I would love too, but Canterfrost is home to me, but maybe we'll run into each other soon?" Kyetta hoped so too. "But don't worry, I might visit you guys! Just to save the journey." They all laughed before giving a group hug. Twilight was given the book about the Pony Species from Glacies. "Thank you, Glacies. You have no idea how much help this is." "No problem. You need to learn about them and you needed the book about them. That's what Princesses do for each other, as they need to Share or borrow something from another." Twilight was still trying to get with the Princess thing. Once they got onto the Carriage, they were then pulled back to the Empire.

Meanwhile with Sombra, he was now trying to regain his form, only to end up in a normal Unicorn. "Great, not only did they ruin my way to steal the Frozen Rage, but also damaged my original form!" He complained to himself, as he felt something walk up behind him. "Maybe I could be a service?" He looked at the mysterious creature, as they were interested in what they wanted from him. "If you want to Take over both Empires, you have to join my League! If you do, I'll give you powers beyond your wildest Dreams!" Sombra thought, since Frosticorns powered up would of frozen everything. "If it'll get my revenge on those Pony-Birds, I'll do it!" Once his offer was final, the Creature gave a smirk, knowing his army would be getting bigger.