• Published 25th Jun 2021
  • 274 Views, 0 Comments

Powers Beyond The Beyond (Parts 01 & 02) - Jasonpleasant

Jerkbox James returns to get rid of his kind and friendly counterpart for eternity so he can get his revenge on Chrystal Prep and reclaim his place as ruler

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Part 02 - Full Story

Jerkbox and his minions have teleported to an alleyway in the city across from Chrystal Prep Academy. Jerkbox soon disguises himself as Jukebox once again to find Jukebox's bullies, while his minions became invisible and set up explosives around the building disguised as trees, rocks, and other things they camouflaged with. By surprise, Chrystal Prep is hosting a High School Reunion tomorrow which gives him the perfect opportunity to find and humiliate the students one by one. Jerkbox sneaks into the campus and found Jukebox's first bully, Typhoon Swirlberry. She's been giving Jukebox swirlies since Jukebox won a talent contest that she was destined to win for the 5th month in a row. As soon as Jerkbox puts on his invisibility cloak, he begins to set up the trap. A quiet call comes from one of the minions saying that the explosives are in place. Jerkbox then calls the minions over to him to help find Jukebox's bullies. While the others (still invisible) are searching around the campus, Jerkbox finishes the trap. Swirlberry, without noticing, had a rope around her feet and with one cut of the rope from Jerkbox, the trap sets off. Swirlberry was yanked all over the campus running into every student along the way. The rope soon flings Swirlberry to the girl's bathroom and was given the worst swirlie of all time. Swirlberry was once the talent contest queen, now she's the laughing stock of the whole school.

One down, four to go

he said with an evil grin.

Elsewhere in a different dimension, Jukebox was still floating around.

So this is it, Jerkbox has officially won. I'm no match for him anymore, he's just too powerful

he said with a moan, and just when he thought all hope was lost, a certain figure came and spoke to him

You have more power than any pony could ever imagine JJ


Jukebox said by surprise

I thought you were destroyed

I can assure you that I'm very much alive it was my containment unit that was destroyed

Zordon replied. From his connection with the morphing grid, he was able to survive a destructive blow from one of his former rangers. Jukebox was planning to throw in the towel but Zordon gives him the upper hoof

I hereby present you with the most powerful keyblade in the universe

He said boldly. Jukebox asked how he could defeat Jerkbox with that keyblade. Zordon replied...

There's one power source that you have that is ten times as powerful as the 7 chaos emeralds


JJ said

You don't mean...

Yes, the aqua energem. First bonded with the ancient Ankylosaurus and now is your tool for access to legendary rangers in existance

Jukebox became a little more confident but still feels worried. But before Zordon disappears, he gave his last words upon his return

May the power be with you

Earlier at the Chrystal Prep campus, The Rainbooms are in the courtyard rehearsing for their performance. The struggle became pretty severe but the girls worked it out later on. Elsewhere on the campus, Jerkbox and his minions are still taking revenge on Jukebox's bullies. One of the minions asked...

is that the last of them?

Not just yet

Jerkbox replied.

it's pretty much the entire student body who's been messing with him. These gruesome geeks are just the ones who think they run the school. I'd like to see how they would keep their reputation up when I'm done with this place.

Jerkbox and his minions move on to phase 2 of their plan, Operation: Friendly Offering. The gang of changelings step out of the campus, become visible, and now head to the local bakery.

A few minutes later at the Bakery, Jerkbox and the gang stepped out with a bunch of treats for the reunion.

Now the REAL fun begins

Jerkbox said with an evil grin. It's now nighttime and the reunion has officially begun. Jerkbox, still in his Jukebox disguise, tells his minions to hide in the most common hiding spots around the courtyard. Jerkbox then enters the party with a smile. One of the students soon recognizes him and welcomes him to the reunion. He then invites him to a table where the rest of the students were sitting.

I'm like, so happy to be back here with you guys

says, one student. Another student suddenly starts talking about everything that has been going on before the reunion. Another student replies

That's nothing compared to the stuff that happened before when that dork showed up

Jerkbox asks...

and who is this dork you speak of?

Oh nobody. He's just so different from the others with all these so-called powers he has

Another student continued

I mean who would want to be friends with a loser like him? That's not even the best part, he got kicked out of the campus for demolishing the halls. What a loser

The students started laughing but Jerkbox just sat quietly watching the students poke fun at Jukebox when he was at the school. Jerkbox evilly grins as the students continued to make fun of Jukebox and once the conversation was over, one of the students looked at Jerkbox's evil smile

Hey are you alright?

Jerkbox turns to one of the students and replies...

Oh yes I'm fine

Another student thanks him for bringing the treats to the party. It was kind of a surprise that he showed up. Jerkbox told him that the pleasure is all his...and that's where his true colors were revealed. He said in an evil voice...


Jerkbox, fires an electrical spark of lightning at one side of the courtyard and another one on the other side.

Jukebox!? No! It can't be!


Jerkbox shouts and lightning strikes from his hands. The Rainbooms go into hiding thinking that JJ would never scare the crystal prep students like that. Sunset Shimmer suddenly looks closely at Jerkbox and immediately said that he is not Jukebox.

Then who is he!?

asked Rainbow Dash. Sunset replied...

It's an evil clone of Jukebox. The bullying that he went through must've somehow created it and from the looks of it...this clone is a master changeling from the everfree forest!

Without hesitation, Sunset Shimmer calls Jukebox from her communicator. One of the scared students cried

Why are you doing this?

You nitwits have been bullying me for a long time and now I think it's time for you to see how YOU like getting bullied

Jerkbox said firmly.

All the students began to run away from the madness but one by one Jerkbox's minions came out of hiding and surrounded them all. Principal Cinch rushes out to the scene to see what the commotion is going on. After seeing one of her former students going on a rampage, she decides to back away slowly and go into hiding...only to be caught by another one of Jerkbox's minions. Jerkbox changes back into his original form and wields out the ninja superstar blade along with the ninja nexus star.

This is MY school now and my word is LAW! One false move and your school will become a pile of nothing!

Jerkbox demanded.

Who's the loser now!? Who!?

In the space dimension, Jukebox receives a call from the Rainbooms.

JJ, this Jerkbox thing is terrorizing Crystal Prep, and to make matters worse, he's held almost every student captive. You have got to come over and stop this madness or else we'll be doomed!

And let's not forget the act of demolishing the building with the students inside! JJ, this is a serious matter! We need you now more than ever!

I would hate to see the students at Crystal Prep suffer a cruel fate from this monster

We may not like these varmints, but I reckon they don't deserve to be killed

Without hesitation and in a burst of magic, Jukebox is teleported back to his home in ponyville.


He said firmly. He grabbed his two swords (Saba and the keyblade), the master morpher, the aqua energem, and his new weapon, the changeling neutralizer. Jukebox ran out the door as quick as a flash to Canterlot to find the mirror to Canterlot High.

Back at Crystal Prep, the students and Principal Cinch are now chained up in the cafeteria with an army of Jerkbox's minions guarding every window and every door all over the building.

Who would've thought that messing with one kid could lead us to be killed?

said Indigo Zap. Lemon Zest replied...

I agree. This bites

Oh, the school board isn't going to be happy about this. One student going crazy after a massive bullying spree and none of us did anything to stop it. I am ashamed and disgusted at all of you!

Cinch said disappointingly

EASY FOR YOU TO SAY! We're going to be crushed in gravel in like a half hour!

Shouted Sunny Flare. The students and principal Cinch burst out in an argument but then it comes to halt when one of the minions bangs on the window. He shouted...


half of the students began tearing up now realizing the biggest mistake they have made.

Minutes later, Jukebox arrives at Canterlot high where the Rainbooms have been waiting for him. The Rainbooms rushed to him and hugged him for his return, but there was no time for reunions. Sci-Twi led him to Crystal Prep now in the color of green and black with storm clouds hovering over the campus.

It's awful isn't it?

Sci-Twi asked. Jukebox never realized that this would be the trouble the students would be into. Jerkbox walks around campus but then overhears Lemon Zest talking in the cafeteria

If we survive this, when I find that kid, I'm gonna smack him in the head so hard it'll wake up his dentist!

Sour Sweet replied...

oh please don't do it...keep giving him the punches until he's completely unconcious

Then all of a sudden, BANG! Jerkbox busts open a cafeteria door with one of his minions.

This one is mine, keep an eye on these punks while I take this pipsqueak

Jerkbox ordered.

Moments later, a light flashes on Sour Sweet now in a tracksuit with her arms and wrists tied in different locations.

Well, well, well. Ain't this a pleasant surprise. kind of anticlimatic knowing that your now a victim of severe torment by your own victim. Crazy isn't it?

Jerkbox chuckled

What are you going to do with me?

Sour Sweet asked in fear. More lights flash on and boxing gloves surround her.

Care for some punch?

Jerkbox asked with an evil grin. Sour Sweet becomes super scared and begins to tear up. On the other side of campus, Jukebox and the Rainbooms sneak inside to find the captives. Sunset Shimmer signals the group that she found them in the cafeteria with Principal Cinch. Rainbow Dash puts the minion who was watching the students into a deep sleep so the rest of the gang can help them make their getaway. Everybody leaves the cafeteria quietly as possible and they soon head back outside. They ran for cover but everyone got trapped in a barrier.

Going somewhere?

said one of the minions

Back in the basement of the school, Sour Sweet was no longer sour after taking multiple punches to the back of the head, stomach, and spine completely messing up her hair and tracksuit now with popped seams in her forearms, legs, and right shoulder. Tearful and heavily breathing, Sour Sweet said that she's had enough. Jerkbox unlocks the metal bands around Sour Sweet's wrists and ankles, and then she plops to the ground. Feeling scared with tears in her eyes, she backs away slowly from Jerkbox. Jerkbox then says...

Get out of here!

and Sour Sweet does so while crying loudly. Back outside, Rainbow Dash tries to bust open the barrier, but it wouldn't budge. Suddenly a mysterious force pulled JJ out of the barrier.

I should've known Queen Chrysalis wouldn't have the spine to finish you!

Jerbox said angrily.

You couldn't leave well enough alone could you little twerp!? Well now, you're gonna pay!

Jerkbox takes a dino morpher a blasts JJ again only this time, JJ quickly thought to get his energem and reflect the blast to the barrier instead.

Jukebox walks up to Jerkbox about to put an end to this fight but Jerkbox said...

Oh on the contrary useless freak! You got yourself a line of angry students coming at you on all sides!

Jukebox looks at the students angry at him then Lemon Zest gives the call...


The students mercilessly beat Jukebox while Jerkbox walks off in victory. Sour Sweet still in tears breaks up the beating...

STOP! It is not his fault! We all made him this way!

She then lifts up the badly bruised Jukebox up on his feet.

All those years of bullying have this little guy into a jerk! don't waste senseless violence on this kid! I mean did he really mean us any harm when he came here on the first day?

The students pondered for a while but Jerkbox snatches him out of Sour Sweet's hands. Jerkbox's minions begin to fight the rainbooms and the rest of the student body while Jerkbox heads back to Ponyville now in his evil image.

You may have escaped your prison and ruined my plan...

Jerkbox said

but I'm going to make you wish you were NEVER BORN!

NOT SO FAST YOU MONSTER! You leave my best friend alone!

Adagio snapped. Jerkbox turns to see all of Jukebox's friends standing together. Jerkbox angrily growls at Jukebox knowing that his plan is nearly foiled. He kicks Jukebox out of the way and begins transforming into the biggest, meanest most incredibly monstrous beast Equestria has ever seen.


In a burst of lightning Ponies scattered all over looking for shelter. Jukebox has no choice but to fight and destroy him once and for all and this time, he's taking it up a notch.


Jukebox shouted and every zord that the samurai rangers ever came in contact with came down to where he stands. Jukebox again shouts...


and all eleven of the samurai zords combined into one gigantic fighting machine.

SAMURAI GIGAZORD! READY! Legendary Ranger mode, Samurai! MEGA MODE POWER!

Jukebox flies up into the cockpit of the Samurai Gigazord for one last battle. The Jerkbox Dragon and the gigazord fought hard and but one tail fluke and gigazord took damage. Jukebox had one option and he took it...


The zord makes his final slashing attack and the dragon is defeated.

Jerkbox is teleported back to the human and Jukebox follows him. As Jukebox tackles him, he suddenly realizes that Jerkbox is stronger than ever before. Principal Cinch now feeling remorseful rushes over to Jukebox to help him

I'm sorry for everything that has happened to you. I never knew this would make a big impact on your life

She said. Upon hearing this, Jerkbox suddenly feels a little weak. The students tearfully apologized for bullying JJ and Jerkbox begins feeling weaker and weaker. Jerkbox starts to spark uncontrollably and as he begins to fizzle out, he says his final words...

You haven't defeated me completely...Just...for now. You can't keep this evil clone down. I'LL BE BACK!

The dark clouds soon disappeared and both Chrystal Prep and Equestria have been restored. The ninja nexus star and the chaos emeralds are now back in Jukebox's hands and Everyone cheered as they claimed victory once again. Sonata Dusk reappears in front of Adagio and the rest of the ponies completely unharmed.

Oh I'm so happy that my baby sister is alright

Adagio cried happily. Sonata suddenly begins to feel some tension and Adagio gasped in happiness. Jukebox's communicator beeps and answers the call.

JJ, I think it's time to deliver the package

Adagio said

What? I don't have any mail to deliver

Jukebox replied

No JJ I mean it's time to deliver THE package

Jukebox thinks for a second and realized...


Jukebox rushes back to Ponyville as the ponies rush Sonata to the hospital.

After 2 hours, The baby has arrived healthy and happy. Jukebox and Sonata are not only happy that every pony is safe and Equestria is back to normal, but they are also happy to be back together as a loving family.

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