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Ready Set Go




Telepathic link



"Transformation Index

Ready Set Go

"Good morning, students," Vice Principal Luna greeted over the PA system, "I'm sure you're all thrilled to start the first day of the Friendship Games," she noted, catching the attentions of the kids in the hallways, "Our competitors will face off in every aspect of the CHS curriculum," she explained, "culminating in the elimination equation finale," she added as students all around and inside the building listened to the announcement.

"Welcome to the first event," Dean Cadance began, "the Academic Decathlon!" she declared with her arms outstretched, from afar, Dustin, Pixel Prada and the Dazzlings watched on. He developed a worried expression, seeing the competitors glare and scowl at each other, with confidence and contempt building around them. "You'll be scored on chemistry, home-ec and everything in between," the official told them, "But remember," she continued as the students stared each other down, "only the six students from each team with the most points will move on to event number two," she mentioned.

SONG: Acadeca, Performed by the Shadowbolts & Wondercolts

Sunset Shimmer and Wondercolts: Ho! We're gonna take you down
Ho! We're gonna take you down!
Take you down! (Ho! We're gonna take you down!)
Take you down! (Down, down, down)

Sour Sweet and Shadowbolts: (Oh oh!) We're here to take you out
(Aw aw!) We're here to take you out (Aw aw!)
Take you out! (We're here take you out!)
Take you out!

The competition began with the students starting in the chemistry lab, mixing chemicals together over Bunsen burners, trying to create the correct substance. Muffins failed to do it as her test tube exploded, leaving her with wild hair and a soot covered face. She smiled out of embarrassment while the rest of the kids managed to pass through the contest.

Wondercolts: We’re not about to let you win, so get out of our way
Think you got us beat, but we're here to stay
United strong, yeah, we'll take you down
You're not so tough, now you're in our town
All of the times we lost before
Not about to give up, we're only bringin' it more
We can smell your fear, we can see your sweat
Hope you didn't spend money 'cause you're losin' this bet!
You've got nothin' on us
Na, na, na-na-na, na
Let's go, Wondercolts!
You've got nothin' on us

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy teamed up for the cake-baking challenge along with the duo of Applejack and Rarity, all working diligently as everyone else was in the making of ; the former readying her delicate pastry with frosting. She tried it for herself, squeezing the tube of purple frosting into her mouth, licking her lips out of delight. Once everyone was done, the judges of Celestia, Luna, and Cadance walked over, holding clipboards in their hands as they checked the multiple cakes created by the duos of kids, some of whom were in discomfiture to show off their creations like Flash Sentry and Sweetie Drops with their loaf-like pastry.

The Shadowbolt pair of Suri Polomare and another student had a very decorative cake, with their school's emblem emblazened upon it. They handed out sample pieces to the judges on paper plates, grinning at each other confidently as they each took small bites of it, liking it as they approached the Wondercolt duo next. However, the puffy haired girl of Canterlot High wasn't fazed as she sliced her large pastry in half, smirking as she moved the right one aside to reveal the inside, being a replica of the Mona Lisa created out of the mix, much to the shock of the judges as they all dropped their forks in shock. The Crystal Prep team walked off in shame at their defeat, approaching their principal as glanced out at them.

Wondercolts: Na, na, na-na-na, na
Let's go, Wondercolts!

The indigo-haired Shadowbolt baker's hands shook in fright upon seeing her superior's disappointed look, dropping her pastry onto the floor, causing it to burst into pieces, receiving a glare from her partner while she smiled nervously. Cinch just took off her glasses and rubbed the bridge of her nose in agony at the defeat, while the three chs girls’ fist bumped in triumph.

Shadowbolts: Talk a little too much for a school that never wins!
Maybe you should just stop 'fore you even begin!
We are Crystal Prep High and we have a reputation!
Every little moment is about our education!

The next round of the games was the home-ec challenge, featuring the students all building birdhouses. While the Shadowbolts had their blueprints of the design all mapped out and prepared, the Wondercolts were somewhat unready to complete the task as their plans were yet to be completed. The sounds of nails being hammered into wood and saws cutting pieces filled the room where the contest took place, as everyone was hard at work.

Shadowbolts: Put your ear to the ground,
Listen to that sound!
You're a house of cards,
And it's about to fall down! (fall down)
About to fall down (fall down), hit the ground!

As the judges went around to view the finished birdhouses, it seemed that all of them were completely intact, except for the one designed by Micro Chips and Sandalwood, as it looked somewhat crude and insecure. Upon tapping it with her pen, Luna saw the structure completely fall apart, causing the two competitors to frown. Meanwhile, Indigo Zap and Sugarcoat unveiled their birdhouse to the three officials, which was a two story design with two perches, a balcony, and flames painted upon it. All three judges dropped their clipboards in awe of the exquisite design, leaving the Wondercolt duo in defeat as the techie hung his head. His partner placed his arm around his shoulders in a reassuring manner, making him smile as they walked off.

Shadowbolts: You've got nothin' on us!
Na, na, na-na-na, na!
Let's go, Shadowbolts!

Just as they were about to leave, they bumped into the girls that had beaten them, who shoved the two aside, with the pigtailed and ponytailed one flicking the piece of the broken birdhouse out of the glasses wearing boy's hand. He gritted his teeth and clenched his fist angrily while his friend glared at them. However, Applejack and Fluttershy then came over, each putting a hand on one of the boys' shoulders, calming them down.

Shadowbolts: You've got nothin' on us!
Na, na, na-na-na, na!
Let's go, Shadowbolts!

Wondercolts: Pressure's on, now we're gonna beat you
Step aside, it's time that we defeat you
Crystal Prep yourself 'cause you're about to go
Down, down, down, down

Shadowbolts: Pressure's on, you know we're gonna take you
Just give up before we have to break you
Canter-not-a-lot, you're about to go
Down, down, down, down

The competition was now in a spelling bee round, with the Wondercolts incorrectly spelling difficult words, as were the Shadowbolts, while the atmosphere became all the more intense.

Wondercolts: Take it up to the top,
'Cause we know we can win!

Shadowbolts: Maybe you should just stop,
'Cause we've seen you give in!
Wondercolts: We believe in ourselves,
And we've got what it takes!

All: And we're not gonna stop!

The last challenge of the first event pitted Twilight up against Sunset, the latter of whom had her friends supporting her all the way, while the former was barely cheered for at all by her own classmates as she reached the stage to face her opponent.

Sci-Twi: I can't wait 'til this is all over…
There's so much more that's going on…

Sunset Shimmer: And before these games are over,
I'll find out just what she's done!

Both girls had chalkboards in front of them, with a trigonometry equation of a triangle upon both. They started moving their chalk across them, writing down numbers and variables to try and solve the problem.

All: Can she do it? Will she make it?
Who will win it? Who will take it?
Can she do it? Who will take it?
Did she win it? Did she make it?

Both competitors had serious expressions as they were working diligently, going through the conundrum quickly. They began sweating nervously while time ticked down, with Principal Cinch standing between them as the lone judge.

All: Who's the winner? Who's the reject?
How did she answer?!

"Incorrect!" the head of Crystal Prep stated, pointing at Sunset, much to her surprise and to the relief of the bespectacled girl, as she had won the round and solved the equation correctly. Her rival hunched over in defeat, while Photo Finish mistakenly took a picture of the loss as her camera shutter clicked, receiving glares from her classmates, causing her to smile sheepishly out of apology.

“Say what?!” Dustin exclaimed in shock from the seats near the front row. “No way!”

"That means the winner of the Friendship Games' first event is Twilight Sparkle and Crystal Prep!" Luna declared, standing up from the judges' table. Twilight smiled happily at her success, but her fellow students didn't share as enthusiastically in her excitement, with scattered applause being heard from them in the crowd, causing her to frown.

“That’s not fair!” Sonata said in protest. “Can there be a rematch?”

“I’m sorry, Sonata. The judges make the decisions, not us.” Adagio said to Sonata, just as upset.

Meanwhile, Rainbow ran up to the stage and immediately wrapped her left arm around the red and yellow haired girl out of jubilance. "Don’t worry about it, that was still awesome!" she exclaimed as Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Applejack joined her in meeting with their teammate.

"Truly amazing!" Rarity agreed as the amber skinned girl relinquished herself from her comrade's arm.

"But… we didn't win!" Sunset pointed out, somewhat confused and frustrated as she held her arms out.

"That was as close to winnin' Canterlot's ever been," Applejack mentioned in response, placing her right elbow on her friend's shoulder, gesturing towards the excited crowd, where Dustin, Pixel, and the Dazzlings were clapping excitedly for their friends. The former let out a whistle of applause, causing Sunset to smile.

"After a careful tally of the points," Dean Cadance began as Sour Sweet, Sunny Flare, Sugarcoat, Lemon Zest, and Indigo Zap all went up on stage to join their teammate, "we'd like to present the students moving on to the Friendship Games' second event," she stated, as the twelve girls up there were applauding by the whole audience. The Wondercolt team cheered and laughed happily for themselves, making Twilight sigh as her teammates barely batted an eye, let alone clapped while she held her right arm.

“Can you believe this?” Aria asked the others. “Even though they won, they're aint giving her the cheers she deserves." Aria finished in an annoyed tone, crossing her arms.

“Are they really that conceited?” Dustin growled in anger before casting a sympathetic look to Twilight. “Why does she even put up with them?”

As the Shadowbolts exited down the steps on stage left, the glasses wearing girl was about to follow them, reaching the end of the rungs when Flash Sentry approached her, catching her attention.

"Congratulations!" Flash said in a sportsman-like manner, much to her surprise as she stopped, "You were really great!" he complimented, just as her device began humming, which caught her notice as she held it her hands, seeing that it was directing her to her left.

"I'm sorry," she apologized, holding out her hand in a way to stop him from talking, "Excuse me," she said politely, walking off in the other direction as he stood there, somewhat dumbfounded.

"Okay then…" he uttered, pretty much speechless as he was ignored by her yet again, "Aw…" he moaned disappointedly.

Later outside, the remaining Wondercolts were gathered along with Dustin, Pixel, and the Dazzlings at the school statue, conversing with one another.

“Man.” Rainbow Dash said with a sour look. “Even though they won, they don’t even bother to give Twilight a proper applause?” Rainbow grumbled at the thought of it. “Man, so much for team effort!”

“It pisses me off, too.” Dustin said, just as furious as Rainbow was. “I don’t know what their problem is with her, but…”

“You bumbling idiot!” A voice called out, making the group look to see Twilight getting berated by Suri. Twilight was flinching in fear as Suri unleashed the tongue of fury. “You made me spill punch on my uniform! Why don’t you watch where you’re going?!” Suri motions to a wet stain on her shirt.

“I’m so sorry… I” Twilight stuttered in terror.

I’m so sorry. You’re pathetic!” Suri said in fury. “You’re going to pay for ruining my uniform!” Suri then points to the stain on the floor. “And you’re going to do by licking the front of my shirt clean with everyone here watching!”

“What?” Twilight said with horror. “But…”

HEY!” Dustin called out, making Suri and Twilight look to him. The outraged then made his way to the two girls, glaring at Suri. “She said she was sorry, you stuck up hag!”

“This is none of your business!” Suri said rudely. “So butt out!”

“Why do you and everyone else treat Twilight like crap?!” Dustin growled furiously, not backing down. “She’s a part of your team, but you douche bags treat her like she’s a second class citizen!”

“We better intervene.” Sunset said before she and the others rant towards Dustin.

“Why do you care, red?” Suri asked with a sour look.

“I care because I’m not a heartless sack of shit like you or the rest of those Crystal Prep jackasses!” Dustin growled furiously, and Twilight looks to him with a surprised look.

“Why am I even talking to a lowlife like you?” Suri looked away with a harrumph.

“Yeesh, you got a stick so far up your ass, I’m suprised you don’t choke on it.” Dustin growled, making Twilight gasp and Suri look to him.

“Excuse me?” Suri said with, her fury even rising now. “You wanna run that by me again?” The other had arrived at this point.

“Dustin, please,” Said Fluttershy, “Calm down before you get in trouble.”

“No, no. Just a sec guys.” Dustin said to his friends before looking back Suri, poking at at the girl’s chest. “You see, I think the reason you’re so bitchy is because unlike you, Twilight actually has a future ahead of her, and a bright one too. You on the other hand, well, you only have your parent’s money and lifetime of regrets ahead of you."

“Okay Dustin that’s enough”, Sunset said seeing the once smug look on Suri’s face be replaced by an anguished look. Dustin saw this too, but he didn’t relent. If anthing he wanted to twist the knife in the already gushing wound.

“Hell, it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if a few years from now, I would see you on a street corner, broke, alone, homeless, and selling your body just to get by while Twilight goes on to win a Nobel prize or something. So who’s the lowlife in this situation now?!"

“Ouch.” Pinkie said in shock upon hearing those words come out of Dustin’s mouth. Suri’s eyes started tearing up upon hearing Dustin’s little rant before she started bawling and ran off.

“My word.” Rarity said with a shocked expression. “Don’t you think that was bit… much?”

“That was pretty harsh.” Fluttershy said in agreement with Rarity.

“I agree.” Twilight said, getting the boy’s attention. “I appreciate you standing up for me, but that was a bit uncalled for.”

“Seriously?! I couldn’t just stand by and watch that hussy bark at you like that.” Dustin said exasperated.

“Yo, red!” Indigo Zap’s voice called out. They turned to see the whole Shadowbolt team walking towards them, each one looking at Dustin with anger. “What did you say to our teammate?!” Indigo Zap motioned to Suri, who was being comforted by Upper Crust.

“Oh me? I just gave her a much needed reality check is all!” Dustin said bitterly, crossing her arms. “It’s not my fault she can’t handle the truth!” Indigo Zap growled furiously as she grabs Dustin by the collar of his jacket.

“You think we’re gonna let you get away with letting crap like that fly out of your mouth?! Then you are dead wrong!” Indigo Zap then shoved Dustin to the ground.

“Dustin!” Pinkie cried out as Rainbow and Applejack went to help, only for Neon Lights and King Pin to block them.

“Alright, that’s quite enough!” A voice called out. Everyone turns to see Lucius Starr had arrived.

“Lucius?” Sunny Flare asked with surprised look. “What are you doing here?”

“To break up this ruckus.” Lucius said, looking to Dustin. “Care to explain what the problem is?”

“We’re glad you showed up.” Sour Sweet began, casting a sour look to Dustin, “This ass hat here said something that really made Suri upset!”

“Only because she was barking at Twilight after she accidentally bumped into her!” Dustin protested in fury. “If anybody is at fault, it’s that twat!” Dustin said, pointing to Suri.

“Why you…” King Pin said before he went to deliver a punch, only from Dustin to block and grab his arm before trapping him in a headlock.

“What is going on, here?!” Cinch’s voice called out, and they see her walk to them. Along with Dean Cadence, Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, and even Allister.

“Precisely what I want to know?” Celestia said as she and Allister cast a glare to Dustin, making the boy look the other way.

“Well, we were…” Indigo Zap began, before Lucius interrupted.

“They were just rough housing.” Lucius said, making everyone look to him. “The competition seemed to be getting them worked up, so they were just letting off a little steam through casual horseplay.”

“We were?” King Pin asked, and Lucius casted a glance to him. “I mean we were. Yeah.”

“Uh…” Dustin said, and Lucius looks to him. “Yeah, just some friendly horseplay’.” Dustin then gave King Pin a noogie, much to the boy’s dismay. Dustin then releases King Pin while patting him on the back.

“See? No harm done.” Lucius said, and the five faculty members actually brought the lie.

“Very well then.” Cinch said, buying the lie. “So long as nobody was hurt.” Cinch then noticed the teary eyes Suri had. “Miss Polomare? Is something the matter?”

“Huh?” Suri jumped a bit. “Oh uh... just allergies.” Suri said with a big smile. Cinch was a bit skeptical, but she believed the lie.

“Neon Lights, escort Suri to the nurse’s office.” Cinch said as said boy walked off with Suri. “The rest of you, don’t overexert yourselves. The Friendship Games is not over yet.” And with that said, Cinch, Cadence, Luna, Celestia, and Allister walked off, leaving the two teams in alone. Once the coast was clear, both teams cast a venomous glare at each other.

“You got lucky, punk!” Sour Sweet said to Dustin with venom in her voice.

“Up yours, bitch!” Dustin growled in fury.

“Ok, that’s enough!” Lucius said, making everyone look to him again. “And as for you,” Lucius looks to Dustin, “I suggest you behave yourself from now on.” Lucius walked to Dustin with a warning look on his face. “Next time you foul up, there will be some serious consequences ahead that I cannot interfere in. Do we understand each other?”

“Crystal Clear.” Dustin uttered under his breath. Lucius smiled and walks off, leaving the two teams alone.

“Don’t think that you’re off the hook, pal!” Indigo Zap said with a sour look to Dustin. “Because you’re not! Not by a long shot!”

“You mess with one of us; you mess with all of us!” Sunny Flare said as she and the other Shadowbolts walked off.

“That was way too close.” Sunset said before casting a glare to Dustin. “What were you thinking?! You could have been in some serious trouble!”

“I had to do something!” Dustin said in his defense. “You saw what that bitch was going to make Twilight do!”

“Regardless, you were just lucky that Lucius fellow was there to intervene!” Rarity said to Dustin like a mother scolding her child. “If he hadn’t, then who knows what would have happened!?”

“Thanks for standing up for me, by the way.” Twilight said to Dustin. “Even though you did so with some rather…brazen choice of words.”

“No problem.” Dustin shrugged. “Why do you even put up with those punks, anyway?” Twilight was about to answer until…

“Twilight!” The voice of Cinch called out. Twilight jumped upon hearing that.

“C-Coming!” Twilight called out before looking to Dustin. “Sorry, I have to go.” Twilight then ran off, making the others look at her.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy, was near a statue of a golden horseshoe, kneeling down to the grassy ground before looking left and right to see if there was anyone in sight while she had backpack upon her lap. Once the cost was clear, she unzipped the backpack to reveal a gray cat with a green collar inside of it, who purred happily as she nuzzled her face into the shy girl's.

"Wow. You really have a way with animals." A voice said, taking the girl by surprise. Fluttershy looked to see Salazar. He walks to the feline and scratched behind its ear, eliciting a purr. “Cute little thing.”

“Isn’t she?” Flutterhsy said with a smile as the cat rubbed her head on Salazar’s hand. “It looks like she likes you already.” Suddenly, they all heard the rustling sound of a bush, enticing them to look over and see Twilight poke her head out from the shrubbery, holding her device in her hands.

"Twilight?” Salazar asked with a confused look. “What are you doing in that bush?” Twilight looked around nervously, trying to come up with an answer.

"Do you wanna give her a treat?" Fluttershy asked the glasses wearing girl, referring to the cat in her bag. After taking a look at her device for a moment, she cracked a small smile, walking over to her as she took her own knapsack off of her shoulders, holding it in her hands as she approached them.

"Guess I'm not the only one to smuggle her pet into school…" Twilight realized, kneeling down next to Flttershy with her backpack in her lap.

"Not just one," Fluttershy told her after a small giggle, unzipping her backpack fully to reveal a bird, a bunny, and a gerbil among her cat, much to the surprise of both the Salazar and Twilight.

“What… How in the…” Salazar trailed off, stumped.

"Oh, wow," Twilight uttered out of disbelief as the small bird flew around near her, "All I have is Spike," she noted, unzipping her own bag to allow the purple puppy to poke his head out, panting excitedly.

“Must feel stuffy in there, huh little guy?” Salazar said, rubbing Spike’s head.

“Hey, Salazar!” Sour Sweet called, making the three look to him. “The bus could use a little scrubbing.” Sour Sweet pointed to the Crystal Prep bus, which had huge splotches of paint on it.

“What the…” Salazar said before looking to Sour Sweet with fury. “You and the others did that, didn’t you?!”

“Doesn’t matter!” Sour Sweet said as Sunny Flare arrived with a bucket and a sponge. “The bus is dirty, so you’re gonna clean it!”

“Not only no, but Hell no!” Salazar got up and glared at the two. “There’s no way in Hell I’m cleaning up a mess that I didn’t even make!”

“Do you want us to give Cinch a holler?” Sunny Flare said warningly, making Salazar growled angrily. But seeing no way out of this, he sighs and went to fetch the bucket. “I thought so.”

As both Twilight and Fluttershy see Salazar walk off towards the school bus, they felt sorry for the boy.

“Oh, how awful.” Fluttershy said with pity. “I can’t believe Cinch made him do whatever the Shadowbolts tell him.”

“They’re working him like Cinderella.” Twilight said with a sad look as she sees Salazar wash the bus with nothing but a sponge. “They’re going to work him to death at this rate.” Spike whimpers as he sees Salazar slaving away.

“Well, can’t you say something to Cinch?” Fluttershy asked. “I don’t know how much more of this he can take.”

“If only it were that easy.” Twilight said with sorrow. “Cinch pretty much hates him with a passion, and I know Salazar feels the same.”

“How so?” Fluttershy asked. “I know Salazar and Cinch don’t really see eye to eye, but he doesn’t seem like he’s a delinquent.”

“He gets in trouble for my sake.” Twilight said with a look of guilt, and Fluttershy seemed interested. “He’s pretty much the only friend I have, besides Spike here.” Twilight pats Spike on the head. “Ever since we first met, he’s always stood up for me. Even if it meant he got in trouble.”

“Like what?” Fluttershy asked, her curiosity peaked.

“Well, this one time when a bully was picking on me, Salazar broke his nose with a textbook” Twilight said, earning a shocked expression from Fluttershy. “I’m not kidding; I could even see blood stains on the cover.”

“Oh…oh my.” Fluttershy stuttered in shock.

“I still get chills just remembering that ordeal. The bully was fortunate enough to suffer only that.” Twilight said with a wince. “As for Salazar, well… Cinch wanted to expel him for the act, but I managed to talk Cinch out of it. So instead, he got a month of after school detention and had custodian duties for three months.”

“Three months of custodian duties?” Fluttershy gasped. “That sounds a bit harsh.”

“I know.” Twilight said with a sigh. “Since then, he and Cinch had been butting heads. I don’t know why he does this to himself.” As Twilight said, Spike whined as he shared the same sympathy.

“I see Spike agrees with us.” Fluttershy said as she looks at him closely, "Does he talk?"

"Um, not that I know of…" Twilight responded after a moment, adjusting her glasses.

"Congratulations on winning, by the way," the shy girl complimented, letting the bird land on her right index finger while she used her left to scratch Spike's belly, as he enjoyed it while lying down, "Though," she continued, glancing over to the Crystal Prep student as she ceased her action, "it didn't seem like anyone on your team was very excited about it," she mentioned to her.

"No one at my school gets excited about anything they didn't do themselves…" she replied, rubbing her left shoulder somberly.

"That sounds awful…" Fluttershy noted as her bird flew off, seeing the Twilight wearing girl turn her head away, letting a saddened look come across her face. Fluttershy glanced over to her left, grinning as she noticed something. "Here," she said, catching Twilight's attention while she was standing up, "Hold this," she advised, holding her white rabbit in her hands out to her as she then squatted down.

"Um, why?" she asked, somewhat taking the rabbit in her hands while raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"Holding a bunny always makes me feel better," Fluttershy responded with a bright smile.

"Well, that's ridiculous…" the bispecticled girl stated bluntly with a blank look on her face, "But..." she started to say as the rabbit began nuzzling her chin, much to her surprise, "Ooh," she cooed, rubbing her right cheek against him, "It actually kind of works…" she confessed with a smile on her face. She then widened her eyes in realization as she remembered something. "I'm on the other team and you just lost," she pointed out, "Why are you being so nice to me?" she asked.

"You looked like you needed it," the shy girl responded as suddenly, a bright, yellowish aura began enveloping her body.

Salazar took notice of this and was wide eyed in shock as he witnessed Fluttershy stand up, with her pony ears, wings, and ponytail all appearing upon her as she floated in midair. “Cool.” Salazar said in amazement.

"Whoa!" Twilight exclaimed after a gasp, amazed by the transformation. All of a sudden though, her device activated, humming loudly as it hovered Fluttershy, catching Salazar’s attention.

“Not again!” Salazar said as he saw the pendent open on its own, revealing the growing energy sphere inside of it. Without any warning, it began to pull in the yellowish aura from the now-winged girl, much to her surprise as felt her energy get taken away. “Oh shit!”

Twilight stood up and let go of the bunny. Just then, sparks flew out of the contraption, causing a multitude of small rifts to suddenly appear all around the group. As this happened Spike looked frantically towards his owner, who was just as shocked to see the portals that were surrounding them.

Without warning, a brown, rabbit-like creature with antlers on its head jumped out of one of the rifts, landing right between the dog and the cat. The latter was startled and fell over, while the former growled at the literal jackrabbit, seeing it leap back into the vortex it had come out of. He chased after it through the portals, jumping from one to another as he barked.

"Spike!" Twilight called out as he continued to pursue the strange creature. All of a sudden, he leapt out through another portal that appeared, landing right into the stream of yellowish aura that was flowing away from Fluttershy, causing him to yowl as it seemed like he was being electrocuted by it. "Spike!" Twilight exclaimed in shock, quickly running over as Salazar ran in and managed to catch the canine, Twilight used all her strength to close her device completely, snapping the aura connection and making the rifts disappear. With a shudder of fatigue before falling to the ground, Salazar handed Spike to Twilight before kneeling down beside Fluttershy

"Are you okay?!" Salazar asked Fluttershy out of worry, putting his right hand on her left shoulder.

"Huh…" she responded weakly, "I dunno…" she uttered, trying to push herself off of the ground.

“Twilight, what the Hell was that?!” Salazar said, giving her a stern glare. “I thought you said you had that thing under a tight grip!” Twilight paid Salazar no mind as she knelt as well, holding her pet in her hands.

"Spike, are you okay?" she asked him, catching the attentions of both him and the others among them.

"Um, I think so…" he responded suddenly, much to her relief, while the Salazar and Fluttershy dumbfounded, having heard Spike as their eyes were widened and their mouths were agape. A few awkward moments passed before the two friends realized what had just conspired.

"Daaaah!" they both screamed in shock, with the girl dropping her pet, getting up on her feet, and running off, squealing out of fright.

"Twilight, wait!" Spike cried out, chasing after her, leaving the group of three behind.

“I’m tripping, right?” Salazar uttered. “Did Spike really just…”

“Hey!” Sour Sweet called out, making Salazar groan. “That bus doesn’t look clean to me!”

“Can I at least get a minute here?” Salazar said as he helped Fluttershy off her feet.

“Absolutely not!” Sunny Flare said. “Either you get that bus washed up, or I’ll get Cinch!”

“This girl is a bit fatigued, dammit!” Salazar yelled at the two, but Fluttershy places a hand on his shoulder.

“I’m fine.” Fluttershy said as she struggled to stand. “I’ll be ok…” Fluttershy was about to fall, but she managed to catch herself. She walked off, and Salazar looked to the girl in worry.

“Get a move on!” Sunny Flare called out. “That bus isn’t gonna clean itself!”

“Yeah, yeah, just shut up already!” Salazar said as walked back to the bus, grumbling angrily. “When I’m done, I’ll give you a wash.”

“What was that?” Sour Sweet said with a cooked eyebrow, placing a hand over her ear. “I could hear you.”

Salazar sighs. “Nothing, nothing.” Salazar then proceeded to wash the bus. ‘ Fucking bitches!

"Twilight, come on!" Spike cried out, still chasing her, "Wait for me!" he begged as she kept on scampering off, covering her ears to avoid listening to her pet's voice, since she could not believe it still. Twilight suddenly screeched to a halt as she arrived at the end of the hallway she was running through, standing in front of a wall with a poster of a crown upon it. She turned around and braced herself against it, biting her lip nervously as Spike approached her. "Why did you run away like that?" he asked while she shimmied away along the wall and lockers fearfully.

"Um, I don't know…" Twilight responded sarcastically, stopping herself while the exceed came up to them, "Maybe it has something to do with the glowing girl," she suggested as she continued to breathe heavily, "or the hole in space," she kept going, "Or my talking dog!" she exclaimed as she finished.

"Yeah," Spike concurred, "Weird, right?" he guessed, scratching his left ear with his back left paw. Twilight just blinks in surprise as she seemed to have calmed down.

"Are you okay?" Twilight asked her pet, squatting down to his eye level as she had both his and his new friend's attentions, "How do you feel?" she questioned on, scratching his chin, "What happened? Where did you go?" she asked quickly, bringing his face closer to hers as her questions were becoming frantic. The puppy responded by licking her nose, making her immediately turn away to rub off the saliva.

"Hey, one question at a time!" he pleaded, "This is pretty new to me, too…" he mentioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Sorry," Twilight apologized bluntly. But before anything else was said, Twilight felt an ominous presence behind her.

“You seem to be in quite the predicament, my dear.” A familiar voice said. Twilight slowly turned around, and who she saw was the hooded figure she and Salazar encountered at the woods a few days ago.

“Y-you again?” Twilight stuttered in fear while Spike growled at the figure.

“I see that you’re in way over your head, Miss Sparkle.” The hooded man said with a chuckle. “Clearly you don’t seem to have a grasp with what you’re getting yourself into.” The hooded man walked towards Twilight, the girl shivering in fear.

“D-Don’t you come any closer!” Twilight fished out her phone and the hooded smirks before snapping his fingers. This caused Twilight’s cell phone to short out. “Huh?”

“Don’t you touch her!” Spike said as he ran towards the figure. The figure retaliated by pointing his index finger, sending a green energy beam that made Spike freeze in place. Then with a flick of said finger, he launched the canine into Twilight’s arms.

“For someone as insightful, you truly are oblivious to what you’re dealing with.” The figure said as he paced around Twilight like a predator examining its quarry. “You wish to learn of the strange occurrences that happen here, but you’re only causing havoc.”

“What are you…” Twilight said before she looks to the pendant. “You know what’s going on! Did you tamper with my device?”

“I wish.” The figure said as he stopped in front of Twilight. “Take my advice, Twilight. Some things are better left alone. Sometimes, ignorance is bliss.”

“But… I must know about the strange things that happen here!” Twilight said as she looked back to the pendant. “I just…”

“For what purpose?” The figure said, catching Twilight off guard. “Just what do you hope to learn from everything that occurs here?” Twilight would have answered, but she couldn’t even think of an answer. “You may not realize it, but that device you carry…” The figure pointed to the pendant, “Is only causing more calamity. Surely you recall what happened just moments prior, yes?”

Twilight remembered what happened with Fluttersy, but she then gained a shock look. “How do you know that?”

“I have my ways, Twilight.” The figure then crossed his arms. “Now, if you progress your little investigation any further, you’ll be causing such chaos. But I do have a solution.” The figure then extends his right hand to Twilight. “Hand it to me, and you might prevent any further damage. Otherwise, things will not end quite smoothly for you in the end.”

Twilight looks to the hooded man, then to the pendant. This stranger’s words did have logic in them, but deep down she could feel that this mysterious figure was not somebody she should trust.

“Why… why do you want this?” Twilight asked with suspicion.

“I’m afraid that’s confidential information, my dear.” The figure said, and Twilight looked at the pendant.

“I can understand where you’re coming from. I may not know about the magic that happens here,” Twilight said, making the figure smile in response, “but I’m willing to figure it out.” The figure then frowned upon hearing that. “So, I’m afraid I’m going to decline. Besides,” Twilight then cast a glare the figure, “I don’t exactly know who you are, but I do know that you’re up to no good.”

The figure lowered his hand, his frown never fading. “Is that you’re answer?” Twilight nods in response. “Well, I have to say I’m disappointed. I knew you were ignorant, but I had no idea you would be such an idiot.” As the man said this, his hands tightened in anger. “Very well then. Keep up this meaningless endeavor of yours. But just know that when thing start falling at the seams, it’s all on you!” With all of that said, the man vanished in a green light, leaving Twilight and Spike alone.

“Man, what a creep?” Spike said before looking to Twilight. “You alright?”

“I honestly wish I was.” Twilight said as she thought of what the figure had told her. “I don’t know who he was, but I get this really bad feeling from him.”

“Not to mention his scent is pretty… familiar.” Spike said, making Twilight look to him. “I know I’ve smelt it somewhere, but I can’t figure it out.”

"Twilight," a voice chimed in, getting all of their attentions as they turned to see Principal Cinch approaching from a corner. Twilight then looked to her left to see an unlocked locker, which she immediately opened.

"Quick!" she whispered loudly to Spike, "Hide in here!" she advised. The canine nodded before getting inside with a shove from the girl. She then shut the door, turning around just as the head of Crystal Prep approached.
"Who are you talking to?" she asked, with her presence looming over her while she stood in front of the locker.

"Um, myself," she responded nervously while from afar, "It's a nervous habit…" she noted, pulling at the left strand of her hair, "Were you looking for me?" she asked with a smile.

"Indeed I was," Cinch replied in a dignified manner, "Quite a coincidence that the CHS students moving on to the next event are the same nice girls who were so interested in you," she pointed out, walking past the girl while she was rubbing her left arm, "don't you think?" she questioned, glancing back at her with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm… not sure…." Twilight admitted in response.

"Perhaps you should get to know them after all," the principal suggested, pacing past her again.

"But I… thought you didn't want me to…" Twilight mentioned to her.

"Let's just say I'm covering my bases," she said, "Who knows?" she questioned, going up to her with a confident look in her eyes, "Perhaps they will reveal to you the secret to Canterlot High's newfound success," she inquired, placing her hands on the girl's shoulders. What Cinch failed to notice however, was Allister was listening to every word.

"I dunno…" she uttered, glancing away for a moment, "Spying feels kind of...wrong," she admitted, looking back at her as she had a disappointed expression on her face.

"Well," she began, adjusting her glasses, "it's your decision, Twilight," she realized, walking away, "It's not as if your application hangs in the balance," she mentioned, causing Twilight to give off a surprised look, along with Allister, "On second thought," she continued, halting herself, "yes, it does," she declared, trotting off without another word, much to the girl's shock as she folded her across her chest.

Allister clenched his teeth angrily before casting a sympathetic look, Twilight.

"Man, she's awful…" Spike noted to her with an arched eyebrow, "What are you gonna do?" he asked worriedly.

"Huh…" she sighed in reply, "I don't know, Spike," she confessed, "I don't know…" she repeated, leaning against a locker and sliding down it until her rear end touched the floor. She curled up, putting her arms over her knees as she had a very saddened look upon her face.

“Pardon me.” Allister said, catching Twilight’s attention.

“Oh, hello.” Twilight said with a surprised look. “Are you one of the faculty here?”

“Indeed. I’m Allister.” Allister said politely with a bow. “I must say, Cinch is quite devoted to achieve victory.”

“Yes, well…” Twilight said before she gained a shocked expression. “You heard all of that?”

“Quite so, dear.” Allister said as he leaned against the lockers. “I would say you should deny Cinch’s orders, but I assume that’s out of the question.”

"Yes, it is." Twilight said with a sigh. "This… program I'm applying for…" she began, "it really means a lot to me to get in…" she told him, "And Principal Cinch is going to guarantee I get in…" she continued, "as long as I do as she says for the Friendship Games…" she finished.

"But then you're not the one making your own future." Allister said, earning a surprised look from Twilight. “That woman is pressuring you into doing what you don’t want to do by using your acceptance to Everton as a bargaining chip.” Allister said, making the girl look down sadly. “There comes a point in where you simply stand tall and show others that you’re not one to be pushed around.”

"I guess you're right…" she admitted, "But I can't go against her right now," she told him, "If I do, she'll make sure I don't get into Everton…" she said, crossing her arms as she glanced away somberly. Suddenly, she felt a hand come onto her left shoulder, causing her to perk up and see Allister with a reassuring look on his face.

“But is that really what you want?” Allister asked, confusing Twilight a bit. “Let me tell you a story.” Twilight focused on Allister with peaked curiosity. “When I was about your age, there was this girl I met. She was gorgeous, sophisticated, from a wealthy family, she was perfect in every way one can imagine. And I had my heart set on making her mine.” Allister then sighed with a somber look. “Even if it meant sacrificing the things I cherished most.”

Twilight looked to Allister with sympathy, knowing where this was going.

“I ditched my friends, quit my job, and even had to get rid of many of my prized possessions, but at least I was with the girl of my dreams.” Allister released another sigh. “Eventually, I realized that she was turning me into somebody that I wasn’t. And I was an idiot for not seeing it sooner. So, we broke up and I was able to reconcile with my friends, and pretty much got my life back in older.” Allister finished his story and looked to Twilight. “My point is, sometimes the things you want aren’t always the things you’d expect.”

Twilight took in everything Allister told her. She knew there was logic in Allister’s words. "Thanks," she said out of gratitude, holding out her right hand to the fire mage," I'm Twilight Sparkle, by the way," she introduced.

"Pleasure to meet you, dear.” Allister said with another bow. “Well, I’d best be off. Duty calls.” Allister then walks off, and Twilight watches the man leave.

Meanwhile, Allister was storming off, looking for a certain individual. Luckily, he found who he was looking for. Eventually, he found Cinch sitting on a bench, powdering her face. Allister clenched his fists before taking a deep breath, regaining his composure and walked towards Cinch.

“Pardon me, Miss Cinch.” Allister said, grabbing the woman’s attention.

“Can I help your?” Cinch said with a look of contempt.

“It’s concerning one of your representatives.” Allister said with a sour look. “Miss Twilight Sparkle?”

“Oh dear. What has she gotten herself into?” Cinch said with a sight. “Whatever it is, I’ll have a chat with her.”

“Oh no, this isn’t about her.” Allister said, crossing his arms. “It’s about you!”

“Excuse me?” Cinch asked with faint shock. “Just what are you slandering me for?”

“Slandering?” Allister asked with anger in his tone. “You call pressuring a student by using her acceptance to a university slandering?” This info left Cinch shocked beyond belief. “Yes. I overheard your little conversation with miss Sparkle. I knew you were a piece of work obsessed with winning, but this is simply unprecedented!”

“You simply accuse me of such unethical tactics?” Cinch said in denial. “I’ll be sure to inform Celestia of this act of harassment!”

“Like she will believe anything you say!” Allister said with a growl. “After all, you two don’t really seem to get along very well.”

“And you’re saying she’ll believe you?” Cinch said, a smug grin visible on her face. “You have no evidence to support your claim.”

“You’d be surprised at how convincing I can be, Cinch.” Allister said to Cinch, clearly not backing down.

“Regardless.” Cinch said with a huff. “You can inform Celestia about this all you want, but good luck with a lack of evidence.” Cinch then walked away.

“First rule of war,” Allister uttered to himself with a grin as he pulled out a audio recorder from his back pocket, “know thy enemy.”

Back with Salazar, he was scrubbing the paint from the bus with nothing but a sponge. The paint didn’t seem to be coming off easily, and he still had to wash the entire bus.

“Ugh… come on!” Salazar groaned in anger. Salazar then had an idea. He looked around, and saw that nobody was around. When he saw that the cost was clear, he focused on his left hand. The appendage then glowed and was enveloped in tiny blue hexagons before the appendage morphed into a gray,and white blaster that resembled a fish head, complete with a fin on the back, two fins on the sides, and a large barrel jutting from the mouth. He then dipped the barrel into the bucket, sucking up all the water in it. After that, Salazar aimed, and fired a barrage of bubbles onto the vehicle until it was coated in froth and foam. After a brief moment, Salazar then fired a jet of water to wash the foam away, revealing the bus was now squeaky clean.

Admiring his handiwork, Salazar had a smile on his face as he blew into the barrel like it was smoking. “Yeah.” Salazar said simply as his hand changed back to normal. Suddenly, he heard a slow clapping noise from behind.

“Bravo, Salazar. Bravo.” A voice said behind him with a chuckle. Salazar turned around to see the hooded figure. “Truly remarkable. You ever considered working at a car wash?”

“You again?!” Salazar growled as he went to punch the figure, the man vanishing before his fist made contact. “What…”

“I thought I recognized you.” The figure said as he reappeared to his right. “You’re the Syndicate's first attempt at making the perfect bioweapon. But I assumed you were a failed attempt.” The figure then had a wicked smile. “Glad to know our efforts weren’t fruitless after all.”

“You… bastard!” Salazar then went to deliver a kick, but the figure vanished again before reappearing behind him. “I thought I wouldn’t deal with you punks again!”

“Well, I guess you thought wrong. How are you folks doing by the way?” The figure said, and Salazar growled furiously. “Oh right. They’re pushing up daisies.”

FUCK YOU!” Salazar went to deliver another punch, but the figure once again vanished, then repeated behind him.

“Oh, what’s wrong?” The figure taunted. “Why don’t you show me what you're capable of.” The figure leaned on the bus, a smirk visible on his face. “Come on, show me your power.”

“I’d rather not.” Salazar said furiously. The figure had a wicked grin in response, knowing the reason.

“Oh, you’re worried that people will ostracize you. Label you as a monster. A freak.” The figure spoke, knowing he was getting to Salazar. “Is that why you kept your powers a secret for so long?”

Salazar said nothing as he tried to control himself.

“Tell me. That girl you’re close to… this, Twilight Sparkle.” The man said, surprising Salazar. “You two seem to be thick as thieves, yes.”

“You better not have done anything to her!” Salazar growled, trying to hold his rage in.

“Oh, I assure you she’s fine.” The figure said assuring. “But tell me. Did you ever plan on telling her this little “gift” of yours?” Salazar just looked away in response. “If I’m not mistaken, friends tell each other anything, no matter what. And yet you never told her about this ability of your?”

“That’s none of your damn business!” Salazar said in fury, his patience wearing thin.

“Oh, you’re afraid she’ll see you as a monster like everyone else will. Am I correct?” The figure taunted, making Salazar look with uncertainty. “Well, I’ll say this much. You cant keep this a secret forever. Secrets always come our eventually.”

“Are you here to talk or fight?!” Salazar asked with anger and annoyance. The figure only smirked before vanishing, leaving Salazar alone.

“Wow Salazar.” Twilights voice aid from beside him, making him look to her in surprise. “You managed to clean this entire thing. It’s like it just came out of a carwash.” Twilight looks to Salazar with an impressed smile.

“Uh…” Salazar said before clearing his throat and gaining a smile. “Yep. I sure did.”

Back in the school, the Wondercolt team had regrouped with Dustin, Pixel, and the Dazzlings trotting through the hallways as they listened to Fluttershy's story.
"All I did was hand Twilight a bunny," she told them, "Then I ponied up," she finished with her arms outstretched.

"So now it's been you, Pinkie, Sunset, and Rarity that have all lost your magic for a while…" Pixel listed off, looking up at the ceiling. "And you have all activated your magic without the intent of doing so on purpose."

"I just don't get it," Sunset admitted with her arms crossed as they continued to trek onwards, "Rarity's magic came out when she made us outfits," she recalled, "Pinkie's when she fixed the party," she continued, "and now Fluttershy," she finished listing off, waving her hand out to her.

"And then Twilight's pendant thingy just pulled the magic right out of me," she added, gesturing to herself, "I couldn't even stand up…" she admitted.
"Like me at the party!" Pinkie chimed in, placing her right hand on her left shoulder.

"And like Sunset at the portal…" the Dustin mentioned.

"And me right before we met Twilight!" Rarity added on, tapping her chin just as they all reached the school foyer.
"So she's stealing magic?" Sunset inquired as they all stopped, with the puffy haired girl placing her right arm on Fluttershy's shoulder.

"I dunno…" Applejack confessed with her hands at her hips in a suspicious manner, "She doesn't seem like the magic-stealin' type," she pointed out, rubbing the back of her head.

“Because she’s not stealing it.” Salazar said as he made his way towards the group. “The pendant she has is acting up on its own.”

“Wait, what?” Dustin said with shock. “What do you mean it’s acting on its own?”

“I mean the damn thing is acting on its own!” Salazar stated. “I’ve seen it happen with Fluttershy. As soon as she gained those wings and ears, it started moving like it had a mind of its own.”

“Shit.” Dustin said with a look of concern.

"Yeah, but she had something to do with closing the portal," Sunset told them as she pondered the thought of it, "If her pendant can pull in magic," she began while she scratched the side of her head, "maybe it stole the portal, too," she suggested.

"How?" Flutterhsy asked.

"I don't know…" Sunset responded with an upset tone, "And the pony who could help me figure this out is completely unreachable now…" she mentioned somberly.

“Wait? Portal? Pony?” Salazar asked with a confused look. “What are you guys talking about?” The others look to Salazar.

“Uh… how do I explain this?” Dustin said, scratching his head. “Well… you know that statue in the courtyard? The one shaped like a horse?” Salazar nods in response. “Well… I know this is going to sound crazy but, that statue is a gateway to a world full of… talking ponies.” Dustin explained, and Salazar was surprised.

“Hold up.” Salazar raised his hand. “Did I… hear that correctly?”

“Trust me; I know how crazy it sounds.” Sunset said with a shrug. “But its true. I happen to be from that world myself.” Sunset said, further fueling Salazar’s shock.

“And us, too.” Adagio said, catching Salazar’s attention. “But the portal has been rendered inoperable due to Twilight’s pendant.”

“Uh…” Salazar said, still trying to process the information. “I’ll ask more about that another time.”

"Yeah. For now," Rainbow Dash began as she crossed her arms, "Let's just focus on beating the Shadowbolts," she stated, "And as long as this event puts me in a playing field, I don't think we've got anything to worry about," she declared boastfully.

"Oh, it puts you on a playin' field, alright," Applejack said, pointing towards the revamped setting. A loud gasp came out of Pinkie as she and the others had their mouths agape, seeing that the field was now practically a huge stadium with a motocross track overshadowing a speed skating track, with an archery range in the center of it as the stands stood off beside all of it.

“Oh… my… God!” Dustin said before gaining a wide smile. “Hell fucking yes! I honestly wish I was competing in these games now.” Dustin looked along the field with excitement. “I would most definitely be tearing up the asphalt!”

“Freaking sick!” Salazar said, just as ecstatic as Dustin.

"Am I the only one who thinks this is overkill?" Sunset asked, gesturing towards the new field.

"I don't suppose you've made motocross outfits…" Applejack asked Rarity as she approached them.

"Oh, don't be ridiculous…" Rarity responded rhetorically with a wave of her hand, developing a big grin, "Of course I did!" she exclaimed, pulling out two sporting uniforms, one mainly yellow, while the other was blue.

"Guess we all know who's doin' that one…" Aria inquired, looking to Rainbow.

"Yeah I am.” Rainbow said with a fist pump.