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Into the Twilight Zone




Telepathic link



"Transformation Index

Into the Twilight Zone

At CHS, the sound of rock n' roll tunes were blasting from the music room, as Rainbow Dash, Sunset Shimmer, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie were all ponied up, playing their instruments impressively while Dustin, the Dazzlings and Pixel observed. Upon reaching the last note, they stopped performing, as their magic disappeared back into their bodies, losing their pony ears and ponytails, along with the wings upon the shy girl and her athletic friend. The audience before them clapped in applause, with the blue cat of the group doing so most excitedly.

"That was awesome!" Aria exclaimed, jumping up excitedly.

“Indeed.” Adagio said with a nod of agreement.

"Yeah, it was!" the Rainbow Dash agreed, strumming the strings of her guitar, "I hope the Friendship Games have a music competition," she began to say, getting everyone's attention, "because we would totally rock it!" she exclaimed excitedly, playing a loud chord on her instrument.

"Um," Sunset chimed in, pressing her index fingers together, "we're supposed to keep magic out of the Friendship Games," she pointed out, while gesturing to the floor, "remember?" she inquired with a stern look, causing her friend to scoff as she rolled her eyes.

“She's right, RD. Plus, we still don’t know how you girls pony up.” Dustin said, making Rainbow look away with a scoff.

Meanwhile, Rarity was busy powdering her face with a small puff, looking into a collapsible mirror upon her left hand as she did her makeup.

"Easier said than done, darling," Rarity mentioned to the red and yellow haired girl as she finished, putting the puff back in the mirror and closing it, "I'm sure in Equestria, magic does whatever you want," she noted, "But..." she continued.

"This isn't Equestria," Sunset finished for her in realization, getting everyone's attention as she put her guitar down in its case before she placed her left hand on her shoulder in a defeated manner.

"Easy there, Sunny…" Dustin said, walking to Sunset while patting her back. “Nothing is easy. But I'm positive you can find out what’s causing this.”

“I…” Sunset said before sighing. “I know, dude. But the Friendship Games is coming up. Plus we got that hooded guy you mentioned to us to deal with too.”

“You just leave that creep to us, Sunset.” Pixel said reassuringly to Sunset. “If things get in a pinch, we’ll contact you guys for help.”

“But that thing is still stuck to the Digitrix.” Pinkie said, pointing the Corruptrix, which was still attached to the Digitrix. “With it stuck on ya, you’re benched from your transformations.”

“Relax.” Dustin said with a wave of his hand. “I may be locked out of the Digitrix, but I’m not defenseless as you think.”

“If you say so.” Fluttershy said with a shrug.

"Well, when it comes to magic," Applejack chimed in, putting her hands on Sunset’s shoulders from behind, "Like Dustin said, I'm sure you'll figure it out," she reassured to her.

Sunset sighed in response, "Thanks, guys," she said out of gratitude, smiling, "Though I cant help but feel there‘s something big coming down the road.”.

“You and me both.” Dustin said with a worried expression. “And I bet that hooded dude is the guy behind it.”

“For realsies?” Sonata asked with a shudder.

“What makes you so sure?” Rarity asked.

“It’s a gut feeling.” Dustin said, his worried expression still visible. “The dude is from the Syndicate, and we know he made this damn thing here,” Dustin motions to the Corruptrix, “that much we know for sure.”

"Whatever he has planned, it’s got me shaking!" Fluttershy pointed out, somewhat frightened as she trembled slightly, holding her tambourine in front of her face.

“Whatever he has planned” Adagio stated, getting everyone’s attention, “I’m sure we can stop it.”

“But we best be on high alert.” Dustin said as he examined the Corruptrix, “I have a feeling we’ll be seeing more of that creep.”

"Well," Rarity began, chiming in as she caught their attentions, "while you've been working on keeping that madman and the magic out of the games," she continued, putting her fingers together in an excited manner, "I've been working on what to put on!" she exclaimed, giggling happily.

“Oh?” Dustin asked, interested in what Rarity put together. If there is one person he knows when it comes to eccentric fashion sense, its Rarity.

"Huh…" Applejack sighed, placing her hand on her forehead out of agony, "Rarity," she started to say with a stern look plastered on her face, "what did you go an' do?" she asked. Suddenly, a clothing rack rolled up before her, Fluttershy, Sunset, Dustin and the Dazzlings, causing them to all widen their eyes in surprise.

“Oh my.” Adagio said with a look of amazement and awe. “You certainly never cease to amaze when it comes to your fashion designs.”

“That’s Rarity for ya, Adagio.” Dustin said, just as impressed. “Hell, she can even make a dress that glistens like a disco ball.

"Well," Rarity began in reply, "I had a little time on my hands," she told them as a rack went over Pinkie at her drum set, who then poked out wearing a pirate bandana and black eye patch over her left one as she smiled widely, "and since we don't know what the Friendship Games' events are," she kept going, having a rack roll up near Rainbow and Pixel, astonishing them slightly before the former began taking a look at each one, "I made a few options for uniforms!" the Rarity suddenly exclaimed, popping out of the rack with a shirt and shorts upon a hanger in her right hand, startling the three before she threw the rainbow haired girl into the new outfit over her own, which looked as if it were a soccer one.

“Oohh.” Sonata uttered as she eyed one of the uniforms Rarity made. “These all look so amazing.”

Rarity was grinning in satisfaction at her work while she held her friend's clothes.

"Uh, Rarity… You really didn't have to do that…" Rainbow Dash admitted, rubbing the back of her head in discomfiture.

"I know," she responded cheekily with a laugh.

“I’m not one for clothing…” Aria admitted while picking up a uniform that looked fit for a punk rocker, “but I think I could go for this one.”

"No," the Applejack chimed in, as she was holding a pair of outfits while the other Rainbooms, with the Pinkie now wearing a pink beard and a wizard hat, "You really didn't have to," she pointed out in a serious tone while everyone was perplexed at the enormous array of outfits upon the multitude of clothing racks.

"I know!" the fashionista replied, giggling happily as she pressed her hands against her cheeks.

“Can’t take a hint, can’t she?” Aria whispered to Pixel and Adagio, causing Adagio to elbow her in the side.

“Don’t dampen her enthusiasm.” Adagio whispered back.

Outside the school building, the Crystal Prep buses had arrived, parked at the sidewalk before the grounds, with Celestia, Luna and Allister standing outside with Cinch.

"Vice Principal Luna can help your students get settled if you'd like me to show you around, Principal Cinch," Celestia explained to Cinch, who had her arms crossed while she pointed out her sister's presence, "There have been quite a few changes since your last visit," she mentioned with a smile.

"Oh, yes, Principal Celestia…" the glasses wearing woman responded as she pushed up her specs, "I'm sure that would be fascinating," she noted sarcastically before looking to Allister. “And who is this?”

“Oh, this is Allister, our newest faculty member. Allister, this is Abacus Cinxh, principal of Crystal Prep.” Celestia introduced the two.

“Charmed, I’m sure, madame.” Allister said with a bow. Cinch just huffed and walked off.

As students began disembarking from the vehicles, the vice principal had finished embracing the school's dean, smiling happily.

"Oh, it's always such a pleasure to see you, Dean Cadance," she told her as she had her hands on her shoulders after pulling away, "Even if it means another defeat…" she pointed out bluntly, relinquishing her arms from her and giving off a grimace that made her give off a concerned look.

"Thank you, Vice Principal Luna," she replied out of gratitude, "but I hear it's not going to be so easy this time…" she added, placing her right hand on her left shoulder before they walked off, while students were chatting about near them.

Back on the bus, Twilight quickly peered out the door, looking around left and right to see no one in her vicinity. She took a step down while adjusting her glasses, not knowing that Indigo Zap was jogging in behind her.

"Comin' through!" Indigo exclaimed, shoving the scholarly student aside as she ran off of the vehicle, causing her to lose her balance as she wobbled around, catching the attention of Sour Sweet, who widened her eyes as she was on the sidewalk by the bus with Sunny Flare. Before Twilight could fall, Salazar caught her.

“Careful.” Salazar said as he walked with Twilight out the bus.

"Thanks," Twilight said with a soft smile and a slight blush.

“Ah, young love.” Sour Sweet said putting her hands together in a sweet manner, "Makes me sick" she suddenly told her sourly before walking away.

“We’re not….” Twilight said with embarrassment as Lemon Zest at the entrance of the bus, still listening to the rock music on her headphones, making movements as if she was playing a guitar.

"Ahh! Yeah!" she exclaimed, jumping down onto the sidewalk as she continued to enjoy the sound, mimicking the actions of a rock star while she walked over to her fellow students. Sugarcoat then exited the vehicle with her hands behind her back, giving off a blank look to both Twilight and Salazar.

"Get a room, you two," Sugarcoat said bluntly, trotting off to line up with her classmates.

“Ugh…what a couple of bi…” Salazar stated before Twilight covered his mouth, giving him a warning scold.

“Salazar, don’t.” Twilight whispered to him, but suddenly, the humming of her device caught her attention, seeing the blinking light from it pointing to her left. She grabbed it with both of her hands as it continued to buzz, causing her to turn and see that its indicator was directing her towards the school of Canterlot High. Excited that she found a sign of an anomaly, she smiled, but then looked back to see the students still lined up, about to be checked in.

“You think we should check it out?” Salazar asked Twilight, who was looking towards the building before running towards said building. “Well, I better follow her.” Salazar said before following her.

Spike poked out of Twilight's bag as she then ran off, heading towards the building her contraption was guiding her towards. As the puppy sunk back into the knapsack, Twilight and Salazar both walked up the steps, passing by Lyra Heartstrings and Sweetie Drops, who both took notice of them.

"Hi, Twilight," the latter of the two greeted with a wave. However, she paid no heed to either of them, causing the former to shrug and shake her head in confusion, as they were both perplexed. Twilight and Salazar both entered through the school entrance, heading down the halls as she was being guided by her machine.

"Hey, Twilight!" Cherry Crash greeted as she trotted by, making both her and Salazar stop in surprise as they took a glance back at the light green haired girl. They quickly disregarded it though, trekking onwards.

"Hi, Twilight," Sweet Leaf greeted with a wave, making both her and Salazar develop a confused look since another student seemed to know her.

"Hi, Twilight," Mystery Mint welcomed with a wave.

“Uhh…” Salazar muttered in confusion before looking to Twilight, who was just as confused as he was.

"Hey, you, lookin' good," Scribble Dee greeted as she passed by.

"Um, hi…" Twilight responded somewhat nervously to them, continuing her journey down the hall.

"Hey, what's happenin'?" Sophisticata asked in greeting, getting her attention.

"Really nice to see you," Blueberry Cake greeted as she passed by her.

"Twilight, how ya doin'?" Velvet Sky asked in welcoming.

"Twilight, yo!" Starlight greeted with a wave of her hand, while she and Salazar were both beyond confused, turning around while they kept on walking backwards.

What the hell is going on?’ Salazar thought to himself in confusion. ‘Did meet these kids while inspecting this place?’ Salazar thought as he looked to Twilight.

"Hi. Hello," she greeted back in response to the CHS students, putting her right hand on the back of her head nervously, "Um, good," she said, not noticing that she was about to bump into someone walking towards her. With the sound of a thud, she crashed into Flash Sentry, falling to the floor with him in a heap, losing her glasses as he dropped his guitar case.

"Twilight?" he questioned, recognizing her face as he got up on his knees and looked at her, "I almost didn't recognize you," he admitted, getting on his feet while he picked her up by the arms, allowing her to stand as well. She then began waving her arms around as her vision was all blurry, touching the teen's chest with her hand. He then took notice of the black-framed glasses upon the floor. "When did you start wearin' glasses?" he asked, squatting down to pick them up.

"Um, like, since forever…" the Crystal Prep student responded, fidgeting with her hands.

"Oh," Flash said in realization, grabbing the specs, "so how long are you here for?" he asked.

"Just for the Friendship Games," she replied, trying to see without the eyewear.

“You know this dude, Twi?” Salazar asked Twilight, and Flash notices Salazar.

“Hey there. You a friend of hers?” Flash said, offering a hand to Salazar. “Name’s Flash Sentry. And you are?”

“Uh…” Salazar muttered before looking to Twilight, who was still just as confused l. Salazar decided to return the gesture. “Salazar. And yes, I’m a friend of Twilights. Nice to meet ya.”

"Likewise dude!" Flash said with smile as he stood up, "We'll totally win with you here," he told the two, mainly Twilight, while putting the glasses back over her eyes, allowing her to view his face. Twilight stared at him for a moment, before looking back at her device, which was indicating that the anomaly she was searching for was located somewhere on her right, beeping loudly as it glowed to get her attention.

"Uh, I gotta go," she suddenly said, running off rather instantly, leaving both Flash and Salazar.

"Uh, okay," he responded, somewhat perplexed as he rubbed the back of his neck, "Bye?" he uttered in farewell with a small wave of his hand before looking to Salazar.

“Well, I suppose its just the two of us, man.” Flash said to Salazar.

“I’d love to stick around, but I better go after Twi. Just incase she doesn’t get into any sort of trouble.” Salazar said before running to where Twilight ran off to, leaving Flash even more puzzled.

“Uh, ok?” Flash said, scratching his head in confusion before shrugging.

Rarity was dashing over the place as she was dressing everyone else in different uniforms. Fluttershy was dressed as a hockey goalie with gear similar to her regular clothes, having the pads and gloves upon her, along with a face mask and goalie stick. Pinkie Pie was in a cowgirl outfit, complete with a hat, blue dress, and leather boots. Rainbow Dash meanwhile, was dressed as a police officer, holding a black nightstick in her hands while in a blue uniform dress. Sunset was in the blue outfit of a welder, equipped with orange oven mitts and a face mask. To top it off, Applejack was wearing what appeared to be a cricket uniform that had a number fourteen upon its front, complete with a helmet that had apples upon its sides and a scooper upon her right hand. Quick to work, the indigo haired girl rushed over and measured the shy girl's mask with a strand of measuring tape, gave the cerulean skinned girl a tall police cap, and helped tuck in the actual cowgirl's shirt

"Rarity, you're gonna exhaust yourself before the games even start," Applejack pointed out to her in a concerned tone while the others gave off worried looks in agreement towards her.

“Yeah. At least take a breather, Rares.” Pixel said in agreement with Applejack, but Rarity was persistent.

"Oh, pff. Kch. Fff Ts!" she scoffed quickly in response, placing a hanger with a dress back on the rack, "Don't be silly, darling!" she told Applejack and Pixel, "Putting effort into clothes is what I live for," she declared as she clasped her hands together, "and spending time with my friends fills me with energy!" she added, jumping up excitedly while a shining, indigo aura suddenly enveloped her body. Her pony ears sprouted as her hair grew out into a long ponytail, with her friends having amazed reactions to it.

"And magic, too," Sunset noted out of surprise, "I guess…" she uttered, pulling her face mask down.


Outside in the hallways, Twilight was still viewing the detecting mechanism of her device, which kept beeping and humming as she trekked onward, seeing its star-shaped symbol in the center changing its form more rapidly. All of a sudden, it popped open, causing her to stop out of surprise, making her glasses slightly fall from her eyes. She pushed them back up, seeing the machine glow brightly.

Back within the music room, Rarity's aura emanated from her was enveloping her as she floated.

“Wait! Something’s off!” Pixel stated suddenly.

“What? What is it?” Dustin asked.

“Rarity’s magic levels are…dwindling! Look!” Pixel said, and everyone sees Rarity’s aura was seeping away through the doors, unbeknownst to them.

"Rarity, are you all right?" Adagio asked as she quickly went over to her side, supporting her as her feet touched the floor.

"Actually," Rarity began as she and her friends watched on worriedly, "now that you mention it," she continued in a somewhat fatigued tone as her magic disappeared, with her ponytail and pony ears vanishing, "I suppose I could use a tiny break…" she confessed before her whole body fell backwards to the floor, fainting as Pixel catches her.

"Whoa!" Adagio said she caught Rarity. "Careful."

"I told you," Applejack reprimanded as Adagio helped Rarity back on her feet.

“Guys…I’m sensing movement outside the door.” Pixel stated, and Dustin looked to the door.

“On it! Probably that hooded fucker!” Dustin ran to the door and opened it, but only to find Twilight. He was shocked at first, but his shock turned to joy.

“Yo, guys. Look who's here.” Dustin said, making the others look to him standing next to Twilight.

"Twilight?!" The others questioned in surprise, smiling excitedly to see their supposed friend from another dimension.

"Uh, yes?" she questioned in response with a perplexed expression, while still being held by the rambunctious teen.

"Well, ah'll be," Applejack said out of disbelief, wrapping her left arm around the Crystal Prep student's shoulders, "You shoulda told us you were comin'," she mentioned to her, as the others came up to her, with the red and yellow haired girl giving off an excited, yet relieved smile to see the girl before her.

"Wait. Something’s a little off.” Pixel uttered to herself as she looked at Twilight. She then looks at the device she held.

“Yay!” Sonata exclaimed as she and Pinkie hugged Twilight, much to her discomfort. “It's so good to see you again!”

As Dustin looks to Twilight, he couldn’t help but feel that Twilight was different, almost like this Twilight was unlike the alicorn princess he was familiar with.

"Darling, those glasses…" the fashionista pointed out to the Crystal Prep student, letting off a nervous chuckle with a smile, "And what are you wearing?" she asked on, gesturing towards her outfit, "It's so...severe…" she commented.

"My… uniform?" she responded in confusion, grabbing at her plaid skirt with her fingers.

"Your uniform for what?" Fluttershy questioned, having removed her goalie mask and left her hockey stick behind.

"For...Crystal Prep," Twilight replied nervously, "But why does everyone at this school know who I am?" she asked, raising an eyebrow while she gestured towards the group.

"What do you mean?" Aria asked back, "Don't you know us? Did you hit your head something?" she questioned, developing a skeptical look.

"And did you just say 'Crystal Prep'?" Rainbow chimed in, somewhat concerned. Suddenly, Spike popped out of the scholarly student's bag, yipping excitedly.

"Spike!" the shy girl and the fashionista exclaimed, as the former of the two began to pet the puppy on the head. However, the glasses wearing girl gasped in surprise, jerking herself away.

"You know my dog's name, too?" she questioned, causing them to all glance at each other in confusion.

“Twilight?” A voice called out from outside, when suddenly Salazar barged in. “There you are. You can’t just…..” Salazar suddenly stopped himself as he noticed the others in the room.

“Ooh.” Adagio said as she looked at Salazar with a flirty look. “And who’s your friend?”

“Uh…” Salazar said with slight discomfort in his tone upon seeing Adagio’s flirtatious look. “My name is Salazar.”

“Oh my, aren’t you certainly eye candy?” Rarity said as she walked to Salazar, further adding to Salazar’s discomfort. “My, what muscles.”

“Uh…thanks.” Salazar said, a bit nervous now.

Just outside, Principal Celestia was continuing to guide Principal Cinch throughout the halls, about to pass by the music room.

"And our music program has especially taken off," the latter official pointed out as they stopped near the open doors. She suddenly gasped upon taking notice of the girl right at the entryway. "Twilight?" she uttered out of surprise, catching her attention.

"This is getting ridiculous!" Cinch, shaking her head. "I must apologize for the curiosity of my prized student," Cinch apologized as she walked into the room, standing beside the glasses wearing girl.

"Your student?" the Celestia questioned to her in confusion.

"The smart ones are always curious," Cinch pointed out in reply to Celestia as she had her left hand upon the girl's shoulders, leaning her head down to hers in order emphasize her point, "I'll return her to check in with the rest of her classmates." Cinch said before noticing Salazar.

“And Salazar, how many times have I told you to wear your school uniform? We need to represent our school!” Cinch said to Salazar with annoyance in her tone.

“I told ya a million times, Cinch! Those things are stuffy!” Salazar said defiantly, making Cinch lose her composure.

“Salazar, please calm down.” Twilight pleaded, not wanting things to escalate.

“I’ll let that outburst slide! For now, we best meet up with the others! Come along!” Cinch said as she, Salazar and Twilight walked off.

"I didn't know Twilight had a twin sister," Celestia noted with a raised eyebrow, catching the attentions of the others.

"She doesn't!" the partier girl suddenly pointed out, "That Twilight is obviously the Twilight from this world since it couldn't possibly be the Twilight from the pony world since the Twilight from the pony world doesn't go to Crystal Prep or wear glasses!" she explained rather quickly, causing the principal to glance around for a few moments as if she was about to say something.

"Never mind…" she uttered, feeling bombarded by the sudden information given.

“I…I need to sit down and process this.” Dustin said before walking off, the others watching him as he left.

Dustin was sitting out in the court yard, processing everything that happened earlier.

“Man, I still can't wrap my mind around this.” Dustin said, as he was warding off a migraine.

"I'm sorry, Principal Cinch," the familiar voice of Twilight said, catching his attention. He looks to see Principal Cinch and Twilight conversing. Dustin heard every word exchanged between the two while avoiding any sort of detection.

"I was just following these strange readings," Twilight told Cinch, looking back at her device with narrowed eyes, "Actually," she began to realize, "they led me to those girls and—"

"Twilight," Cinch interrupted as she halted, causing her to do the same out of surprise while she turned around, "what you do in your free time is of little interest to me," she said, "but while you're here," she continued, "I..." she kept going, "all of Crystal Prep, in fact," she corrected, "require your complete focus," she stated, raising the scholar's head up with her right index finger. She then gave off a serious look, considering what had conspired earlier as the headmistress passed by.

"But why does everyone at this school seem to know me?" Twilight out of confusion, causing her to stop to face her.

"Perhaps they're trying to confuse you," Cinch told her as a suggestion, "Perhaps they're trying to lure you away," she added on.

The more Dustin heard Cinch spoke, the more Dustin’s anger for the woman rose.

"It didn't feel like anyone was trying to lure me…" the glasses wearing girl admitted with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't know what they're playing at," Cinch responded, "but I guarantee, it isn't to help us win," she told her, gesturing for her to get in line with the rest of her fellow students, which she did with a saddened and depressed look.

“Jeez, what a wrinkly bitch.” Dustin muttered to himself as he eyed Cinch with anger. But his attention shifted to Twilight, and his anger turned to sympathy.

“I wholeheartedly agree.” A voice said right beside Dustin, startling him. He looks to see Salazar standing there.

“Oh. Hey. You’re Salazar, right?” Dustin asked with a raised eyebrow. “Shouldn’t you be with the others?”

“Yeah, but I rather not waste my time with those stuck-up pricks.” Salazar said with a look to the other Crystal Prep students. “Especially Cinch.”

“I see. Well, can I help you with something dude?” Dustin asked Salazar, making the boy look back at him.

“You don’t mind if I ask you a few questions, do ya?” Salazar asked Dustin, who just shrugged.

“I don’t see why not.” Dustin said with a nod.


Canterlot High, the girls were trotting through the halls, contemplating their recent meeting with Twilight as they were dressed back in their original clothes.

"Huh…" Rarity sighed as she looked up at the ceiling, "I still can't believe our world's Twilight goes to Crystal Prep of all schools!" she exclaimed out of frustration.

"Not to mention, she's probably playing in the Friendship Games," Adagio chimed in, the others widened her eyes in shock.

"Twilight playing against us?" Rarity questioned with a raised eyebrow, while Sunset was starting to develop a frustrated look on her face, "She'd never do that!" she exclaimed with her arms outstretched.

"Our Twilight wouldn't," Pixel chimed in, with Sunset in front of the group stopping suddenly as her ire had reached its peak from the discussion.

"Our Twilight is a princess in Equestria and an expert in friendship magic!" she yelled, turning back to the others, much to their surprise, "And if she was here," she continued, "we'd have already figured out why magic is randomly popping up during pep rallies and costume changes," she explained quickly. She then widened her eyes in realization as she noticed the somewhat startled, yet confused expressions her friends and teammates were making from her outburst.

“Jeez, Sunny.” Pixel said to Sunny, rubbing her back to calm her down. “Don’t get so worked up.”

"She's a princess in Equestria," Applejack pointed out, "Probably got problems of her own to deal with," she mentioned.

"We certainly can't expect her to drop everything and pop through the portal whenever," Rarity chimed in as she walked up to her, "Especially if it's to deal with something as minor as a few, random pony-ups," she added with a smirk.

"But they aren't minor!" Sunset claimed, "Magic came into this world when I stole Twilight's crown," she explained, "It's taken a lot for me to earn everyone's trust," she mentioned, "If we have to forfeit the games because I can't think of a way to keep it under control..." she started to realize, leaning up against the school lockers out of depression as a strand of her hair fell over her left eye.

"Oh, Sunset," Fluttershy chimed in, "I'm sure you'll be able to figure things out," she reassured to her.

"Yer the one who helped us understand what was goin' on with Adagio, Aria and Decibus a year back," Applejack mentioned, "Remember?" she questioned as she had her arms folded under her chest.

“Hey!” Aria said, but Adagio placed a hand on her shoulder.

“You know it’s true, Aria.” Adagio said before looking to Sunset. “And managed to defeat us, and even even gave me and Aria a second chance.”

"I guess…" she responded, "But Twilight was the one who really figured out what we needed to defeat you two," she pointed out to the group. "No offense, by the way."

"None taken, Sunny." Adagio said with a shrug.

"But don't you remember, darling?" Rarity questioned rhetorically as she walked over to her, placing her hands on her left arm after fixing the loose strand of her hair, pushing it up above her eye, "What we needed to defeat them… was you," she told her in a sweet tone, causing her to smile, knowing that her friends were always at her side.

"Huh…" Sunset sighed, "All right," she agreed, standing back up firmly. Her friends began cheering happily.

"All right," Rainbow said, punching her left hand with her right fist excitedly, "Come on, guys!" she beckoned to her friends and teammates, waving her arm, "Let's see if we can find any info about the events and come up with a strategy," she told them, walking off with the rest of the group. However, Sunset remained behind, still pondering something from earlier as she bit her left thumb, letting the others pass her by. "You comin', Sunset?" Rainbow asked, gesturing towards another section of the hall as she caught her attention.

Back with Dustin and Salazar, Dustin had answered every question Salazar through at him. He even told Salazar his whole story. From the first time he ended up in Canterlot City, how he met the girls, how Sunset used to be the queen bee before turning a new leaf, even the events of the Battle of the Bands. Needless to say, Salazar was quite impressed with what he hears.

“Wow man.” Salazar said with a whistle.

“Yeah.” Dustin said with a nod.

“Yo! Freak!” a voice called out, grabbing Salazar and Dustin’s attention. They turn to see Dum-bell, Hoops and Score approaching.

“We've got a bone to pock with you, Salazar!” Dum-bell said with an angry growl.

“Yeah!” Hoops and Score said in unison.

“You three again?” Salazar said with a grunt. “Don’t know when to step off, do you?”

“Because of you, we got three months worth of detention!” Dum-bell said, getting into Salazar’s face.

“Now you’re gonna pay!” Hoops added, but Salazar was not intimidated by the trio. Dustin decided to step in.

“How about you, Larry and Curly step off before things get ugly.” Dustin said, standing besides Salazar.

“This ain’t got nothing to do with you, big red! So beat it!” Dum-bell said rudely, pushing Dustin to the side.

“And as for you, punk!” Dum-bell said before grabbing Salazar by the collar. “You and me, we've got a score to settle.”

Then, without hesitation, Dustin grabbed a small pebble before tossing it at Dum-bell. This caused Dum-bell to glare at Dustin.

“You got something to say punk?” Dum-bell asked rudely. “I thought I said beat it!”

“You three punks want to mess with somebody, try me on for size!” Dustin said with no fear, opening his arms. Dum-bell, Hoops and Score just laughed at this display.

“Look, red! This ain’t got nothin’ to do with you!” Dum-bell said as Hoops and Score got on front of Dustin.

“Yeah, punk! So you best mind your own business!” Hoops said with a smirk.

“Well, here’s what I got to say to that!” Dustin said before giving the trio the old one-finger salute. The three were displeased upon seeing this.

“Ok, buddy! You asked for it!” Dum-bell said before releasing Salazar, and he and his two goons were approaching Dustin.

“Oh? Three on one, eh?” Dustin asked with feigned despair while leaning on a garbage bin. “What’s a poor defenseless man to do?”

And suddenly, before anyone could blink, Dustin grabbed the lid of the trash bin before hurling it like a Frisbee, straight at Dum-bell’s location. The lid hit Dum-bell straight at his head, knocking him off his feet and into the ground. Hoops, Score, and even Salazar were taken by surprise while Dustin had a smug grin.

“You mother…” Dum-bell growled with rage while holding his nose in pain. “You’re dead now, punk! Let him have it, boys!”

Hoops and Score rushed towards Dustin, but when they got close enough, he places both hands on their shoulders. With a single pinch, both Hoops and Score suddenly fell to the ground, further taking Salazar and Dum-bell by surprise.

“Hmph! Talk about killing two birds with one stone.” Dustin said with a smug grin at Dum-bell, who wad still top shocked to even move. “Last chance to step off, dick stain. Unless you want to have a go at me.”

“Uh…” Dum-bell said, shaking like a leaf before making his decision. “Boys, lets beat it.”

Dum-bell then ran off, and his two goons followed, leaving Dustin and Salazar alone.

“Dude. That was amazing!” Salazar said, catching Dustin’s attention.

“Thanks. But are you ok, dude?” Dustin said to Salazar.

“Nah, I’m good.” Salazar said with a shrug. “Thanks for sticking up for me.”

“Hey. I couldn’t sit on the sidelines and do nothing.” Dustin said with shrug.

“Well, I better look for Twilight. I hope she hasn’t gotten herself into trouble.” Salazar said before running off, but not before bidding Dustin farewell.

Meanwhile, Sunset had just opened the entrance doors to the school, heading outside with her book in her hands, opening it up to reveal blank pages.

"Huh…" she sighed, "Still no reply…" she grumbled as she pressed her right hand against the empty paper.

“Still not getting a response, huh?” Dustin said, walking towards his amber skinned friend.

“Yeah. Hopefully she does.” Sunset said with a sight.

“Well, she is a princess, after all.” Dustin said before sitting next to her. “I'm sure that she has her own problems.”

“Yeah, I guess so.” Sunset then looked to see the Wondercolt statue, along with the Crystal Prep buses parked along the sidewalk where the students were standing, lined up to get checked in. Sunset shut her book, walking down the steps towards the monument.

Twilight was also down at the sidewalk, putting down her knapsack with a dejected look on her face. Suddenly, her device began humming and glowing, catching her attention as she took it in her left hand. She saw that it was directing her forwards as she narrowed her eyes, letting it lie in both of her hands as she walked towards the statue. As she got there, she suddenly became confused while her contraption kept humming. She looked up at the marble horse, with her glasses falling down in the process, enticing her to immediately push them back up to her eyes. Her machine suddenly popped open again, revealing the small sphere of energy inside of it, making her cringe slightly.

"Maybe there's another way I could reach her…" the red and yellow haired girl suggested to herself before she placed her right hand on the mirror, which suddenly let out a burst of energy as her appendage became stuck to it, while a red aura flowed out through the glass,
"Hey!" she yelled, placing her left hand against the mirror to try and pry herself off of it, dropping her book, "Let go!"

“Shit! Susnet!” Dustin said before rushing to Sunset. He then wraps his arms around her and pulled with all his might.

On the other side of the statue, the aura was going into the device of the glasses wearing girl, with the sound of whooshing being apparent. All of a sudden, the Twilight closed her device back up just as the red aura swirled around the small energy sphere inside, breaking the connection as both girls and Dustin fell back down on their behinds, letting out screams before they landed.

“Oh, man! What happened?” Dustin asked in slight pain before looking to Sunset. “You alright?”

Sunset nods as Dustin gives her a lift. They both notice of Twilight sitting down on the other side of the statue with surprised eyes as she was rubbing her head in pain.

"What did you do?!" Sunset asked Twilight hysterically, relinquishing herself from Dustin.

"Twilight," a voice chimed in, catching her attention as she saw that it was Dean Cadance, standing beside a bus with her clipboard in her hands, "you have to check in with the others," she told her. She quickly ran off, disregarding what had just occurred.

"Hey, wait!" Dustin called out, but the girl paid no mind to him. He noticed Sunset was having difficulty standing. “Sunset! You alright?

"Y-yeah…" Sunset claimed, stumbling back slightly with a grunt, but Dustin helped her stand upright. "Although…I do feel a little woozy…"

“Whatever happened, it must have sapped you of your magic.” Dustin said in worry.

Sunset walked over to the mirror, but when she touched it, she felt her hand touch the glass, and nothing more, causing her to develop a look of disbelief.

"Sunset?" Dustin asked in worry.

"Where's the portal? WHERE'S THE PORTAL?!" Sunset screamed as she moved both of her hands across it in a panicked manner, shocking Dustin.

“What?” Dustin said as he touched the mirror too, only to notice that the portal felt like a normal mirror. “What the…What happened!?”

“Oh? Having trouble?” A voice said, catching their attention. They turn to see the hooded figure.

“You again!?” Dustin asked with anger in his tone.

“Hello to you, two.” The hooded man said before looking at Sunset. “And I take it you must be Sunset Shimmer, yes?”

“How do you know my name?” Sunset asked, getting ready to defend herself should the man try something funny.

“I know many things, my dear.” The figure said before Dustin brought out his Shock Star. Then with as much speed as he could muster, he rushed at the figure and took a swing. But before the weapon made its mark, the figure grabbed the head of the weapon, shocking both Sunset and Dustin.

“Too slow!” The figure said before being electrocuted by the Lightning Star, making him roar in pain and release his grip on the weapon. “A Lightning Star, huh?”

“I guess you were in for a “shock”, am I right?” Dustin said with a chuckle, but the figure groaned.

“Smile while you can boy.” The figure said before smirking. “You won’t be smiling once all the pieces fall into place!”

“What do you mean! What are you planning!?” Sunset asked with anger, only for the figure to chuckle before vanishing. The two just stood there, a bad feeling settling in both if them.