• Published 5th Jun 2021
  • 380 Views, 1 Comments

A Dashed Shade Of Red Part 1: Hidden Mysteries - TheSuperTransformerFan

Steel and Rainbow Dash try to bring Zoey and Nate together, and collect memories...despite the strict restrictions Grid Battleforce has on dating. Part 1 of the Rainbow DashXRed Ranger Arc.

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Part 1: The Mayor Kidnapped?!

It was early in the morning at Coral Harbor. The sun was just about to rise, as a rainbow streak buzzed through the town on a mission to a certain place she needed to get to. Rainbow Dash flew over the buildings, scanning for Grid Battleforce. “Okay. Base...base...” she looked, and didn’t see any sign of it yet. “Where the heck is the base?”

She wanted to meet up at the base with Steel to come up with a plan to secretly bring Zoey and Nate together, without the other Rangers...or the commander knowing about it. “This town looked a lot bigger than I thought.” She surveyed the town, and sighed. It was almost morning, and she was worried she wouldn’t come up with a plan in time.

She was about to give up and fly back to Equestria, when she saw a giant Morph-X tower just a few meters away from her. She flew down, and saw the base itself in its presence. “How come I didn’t notice that before?” she wondered as she landed right by the building.

She did a quick scan to left and right of her. She sighed with relief, that Starlight or Spike weren’t there yet. She knew they would come by later on in the morning, and would beg her to collect some memories for their scrapbook. Rainbow wanted to collect the memories, but helping Steel with his guy/girl problem...that was more important, right now.

She was about to fly inside the base, when she felt a tug of magic on her tail, pulling her down to the ground. Rainbow wondered who did that as she got back up to fly, only to get pulled down to the ground again. She groaned, and figured that Starlight and Spike had already arrived, and were wanting to get their friends to recall some memories a little earlier, just so they could get a head start. She looked on either side of her. And, she was right: Starlight and Spike had both arrived, as she predicted, and she could tell they wanted her to collect some memories.

“Starlight?! Spike?!” Rainbow asked, as she got back up. “Look I KNOW that you guys can pop up anywhere to get some memories, but next time, can you please knock?!”

“That’s not important right now.” Starlight said, smiling. “Spike and I want you to do a little errand for us.” Spike nodded.

Rainbow sighed. “Make it quick, okay?” She asked. “Because I need to see Steel before the sun comes up!”

“You’ll have time for that later.” Spike said, as they pulled her away from the base. The Pegasus tried to zip over there, they continued to drag her away. “We want you to talk up some memories with Twilight when she shows up.”

“Come ON!” She said, angry. “I need to talk with Steel about Nate and Zoey before it’s morning!” She saw the sun rise up. She sighed in worry. She then got an idea, as she flicked Starlight’s horn and tipped Spike over.

"Ow!" shouted the time pony, as she rubbed her horn.

“You’ll have to catch me first!” Rainbow called out as she dashed away from them and into the base. She flew so fast, that she went past the training room 5 times, before actually stopping there. She sighed, as was about to go in when the memory duo arrived behind her.

“Hey, what’s the deal?!” Starlight shouted.

“Guys, I was going to see Steel, because...” she pondered for a bit. “I was about to get him to help me find Twilight, so we could talk up some memories together!” She giggled nervously. “Yay?”

The duo smiled in relief. “For a second there, we thought you’d run off and do something TOTALLY different.” Starlight sighed.

“Yeah.” Rainbow sighed in relief, as she smiled. “Like I’d ever do that! So all I need to do is get Twilight to talk about a couple of memories?“

“Twilight's so busy, we were trying to think of the only place we could think of where you could ‘run into her’.” Spike answered. “We were going to do it at the spa, but since you’re at the training room, that works too.”

“Thanks again for agreeing to this.” Starlight said. “I know this place isn't exactly your kind of thing.”

Rainbow’s eyes bulged and was shocked, before going back into her usual attitude. “It sure isn't!” She said. “But, you know, it's for Twilight, so I'm willing to suffer through anything. And I wonder how Devon’s been doing, since he got the new Beast-X King Zord! How’s he doing?”

Both Starlight and Spike giggled. “I think there’ll be time for all that later today!” Starlight answered, as they went in the training room. Luckily, Steel was there, which the Wonderbolt was happy to see.

“Steel!” She said, waving to him.

“Rainbow Dash! Perfect timing!” Steel said, excitedly. “So, got any plans for how we can bring Zoey and Nate together?”

Rainbow blushed upon hearing this, as her friends were right behind her, shocked as well. “What?” Starlight asked, she and Spike wanting to know.

“On...an entirely different subject!” The Pegasus giggled, embarrassed and happy, trying to cover it up.

While Rainbow Dash was talking about her plan with her friends, two villains...Robo-Roxy and Tempest Shadow had a vile of Morph-X, and were searching for the Storm King. “Hello?” The Robo-Villain asked. “Where IS he?!”

“Chill, Roxy.” Tempest said, calmly to her. “He’ll be here! We just have to keep searching.” They were about to search, when they heard a voice call to them.

“I’m right here!” They turned to see none other than the Storm King, waiting for them nearby a van. They rushed over to to him. “Did you bring the Morph-X?” He asked them.

“Of course, Master!” Robo-Roxy said, handing it to him.

“Just as you ordered.” Tempest said, smiling smugly.

“Well, hurry up!” The Storm general demanded. “I have business to attend to!” The two girl villains took a plug from his staff, and filled it with the Morph-X.

“This’ll be quick!” Robo-Roxy said.

“Ah, excellent!” Their boss said, as he felt the Morph-X energy flow through him. He unplugged it, and threw it to the side. “You two need to ensure that I don’t run out!” He told them. He transformed into the alias of Devon’s dad, Mayor Daniels!

“Much better!” He said, as he stretched and the transformation was finished.

At that moment, Zoey was walking right by and saw the two girl villains, and their boss. “Mr. Mayor?!” Zoey said, shocked. The girls turned around, and gasped.

“Quick!” The Mayor called out. “She’s trying to kidnap me!”

Zoey wasted no time in rushing over to them, but the divas stopped her. “Uh-Uh! Don’t you interfere with our plans, Little Rabbit!” Robo-Roxy said sternly to her.

“Step away from the Mayor!” Zoey said to them.

“How about you try and make us?” Robo-Roxy answered as she got out her blasters and aimed them at her. “Let’s get her, Tempest!” Her teammate nodded as they got ready.

The fight was on, with Zoey running up to the two baddies, and dodging their every attempt to blast her! No matter how hard they tried, the teen dodged them. Finally, she jumped up and kicked them both to the ground. But, they wouldn’t give up as they started to recover.

Zoey was ready to take it up a notch as she readied her Morpher! “It’s Morphin time!” She called out, as she plugged her key into said device. “ACTIVATE BEAST POWERS!” She shouted, and within seconds, she was transformed into her ranger form.

“Field Jumper...Yellow Beast Ranger!” She called out, as she posed.

Tempest and Robo-Roxy were ready for round 2 with the yellow ranger! “You should’ve stayed in your burrow!” Tempest growled as they charged.

“No chance!” Zoey said, as she got herself ready to fight.

“Your mistake!” Robo-Roxy said, as her blasters turned into Yo-Yo like projectiles. Zoey gasped, as she swung them around. She tried to use her Saber, but it got knocked out of her hand. She had to take a different turn to fight.

“Last chance, Yellow!” Tempest said evilly. “Surrender now, or we make things difficult.” She readied her horn to fire at her.

“NEVER!” Zoey said angrily.

Tempest just chuckled. “I was hoping you’d take the second option.” She said, as she fired a barrage of magic blasts, while Roxy swung her Robo Yo-Yos at her. Zoey tried to fight back, but she was outnumbered weapons wise. She dodged their attacks, and whipped out her Beast-X visor.

“Visor Linked!” Zoey called out, as she linked her visor with her morpher, and got ready to turn into her super mode. “ACTIVATE BEAST-X MODE!” Within a matter of seconds, she and Jax linked to form Beast-X mode.

“Beast-X Mode ready!” Zoey said, and got ready to charge at them again!

“Do something, Roxy!” Tempest said, nervously to her teammate.

“I will...with these!” Robo-Roxy said, as she whipped out her blasters, and tried to shoot her. However, Zoey jumped up, and tried to kick the divas. Unfortunately, they ducked her. But, she changed course, as she turned back to them!

As she landed toward them, the villains tried to clash it out with the ranger, but she was stronger than the two of them combined, as they couldn’t get a clear shot of them! Finally, Zoey jumped, only to be whacked down to the ground by Roxy’s Yo-Yos.

Zoey tried to get up! “NO!!!” She called out.

But the two divas approached her, to finish her off. Robo-Roxy aimed her weapons at her. “This is the end, Yellow Ranger!” She said.

“Sorry, it had to be like this!” Tempest said, as she got a stone orb, and was ready to kick it at her. Zoey looked like she was doomed, and it looked like it would take a miracle to save her now!

Back at Grid Battleforce, Rainbow Dash was just starting to go over her plan with Steel to bring Zoey and Nate together. Starlight and Spike were starting to get suspicious. “What’s this I hear about Zoey and Nate?” Starlight asked, starting to get in edge.

Rainbow was starting to sweat with fear. “Well, I...” she started.

However, she was saved by Devon as he came in. The Pegasus took in a breath of relief, as she wiped her forehead. “Devon! Thank goodness, you’re here!”

“Hey, Rainbow!” Devon said. He then noticed Spike and Starlight. “Hi, Spike! Starlight!”

“Hi. Devon!” They both said, nervously. Then turned back to Rainbow. “What secret plan?”

Rainbow kindly shoved them out, and closed the door. “Uh, nothing.” She said. “Anyways, how you doing?”

“Pretty good.” Devon answered. “Getting the memory book ready for Twilight is pretty hectic. I need some time to talk. Becoming a ruler is pretty exhausting for Her.”

“Oh, that’s good to know!” Rainbow said, before looking around her twice. “For my memory project, I’m supposed to talk to Twilight, but since you’re here, I’ll talk to you instead.”

“Really?” Devon answered as his pal nodded. “That sounds like a good way to pass the time.”

“Wait...” Steel started to butt in. But, Rainbow cut him off.

“Tell me about it!” The Wonderbolt said, as she kindly pushed her bot friend out. “I choreographed a whole routine for the coronation and led the Wonderbolts through it today. It really took it out of me.” She turned back to Devon. “I can't imagine leading everypony in Equestria. I was going to come to the spa this morning...Y-You know, for... for the deep tissue sports massage.” She stretched her arms, and wings out. “It really helps with the sore muscles and flexibility.”

“Well, You don’t have to prove it to me, Rainbow.” Devon said, as he let out a chuckle. “I believe it.” Rainbow sighed in relief, before looking sideways to get ready to talk up some memories with her friend.

She flew over to him, quietly, tapping him on the shoulder, getting his attention. “So when do you think Twilight realized just how athletic I was?” She asked him.

“Um, the first moments we met.” Devon replied.

The 3 main Power Rangers arrived right where Sombra was. They were shocked to find out they were under his spell!

”You monster!" Ravi growled.

”Let's get him!" Devon replied.

"Well, if it isn't the World-Famous Power Rangers." Sombra replied. "You look taller on TV!"

”Isn't it rude to say you look uglier in person?!" Devon asked.

"What is this?" Zoey asked. "Attack of the giant black hole?!"

"Not a problem!" Ravi said.

They hit their transporters. "Transport! Beast-X Blaster! Beast-X Saber!" Both weapons appeared before them and they combined to form their strongest weapon: The Beast-X Cannon!

”You won't be laughing AFTER we defeat you!" Zoey said, and their aimed right at Sombra. "Ready..."


"...FIRE!" and they took 3 shots at the smoky spirit, which hurled him out of the Crystal Empire.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sombra shouted as he lost the battle against the Power Rangers.

The Mane 6 snapped out of the spirit's spell, and were shocked at what just happened.

”That...was...AWESOME!" Rainbow Dash yelled in glee and hugged the ranger who just blasted Sombra.

”Uh, Thanks" Devon replied.

"Oh, come on!" Rainbow Dash said, "Using your blasters the way you hurled him outta the empire was just amazing what you did to him!”

As Rainbow was chatting with Devon, the book of memories started to glow, and Starlight and Spike both gasped as they opened up the book and got ready to record the memories.

At that moment, Cozy Glow flew up to them silently. “Hey, guys.” She said. The two shushed her, and she had to be quiet while they did their job.

“Yup.” The Pegasus sighed. “I've been a sporty pony my whole life, and it’s gotten so much better since me and my friends met you! But, working with you guys can ache my muscles, sometimes. So I occasionally come to the spa a lot because, um... sports!”

Devon giggled. “Come on, Dash.” He said. “You don't have to pretend you don't like spa treatments. Everyone knows you're an athlete, but it's not exactly a secret you like to be pampered, too.”

Rainbow started to blush. “How did you know?” She asked, her face starting to sweat and her smiling being crooked.

“We just know sometimes.” Her friend answered.

“So, you all knew about that, huh?” Rainbow sighed in defeat, ready to hide herself in her wings until this was all over.

“And there's nothing wrong with it.” Devon said, calmly to her as he smiled. “In fact, you should enjoy your indulgent treatments...even if they’re not for sports.”

“Really?” She asked, looking up for her wings. Devon gave a non-verbal nod. “I suppose it is okay to like different kinds of things.”

“Exactly.” The teen answered. “I'm not only a ranger, Twilight’s not only a princess, and you're not only an athlete. Think of all the non-sports things you're into.” Rainbow started to ponder as more memories started to spark up.

“Okay, you got me there!” Rainbow said, as she smiled at blushed at the same time.

“See?” Devon told her. “There are other things you can, besides be an athlete, like pranking, reading and messages. And that doesn't make you any less of you or anything else.”

Rainbow sighed in relief, as she knew that she could tell Devon anything at that her secret was safe with him. “You're right. What do you say we do some ranger training together?” She asked him.

“That sounds like a great idea!” Devon said, as she raced over to the other side of the training room. “Come on!”

Rainbow smiled and was about to race over there with her friend, only to be tugged on by her tail. She was pulled to the ground as the door opened and Starlight, Spike and Cozy Glow came in the room.

“We don't have anywhere near enough memories for your section of the book!” Starlight said seriously, holding up the book.

“Sorry, Dash.” Spike said. Rainbow groaned in anger.

At that moment, she got a call on her wristcom. She answered it, and could instantly tell that it was important. “Uh, can we put that off later?” She asked them. “Apparently, somepony needs help.”

Cozy, Starlight, and Spike looked at each other, And the time mare sighed. “Fine. I guess we can take a little break.” Starlight said. “But, make sure to be back so we can collect more memories. Okay?”

“You got it!” The Wonderbolt said happily as she flew off to the scene of the battle, while the trio could only wonder how long this was going to take, and how ready she would be to collect memories when she got back.

Meanwhile, Tempest and Robo-Roxy had Zoey caught between a rock and a hard place. Zoey needed some help right about now.

They raised their weapons at her. “Prepare to be destroyed!” Tempest shouted victorious. Zoey braced for impact, as they got ready. But, that moment would never come as Rainbow Dash had arrived and slammed into the two, sending them to the ground. “WHAT?!” The broken horned unicorn shouted in shock as she saw her arrival.

“NO!” Roxy shouted in rage, her fists clenched.

Zoey looked up, and was surprised to see who was there. “Rainbow?” She asked.

“Zoey!” Rainbow said as she came to her. “You okay?”

“Yeah.” Her teammate said. “Let’s go kick some Robo-butt!”

“With you all they way!” Rainbow said, as they charged at the evil divas.

Roxy and Tempest tried to get to the heroines, but Rainbow was quick to pull some punches, and with Zoey’s help, they moved so fast, that neither side could get to the other. The two divas kicked them both to get back, but the hero girls had a trick up their sleeve.

“Rainbow!” Zoey called out. “Use your sonic rainboom!”

“Roger that!” Her friend shouted as she flew high up in the air, and dive-bombed to the ground straight down, that she produced a cone shaped rainbow, and formed her signature move!

Zoey jumped up as well, and did a swirling corkscrew kick to them. “JACKRABBIT SPIN STRIKE!” Zoey shouted.

“What?!” Roxy said in shock, as Tempest got scared as well.

Their combined attacks sent the divas sprawling to the ground, and the hero girls and landed in victory.

“And, that’s how you get it done!” Rainbow said, holding her hoof out.

“Oh yeah!” Zoey agreed as they hi-fived.

Robo-Roxy’s and Tempest’s plan failed, as they growled at them, while Robo-Roxy started to short out. “You just wait!” She said, pointing to them furiously.

“Next time, you won’t be so lucky!” Tempest shouted, pointing at them as well, before they both teleported away.

“We were so close!” Zoey said, quietly with frustration.

“Don’t worry, we’ll get them next time!” Rainbow said in the same hushed tone as her friend.

The Mayor had a look of an icy stare before, shifting to smiling as he rushed over to them.

“Mayor Daniels!” Rainbow said as he came to them. “We held them back!”

“Don’t worry.” Zoey added. “You’re safe now!”

“Thank you, Zoey! You too, Rainbow Dash!” Mayor Daniels said happily. “You two really saved my skin.”

“We’re just happy we were there.” Zoey said in relief. “But, why were they after you?”

Rainbow was also wondering the same thing too. She couldn't help but notice how beyond shocked The Mayor seemed to be at seeing them rescue him. "I know we weren't expecting things to turn out that way, but he’s acting like he was happy to see us, when he looked like he had something else on his mind." The Wonderbolt thought to herself. "Something doesn't feel quite right about The Mayor." But she didn't dare to express such thoughts out loud, as she knew better than to throw random speculations out there for all to hear.

Nevertheless, the two heroines went back to Grid Battleforce with the figure they saved in tow, where they would tell them about what happened. Something odd was happening with the Mayor. Something rather...off. But, they had little evidence to prove that yet. Until they collected more evidence, then they would find out what was really going on.

Author's Note:

That’s all for part one! The first part of memories already filled, and the Mayor saved! But, something has been...off about him. Zoey knows it, and Rainbow Dash also knows it. But, they need to find out more about his meeting with the villains. Once they find out more, they’ll get to the bottom of this yet! However, not all secrets can be good! What will happen when they tell about their latest battle? Find out in the next chapter!

Flashback(s) Used in This Chapter:
Friendship Is Magic Pt. 2
Unleash The Beast! (Fanfic)
Applejack’s “Day” Off
Read It And Weep
Griffon The Brush-Off