• Published 5th Jun 2021
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A Dashed Shade Of Red Part 1: Hidden Mysteries - TheSuperTransformerFan

Steel and Rainbow Dash try to bring Zoey and Nate together, and collect memories...despite the strict restrictions Grid Battleforce has on dating. Part 1 of the Rainbow DashXRed Ranger Arc.

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Part 3: Blurred Lines

The three Rangers, Mayor and one pony rushed back to Grid Battleforce, after their previous mission. But upon arriving in the lab, they saw Commander Shaw in the room with a solemn look on her face. The Rangers didn’t know what to make of it. But, all would be made clear in a matter of seconds.

“Hi, Commander!” Rainbow said, trying to pretend like it was nothing. “What’s up?”

“I think you might know what’s going on.” The commander said seriously.

The others were confused by what she said. “Uh oh! What did we do now?” Steel joked.

“This is not a time to joke around.” She said seriously. This made them recoil their faces in shock.

“What’s going on?” Zoey asked, confused. “We did do what you asked.”

“I almost thought that you guys weren’t there.” The Mayor said strictly. “But, you deployed you subordinates, Rainbow Dash and Steel!” He pointed to them, and smiled. “Good job, you four.”

“It’s about time you noticed!” Rainbow said smug with confidence.

“Thank you.” Zoey said.

“All in a day’s work!” Steel said happily.

“We just wish we could’ve kept our full watch on you the whole time.” Nate said.

“I understand that, Nate.” Mayor Daniels said, calmly. “Thank you.”

“Which is why I wanted to talk to you about what happened earlier.” Commander Shaw told them seriously, as her face was stone.

“Why? Are we in trouble?” Rainbow asked, nervously.

“That depends on how you view it as.” She said, as she walked up to them. “This kind of mistake isn’t like you. I had a feeling that there was more to this story.” The others were unsure what she was getting at, but pretty soon, things would be Crystal clear. “

“So, I checked the garden surveillance cameras...” she continued. “...and I found this.” She played back the footage shown a few minutes ago, and it showed Nate and Zoey on their non-date, sharing their ramen noodle bowl, almost kissing...which led to Nate spilling the ramen juice on Zoey’s lap by accident. Zoey and Nate were shocked at how someone even saw this. But, the most shocking thing was yet to come.

“Let me replay what happened a few seconds more back.” She strictly continued, and rewound it back a few seconds to show a cyan Pegasus and a beast bot using a bamboo stick, and tipping the second bowl over on the ground, which caused them to share the bowl, and led to the two hiding the scene of the crime.

“Uh...” Steel started to say. But, Rainbow was having a different reaction as she smiled.

“Wow.” She said hushed but, smiling. “That kinda looks like that time Zoey and Nate shared the ramen bowl, and that reminds me of the time Steel and I tipped the other bowl in Nate’s favor.” Devon, Ravi, Starlight, Ben, Cozy and Spike were all shocked at what they heard. “It kinda looks like...”

Just then, the wonderbolt put two and two together, and realized that it was them a few minutes earlier helping their friends. She gasped in shock. “Hey, Wait a minute!” She said in horror. “That US helping Zoey & Nate!!!”

The others, including the Mayor and Commander were shocked at what they heard her say, as they couldn’t believe their ears...or their eyes!

“Wait, you knew about this, Rainbow Dash?” The commander asked her.

“Yeah. I did.” She said, her forehead sweating with every heartbeat. “Zoey told me about this. And, she showed us her Glitz Magazine.” Zoey gasped in shock, as she told them this.

“I see.” She said, before turning to all four of them, with a calm look, but also one that was ready to kill. “Please tell me this isn’t what it looks like.”

“Hold on!” Devon said in surprise. “You guys are a thing?”

“I had no idea.” Ravi said as well, turning to Starlight. “Did you guys know either?”

Starlight, Cozy, Spike and Ben all nodded. “We didn’t even know about any of this.” Starlight said in shock.

“You guys were dating?” Cozy asked. “Like ‘for real’ for real?”

“I can’t believe that this would happen!” Spike said in shock.

“Nobody told us this!” Ben said in utter surprise. “Unless someone managed to catch wind of the whole situation earlier.”

“I can’t believe that guys would even tell...whoa!” Starlight looked at Rainbow Dash, who was indeed nervous. Her look was pretty menacing to her, as the latter started to droop down in embarrassment. “Rainbow Dash, did you find out about this, and tried to get them together, with him?” She asked, sternly, pointing to Steel.

“No.” Rainbow quickly lied.

“Rainbow!” Starlight said, her temper rising.

There was no way out of this one. She had to tell them. “Alright! You win!” She said worriedly and sheepishly at the same time. “I admit it! Steel and I did find out about this, and we tried to bring them together secretly! How did you even find out about this, Commander?”

“We had surveillance cameras outside the whole base.” Commander Shaw said solemnly.

Rainbow groaned. “I knew we should’ve knocked out the cameras before we could execute our plan!” She told Steel, stressed out.

“It seems that no one else knew about all this.” The commander said, with a stern tone in her voice. She turned to Nate and Zoey. “Is this true?”

Nate and Zoey looked at each other nervously. “Yes.” Zoey managed to say. “The truth is...Nate and I...” she took a deep breath before she would say the next few words out of her mouth. “...have feeling for each other.”

Nate sighed. “We have for months.” He started. “But...”

“Rainbow Dash, how could you?!” Cozy spat out, now boarding on anger with her. “You clearly knew that Rangers are not supposed to date Rangers!” She huffed a few times. “How could you easily forget that?!”

“Well...” Rainbow started to say.

“...and you’ve been meeting with Steel to bring them together, when you knew that was wrong?” Spike said, the same emotion as the alicorn filly was. “I don’t think you understand the consequences of this whole stunt!”

“But, Spike...” Rainbow started. “I was...”

“Who cares?” Ben said as well. “You went over all our backs. We’d never do that to you!” He pointed an accusatory finger at her, who was now starting to blush greatly.

“You’re right.” The Pegasus said, as her face turned beet red. “I have no excuses. I was completely over the line.”

“Over it?!” Ravi said as well. “You were so over the line, that you can’t even see it! The line is a dot to you!”

Rainbow was extremely mortified upon seeing her friends all looking at her, like they wanted to throw her out. She had never expected anything like this.

Starlight took a look back at the screen and then back at her friend. “Is that why you’ve been avoiding Spike and I, earlier this morning?!” She asked, now on shouting level.

Rainbow was so embarrassed that she could barely speak. She made an inaudible noice, before she could say the next words from her mouth. “Well...kinda.” She mouthed out. “But, it was for...”

“NO BUTS!” Commander Shaw cut in, interrupting her sentance. “You know dating is a violation of the rules! The four heroes were shocked, and overwhelmed, and even completely sick to their stomach as they had never...ever seen the Commander that angry at them before. “I expected better from you!”

Steel had to interrupt them before they could face serious punishment. “Commander, it’s not their fault.” He said. “Nate and Zoey didn’t want to break the rules, but we wanted to see them happy! So, we...”

“So you what...” their friends asked, wanting to hear more of this.

“So, Dash and I sorta...kinda spilled you bowl of noodles so you’d have to share Zoey’s bowl.” Steel admitted.

“What?!” Dash said in utter disbelief.

“You followed us?” Nate asked in calm shock.

“Well, yeah.” Steel answered, before turning to the commander. “What use is a rule if all it does is make good people unhappy?”

The others didn’t know WHAT to expect, as they were still wanting to stay mad at their friends for lying and deceiving them like that.

Finally, Ravi spoke up. “Kind of a good question.” He said in agreement. “That rule sure made me and Roxy miserable.”

“The real Roxy, or the evil Roxy?” Rainbow asked.

“The real one.” The teen answered. Dash nodded.

“Rules are meant to be followed.” Mayor Daniels said, as started to leave.

“...and broken!” The Wonderbolt interrupted.

“Please stay out of this, Rainbow.” The Mayor said, calmly. “I have an important meeting to get to.” He left the lab in a hurry.

The Commander wasn’t done with either of them yet. “Son, you have a place on the Mayor’s detail!” She said to him sternly. “Do not leave his side.”

Ravi nodded. “Yes, Ma’am.” And left to go find him.

“We’ll finish this discussion later!” She said turning back to the four. “Go!” She gestured them out.

Zoey, Nate, Steel and Rainbow Dash were all mortified that they were told to leave. “And, don’t even think about doing anything like that ever again!” Cozy said, giving them the stink eye. They all left with the Commander in tow, and Rainbow and Steel both felt like their stomach came out of their bodies instantly.

“I guess we should’ve thought this whole thing through, huh?” Rainbow asked, depressed as she slouched and flew slowly out of the building.

“Probably so.” Steel said, patting his friend on the shoulder for relief.

The two pals were left crushed, their honor and respect ripped away from them. Karma had bitten them hard in the flank, or butt as only yesterday it started out as a sneaky plan to bring their friends together. Now it was the commander and the others who found out, and cast them out harshly because of what they did. At this point, neither of them cared anymore. All they wanted to do was apologize, and explain the whole situation out to them. Unfortunately, the prospects of that happening looked bleak. All that was left for them to wonder now, was how things could ever get any more worse.

The vehicle arrived at the side of the road and in it were Zoey, Ben and Ravi. “Stay here, Sir.” Ravi told the Mayor.

“We’ll take care of this.” Ben told him. The Mayor nodded, as they left the car. He had to make sure that they weren’t too close for them to hear his plan. He got out his communicator. “Blaze! Grubber!” He told them. “You have got to ambush my guards! I need that Morph-X!” He started to cough violently as the three returned.

“All clear!” Zoey said, as she opened the door to let the Mayor out. “We can go.” The Mayor stepped out to join the others. They walked to make sure the area was all clear. He started to cough, but the heroes paid no attention yet.

As they were walking, Robo-Blaze and Grubber arrived unnoticed. It was time for them to execute their plan. “Man, how are we supposed to get the master Morph-X now?” Grubber wined.

“I think I have an idea.” Robo-Blaze said, as he spotted a girl wearing her tiara. He approached her and removed it from her forehead. He shushed her silently, as to not give away what they were doing. He brought the Tiara to Grubber, who unleash the robotron key, and plugged it in, transforming it into a robotron!

“Tiaratron, ready for battle.” The robot introduced herself. “My jewels will dazzle my enemies!”

Grubber started to laugh, but one look from Blaze got him to stop. “Go and attack the Rangers!” He instructed her. “As soon as the mayor is unguarded, we’ll get him his Morph-X!”

“That’ll be a crowning glory!” Tiaratron said, as she went off to do her deed.

Back to the Rangers, as they were aiding the Mayor, who started to cough again. Ravi patted him on the back, to reassure him that it was okay.

As they walked by, they heard a scream, and they turned around to see said robotron about to come right at them! “Hi-yah!” It said, as it did a kick, but Ravi deflected it.

“Watch out!” He shouted as Tiaratron tried to go for the Rangers, but Zoey and Ben both traded blow for blow with her. Finally, they regrouped with the Mayor, as they backed away from it.

“I’m made of diamonds, and this is going to be rough!” Tiaratron Said, as she posed for battle!

The three knew it was time to get serious. “Mr. Mayor, Stay back!” Ben said to him, as the others approached the robotron, ready to fight. “It’s Morphin time!” He called out.

They activated their Morphers and keys. “ACTIVATE BEAST POWERS!” They shouted, and morphed into their ranger forms.

“You two guard the mayor.” Ravi said to Ben and Zoey, as they nodded. “I’ll take care of sparkles!” He went after Tiaratron!

Ben contacted Commander Shaw. “Commander, a robotron has just attacked!” He alerted her.

Commander Shaw received the message loud and clear. “Copy that!” She said. “And, a gigadrone detector has gone off in sector ROMEO-2-1! I’ll send Devon to deal with it!” She turned to Rainbow and Cozy. “Rainbow! Cozy! Get the Racer and Beast-X King Zords and help Devon!” They nodded, as the rushed to help their friends. “And, the rest of you, help Ravi, Ben and Zoey!”

“Yes, Ma’am!” Steel said, as the others nodded, and left to help their friends on the ground.

The Beast-X King Zord was already deployed, as Cozy formed it in cycle mode. Devon’s Racer Zord boarded the cycle. “You ready for this, Devon?” She asked.

“You got it, Cozy!” Devon said. “Alright, guys! You know the drill!”

“Sure do!” Rainbow and Cruise said bravely as the two zords were ready to face Tiaradrone head on!

Meanwhile, Ravi was taking punch after punch with Tiaratron, and kicked her. She only staggered back, as they traded blow for blow, until she knocked him down.

Nate, Steel, Starlight and Spike arrived just in time to see their friend start to heat up, as he was tumbling on the ground. “Ravi!” Steel said in alarm.

“You’re burning up!” Starlight said, worriedly.

“Starlight’s right!” Nate said. “You could overheat!”

“I know!” Ravi said in pain, as he was trying to get up. “I need a minute! Go!”

“Right!” They said, as the started to charge at her.

“Prepare to face us, you walking accessory!” Starlight said, as they ran up to her. They clashed with Sabers, fire breath, and magic zaps to get to her, but Tiaratron dodged them. But, she wasn’t lucky as Starlight jumped and kicked her in the chest, sending her flying.

However, she had a trick up her sleeve, as she used her jet boots to land herself on the ground safely. “I thought Gold and Silver were supposed to shine!” She cackled, as she fired beams from her hands to send the four heroes down to the ground. So far, this would be a tough opponent for them.

Meanwhile, the two zords were on their way to charge at Tiaradrone. But, like the robotron, this one also had trick ready for them, as he fired tiaras from his head, producing flying crowns, as they fired an array of beams at the zords.

They turned around, and was shocked at what they saw. “It has drones!” Devon said in shock, as he saw the flying air Tiaras flying toward them, and their zords!

Rainbow gasped in shock. “Not good!” She said, in surprise.

“Did not think this through!” Cozy said worriedly.

“We can take em!” Devon shouted bravely, as the zords revved toward the flying tiaras, and used the Beast-X King Zord’s staff to blasts the drones down, and out of the way...and the count. The zords landed, and were ready for round 2!

Back to the fight on the ground, as Ravi was just cooling back up to fight again, while Zoey, Ben and the Mayor arrived to him. “How are you doing, Ravi?” Zoey asked.

“Cool enough to get back into it.” He said, calmly to them. “You keep the Mayor safe!” He got up, and got ready to charge at the robotron.

“Got it!” Ben said.

“Roger!” Zoey said, bravely. They went to Mayor Daniels. “Don’t worry. We’ve got your back!”

Nate and Steel, and their equestrian allies were still going at it with Tiaratron, as they tried to get to her, but she kept striking them down. Finally, Ravi arrived, and tried to punch her, but she dodged. Ravi wouldn’t quit THAT easily, as he tried to kick her.

As the fight unfolded, the Mayor watched bravely and worriedly, hoping that the distraction would keep them busy enough for him to get his fill of Morph-X. Ravi tried to get to Tiaratron, but she kept blocking his moves.

Robo-Blaze and Grubber arrived from behind, secretly watching the fight go on. “We gotta hurry!” Grubber said with worry. “The Mayor could transform into the Storm King at any time!”

Robo-Blaze nodded, as he whipped out his key, and morphed into his evil Robo-ranger form. The two approached the heroes. “Give up the Mayor, and we won’t hurt you...much!” Grubber said, evilly as he smirked at them.

“You’re not taking him anywhere!” Zoey said furiously to them.

“And especially not to the likes of YOU!” Ben shouted at them as well.

Just then, Zoey realized something...the new weapon that Nate made! “Hey!” She said in excitement. “Time to test out Nate’s new weapon!” She said to Ben.

“Alright!” Ben agreed. “I was hoping you’d say that!”

“What?” The villains said, confused.

Zoey answered that questions, by hitting her transporter. “TRANSPORT...BEAST-X KING SPIN SABER!” She shouted as a lion-like sword arrived in her hand.

“Here we go!” She said, as she and Ben raced over to them. Zoey spun the Spin Saber in her hand to the villains, who dodged the new sword. But, Ben threw some aquatic punches, and Zoey threw some powerful slashes, that neither villain could block them both.

“How do you like them apples?” Ben asked, as they zoomed over to a nearby pavilion.

“Get back here!” Robo-Blaze said angrily, as he and Grubber chased after the heroes.

Meanwhile, Ravi and Spike tried to throw punches and fire breath toward her, while Steel and Starlight used magic beams and the Striker Saber to strike her down. Nate even tried to use his weapons, but she was a tough diamond.

Ravi whipped out his Beast-X Visor. “Time to pump things up!” He said, as he linked it with his morpher.

“Go for it, Ravi!” Spike cheered as he fought the Robotron with the others.

“Visor linked! ACTIVATE BEAST-X MODE!” Ravi shouted, as Smash linked with him within seconds to form his armoured ranger mode.

“BEAST-X MODE READY!” Ravi shouted as he pumped his fist on the air, turning it into Smash’s fist. He turned to Tiaratron. “Hey, Robotron!”

Tiaratron took notice, and was shocked. “Uh-oh!”

“GORILLA SLAM!” Ravi said, as he ran up to her, and delivered a ferocious punch, sending her to the ground, and making her self-destruct.

The robotron tumbled down, and was shorting out. “Ah! Ugh! You cracked my jewels!” She screamed as she exploded, and was no more.

“Well, that takes care of that!” Starlight said smugly.

“But, Zoey needs us!” Spike said urgently. “Let’s go!” The others understood as the rushed over to help their friend.

Zoey, and Ben were still going at it with Robo-Blaze and Grubber, using the Spin Saber and Aquatic punches to strike them down. The Mayor was watching nervously to see who would win, as the villains tired to get to them, but to no avail as they were splashed to the ground.

“How do you like being a wet blanket?” Ben joked.

The two villains got up, and snarled at them. “Actually, we like it just fine!” Robo-Blaze said, as he used his rapier to strike Zoey down.

“ZOEY!” Ben said in shock, as he saw her go down, and demorph.

“And, you’re next, Green!” Grubber said, as they got ready to strike him down too!

Ben took a good look at the villains, and saw that he was outnumbered. “Uh-oh!” He said.

“No you don’t, Grubber!” Nate angrily bellowed as he, Spike, and Starlight arrived at the right time to stop them. Steel used his Striker Morpher to blast them, while Starlight used her magic to blast them too.

“Out of the way, you guys!” Ben shouted, waving his hands to get them out of the way.

Nate and Spike were about to strike at them, when Grubber took Blaze’s rapier and slashed them with it! Spike was flung off, and sent to where Zoey was. “SPIKE!” Nate called out. But, he was blasted by the rapier a myriad of times, but still stood up.

Grubber saw that the rapier had no effect, so he aimed it at him, and kept firing at him. “FALL!” He shouted. “FALL!!!” He kept blasting Nate, until he started to fall down, which he did and instantly demorphed, the minute he landed.

“Nate!” Zoey and Ben shouted as she saw him demorph.

“NOOOOOOO!” Spike and Starlight shouted in horror, upon seeing their friend fall.

“NATE!!!” Devon, Rainbow and Cozy shouted from their cockpits, horrified upon seeing their friend get blasted down.

Zoey, and the others were shocked that he was down and out, and was furious. She noticed the Spin Saber and got back up quickly.

The villains noticed her get up. “Get her!” Grubber shouted, as they blasted her, but she dodged them all and got to the Spin Saber just in time. She landed nimbly, and was ready finish them. She threw the Saber at them like boomerang! “TORNADO TAKEDOWN!” She shouted as the Saber flung by them, and slashed them down to the ground.

“What?!” Robo-Blaze asked in shock.

“Impossible!” Grubber shouted in horror, as he got back up. Robo-Blaze wasn’t so lucky as he exploded instantly. The hedgehog as horrified. “No! Not Robo-Blaze too!” He said in agony. “I’d better tell Tempest about this!” He teleported away from the Rangers, before they could hurt him even more.

Zoey was proud that her enemies were defeated. Suddenly, she heard a faint voice. “Zoey!” It was Nate! Zoey rushed over to him, while the others were already right by him.

“Nate, please be okay!” Zoey screamed as she watched the light hit. “We don’t want to lose you!”

“We still have a lot to make up for!” Spike said, unable to hold back his tears as he thought back to how they’d left Nate, like he’d meant nothing to their Zord.

“When all this is over, you can continue to hang out with us!” Starlight promised.

“And new inventions as well!” Ben added.

“We’ll do anything to make it up to you, Zoey!” Zoey said as tears flowed down her eyes. “Please, just be healed!”

Suddenly, Nate took in a deep breath, as he awoke, opening his eyes. The others sighed with relief, knowing that their friend was okay.

“Nate, are you okay, Bro?” Steel asked.

“I think so,” Nate said, as he got to his feet and stood up. He saw his friends smiling at him, as they all shared a passionate hug.

After a while, they broke the hug. “Thanks for the assist.” She said, softly to him,

“We make quite the team.” Nate said, smiling at her.

“We sure do!” Starlight said, as she tapped him on the leg, smiling at him as well. Nate smiled back at all his friends who helped him today.

At that moment, the Mayor arrived to the group of heroes. “Well done.” He said to them. “Thanks. It seems I really owe you two.” Zoey and Nate looked at each other, and smiled. They also saw their friends, who nodded at them in agreement. “You saved me again.” He said, as he calmly shook their hands and smiled at them warmly. The ground team had successfully saved the Mayor from being captured. But, unfortunately, Grubber wouldn’t be so lucky when he got back to report to Vargoyle that he came back empty handed.

Back in the city, the Racer and King zords had just eradicated the drones, but now they had one gigadrone to take care of! Tiaradrone was blasting the zords, which dodged its blasts, as it was riding!

The gigadrone flew up, and back to face the two zords head on! But, the zords got ready too, as they turned around to face it as well.

“Uh, Devon? You got any ideas?” Cozy asked him.

“As a matter of fact, I do!” Devon said, as he hit his transporter. “TRANSPORT...CHEETAH BEAST BLASTER!” With that, his red blaster arrived to his cockpit, as his helmet morphed to scope mode! The Racer Zord, took the King Zord’s blaster staff, and aimed it at the gigadrone.

“KING COMBO STRIKE!” Devon and Rainbow both shouted, which made the Zord fire its staff at the gigadrone, taking it out instantly!

The Zord stopped, and posed in victory for a job well done! “We did it!” Cozy yelped in glee.

“You bet we did!” Devon said happily.

“Virus eliminated!” The three heroes said victoriously, as their obstacle was once again brought down by the hammer of justice! Mission accomplished!

Author's Note:

And, that’s all for this chapter! The robotron and gigadrone of the week have just been destroyed, and the heroes have once again proven themselves worthy of protecting Mayor Daniels. But, Grubber will have to explain to Tempest that Robo-Blaze has been destroyed. How can this possibly go for him? And also, what about the Mayor? Who’ll be the traitor revealed at Battleforce? Stay tuned for some shocking answers, and horrifying secrets coming at the epilogue!

I forgot to mention, that Mayor Daniels had referenced Canada in the previous chapter, when he said he was having lunch with the Canadian ambassador. Which is a fun fact, because My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic was created by DHX Media (Now Wildbrain) in Canada, and premiered on Treehouse TV (one of my favourite TV networks) in that same country! Who knew? :)