• Published 8th May 2021
  • 215 Views, 2 Comments

How to Original Content - Conglomerate

A struggling writer tries to find some Original Content in a vast world of critics and uniformity.

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The Journey for Originality.

It's another beautiful day here in Ponyville, it's such a shame you can't write about that, "My Average Life in Ponyville" already covers that. You think harder, sitting at your desk with quill and ink pot on hoof, 'What about a story about some strange creature who dies and comes to Equestria in the form of a pony?'

You quickly scratch that idea off the list, way too out there and wacky. Though you do know somepony who might like it. The clock on the wall continues to tick and tock, it reminds you of your deadline. Not that your whole job is on the line but you like to keep yourself on a schedule.

'Maybe some time outside would help me think of something,' you think to yourself. Getting up from the desk you head downstairs and through your kitchen, 'Maybe I could write about whatever is going on in the back of my fridge?' you think to yourself. Not a moment later you remember "101 Ways to Cook with Rotten Leftovers" and immediately crumple up that idea and throw it into the metaphorical trash bin.

Heading out the front door you begin to see the hustle and bustle of Ponyville proper, you do live quite close to the center of town. Thinking about where to go you quickly remember "The in's and out's of a Trader's Stall" and start heading towards the edge of town instead of further in.

Coming across the park, you see ponies of all sorts walking around and interacting with each other. Another idea comes to mind but is quickly pushed down by another title remembered, "A dummies' guide on how to Socialize". You "humph" to yourself quietly and continue down the dirt road.

A short walk later you arrive at Sweet Apple Acres, looking around you see a field of apple trees and a nice homestead. Maybe you could write about the apple farmer's life? This time nothing immediately comes up, so you let that idea incubate a bit until you see Granny Smith, sitting on her rocking chair. Your idea quickly cracks and crumbles as you realize that most of the Apple Family has been recorded in some shape or form, either by memory or paper.

Your frustration builds as you head away from the farm, around the edge of Ponyville. Coming across the Everfree forest you wouldn't dare go in there just for inspiration. 'Too dangerous' you think to yourself as you head on. The path your on eventually leads to a bridge, next to said bridge you can see several trees fitted with birdhouses and feeders. You must be at the one pony's house, "Buttershy" you think her name was, maybe there was some merit to caring for animals.

Sitting there for about 30 minutes reveals nothing to you as none of the animals come anywhere close towards the newcomer. A sigh of defeat sends you back towards Ponyville in search of the fabled Originality. Up ahead on the road, you see Carousel Boutique, a nice dress shop you remember going to once before. 'Not going to find anything there, with all those articles on fashion and such' you think.

Moving on you see a particularly large cloud floating up above overhead. It's not just a cloud though, it's actually a rather large cloudHOME. You think about writing something about that but quickly shoot it down, you have no idea how clouds work to begin with. Your frustration builds as you realize the day is about half over, with nothing inspiring here you move back towards the center of Ponyville, despite your earlier thoughts.

You see a number of restaurants spotted around the inner parts of town, the tallest of which being Sugarcube Corner. The building made to look like a house made of sweets was certainly intriguing, but memories of a story involving a giant gingerbread house appear in your mind. Not to mention the huge catalog of recipe books you know of.

"Nothing here either," you angerly say to yourself. Continuing down the road you finally reach on place that might hold some merit to your search. The Library of course, with it's stock of all topics your bound to find something that hasn't been written about. Newly gained vigor permeates your trotting as you head towards the Library.

You knock on the door, despite it being a public Library, you like to be polite and you know that the librarian isn't always there either. A moment passes and your anticipation to finally end this search grows, the door opens revealing the Librarians assistant. Spike appears before you, holding a stack of books in one hand and the door knob in the other.

"Hello, Mr. Text, are you here to supply another one of your books to the library?" Spike starts with,

"Well, not exactly, I was hoping to enlist the help of Ms. Sparkle. I need help with my next book," You answer back,

Spike thinks for a moment, then replies "Come in, I'll go get her,"

Nodding your head you find yourself inside the library, with several bookshelves and an interesting centerpiece in the middle of the room. Sitting down on one of the cushions situated around the room you briefly browse a few titles in hope for something to come to you, nothing does. A few minutes later you hear somepony coming down the stairs.

"Oh, hello Mr. Text, Spike here tells me you need my help with your next book?" Twilight, asks as she eventually makes it to the bottom.

"Yes indeed Ms. Sparkle, I hope you can help me with one large issue I've been having as of late," you reply back.

Twilight makes it to where you are seated and pulls another cushion to her to sit on.

"Alright then, what seems to be the issue? You need me to find some facts for you? Or do you need me to stock a couple copies of it? or..." Twilight starts asking in quick succession.

You think for a moment, about all that you've experienced and viewed today, and the frustration at the lack of inspiration from it all.

"I need your help... with finding some inspiration... specifically something original," You finally let out. "I've been all over town today trying to find some original content to write about, surely you've found a lack of original stories recently?" You ask Twilight.

Twilight pauses for a moment in though, then replies "I can't say I have seen a lack in original content, however if you are having trouble with it I'll gladly help."

"Thank you Ms. Sparkle," You say back, relieved. "I know your vast knowledge on topics could help me, I just need to find a niche topic for me to base my story on,"

Twilight again pauses to think about her selection. You take a moment to think as well, maybe just maybe you might be able to come up with something before Twilight gives you the easy way out. There, at the bottom of your mind, some raw, unfiltered though rises to the surface. You take your mind's polishing cloth and get to work trying to figure out it this last idea could be your greatest.

"Wait a minute Twilight," You say, so close to this epiphany. "What if... I write a story... about what has happened to me today!" You excitedly finish.

"Oh, what might that be?" Twilight questions.

"I got it!" You shout, "I'll write a story about an author who goes on a journey trying to find something original to write about! There can't be another story about that right?" You explain to Twilight.

Twilight gets this look on her face, one that isn't easy to read.

"What's with that look Ms. Sparkle?" You ask after a moment.

Twilight looks at you, lights up her horn and an rough draft of a book comes down the stairs from her room. She gives it to you to look over.

"Ink Pot, and the Quest for Originality" read the cover. As you look further down, you see a basic cover image of a pony standing over a cliff looking towards the night sky. At the very bottom though, was the worst part. It read, "By: Twilight Sparkle".

That was it, the final nail in the coffin, the straw that broke the camel's back, the last drop of water on a crumbling dam. Your Journey for Originality lead you all throughout Ponyville and finally here, only to end in failure.





Author's Note:

Hoo Wee my first ever story on this sight, I only have a moderate knowledge on grammar and writing however I do have quite a few good ideas despite the name of this story. I wanted a quick, funny story to kick off my entrance into this site, hope you enjoy. Also a disclaimer, this is NOT an attack on this website, at least not a whole hearted one. There may be some lack of original content, however I haven't noticed much as of late.

Comments ( 2 )

The struggle is, seemingly, eternal. But hey, welcome to FimFiction!

EI Don't Know What To Write!
Twilight doesn't know what to write for her weekly friendship letter.
Super Trampoline · 1.4k words  ·  65  2 · 1.7k views

The ending twist was certainly amusing! :pinkiehappy:

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