• Published 10th Jun 2021
  • 404 Views, 12 Comments

Pokemon Solar and Lunar: The Red Side - SuperSamYoshi

It's not just Twilight and Sunset that are on a journey, another kid has started his journey not long after.

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Episode 1: New Region, New Trainer, New Start

Welcome to the world of Pokémon.

An amazing land of mystery, adventure and wonder, where amazing creatures named Pokémon exist…

Yeah we know this already, Main Story Narrator, but I’m narrating this one. So just leave this to me. Now let’s do this the Pinkie way.

Welcome to the amazing world of Pokémon.

In this world, cute, cool and creepy creatures known as Pokémon exists. High in the clear blue sky, down in the deep dark sea, in beautiful fields and in gorges forest. Some living in the cities with the people, and other choose to live in the wild.

You already know that a young trainer named Twilight, but this story isn’t about her. This story is about a young man named Red Streak. And right now he’s on a plane flying from the Galar Region to the Equus Region, where I’m from.

Red sat in his seat next to the window, he was a little nervous, but was excited to have a fresh start. Back in the Galar region he was the only one in his former school to not get a Pokémon. But now that his mother and sister lived in the Equus Region, he knew that his father and himself would follow suit.

He looked out the window watching the clouds fly by, he saw a flock of Wingull fly by, then Red saw something he couldn’t believe, the Eon Pokémon Latias flew next to his window. Red placed his hand on the window, Latias flew closer and put her claw on the window too, before disappearing into thing air. Red was amazed, a Legendary Pokémon flew next to him.

After a few hours, he landed in Canterlot City. He looked around at the sights and sounds of people and Pokémon. He got a text from his dad saying, ‘have you landed yet.’

Red replied, ‘yes, where is the new house?’ he then got a reply saying directions to the house. Red followed them, while looking around the scenery, he was near the house, as he walked by two girls, one with purple hair who had a Treecko on her shoulder and the with red and yellow hair with a Charmander on her shoulder.

He soon stood in front of his new home. He then saw his father’s Machamp, and Kommo-o, walk in and out carrying boxes from a moving van. Red waved to them, and when to find his dad. He found him, moving the couch into place.

“Hey dad,” Red called out, surprising his father.

“Oh, Red, your startled me,” he said, “How was the flight?”

“It was ok, I saw the Legendary Pokémon Latias,” Red replied casually.

“Oh that’s good, hey can you make me a coffee,” his father replied.

“Sure,” Red said as he went into the kitchen to make his dad a coffee. Shorty later, Red made the coffee and gave it his father. Machamp and Kommo-o had taking a break and when drinking some water.

“So, what are your plans now?” Red’s Father said.

“I want to finally start my journey as a Pokémon Trainer!” Red responded.

“Are you sure?” Red’s dad asked again, “I mean, you just got here.”

“Yes,” Red replied.

“Well, I can’t stop you form doing that,” Red’s dad admitted, “Go on Sport, make your pops proud.”

“Thanks dad,” Red remarked hugging him.

“Your welcome,” he replied, “Oh wait there.” He then started to dig throw a box, and pulled a yellow backpack, and a few other items. “This was my backpack when I started my journey, and here’s a map of the region, and Mega Band.”

“Thanks dad,” Red replied, putting the Mega Band on his wrist and the map in his bag, “I’ll be going now, and get my first Pokémon.”

“Ok Sport goodbye and good luck,” Red’s dad called as Red walked down the path towards Professor Celestia’s Laboratory.

Red walked down the path to Professor Celestia’s Lab, one his way, he saw a few Pidove pecking the down for worms, and a bunch of Pidgey sitting in trees, even a Zigzagoon going through a trash can for food. He was too busy looking at his surroundings, that he bumped into someone.

(Wonder where I heard that from before.)

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” Red said getting helped by the guy he bumped into.

“It’s ok,” the guy replied, “I should had stopped in the middle of the path. You ok?”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Red replied, “I’m Red Streak.”

“I’m Arctic Ace, nice to meet you,” Ace responded as the two shook hands.

“Are you on your way to Professor Celestia’s lab?” Red asked.

“Yeah I am,” Ace replied, “how about we go together.”

“Alright,” Red said, the two the started to walk together to Professor Celestia’s lab.

The two boys soon arrived, just as Professor Celestia arrived back after having some lunch. “Excuse me,” Red said, “Are you Professor Celestia?”

“Why yes I am,” she replied, “Are you two here to pick up your first Pokémon?”

“Yes we are,” Ace responded.

“Well if you like to follow me we can get you all sorted,” Celestia walked into the lab, with Ace and Red following suit. But as Red and Ace when through the doors, party poppers went off, startling them.

“What the?” Red stated, his heart was pounding from the shock of the party poppers.

“Oh, you two are the 100th trainers to walk through those doors and get you own starter,” Celestia told them, “as for the reward, you two get to choose from all our Pokémon we have here.”

“Awesome,” Red said with a smug face.

“Yeah,” Ace remarked, giving Red a fist bumped.

Celestia took the two boys to something she and the staff called, the Pokémon Playground. Red and Ace understood why, it was like a giant playground for Pokémon, trees to climb, ponds and rivers to play and swim in, and bushes where berries grew.

“We have all the starters living here, from Kanto to Galar,” Celestia told them, “we also have some misfits here and there, a few normal types, Like Munchlax, Meowth, Ralts, Eevee amongst others. We even have the Pikachu, so Pikachu, Pichu, both normal and Alolan Raichu, Plusle, Minun, Pachirisu, Emolga, Dedenne, Togedemaru and Morpeko.”

“Wow,” Red said, “I thought you only Charmander, Treecko and Oshawott.”

“It’s on a rotation,” Celestia answered his statement, “so this week, it’s those three, next would be, Tepig, Bulbasaur and Piplup.”

“Ah ok,” red replied.

“Anyway, what Pokémon would you two like?” Celestia asked.

Red and Ace thought about it, as they thought, they watched the Pokémon play and eat with each other. Then both Red and Ace saw a rare sight, Red saw a Yellow Charmander, and Ace saw a turquoise Snivy. “I choose them,” they both said pointing to the Charmander and Snivy.

The Charmander and Snivy looked at Red and Ace, wondering what they meant. “Are you sure you want those?” Professor Celestia asked.

“Yes,” Red and Ace said together again. They picked up their chosen Pokémon. The Charmander looked up at Red, somehow Charmander knew that Red was it’s trainer it was waiting for. Snivy looked up at Ace and could see in his eyes, that he was a trainer of heart, and kindness. And he seemed pretty cute, Snivy may have a crush on him.

“Well ok then,” Professor Celestia said looking at the Pokémon, “They seemed to like you already. One more than the other.”

The trio, with now a Shiny Charmander and Snivy, go to Celestia office to get their Pokéballs, Badge Cases and Pokédex each. Red was about to leave but he had an idea.

“Hey Ace, fancy a battle?” Red said.

“Oh yeah,” Ace replied, pumping his fist.

Red, Ace and Professor Celestia went to the battlefield in the main building, Professor Celestia was the referee, Ace stood on the right end and Red of the left.

“Go, Charmander,” Red called out as Charmander jumped off his shoulder.

“Snivy, show of your cuteness,” Ace called out as Snivy climbed up his leg and kissed his cheek, before jumping down and onto the battlefield.

“Trainers ready?” Celestia called out, getting a nod from both, “Alright, battle begin.”

“Charmander, use bite!” Red called out, Charmander ran forward and bite down on Snivy’s tail.

“Snivy, use Vine Whip,” Ace told his Pokémon, vines grew out of Snivy’s collar, and smacked in the face, resulting in Charmander letting go of Snivy’s tail.

“Charmander use Ember!” Red called out, Charmander puffed out his cheeks and fired embers from his mouth, hitting Snivy in her face. It was super effective.

“Snivy, use Attract,” Ace told her, Snivy winked as hearts appeared around her eyes, then the hearts flew towards Charmander, circled around him, and made him fall in love with Snivy.

“Charmander are you ok?” Red asked, but Charmander was too in love with Snivy.

“Snivy, now’s your chance, use Aerial Ace!” Ace shouted, Snivy ran back to the end of the battlefield, the took off. She went so fast that her feet didn’t touch the ground.

“Charmander wake up,” Red yelled as Snivy came closer, Charmander snapped out of his attract, to see Snivy fast approaching him. In a relax, Charmander held his arms out. Charmander grab Snivy,” Red told him, Charmander listened as Snivy came close enough, Charmander grabbed Snivy’s arms.

“What?! He stopped it!” Ace said amazed. Snivy became to panic as she tried to get out of Charmander’s strong grip.

“Charmander, use Dragon Pulse!” Red called out.

“At point blank ranch?!” Ace exclaimed, purple fire lit up around Charmander’s mouth, he opened his mouth and as Snivy still struggled to get away, Charmander fired his Dragon Pulse attack at point blank ranch. This cause Snivy to go flying and hit the ground hard. As the dust cleared around, Ace, Red and Celestia could see that Snivy was out.

“Snivy is unable to battle, Charmander is the winner,” Professor called out.

“Yes, we won Charmander,” Red said, Charmander ran up to Red and jumped into an embrace.

“You did good Snivy,” Ace walked over to his Pokémon, Snivy looked at him with a sad face. Red and Charmander came over.

“That was a good battle,” Red said, holding a hand out.

“Yes it was,” Ace replied, shaking his hand. Charmander held a claw out, and Snivy shook it too.

Later, Red, Ace and Professor where in the Pokémon Centre waiting for their Pokémon to heal up. Nurse Joy came in with her Florges, who was pushing a stretcher with Snivy and Charmander on.

“I’m happy to report that Snivy and Charmander are at perfect health,” Nurse Joy told them. The two Pokémon jumped onto their trainers.

“Thanks Nurse Joy,” Red and Ace replied together.

“where are you two going to be heading now?” Celestia asked them.

“I think I’ll head north towards Cloudsdale City,” Ace replied, “I think I’ll head there now actually.”

“Ok, I guess I’ll you around,” Red said, shaking Ace’s hand.

“Guess so,” Ace returned it, “See ya Streak.”

“Bye Ace,” Red called back as Ace exited the Pokémon Centre.

“And what about you Red?” Celestia asked him.

“Hmm, I’m not sure,” Red replied.

“You could go to the Gym in Ponyville Town,” Nurse Joy told him.

“Ok, then I’ll go to Ponyville Town,” Red said looking down at his Charmander, “Ready buddy?”

“Char-Char,” he replied as he hopped onto his shoulder.

“Onward to Adventure!” Red called out while pointing to the sky, “Goodbye Professor Celestia and Nurse Joy!”

“Goodbye Red, and good luck on your journey,” Professor Celestia called out.

Red waved until they were almost out of sight, and once again he wasn’t looking where he was going and walked into someone. This time a girl with a pink bang in her hair. But luckily neither of them fell down.

“Oh I’m so sorry,” Red said, “I wasn’t looking where I was going, damn that’s twice today.”

“It’s ok, I was deep in thought,” the girl replied, “yeah that’s a rare Charmander,” she then petted Charmander, “Ok I need to get going.”

“Ok bye now,” Red said walked away.

“See ya,” the girl replied.

And so, Red’s adventure has begun, was Pokémon will he meet on his way to Ponyville Town, only time will tell, as his Journey continues. Stay tuned everybody.

Author's Note:

So this is the Story that takes place around the same time as Twilight and Sunset's journey

I hope you enjoy it and comment below what you think

Comments ( 12 )

Amazing start! Looking forward to seeing more 😁😊

awesome chapter mate keep it up cant wait for the next chapter:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Something I have my eye on now. :raritywink:

huh. crazy cross bridge.

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