• Published 17th May 2021
  • 285 Views, 0 Comments

Hearth's Warming Eve - Discord040102

Discord bumps into an old friend of his during a Hearth's Warming Eve party in Canterlot.

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He Sees You When You're Sleeping...

It was late into the night during Canterlot's annual Hearth's Warming Eve party. Every pony and creature alike was having a wonderful time, eating cookies, drinking eggnog, passing out gifts, etc. The princesses Luna and Celestia are seen presiding over everything, vigilantly watching to make sure nothing goes wrong on a night of celebration such as this. Of course, they're having plenty of fun themselves, what with Luna joining on that eggnog chugging and all. We see Discord and the Main 6 happily chatting away with each other around a table, Discord sitting next to Fluttershy as always. He had refused to leave her side until the party had ended, where they would separate and head off to their own homes for the remainder of the night. But, until then, by her side he stayed. That is, until, something interesting drew his eye to the front door of the party hall. Discord had just barely caught a glimpse of who he thought was his old friend Krampus entering the hall, before he headed off and mingled with the crowd.

Twilight speaking up broke him out of his trance. "Discord! What's up? You're kind of spacing out over there." Discord jumped slightly at Twilight raising her voice to get his attention.

"What? Oh, it's nothing. I just thought I saw someone familiar."

"Someone familiar? You have a friend and you never told us about them? I always assumed Fluttershy was you're only friend." Rainbow Dash said.

"Ooh! I wanna meet Discord's friend! What's their name? Where are they?" Pinkie Pie excitedly looked around them in search of who Discord was talking about.

"I'd like to know as well." Fluttershy said from beside him. "Please tell us."

"Yeah, c'mon, tell us!" "Yes, please do." "Please?" The girls each spoke over one another. Discord smiled and sighed.

"Okay, if you insist." He turned to Twilight and asked, "Are you at all familiar with a being by the name of 'Krampus', Twilight?"

Twilight gasped slightly. "Oh my Celestia, don't tell me! You were friends with Krampus? Of course I know who he is, I've read all about him and his role in Hearth's Warming traditions."

Pinkie Pie spoke up, feeling confused. 'Krampus? Who's he?"

Discord chuckled. "Twilight, would you mind kindly explaining to our friends everything you've read about him?" Twilight nodded in response and began her explanation.

"Krampus is an ancient being, often described as a demon that is half goat, half humanoid. He hails from Austria in the east. For thousands of years every Hearth's Warming season, Krampus has traveled across both his home country as well as Equestria, and frightened naughty fillies and colts into being good for the holidays. However, if they refuse to listen to his warnings, he takes the children to his lair and punishes them into behaving before bringing them back to their parents. This is why in most depictions of him, he can be seen carrying a wicker basket on his back for putting kidnapped foals into, as well as bundle of birch branches to hit them with."

The girls listened to Twilight speak, looking scared. "Oh m-my. That's sounds awful!" Fluttershy squeaked.

"No wonder Discord is friends with him. He sounds like a villain to me." Rainbow Dash said.

"Hey!" Discord exclaimed to her. Twilight interrupted them.

"There's more to this story, girls. Let me explain." Each of the girls nodded and allowed her to continue. "For the past few centuries, Krampus has become infamous for fighting off and taming the wicked beasts of our world. Nowadays, he usually protects Equestria from villainous attacks during Hearth's Warming. He simply wants us all to be safe and happy during this glorious holiday."

"Oh, so he's really an antihero? That's good to know." Rarity said. Discord spoke up next.

"In case you all are wondering what he looks like, you're in luck, because he's right over there." They each turned to look at where Discord was pointing. Sure enough, Krampus was there, serving himself a mug of eggnog from a bowl at a nearby table. Twilight was surprised at his appearance. He was bipedal creature who looked like a combination of Starswirl the Bearded and Grogar, with the smallest resemblance to Tirek as well. His coat was tan colored, almost flesh-tone, but not quite. His cloven hooves were black, as well as his horns. A long white beard hung down from his face, and his goat eyes shined brightly in the Hearth's Warming lights. He had a long tail similar to that of a mule. He wore a red cloak with white fur trimming, very similar to Santa, only his clothes were filthier with soot and dirt. He had definitely gone down many a chimney in his time. His body and cloak were wrapped from horns to hooves in chains and jingle bells. In one hand, he lifted the mug to his mouth, and in the other he carried his birch branches. Then, of course, there was the basket strapped to his back. Needless to say, he looked bad, but not necessarily evil. He was certainly a demon as Twilight described, however.

"Wow... He looks awesome!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"He looks like Santa!" Pinkie happily said. Then, she began to sing to herself. "He sees you when you're sleeping! He knows when you're awake!" She continued to sing Santa's theme song while other girls talked.

"His clothes are absolutely horrid! I've never seen anything more sooty in my life!" Rarity said. Then, it was Applejack's turn.

"I have to agree with Rainbow on this one. He looks pretty darn cool." Discord spoke lastly.

"I think I'm gonna call him over. I really want to talk to him after all this time, and it would be nice to introduce you girls as well." A resounding chorus of "Okays" and "Fine by me's" came from each of them. Discord waved his lion paw in the air and shouted "Yo! Krampus!" Krampus turned his head, to look for whoever was calling his name. When he locked eyes with his old friend, his face lit up.

"Oh mein Celestia! Discord?!" He began to head over to their table, and the group could see that beneath the cloak, he was also wearing an old pair of lederhosen. Possibly something to remind himself of his home country. As he trotted over, the chains and bells on his body jingled and jangled. "Haha! I've haven't seen you since I visited the statue garden ten thousand years ago! Tell me, old friend. How does it feel to be free?" Discord pondered the question for a moment, then answered.

"Well, it still feels as though I was in stone only yesterday. But, then I remember all the time I've gotten to spend with this pretty girl here," He gestured to Fluttershy, "And all of her wonderful friends!"

Krampus smiled at his friends' clear happiness. "Vundabar! And these mares are....?" Discord perked up.

"Oh! That's right, allow me to introduce you. This is Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, and....? Pinkie Pie, dear, are you feeling alright?" They all turned to Pinkie, who had still been happily singing "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" the entire time.

She did not appear to hear Discord's question. "Pinkie!" Twilight elbowed her, breaking her out of her singing trance.

"Huh? What?" She exclaimed, feeling confused.

"We have a guest." Twilight calmly told her. Pinkie then noticed Krampus next to Discord.

"Oh, hello! I'm Pinkie Pie! It's nice to meet you!" Krampus gave a hearty laugh.

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well, young one! I take it you are a fan of Saint Nicholas?"

Pinkie didn't understand. "You mean Santa?"

Krampus facepalmed. "Oh that's right! He's calling himself that nowadays, I forgot. But, yes, I mean Santa." Pinkie then nodded vigorously.

"Yepperooni! I'm a big fan of him! Anyone who spreads joy that well is amazing in my book!" Krampus couldn't help but smile at the energetic pink pony. He then turned his attention to Twilight.

"And what of you, my dear? I must say, I vas unaware that there vas a new Princess in Equestria. This is certainly quite the surprise." Twilight blushed and introduced herself once again.

"As Discord said, my name is Twilight Sparkle and I am the Princess of Friendship. It's an honor to meet you in person, Krampus. I've read so much about you!"

Krampus laughed again. "Well, I appreciate it. Many creatures across this land have read about me, of course, but it's nice to be under the consideration of a princess." Before anypony could continue, however, they noticed Celestia and Luna approaching their table. Celestia spoke up.

"Ah, Der Krampus. How nice it is to see you in town again." Krampus turned to the sisters and bowed.

"It's nice to see you two as well, your majesties. Of course, as you know, I stop by here almost every year." Celestia giggled.

"Yes, but this is first time I've seen you at an event such as this." Discord seemed confused.

"Wait a minute... You three know each other as well? I thought I was his only friend." Celestia nodded.

"Well, you may be his first and oldest friend, Discord, but things have changed a lot during the time that you were in stone. When Krampus gave up his old practices and became an antihero for Equestria, Luna and I decided to knight him as our Hearth's Warming Protector. We've been getting along ever since."

Discord smiled. "Well then, that's great to hear! You've received a royal pardon, my friend!"

Krampus chuckled. "Indeed I have. It's also nice to know that you've changed for the better as well."

Discord chuckled too. "Fluttershy here is my second and, dare I say, greatest friend. She helped show me the light, and accept that friendship to all is the best policy."

Our group of unique characters partied and chatted on into the night. But, all things must eventually come to an end. When the party was over, the Main 6, the princesses, and Krampus each went their separate ways. After all, Krampus had his annual rounds to continue. Discord took Fluttershy home for the night, before retiring to his own home in Chaosville. He slept wonderfully that night, dreaming of the old days he used to spend with Krampus. His first friend. The following morning, Discord awoke and headed downstairs to find a large load of gifts beneath his upside-down tree, delivered by whom he thought was Saint Nicholas. However, this thought soon changed when he found a note attached to one of the packages.

"Dear Discord, thank you ever so much for calling me over last night. I'm sure I would've passed you right by if you hadn't. Also, thank you for introducing me to your wonderful friends. It's clear that you have many good things going for you, so be sure not to take them for granted. Normally, I don't deliver presents, but I felt it necessary for your sake. Have a great life, and I'll be sure to see you again next year. Merry Hearth's Warming to you. Your friend, Krampus."

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