• ...

Party Chrash




Telepathic link



"Transformation Index

Party Crash

The next day, both Canterlot High and Crystal Prep students were all gathered within the gymnasium, which was decorated nicely for the welcoming party. Unfortunately, the festive atmosphere did nothing to lighten the mood of the rival schools.With schools choosing to keep their distance from one another. Meanwhile, the Rainbooms and Dazzlings searched throughout the halls with Dustin and Pixel in toe.

"What do ya mean the portal's gone?" Applejack asked as Sunset led the group with a frustrated look on her face.

"I mean it's gone," the Sunset girl responded after a moment, "It's closed," she reiterated, "It's not there anymore!" she yelled in an angered tone.

"Ease up there, Sunny…" Dustin pleaded with his hands out in a placating manner. “No need to get riled up.”

"How'd that happen?" Rainbow asked, chiming in on the conversation as they all turned a corner.

"I don't know…" Sunset replied with a concerned look, "But I think it's got something to do with that Twilight…" she mentioned.

"You mean the same one from yesterday?" Adagio questioned, raising an eyebrow. “The one with glasses?”

"Who else?" Dustin responded his teammate, "I was there when it happened. And not only that, but Sunset must have lost her magic, too." he mentioned.

"What?!" The girls exclaimed in shock.

"I'm fine, guys," Sunset reassured, "Just like Rarity, I think I'm just… regaining my magic," she said while they continued their trek towards the gymnasium.

"Still," Rarity began, catching the others’ attention, "both the portal and our own magic being taken are quite non-coincidental, isn't it?" she guessed to the group.

"More like a little too coincidental…" Rainbow Dash answered, crossing her arms in thought.

"And I think that hooded douche bag has something to do with all this." Dustin said with a pondering look.

“You think so?” Aria asked with a quicker eyebrow.

"I don’t know…" Dustin replied, shrugging his shoulders, "But I have a bad feeling that my theory is correct."

“Why’s that, darling?” Rarity asked with a confused look.

“Well, think about.” Dustin pointed out. “The guy showed up a day before the Friendship Games, he renders the Digitrix inoperable, that coupled with the portal vanishing and both Sunset and Rarity losing their magic. Don’t you think that’s a little… convenient?” Dustin pointed out, and the girls seemed to get his meaning.

“You mean the hooded dude?” A voice said, making the others turn to see Salazar.

“Oh. Salazar.” Dustin said with a surprised look. “You snuck up on me for a minute there.”

“Is the guy you’re talking about wearing a black hooded robe?” Salazar asked, surprising the group.

“Y-yes.” Sunset said, blinking in surprise. “How did you know?”

“Me and Twi had a run in with that creep a couple days ago.” Salazar said, further fueling the group’s collective shock.

“Did he say anything to you guys?” Pixel asked.

“Nothing important.” Salazar shrugged. “But the guy somehow knows my name, and even Twilight's.”

“Oh shit.” Dustin said with a surprised look. “This dude must of be keeping a close watch on us.” Dustin shivered in response. “We better keep our eyes peeled.”

"Well, here we are…" Sunset uttered, catching everyone’s attention as they all stopped before the gym doors. She pushed them open, revealing the immense amount of students from both Crystal Prep and Canterlot High that were present, now in a highly decorated area. However, none of them were interacting with each other, as conversing seemed minimal.

“Yikes.” Adagio said with a wince. “This place is more tense then the battle of the bands.” Aria and Sonata nodded in agreement.

The group looked around Dustin took notice of something. "There she is…" Dustin pointed, getting his friends and teammates' attentions as they looked over to see Twilight walking around, looking at her device in her hands, trying to find any more signs of anomalies in the area while it beeped.

"What in tarnation is she up to?" Applejack asked, seeing her bump into a set of balloons held down by a single cinderblock, causing her glasses to slightly start falling off. She pushed them back up to her eyes, trotting backwards to retrace her steps, but unknowingly heading for some other people behind her.

“She's still carrying that thing.” Salazar said, grabbing the others’ attention.

“What are you talking about?” Fluttershy asked.

“See that thing she’s holding?” Salazar pointed to the device Twilight carried, and the others took notice.

“Yes.” Dustin said. “In fact, she’s been toting that thing around ever since she got here.”

“I just get some had vibes whenever I look at that thing.” Salazar said with a shiver. “She said it’s purpose was to gather data on the strange occurrences that have been going on here.”

“You mean the magic that’s been…” Sonata was about to say but Aria managed to cover her mouth before she could finish.

“The magic thats been happening here? Yeah. I know about the magic you guys have.” Salazar said, making the girls look to him in shock. “Dustin informed me.”

“What?” Sunset said, looking to Dustin with a credulous look. “You told him that?”

“Hey, I figured he’s somebody we could trust with this info.” Dustin said in defense.

“Besides, you guys aren’t the only ones with rather… unique traits.” Salazar said, and the others look to him again.

“Define “unique traits”.” Rainbow said with air quotes. Salazar lets out a sigh before looking around.

“Perhaps somewhere a bit more private?” Salazar said as he and the others walked out of the room. Salazar looks around before looking to the group again. “Ok. Can you promise me that what I’m about to show you stays between us?” The others look to each other before looking to him.

“Sure man.” Dustin said with a nod. Salazar takes a deep breath before extending his right arm when said appendage was suddenly enveloped in a barrage of blue colored hexagons made of pure energy, much to the group’s collective shock. The mass of blue hexagons began morphing and expanding in size until the hexagons dissipated, revealing a green blaster that resembled a crocodile’s head with a grayish spike on the snout and a spiked metal plate on the head.

“Oh… my… God!” Pinkie said in total shock.

“Awesome!” Rainbow said with a wide smile.

“Hang on!” Sunset said, looking at the blaster. “That looks somewhat like…Indestructile!”

“Inde-what?” Salazar asked.

“Hang on.” Dustin said before going to dialup up the Digitrix, only to then remember the Corruptrix was still on it. “Oh right.” Dustin sighed before fishing out for his phone and showing Salazar an image of Indestructile.

“Oh, that.” Salazar said with a nod. “Wait! Indestructile? Really?’

“Dude, I didn’t come up with the name.” Dustin said as Salazar’s arm reverted back to normal.

Twilight was walking around, looking at the device in her hands, trying to find any more signs of anomalies in the area while it beeped. She bumps into a set of balloons held down by a single cinderblock, causing her glasses to slightly fall off. She pushed them back up to her eyes, trotting backwards to retrace her steps, but unknowingly heading for some other people behind her. Causing her to accidentally bump into Indigo Zap, and making her spill her onto the floor with a splat. Indigo turned around, crossed her arms, and snarled at Twilight, who smiled in an apologetic manner toward her as she backed away from her and another student's glare.

"Twilight," a voice chimed in, immediately catching her attention as she stood up from her hunched position, widening her eyes in surprise and turning around to see Sunset Shimmer coming up to her, "What have you been up to?" she asked, crossing her arms in a serious manner as the others approached her as well.

"Me?" she questioned nervously to them, backing away slightly as she rubbed the back of her head, "Oh, I was just—"

"Who wants to know?!" Indigo Zap suddenly interjected, getting right into the amber skinned girl's face with a pointing right index finger, much to her surprise before she gave off a blank look of annoyance toward her.

"Um, we do," Rainbow chimed in, gesturing toward herself and glaring at Indigo while she did the same back.

"Alright, everyone," Applejack said as she got between the two, separating them before the verbal conflict could turn physical, "Let's not get too competitive before the games even start," she suggested in a pleading tone, wrapping her right arm around her friend while she still stared down the rival student before her.

"The games aren't really competitive since we've never lost," Sugarcoat mentioned bluntly, jumping into the conversation.

“Oh blow it out your ass, twin tails!” Salazar said as he and the others approached.

"Easy there, bud." Dustin said, placing a hand on Salazar’s shoulder before looking to the Crystal Prep girls. "Besides. Who says you're gonna be the ones winning this thing?"

"'Cause we're always the winners, buddy," Sour Sweet answered in a gloating tone, "Our school never loses to losers like you," she pointed out.

“Maybe so.” Adagio said to the Sour Sweet. “But this year is going to be different.”

"That's not a very nice thing to say…" Fluttershy chimed in.

"Sorry, dearie," Sunny Flare apologized sarcastically, "but these games aren't about being nice," she told her, causing her, Applejack and Rainbow Dash to all glare at her while her teammates just grinned.

“Now see here, you pompous twat!” Salazar said angrily to Sunny Flare, making her, Sugarcoat and Sour Sweet jump back in surprise. “Yes, we've never lost before, but that does not mean we're unbeatable. So you best shut up before I shut you up!”

“Oh why you…” Indigo Zap said angrily, but Sugarcoat stopped her.

“Twilight,” Salazar said to Twilight. “You've got to ditch that thing while you still can.” Twilight looks to the device. “Trust me; nothing good is coming out of it.”

“Hey! Just whose side are you on!?” Sour Sweet said bitterly to Salazar. “You attend to Crystal Prep, too! So why aid these chumps?”

“Ok. Let’s just calm down here.” Dustin said, trying to diffuse the situation.

“Salazar, please calm down.” Twilight said, wanting to diffuse the situation.

“Twilight, please listen.” Salazar said to Twilight, placing a hand on her shoulders. “You may not realize it, but that thing,” Salazar point to the device, "is gonna land us all up to our necks in trouble.”

“But…” Twilight was about to say, but Indigo Zap butts in.

“She doesn’t have to do anything pal!” Indigo Zap said to Salazar. “So you best leave her alone!”

“This ain’t got nothing to do with you thunder head!” Salazar growled angrily, the others watched in with a hint of worry. “She’s my friend, not yours! You and the others don’t even bother to say a fucking word to her!”

“Guys, come on…” Dustin said, but his words only met deaf ears.

“Yeah right!” Indigo Zap said with a smirk. “Like anybody would want to waist even a moment of their time with a freak like you!” In that moment, red flashed across Salazar’s vision. He delivered an open palm strike into the girls chest, knocking her to the floor.

“Uh oh…” Fluttershy said as she hid behind Rainbow.

“Salazar!” Twilight said scolding the young man.

“Now you listen to me, bitch! And listen carefully because I'm only saying this once!” Salazar said to Indigo Zap in fury. “That’s the only time I’m going soft in you! I’m not one for hitting a girl, but if you ever, and I mean EVER let shit like that fly out of your mouth again, I can and WILL fuck you up! You got that!”

“Dude, please just chill for a bit.” Dustin pleaded with Salazar.

“Salazar!” The familiar voice of Cinch said, making everyone look to her.

“Uh oh.” Sour Sweet said with a smirk towards Salazar.

“It certainly did not take you long to get in trouble, didn’t it?” Cinch said with fury in her tone.

“Principle Cinch, please.” Twilight said to the woman, but Cinch ignored her.

“If you think I’m letting that display of yours slide, then you are mistaken.” Cinch growled angrily to Salazar. But the boy was not going to back down.

“Hey! One of your lapdogs started it, woman!” Salazar said while pointing to Indigo Zap, making both her and Cinch growl.

“I don’t appreciate your attitude.” Cinch said with a scowl. “I have half a mind to exclude you from the Friendship Games!”

“I have a better idea I mind, principle Cinch.” Sour Sweet said before she hen whispered into Cinch’s ear, and whatever it was, it certainly was evil if Cinch’s smile was of any indication.

“Oh. I like it.” Cinch said to Sour Sweet before looking to Cinch. “Alright Salazar. I’m sentencing you to servitude under the Shadow Bolts for the rest of the Friendship Games. There for, anything they say goes."

“What!?” Salazar groaned in response.

“You can’t do that!” Rarity declared.

“I can, and I did.” Cinch said rudely to Rarity.

“Fine!” Salazar groaned, but Cinch raised her finger up.

“And one more thing, Salazar.” Cinch said. “If I ever hear so much as one complaint, or if you step out of line even once, then you will be having detention for the rest of the school year, along with summer school to boot.” Cinch said, making Salazar go wide eyed.

“Now see here you wrinkly old bat!” Dustin said to Cinch, making the woman glare to him. But luckily, before things got any worse, Sunset intervened.

“Dustin, don’t.” Sunset said to the Dustin. “Enough damage is done as it is.”

“I’ll let that remark slide, young man.” Cinch said to Dustin. “But I suggest you keep that temper of yours in check, along with that mouth.” And with that said, Cinch and her students walked off, leaving the Canterlot High group and Salazar.

“I’m sorry dude.” Dustin said to Salazar.

“Don’t worry about it.” Salazar said with a shrug.

“Oh Salazar~.” Sunny Flare called out mockingly, whistling like she was calling a dog. “Here boy.” The other girls, excluding Twilight, just snickered, and Salazar growled in response before walking off.

“That old bag!” Dustin growled under his breath, clenching his fists in anger.

“Easy, Dustin.” Fluttershy said, trying to calm her male friend down. “There’s nothing we can do about it.”

"Boy, it's almost like the Battle of the Bands all over again…" Sonata said, to which the others nodded in agreement.

Meanwhile, Twilight was backing away from the touchy atmosphere, biting her lip nervously as she didn't want anyone finding out about her work.

“Yo freak!” She heard a female voice call out. Twilight turns and sees Salazar approaching towards a group of student. One was a girl with grayish brown eyes, hair that was grayish violet and a very pale orchid complexion. This was Suri Polomare.

The second was a boy with a grayish azure complexion, moderate gold eyes and hair that was a mix of pale, light grayish cobalt blue and white. This was Royal Pin.

And the third was a girl with a pale, light grayish olive complexion, hair that was a pale, light grayish indigo and light gray streaks. This was Upper Crust.

“Yeah, yeah, what do you want?” Salazar said with a sour look, ready for whatever the three had I store.

“I’m feeling a bit parched. Go fetch me some punch.” Suri demanded with a smug grin.

“Make it a double.” Royal Pin said, making Salazar scowl even more.

“Got it.” Salazar said before walking off, only for Upper Crust to stop him.

“And when you get back, my feet could use a rub down.” Upper Crust said with a sinister grin.

“Ooh. Mine too.” Suri said, chuckling.

“Fine, I’ll be right back.” Salazar growled before walking off towards the punch bowl. Twilight watched Salazar with a sympathetic look. She suddenly felt herself hit something behind her, causing her to instantly move to the side and see Pinkie right there.

"Hi," she greeted, "I'm Pinkie Pie!" she introduced, holding out her left hand to the glasses wearing girl in a nice manner.

"Oh, hi," she greeted back with a wave, relieved as it seemed the party girl wasn't suspicious, "I'm Twilight," she introduced, taking her left hand with her own. The former of the two then began shaking it wildly, causing the Crystal Prep student's glasses to almost fall off, also undoing her bun as well.

"I know," Pinkie responded while the scholar's hair fell down, "You look just like my friend," she mentioned as the person before her adjusted her glasses back up to her eyes, "Her name is Twilight too," she mentioned while she fixed her hair back up.

"That's...weird…" she admitted with a somewhat surprised and freaked out tone. Pinkie then took notice of the pendant-like device on her person.

"What's that?" She asked, pointing at the device.

"It's sort of a spectrometer," she answered, holding it in her hands for the three of them to see, "I built it to track EM frequencies, but it can also contain anomalies," Pinkie continued to smile widely, but blink rapidly out of being perplexed, which the Crystal Prep student took notice of, "It measures things," she told them all in an easier sense.

"Oh…" Pikie said. "Like the party?" Pinkie questioned, pointing at the device.

"Yeah," Twilight replied, "Though it doesn't look like much of a party to me…" she noted, seeing that no one was really enjoying the gathering, as some kids were quite bored.

"I know…" the partier girl agreed, noticing the uninterested looks on everyone's faces, "Something is definitely missing," she said, and then realized something, smiling excitedly as she snapped her fingers, "Come on!" she beckoned, hooking her arm through the glasses wearing girl's.

"Hello, everyone!" Principal Celestia greeted to all of the students within the gymnasium through a microphone on a stand upon the stage, getting their attentions, "I'd like to take this opportunity to greet all of our students at Crystal Prep Academy and welcome them to CHS," she declared in a polite manner. Meanwhile, the fire mage and his exceed took notice of both Pinkie and Twilight at the entrance, shoving in what appeared to be large gift boxes.

"Ergh!" Twilight grunted, "What… in the world… is in these things?" she asked in between shoves before they both stopped.

"Party cannons, of course!" the puffy haired girl answered.

"And lastly," the Canterlot High school head began, "I would like to recognize the twelve students that CHS has elected to compete," she pointed out, with Muffins, Micro Chips, Sandalwood, Flash Sentry, Lyra Heartstrings, and Sweetie Drops greeting the others with waves, as the former three were by the snack table, while the latter three were up on the stands, "I don't think we could have chosen a better group to represent the excellence, sportsmanship, and friendship the games stand for," their official noted as Rarity, Sunset, Rainbow, Applejack, and Fluttershy nervously waved to the rest of the crowd, wondering where their last member was. She suddenly appeared by the one of the snack tables, removing its food and replacing it a brand new tablecloth stacked with display trays of cupcakes, much to the surprise of a Crystal Prep student. Working fast, she quickly ran over to a lever on the wall and pulled it down, turning off all the lights in the gym to allow the disco ball to activate, catching the kids' attentions.

Pinkie then appeared in the DJ booth, hanging from the ceiling and handing off a record to DJ-Pon3, who immediately accepted it with a smile and put it her turntable system. She then turned up the volume as a party tune began to play, causing the majority of people to start smiling excitedly as they began to actually enjoy the gathering. They started conversing with one another, ignoring the fact that they were rivals for the moment as they were having a good time.

"Um, are you sure this is a good idea?" the latter asked nervously, seeing her about to fire the weapon-like contraptions.

"Absolutely!" she responded with a big grin, pulling back on the strings as hard as she could, launching confetti and streamers into the air from the cannons as they squeaked loudly. Twilight fell down upon the force of the blast, while the students of both schools were talking with each other a lot more, dancing to the music excitedly while still conversing.

Pinkie was so excited and glad to hear the sounds of laughter and happiness from everyone, as a pinkish aura began enveloping her body. She then saw her pony ears form while her hair grew out into a ponytail, beginning to ascend upwards.

"Ooh, floaty!" she noted delightedly. Meanwhile, the scholarly student stood back up from the floor, removing the streamers and confetti that had ended up in her hair while still being amazed by the new display.

The humming of her device suddenly caught her attention, as she was surprised to see it moving on its own, having detected another anomaly. It popped open, revealing the small sphere of energy inside of it. Suddenly, it yanked her forward as it began sucking away the pinkish aura from the partier girl, who began to develop a fatigued look on her face, catching the attention of Pixel, Salazar and Dustin.

"Oh shit!" Dustin said, quickly going over to her side while Pinkie lost her pony ears and ponytail, floating back down to the floor. The last of her glowing energy was pulled away, which both he and Happy took notice of as it swirled into the energy sphere of Twilight's contraption.

Aw…" Pinkie moaned as she was helped up by Pixel leaned up against the doors, with Dustin and Pixel Prada while they both looked on at her worriedly, "Oh…" she groaned, putting her left hand up to her forehead, "I am party pooped…" she uttered tiredly.

As Twilight closed the device, a small spark flew out of the enlarged sphere of energy, going through a gap in between the stands, causing a flash of light to emerge, catching their attentions. She peeked through the opening with narrowed eyes, seeing the spark suddenly create a rift to a forested place, making her gasp in surprise. Reacting on impulse as the glow within the stands brightened, the glasses wearing girl closed her device back up while it continued to hum, which made the small vortex vanish. She then noticed her contraption power down, no longer glowing as she developed a very perplexed expression.

"Twilight!" Salazar called, catching the Twilight attention, "What did you just do?!"

"I-I don't know." Twilight said as she looked at the device.

"You don't know?" Salazar asked, but before he could say anything else...

"Uh, ahem!" Suri called out, catching Salazar's attention. "I don't recall giving you a break!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming! Don't get your panties in a wad!" Salazar groaned before walking towards the trio.

"Ahem," Principal Cinch coughed, catching everyone's attentions, "I'd like to thank Principal Celestia for her unconventional welcome," she said, gesturing towards both her and her sister, taking out a handkerchief while she removed her glasses, rubbing them clean with it, "It's been four years since the last Friendship Games, but it feels as though nothing has changed," she pointed out as she put the tissue away, getting her specs back on, "Canterlot High continues to pick its competitors in a popularity contest, and Crystal Prep continues to field its top twelve students," she explained while students began separating into the distinct school groups again, forgetting the fun they had just experienced.

"Oh that wrinkly old... Pixel, stay with Pinkie." Dustin said to Pixel, cracking his knuckles. "I'll be right back." Pixel and Pinkie watch Dustin walk off towards the stage with worried expressions on their faces.

"It is a comfort to know that even after so many years of losses," the speaker mentioned, causing both Luna and Celestia to developed angered looks on their faces, "your school remains to committed to its ideals," she pointed out, "however misguided they may be," she noted, "I wish you all the best of luck," she said to the students, "regardless of the inevitable outcome…." she finished.

"Jeez woman! Dosent it stink, having you head up your ass like that?!" a familiar voice called out, catching everyone's attention.

Suddenly, Dustin made his way onto the stage right beside Cinch before quickly grabbed the microphone from the stand, causing a bit of feedback to sound off before he held it in front of his face.

"Don't let Maleficent here bring you folks down! We're all Wondercolts, right?" Dustin declared, the canterlot students murmured to one another. "So why don't we show these Crystal Prep has-beens what we're really made of!" he added, causing them to all develop confident and motivated smiles, "So what if Crystal Prep won the last few times? It’s all the more reason to prove the old bag wrong this year!" Most of the Students, mostly those from Canterlot High, chuckled as a response.

"Young man," Cinch chimed in, catching his attention as he turned to face her, "are you trying to get yourself expelled?" she asked with a stern glare, which didn't intimidate him in the slightest.

"Hey," Dustin chimed in. "You were the one talking trash about us! Acting like you're going to win this one like you did every other year!" Dustin said, earning a glare from Cinch.

"Only because I know our victory is inevitable!" Cinch shot back with a smug grin, and Dustin just chuckled in response.

"Woman, I think your age is really starting to get to you." Dustin said, making Cinch and a majority of the student’s present gasp. "But hey, they say the mind's the first thing to go as you get older." With that said, all of the Canterlot High students erupted into laughter. The Crystal Prep students were shocked, and Cinch was so angry that steam could shoot out of her ears.

"How dare you!" Cinch growled in fury. "I'll have you know, I'm in my early forties!"

"Pfft, in dog years maybe!" Dustin said, earning another round of uproarious laughter from the CHS students.

"Ok, ok. I think that's quite enough, Dustin." Alister said, grabbing the microphone from Dustin while casting a scared look to Cinch. "I do apologize for that, Madame. You know how kids are these days."

"Besides, Principal Cinch," Celestia said, jumping in on the conversation "I'm sure he was only trying to excite our students the same way you excited yours," she explained, causing Cinch to cross her arms.

"Did you not hear what this insolent ruffian said?" Cinch said, casting a glare to Dustin. "I'm surprised someone as unruly as him is even allowed to attend here!"

"I assure you Madame," Alister said to Cinch, "Nothing like this will ever happen again."

Cinch just casts one last scowl to Dustin before walking away. Dustin grinned cheekily, chuckling a little as he made his way off the stage and over to his friends, getting a few more cheers from the Canterlot High students as he passed by.

"Man!" Rainbow said while still chuckling a bit. "That was some serious smack talk back there!" Rainbow shared a high-five with Dustin.

"Rainbow, we must not encourage this!" Rarity said, snacking Rainbow's shoulder before casting a glare to Dustin. "And you, mister," Rarity pokes her index finger onto Dustin's chest. "You are just lucky Alister intervened!"

"Hey, you heard what that wrinkly old bat said!" Dustin said, defending himself. "I wasn't gonna let that fly."

"Hey, I say Yzma had it coming." Aria said with a shrug.

"Aria!" Adagio scolded the twin-tailed siren, jabbing an elbow to her side.

"Hey, where's Pinkie?" Rainbow asked , noticing that the puffy haired girl was nowhere in sight.

"Coming at ya." Pixel said as she and helped Pinkie walk towards them. "Easy does it…" Pixel advised as she helped Pinkie sit down.

"Sorry 'bout what happened, Pinkie," Sunset said apologetically, placing her left hand onto her right shoulder, "I thought your party additions were really swell," she told her.

"They definitely broke the ice," Fluttershy mentioned from beside them.

"Yes…" Rarity agreed with a slightly annoyed look, "If only that Principal Cinch hadn't frozen it again," she quipped, folding her arms over her chest.

"Yeah," the party girl agreed in a fatigued tone, "she's awful…" she muttered.

"Awful?" Dustin said with a huff. "I think you mean bitchy." Rarity lightly slaps Dustin on the shoulder in response.

"Wow, Pinkie, what happened to you?" Sunset asked with concern.

"I dunno…" she responded with a shrug, "Everyone started having fun after Twilight and I fired the party cannons and I ponied up," she explained, clasping her hands together excitedly as she looked up at the ceiling.

"Of course you did," Sunset realized, rolling her eyes while she crossed her arms.

"But then the magic just… drained right out of me…" the puffy haired girl told her as she waggled her fingers, causing her to widen her eyes in surprise.

"Wait," Said Sunset, "What do you mean 'drained out of you'?" she asked, putting her hands at her hips and narrowing her eyes in suspicion with a serious look on her face.

"It's that damn pendant Twilight has." Pixel pointed out, causing them to gasp in surprise.

"I knew that thing was bad news." Salazar said as he made his way towards the group.

"Salazar?" Sunset asked in surprise.

"Oh Salazar~." Indigo Zap called out, making the boy groan in dismay. "I spilt my drink." Indigo points to a cup on the floor, a puddle of pucnh with it. "Clean it up."

"You got two feet, don't you?" Salazar retorted. "There's a roll of paper towels just a few feet away!"

"Principal Cinch!" Indigo Zap called out, making Salazar sigh before walking towards the paper towels, making the girl smile. "Good boy."

"Oh, what nerve?" Rarity said, clearly not likingnhow the Shadowbolts are treating Salazar.

"Tell me about it!" Aria said, nodding in agreement. "I ought smack those prices to the wall!"

"Hey," Applejack said out of realization, catching their attentions, "Where is that other Twilight?" she asked.

"Oh," Pinkie remembered, about to point to where she had last seen the glasses wearing girl, "She's right..." She stopped her sentence the moment she saw no sign of the person in particular, "Uh, well, she was right here," she recalled.

"She must have run off." Pixel said.