• Published 5th Jun 2021
  • 382 Views, 1 Comments

A Dashed Shade Of Red Part 1: Hidden Mysteries - TheSuperTransformerFan

Steel and Rainbow Dash try to bring Zoey and Nate together, and collect memories...despite the strict restrictions Grid Battleforce has on dating. Part 1 of the Rainbow DashXRed Ranger Arc.

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Part 2: The Secret Stakeout

Zoey and Rainbow Dash had saved the Mayor from being kidnapped, but Rainbow could instantly tell something seemed off about him. When they got back to Grid Battleforce, they had instantly told their friends what had happened. Everyone was shocked when they heard this news.

“The Mayor was almost kidnapped?!” Starlight asked in shock.

“Robo-Roxy was there?” Spike asked.

“Yes, he was.” Zoey told them, with Rainbow nodding in agreement.

“Apparently, she had plans for him, but we didn’t know what!” Rainbow added. “We didn’t want him kidnapped, so we brought him here.”

Once she had heard this Starlight turned to the commander. “And you want him under watch?” She asked, almost going into Twilighting mode.

Commander Shaw nodded solemnly. “I’m afraid so, Starlight.” She told her. “It seems that way.” She turned to the Mayor, himself. “Frankly, Mayor Daniels, the fact that the Storm King is targeting you is very concerning. We need to take every precaution.”

As she said that, Nate scanned his hand while Cozy implanted something in his hand with the scanner he used. “Ouch!” The Mayor said calmly, the pain excruciating.

“Sorry.” Cozy calmly. “Since you’re being tracked down, we couldn’t take any chances. Nate and I have implanted a micro tracker inside you, to make sure you don’t get caught again.”

Mayor Daniels was shocked as he heard this. “A tracker?!” He asked.

“Yeah.” Nate said.

Mayor Daniels was starting to be on an angry shouting level, for what he said next. “WHO GAVE YOU PERMISSION TO—?!” Cozy started to back away in fright, with Nate following in tow.

Devon, and Ravi were both shocked at what he said. Rainbow flew up to him. “Mayor, settle!” She said both serious and calm.

The Mayor looked at them, and went back to calm. “Sorry.” He said. “Is that really necessary?”

“Now, if the Storm King captures you, we can find you no matter where you are.” Nate said, cautiously to him.

“And to prevent that from happening, two Rangers will act as your undercover bodyguards.” The commander said to him. She looked at the participants in the room. “I need two volunteers.”

Rainbow and Steel looked at each other, and smiled as they grabbed both Zoey and Nate and showed them to the commander. “Hey, Commander! We know someone!” Rainbow said, smirking.

“Zoey and Nate will do it!” Steel said to them happily. As they said that, the others were surprised, and Starlight smiled widely.

“Of course!” Starlight said in excitement. “Who better to model the importance of working as a team such as you two?” She gestured to them.

Zoey and Nate were both nervous. But, when they saw their friends nod, they knew they could handle it. “Of course! We’re up for the task!” Zoey said, comfident.

Nate smiled as well. “Sure. You can count on us, Mr. Mayor.” He said as well.

“Fine.” Mayor Daniels said. “But, I have lunch with the Canadian ambassador this afternoon.” He looked at the two. “You’ll need to keep your distance.”

“Don’t worry, sir!” Rainbow said happily. “We’ll get them their supplies to help maintain their cover!” And with that, they rushed out of them room to meet with Betty.

The Mayor felt like this was his chance to go into secret contact. “Excuse me.” He said. “I need to make an important call to...Hong Kong.” He started to walk out of the lab.

“Of course!” Cozy said, smiling widely, as she looked at Starlight and Spike who were both smiling as well. Devon and Ravi didn’t know WHY they were smiling so broadly, but in a few moments, all would be made clear.

Once out of the lab, the Mayor checked to see if there were any workers in sight. He only saw Steel and Rainbow going to find their friend. He breathed with relief as he went into a corner and got out his communicator to contact the Crystal Dimension.

“Bad news.” He said, silently. “Thanks to today’s fiasco, Battleforce is keeping close tabs on me! They even tagged me with a location tracker!”

Grubber and Vargoyle. who was watching this, were shocked, as Grubber dropped his popcorn. “NOOO!” He said in shock. “Well, what are you going to do?! You can’t teleport here! And if by chance you do, the Rangers and elements of Harmony will know!”

“I don’t know, yet!” The Mayor said seriously to them. “Just find a way to get me more Morph-X, or I’ll transform BACK into the Storm King in front of the Rangers!”

Robo-Blaze and Roxy, with Tempest Shadow watched in shock as they heard this. They needed to act fast. “Yes, Master!” Tempest said. “We’ll come up with a plan right away!”

“You’d better!” He said, before fizzing out.

The villains KNEW they needed to act fast, before things got ugly for both sides. “How long do we have before he transforms?” Robo-Blaze asked.

“A few hours!” Vargoyle said to them. “Give or take...”

“We need to make a plan to get him more Morph-X fast!” Tempest said with worry. The Robo avatars nodded. They need to have a plan to supply the energy to their leader...or else something real bad would happen soon!

Meanwhile, Zoey and Nate were both packing their backpacks for their mission to keep the Mayor under watch. While their were doing that, Betty came in with Steel, Starlight, Spike, Cozy and Rainbow.

“Hey, guys!” Betty said cheerfully. “We’ve been helping Steel and Dash get you ready for your...” she looked around, before whispering to them. “Secret mission!”

“Trust us!” Steel said. “You need to see what Ben and Betty made for you!” They were confused, as they saw the others nod. Ben opened a black hardware box, revealing the clothing capsules they used for Twilight’s coronation.

“Here we are!” Ben said, taking one of them out. “Remember those Clothing Capsules we used for Twilight to get her ready for her coronation after we defeated Evox?” He asked.

Nate was surprised, as well as Zoey as they both knew about those, since they used it for Twilight to get her in her dress for her coronation. “Of course.” Nate said in realization.

“Well, now we have a use for them!” Cozy said, as Ben handed her one, and she got ready to toss it like a baseball player. “As it turns out, these will be perfect for a quick disguise.” She tossed one over to Nate.

“Whoa. Wait!” Nate said, as the clothing capsule materialized a tux-like suit on him. “What the?”

“Ooh. Secret Agent Man!” Rainbow said, whispering into Steel’s ear, as they others nodded.

“Guys...” Zoey started, but she was cut off as the other capsule materialized a nice evening gown in her colours and a diamond necklace.

Ben, Betty, Starlight, Spike and Cozy smiling, warmly as tears started to come out their eyes. “Don’t they look beautiful?” Cozy asked them.

“She’s so gorgeous!” Spike said happily.

“Our little Zoey and Nate...all grown up.” Starlight said as well.

Rainbow had an entirely different reaction altogether as her eyes went wide, and without warning, did a wild cartoon take as she jumped out and shouted, “HELLLLOOOOOO NURSE!” She zoomed over to Zoey and kissed her, unable to control herself, only to be pulled back by her friends.

“Sorry, Zoey!” Rainbow said, recoiling herself. “But, it’s not often I get to say stuff like that!”

Zoey quickly recovered from her shock and saw what she was wearing and was surprised. She saw Nate’s outfit, and they both smiled. “Nice.” She said, before turning back to them.

“But...um, we’re supposed to blend in, not stand out.” Nate added on to her sentence.

“Nonsense!” Steel said, confidently. “You two make quite a pair!”

“I agree with them both!” Starlight said. “You two have been working on inventions and zords long enough to get the feel of things, and what better way to do that, then to blend in, and go undercover?”

Zoey blushed for a little bit, but then breathed. “I guess you’re right.” She said. “It DOES seem like a good idea.”

“No problem. Let’s try another one!” Ben said, as he handed it to Starlight, who threw it at Zoey the way Cozy threw it.

“BEN, NO!” Rainbow said, but to her surprise, it bounced off Zoey and hit Steel, materializing a Princess dress on him.

The others were shocked, but Rainbow had trouble holding her emotions in as she started to giggle, which would turn into a laugh. “I LOVE it!” Steel said in excitement. “So sparkly!”

“You...kinda look just like a Princess.” Starlight said, smiling sheepishly.

“Princess Steel?!” Dash said, unable to hold a laugh in. “Wow! With a disguise like that, I bet Celestia and Luna could easily find a new ruler in place of Luna’s absence!”

Steel turned to her seriously. “Don’t get too cocky, Dash.” He said. Rainbow was still gigglesnorting, but nonetheless, she calmed down.

“Thanks, guys.” Nate said. “But, our regular clothes will do the trick.”

“Oh, COME ON!” Rainbow said, now angry. “SERIOUSLY?!”

“Well, it makes it seem like we’re on a romantic date, and we don’t want to look like we’re breaking the rules.” Nate addressed her. “So, we’d just like to go casual for this one.”

“Aw. Just for one day?” Rainbow asked, giving the duo puppy dog eyes. “Besides, Nate looks really good like a secret agent, and you look just like the duchess of a kingdom!” She gestured to the two in their costumes. “Can’t you just do this one eensy teensy favor for us?”

The two looked at each other, and then Dash until finally, the decided to give in. “Alright.” Zoey complied. “One day. But, that’s it. Don’t tell anyone about this!”

Rainbow and the others nodded. “Gotcha we won’t! Nobody’s stopping you!” Nate started to give her a look, which made her recoil. “And, we’ll stop talking.”

“We’re always happy to help!” Cozy said, as she and the others minus Dash and Steel left the lab in a hurry.

“Bye, you guys.” Zoey said. She then noticed that two of them were still in the room. “Uh, why are you two still here?”

“Because...Steel and I have another idea!” Rainbow said with a devilish smirk, as she nudged Steel. And, they both brought out a pink bouquet of roses and a heart shaped candy box.

“How about this?” Steel asked, showing the valentines’ Day novelties to them. “Picture yourself sitting in the gardens, watching the Mayor, sharing some chocolates with...”

Rainbow quickly sweated with fear, and she saw the look starting to form on Nate, and decided to change topic. “OkayYouguysThanksforthehelpIthinkwe’redonehereBye!” She said, a little too quickly shoving the two out the doors, and closing the doors right away. She listened close to hear if they were acting suspicious about all this. Sure enough, they just went on like it was nothing. The Pegasus sighed with relief and flew over to her pal.

“Steel, that was pathetic back there!” She said calmly. “Why did you start to say that?! We were supposed to keep it a secret!”

“But...” Just then, Steel realized the were supposed to keep it a secret, and they almost blew the whole thing. “Oh....sorry, Rainbow Dash.” He apologized. “I forgot we were supposed to do that.”

“That’s alright!” She said, smiling. “Now, I gotta go. I’ll see you later!” She started to fly out, but Steel blocked her.

“Whoa whoa WHOA!” Steel said, stopping her. “What are you doing? I thought we were secretly going to bring them together!”

“That’s cool with me!” The Wonderbolt said excitedly. “Because, I’m about to do...”

“Secret Stakeout/Zord Simulator!” They paused. That didn’t sound right. They tried again.

“Love counseling/Tronic Beating!” Still didn’t sound right. Third time’s a charm, right?

“Playing Cupid/Memory Gathering!” They both were shocked. “Aw, come on!” She said. “I even said ‘gathering’ that time!”

“Perfect!” Steel said excitedly. “We'll go get some lunch first.” He started to head out, when Rainbow blocked him.

“But, I’m supposed to meet Starlight and Spike to collect stuff for—!” The speedy pony started to wail.

“Wait...” Steel said in realization, hardly believing what he heard, "You mean to tell me, that you’re already got plans to see Starlight and Spike to collect memories for Twilight?! Are we supposed to be learning something here? 'Cause this doesn't even sound like compromising at all.“ He took a good look at Rainbow, who gulped, and finally shook the shock away.

"Yeah, sorry Steel," She apologized, before he looked at her, almost like he was ready to give her a version of Fluttershy’s stare. "Um, Steel? Why are you looking at me that way?" She asked, while slowly backing away. "Look, I'm sorry. Okay?”

“It’s NOT okay!” Steel said, angrily to her. “I mean...I thought you were okay with helping Zoey and Nate get together! But, helping Spike and Starlight with...”

“Hey, Wait a minute!” Rainbow said, stopping herself and Steel. “I didn’t agree to help Starlight and Spike with collecting all the memories! They roped me into this, not me! It’s not like I was going to blow you off! I was also going to help you with our plan, but Starlight wanted me ‘accidentally’ run into Twilight at the spa, when I was running into Devon at the training area, trying to get him tell memories of us with Twilight and the other Rangers!” She hyperventilated for a few seconds before regaining composure. “I never meant for this to happen, so please just CUT ME SOME SLACK! Okay?!

Steel saw Rainbow’s angry face at him, and immediately, realized he missed what he was talking about. To be honest, he forgot why they were fighting. “Sorry, Dash.” He confessed, putting a hand on her shoulder.

“It’s alright, Steel!” Rainbow said, smiling to him. The two smiled, until finally getting back to business.

“Okay, we get our two lovebirds together! But, then how are we supposed to get the memories for Starlight’s scrapbook? And, more importantly, how are you going to be able to talk to Devon about this?” Steel asked with worry.

“We can’t tell Devon about this!” Dash said, seriously. “Remember?”

“No, not that!” Steel pointed out. “I mean how are you going to get him to collect more memories of you, Twilight and the Rangers? We literally have nothing in common about the two plans? How can we be friends?”

Rainbow halted, and started to get a sick feeling in her stomach. She realized that she didn’t plan these two tasks out well. And, it looked like that the two jobs were about to intertwine, and it was getting to be more harder said than done. “Uh, oh!” She gasped in fright. “Steel? I think we may have bit off more than we can chew!”

She and Steel had looks of uncomfortableness and nervous feeling in their bodies. They really did more than they were supposed to, and it looked like things would get more harder for them, as they would have to juggle the responsibilities of their jobs all at once, and without the commander knowing! They were caught between a few rocks and hard places, and they had to figure out what to do before things got much more ugly, and much more worse for them!

Meanwhile, Mayor Daniels himself was having lunch with the Canadian ambassador at a table in a garden-like restaurant. Nearby, Zoey was sitting on a bench near said restaurant, keeping watch out for anything suspicious. So far, nothing out of the ordinary yet. At that moment, Nate joined her, carrying two bowls of ramen noodles over to them and plopped down on her left.

“Anything happen?” He asked.

“Nothing.” Zoey answered, as Nate handed her Ramen noodle bowl. “But, their Ramen smells good. I’m starving.” She took hers and got ready to eat, while still keeping watch.

“I was thinking...” Nate said to her. “I know this isn’t a date, but it’s nice hanging out. Just you and me.” He smiled.

Zoey smiled at him too. “Yeah.” She agreed. “It is.”

Unknown to them, Steel and Rainbow Dash had already arrived, and were sneakily creeping behind them, ready to set their plan in motion. They saw the pair enjoying their ramen noodles. “Noodles, eh?” The Pegasus said sneaky and quietly.

“Hmmm?” Steel noticed a bamboo stick, and the two got an idea. “Well, hello!” The beast bot said, quietly as to not draw attention. “Just what we need.”

They both nodded, and moved the stick behind Nate’s Ramen bowl, and when the time was right, they tipped over the bowl, onto the ground. The two smiled, and hi-fived. “Delightfully devilish, Steel!” She said, as they watched their plan fall into motion.

Nate noticed his bowl, and picked it up. “Oh, I’m so clumsy.” He said.

“No worries.” Zoey said, confidently. “Here! We can share mine!”

“Thanks.” Nate said, as he scooched over to her to share the food.

The two watched their lovebirds about to share it together. They were so excited, that they could just scream like a pair of school girls at how they managed to make their secret plan work. “Yes!” Rainbow said quietly.

“Our work here is done!” Steel said, proudly.

“Now, let’s go find Starlight.” Rainbow suggested. Steel nodded as they went to find their friend.

Meanwhile, Zoey and Nate were enjoying the shared bowl of ramen, that they didn’t noticed they were eating the same noodle. Their noodle eating brought their faces closer and closer together, until finally, they were about an inch from each other. They were surprised as they were lost in each other’s eyes.

Mayor Daniels took notice of how distracted they were, and decided to put his plan in motion. “Excuse me for a moment.” He said to the ambassador, as he got up from his table.

Nate and Zoey were still lost in each other’s eyes as they both tenderly touched once’s face. They were about to come close for a kiss when... the juice from the ramen bowl spilled on Zoey’s lap, as she got up and Nate was shocked too, as he saw what happened and got up as well.

“I’m so sorry!” Nate confessed. “That was my fault!”

“No! No!” Zoey said. “It was my fault! I wasn’t looking!” Just then they both realized. “The mayor!” She saw that he wasn’t at his table. “Where did he go?!”

Nate noticed too, and contacted the commander on his wristcom! “Commander! We lost sight of the Mayor!” He told her frantically.

“How’s that possible?” Commander Shaw asked in shock. “Find him!” The two rushed off to find him.

As Rainbow and Steel were about to head back to the base, they noticed the Mayor heading to meet with Robo-Blaze and Roxy. At first, they sighed and whistled, thinking it was nothing. Suddenly, they both realized and gasped. “Hey! Was that the Mayor?!” Dash asked horrified.

“I think it was!” Steel answered. “Let’s go!” Dash nodded as the both started to chase after him. “Stop!”

“We knew we shouldn’t have left them alone!” Rainbow said, not wanting to forgive herself as they went after him.

The Mayor was fleeing from the pursuers as fast as he could as he contacted his henchmen. “Bring me the Morph-X, NOW!” he told them. He looked around to make sure, he wasn’t being followed.

At that moment, Robo-Blaze and Roxy, Tempest and Grubber arrived on the scene quickly. “There he is!” Tempest shouted, as they started to get to him.

Unfortunately, Rainbow and Steel arrived behind them. “Going somewhere?” She asked them, with a scowl on her face.

They saw their heroes and growled. “We were!” Robo-Blaze said. “Let’s get them!” The villains were about to strike, but Rainbow clubbed them on the head, and they fell to the ground.

The both got up, still in pain from their recent whiplash. “Ow!” Grubber said, as they got up. “That hurt! You should watch where you’re going!” He got into fighting position, as did the others.

“So much for perfect timing!” Robo-Roxy growled.

“Let’s spilt!” Robo-Blaze said, as they along with Grubber and Tempest teleported away.

“Oh, Shoot!” Rainbow groaned. “We almost HAD them!”

At that moment, Nate and Zoey arrived late. “Stop right there!” Zoey said, as she and Nate got ready to fight, only to see just Rainbow and Steel waiting for them.

“Darn it!” Nate said, disappointed. “We missed them.”

“Those fools!” The Mayor grumbled under his breath, before turning to them, smiling. “Thanks for you four helping to protect me.” He told them.

“No problem, Mayor!” Rainbow said, saluting him. “Always happy to help!”

“Sorry, we arrived late.” Zoey confessed.

“No need.” He told her. “Rainbow Dash and Nate’s brother arrived just in time to help you!” Nate and Zoey looked at the pony and robot, who were smiling at them.

Nate contacted the commander. “Commander, the Mayor’s secure.” He said to her.

“Come on. Let’s get you back to the base.” Zoey said. And, they took the long way back to Battleforce.

As they headed back, Steel and Rainbow were both feeling uneasy about what happened recently. “Hey, Steel?” She asked her friend. “You know… what happened…just now…with Zoey and Nate?”

Steel’s confusion remained for a moment till his eyes widened and he had to hide a deep blush. It wasn’t the only time something like that happened, as similar actions occurred in all the adventures before that. Of course, they never really discussed these events before, though they kept them fresh in their minds.

“I see,” he just responded nervously.

“Yeah…” Rainbow nodded awkwardly.

“So—um—what do y’all think we should do about this?” He asked.

“I—uh—well I—I really don’t know.” Rainbow answered weakly. “But, as long as they’re both together, and the Commander doesn’t know, what could possibly separate them?”

Steel nodded. Besides, they had their plan all set in motion, and it was going so well. What could possibly go wrong? They would get their answer soon when they got back to the base to tell them about their latest encounter with the robot villains, and the broken-horn unicorn and dark hedgehog. Whatever talk they had in mind, it would have to wait for the time being.

Author's Note:

And, that’s all for this chapter! Rainbow and Steel’s plan to bring Zoey and Nate Together have gone pretty well so far, and they have successfully stopped Robo-Blaze, Robo-Roxy Tempest and Grubber! But, there are times when secrets have to be revealed! What will happen next? Who will find out? And, will they collect more memories for Starlight’s scrapbook? Find out in the next chapter soon!