• Member Since 13th May, 2021
  • offline last seen May 9th

Silent Nova


After transferring to CHS the Monday after a certain Fall Formal incident. Silent Nova will attempt to settle into his new surroundings. Although he finds the treatment of a certain fiery haired girl to be frankly...idiotic.

This story so far is going to be a short prologue story about Nova settling in and once its done the next stories will branch out more. Hope ya'll enjoy and hope to see ya'll there!

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 37 )

Looking forward for more. And I guess the oc is pretty great, just give us a description.

Yeah I'm trying to keep things vague at first for wiggle room. As I said I'm shooting from the hip here lol. The funny thing too about Nova is he is pretty much a self insert. I actually did the whole mole thing in the past....don't ask why (shrug) lol.

Nova's a boy? I imagined a girl. :twilightblush:

Still maybe better to at least give a gender, skin color and hair color.

Lol and I was just thinking that after your first comment. "I did at least put a he somewhere right?" NOPE! I'll try and find a spot for it lol. Edit: OK writing this in Novas pov kinda shot me so I stuck it in notes lol.

Oh right saw that. Also, why did sunset visit celestia? Detention?

Probably....as I said lotta hip shootin lol. As this OC is basically gonna be me...I...mostly found corners to sleep in myself so WOOoo! lol. I imagine they went over some things after the Formal but still need to discuss things. Ive seen the whole gambit rangin from in school detention to 6 month suspension to.....hospital. Sooooo your guess is as good as mine for now lol.

Im not sure honestly. Im just kinda letting things flow naturally but Im hopein around weekly/bi-weekly. Just depends on when the girls tell me what they are doin lol :ajsmug: :fluttershysad: :pinkiehappy: :raritywink: :rainbowlaugh: :twilightblush:

Nice to see a new chapter. And I'm already liking the boy.

Why doesn't chapter three have a fancy name?

Lol couldn't think of one. I might come up with one later. We'll see.

Well here I am standing just outside of...a school right? It looks like a school but last I checked they don't usually look like they have been bombed. The whole entrance was just...gone...and there was a crater big enough to bury two buses at least. Yellow tape all over the place along with many tools and supplies ready for use. "We're not at war with anyone are we?" I thought to myself. "I know I can be pretty oblivious but I'm pretty sure I would catch that...I hope."

Imagine your first day of school being like this.

I make my way to where the principal's office is and brace myself as I enter. "Good morning, you must be Silent Nova?" I tense up at the question directed at me as I acknowledge my mortal enemy...human contact.

"Yes ma'am." I said in a soft tone. Hoping to get this over quickly so I can establish my corners to occupy for the year.

Oh god. He’s already relatable.

Why do I get the feeling they’re gonna forcefully make him befriend sunset?

"Well...I guess I'm in the same boat. I feel like if I do something I'll do it wrong and it could hurt someone or get in the way somehow. So I usually do nothing. I still ain't gotta clue what I'm doing but...its always easier to give advice than to implement it.”

Now he’s even more relatable.

"Sometimes you just gotta push. Even if its the smallest thing you can think of and eventually you'll get where you want to be." I sigh as I remember some things from the past.

I need to know his backstory.

After a few minutes I feel a shift in the atmosphere as everyone's mood seems to sour. As I look around I see a number of students with angry glares looking at the entrance. I turn to see the flame haired girl slowly walking in for lunch as she keeps her head down, not making eye contact with anyone. I keep an eye on her as she makes her way through the cafeteria walking by students who seem to say some things to her that I can't make out from here. She seems to be on auto pilot as she get her food. Even the lunch lady seems alerted, not so much angry but...watchful. I watch her as she gets closer and sets her tray down.............at my table.

Oh god. I would’ve been so mad.

After lunch I said bye to Sunset who simply nodded. I noticed her down the hall get shoulder checked by...someone...I couldn't quite tell who exactly through the crowd but I felt my blood begin to boil. "Seriously! What could she have done for people to act this way!" I begin feeling a strong urge to find out. Maybe even find out what it feels like to deck someone. I make my way to the next class, math. I notice Applejack is there as well. "Hey Applejack."

If he doesn’t push the next person that does that, then I can’t relate to him.

If she was surprised I already knew that much she didn't show it. "Lemme get your number an I'll text ya where we can all meet." We exchange numbers as the teacher Cranky Doodle walks in and quickly gets everyone in line. I sit there going over things in my mind. After a few minutes my breathing nearly stops...I begin to sweat...and my chest begins to hurt as a sudden realization slams into me. "I HAVE A GIRLS NUMBER!!!"

Forget the hole in the ground and whatever else they were going to talk about. I got a girls number, and that’s all I care about.

Not that he don't care about everything else goin on. He just all of a sudden has a girls number and is attempting to process lol.

I know. I’m just saying what I’d be thinking in my head.


Oh Silent :rainbowlaugh:

"OK... somehow...on my first day at this school...I wind up with a girls number." I climb into my truck and continue with my rant. "On top of that. I'm now waiting to hear from her where we will meet to talk about Sunset...with her four friends...who are girls as well!" I take a deep breathe. "How did I get into this? I'm used to just being alone at school." I let a tired sigh escape as I stare at the roof of my truck. "It's...kinda similar to last time." I close my eyes. "Why is it so hard for me to just...interact with people."

Last time?

The tone for my phone goes off which is some kind of Japanese song. "We're all meetin at Sugar Cube Corner in 30 min. The new number is Nova so ya girls know." I deadpan as I read the text. The song I usually like then acts like a record stuck at the start.

So it’s like a ringtone?

As I stare at my phone I then smack my head on my steering wheel causing the horn to blast as I mumble. "Now I have all their numbers."

Be grateful.

What followed was a lengthy explanation of what happened at the school from when Sunset first showed up to her rise as Queen B. How she would act friendly just to sabotage Pinkie's bake sale. How she humiliated Rarity at a pageant thing. How she is from another world of magic ponies where she stole a magic crown of a pony priccess and became a demon when she put it on and mind controlled the students and through a fireball at them but the pony princess and them saved the day by blasting her with a rainbow laser.................wait.

"So ya thats why folks are pretty peeved with Sunset and how the school was damaged." Applejack finished up their story as the girls all looked at me like...yes this is normal.

Most people would have dipped.

Rainbow is the first to react as she looks confused. "What are ya talkin about dude? We didn't do anything to Sunset. She brought all this on herself."

I mean, she’s not wrong.

I message the back of my neck. "I would say then ya'll probably just put Sunset in her place if she agrees with this but...if even the principals agree. That would only mean that either this school is just trash or...your tellin the truth." Not really believing what they said I stand to take my leave. "I guess I'll just...see what I can find out."

Both of those statements are technically true.

Dad said I'd be staying with my cousins but he never said who they were. Just sent me here with an address and said they are expecting me. I guess he got tired of me "cramping his style" as he'd say. As far as I know he was always a gambling nut though. I guess he has done alright with it but all he ever does is party and gamble. I pull up to a nice little house in the suburbs. I take my few things out, head to the door and knock. After a few moments the door swings open revealing a familiar aurora haired woman who stands with an awkward smile on her face.

No way.

hmmm...I wonder lol. I hope my idea goes over well. Dont wanna have to do to much tweakin :)

1: oooo foreshadowing.......maybe(shrugs)
2: Figured I'd throw in my kinda ringtone :)
3: True but now what does he do...hes never gotten this far before lol :twilightblush:
4: He ain't gotta clue what to think.
5: True but he dont know that.
6: Really the only outcomes for someone to come up with if dropped there...as far as I could think of...maybe hes insane lol.
7: I don't know what you mean? :rainbowlaugh: We'll see how my idea goes if I'll need to change things or not.

Well sunset did messed up real bad, but revenge is never the answer.

I definitely think I know who it is.

True. Although, I never said it was right or wrong, I’m not even 100% sure myself.If given the opportunity for revenge I don’t know if I’d take it.

Celestia is a bit more composed than her sister but still seems to be fighting off the infectiousness of Luna's laughter. "Well...as it turns out...Ethyl Aquila isn't just our uncle...he is our...great uncle...making you our uncle...and us your nieces."

I’m sorry, what?

I whip my phone out and select the only contact I have. Well had at least till today. As the last ring was about to end he finally picks up and my ear is assaulted by bells, whistles and loud cheers in the background. "Heh! Ain't no stoppin this train! Set er up again! Hey there bud hows it hanging!? You enjoy your first day of... Uh...the teaching building!?" I just barely hear someone whisper to dad. "Huh? That's what I said...school. Hey everyone my son had his first day of school at Canterlot!"

Teaching building?

Dad is silent for a few moments. I can almost hear the gears grinding from here. "So...they're like royalty now?" I'm not sure if I should laugh, cry or scream at this point...so I settle with banging my head against the wall.

This is amazing.

"And try and make some friends as well. I know after what happened it'll be difficult but I know you can."

What happened?

I just give her a dead pan look. "Please don't. I don't need to find out how screwed the family tree is now."

Too late.

Okay the niece thing was really unexpected, but great chapter.

Yeah ummm...his dad isn't really the sharpest tool...or most sober. I kinda imagine him like Roshi from DBZ if you minus the martial arts and add a lot of luck with gamblein and girls lol.

After a moment she begins to calm as she wipes at her tears. "I'm...sorry about that. It just...sounds so absurd when it's just blurted out like that."

It sounds absurd no matter how you say it.

Sunset takes a breath and returns to that...resigned expression. "No...it's true. I'm guessing you were told what I did?" Her voice becomes barely a whisper. "And what I turned into?" I give her a sympathetic nod as she looks over to me. "Then...why are you helping me? Why are you being nice to me? I know you weren't here at the time but... shouldn't you at least want to avoid..." She lowers her gaze to her lap. "...something like me?"

Probably because he wasn’t there?

She just nods slightly. "I will." Which means she won't. I've been through this with dad countless times. Guess I'll tell Celestia about this. We walk the rest of the way to the school but unknown to me there are a few windows glaring our way.

I just realized, if they wanted to go after sunset, then they could.

Wow, this guy has a very creative imagination.

After they seem to think it over Rarity responds. "Well that's part of what we've been going over and to be frank...we don't want to." The girls seem to slump a bit at that admission. "We promised Twilight we would but it was more...um..."

Can someone show me a clip of them promising that?

Ahhh why me? Why am I here? I want to help but I know I'm not good at it. "And...mistakes like that happen all the time. It doesn't matter what you did...or almost did. What matters is what you do after that." I look over to the girls table and see Rarity and Applejack looking this way. I put on my best HELP ME face. I see them begin to head this way as I turn back to Sunset.

How do you accidentally kill someone?

Once I'm done I address her. "Oh nothing much. Just trying to process how a high school can have so many idiots in it." The students seem to take acception to that as they begin to shout angrily. I hold my hand up to them. "Let me put it this way. How many of you grew up wishing magic was real? Playing games about it or even still do?"

Surprisingly, I haven’t.

The student calm down as a few slowly raise their hands. I then make an exaggerated gesture toward the exit. "Well hello! There's someone here who can use the real thing and...one more little tidbit. I was told she is a frickin unicorn...and y'all decide to focus on the Formal being ruined?" They seem to pause a bit at that. "I'm not saying forget what she did or don't keep an eye on her...but I would think the idea of magic would win out over some school party."

Oh yeah. You would think they would talk about being mind controlled or personal experiences with sunset.

1) Its more implied really. Twi says "You'll look out for her won't you?" before she leaves.
2) It can happen. It depends on exact situations but rage can be very blinding. Sunset didn't want to hurt people but when she put the crown on she threw a fireball at the girls.
3) True. Some people don't but I bet you'd be interested if someone started casting spells in real life lol.
4) Yeah its funny. That's what started this whole story. I started thinking about it and realized not one person batted an eye when all that happened...or when they started sprouting wings lol. Just hope this story gets at least a little more attention. I wanna know if people like it or not :)

1. Ohh. Does that count? They just said they would look over her.

2. Is that what happened or is that your headcannon for this story?

3. Oh 100%

4. I could probably spread the word.

lol yep Twi says that in the movie. You can find it on youtube.

I did, but I didn’t think it counted.

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