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8. A Dazzle In Her Eye

A few years later...

It had been a few years since Anon had beaten Flash that fateful day. Not only did Anon beat Flash that day but Anon also got an amazing girlfriend, who would later become Anon's wife. Anon was scared out of his mind to pop up the question, but Anon loved Adagio with all his heart and she felt the same and said yes. Anon would never forget his wedding day and how beautiful Adagio looked in her wedding dress. Anon's mom had cried tears of joy that day for him.

Anon was currently at his home playing with his daughter, having some daughter and dad time. She was currently trying to walk but she couldn't keep her little balance. However, just like her mother she was determined to walk and kept getting up every time she fell. Adagio was currently in the kitchen making some lunch for the family. She was also due with another baby in a little bit and Anon was hoping that it was a baby boy, but either way, Anon would be happy.

Anon was lucky to know that he had such a good wife. She had helped Anon gain his confidence and beat Flash. If it wasn't for Adagio, he probably still would have had self-doubt. Not only that but Anon probably would have never defeated Flash and his bullying would have continued for the rest of high school. Adagio was his hero in a way, for helping him out and making him achieve his goals.

"Anon, lunch is ready." Adagio said as she brought the food over to the table.

"Okay, I'm coming." Anon said, picking up his daughter and heading to the table.

Adagio's cooking was always good to Anon. Anon didn't know how she could cook so well but she did. Anon placed his daughter on her high chair and sat down as he waited for his wife. Adagio brought out two plates and a baby bottle full of milk. She had made some of her homemade sandwiches along with some fresh lemonade. Anon started to eat the sandwich, he hmmed in happiness. Anon could never get enough of his wife's delicious food.

"Like the food, Anon?" Adagio asked as she watched her husband chow down on the sandwich.

"Is that even a question? Of course, it's good, your cooking is the best." Anon said as he continued eating the sandwich.

Adagio smiled, proud that her husband enjoyed her food. "That's good to know." She then looked at her baby and her eyes widened, but then giggled. "You're not the only one that likes my food, huh honey?"

Anon looked over at his daughter, and he couldn't believe what he was seeing. She was drinking her milk as if her life depended on it. In a matter of seconds, she had finished her food before Anon could finish his sandwich. Anon smiled, all of those attempts at walking must have been hard work for her and made her hungry. Lately, that's all she's been doing... when she's awake that is. Anon's daughter could sleep for a whole day if she was lucky but when she was awake all she did was eat, and try to walk. Anon didn't know if that was normal, to just want to try to learn how to walk and not play. But if that's what his daughter wanted to do, to try to walk then she could do as she pleased.

"Has she gotten any closer to being able to walk?" Adagio asked as she looked at Anon while eating her food.

"She is definitely trying, I'll give her that. Just like her mother, she's never giving up until she master's something." Anon said, as he looked over at his daughter and then back at Adagio with a smile.

"Yep, that's me. I won't give up until I accomplish the task at hand." Adagio smiled as she looked at her daughter.

Anon nodded as he looked over at Adagio. "Yep, and that's one of the reasons why I love you."

Even after all their years together, Anon still found a way to make Adagio blush. "Aww, that's so sweet Anon. I love you too Anon." Adagio got up and kissed him on the cheek.

Adagiothen went over and picked up her daughter from her high chair along with her plate and headed to the living room. Anon picked up his plate and start to walk over to the living room with them. Once Adagio put her daughter on the ground she immediately tried to walk again. Anon smiled as he looked down at his daughter, his daughter was just the cutest thing ever when she tried to walk.

"She just won't stop trying. Even I'm impressed she's trying this hard." Adagio said as she looked at her daughter. "I just hope she keeps this drive of hers when she gets older."

Anon nodded with a knowing smile. "I'm sure she's going to have a lot of confidence when she gets older, just like you."

"Isn't that what we want? We don't want her to be like how you used to be... Oh! I'm sorry Anon, I didn't mean anything." Adagio quickly apologized not meaning to hurt Anon's feelings.

Anon waved his hand, showing that everything was fine. "None taken. But you are right we don't want her to be like me. Even if she doesn't have confidence we'll just have to help her get some."

Smiling, Adagio nodded. "I couldn't agree more. I think she knows she's close to being able to walk. That's why she's been trying this hard lately. She's on the brink of finally being able to walk."

Anon looked at his wife confused. "Almost be able to walk, huh? Adagio, she's just a little kid, who's barely even lived life. How can she tell if she's almost able to walk?"

"Just watch, she'll be walking before you even know it." Adagio smiled as she continued to watch her daughter try to walk.

Anon walked into the kitchen and put his plate in the sink. Normally, he did the dishes but he's been watching his daughter trying to walk. Time had gone by so quickly, at one point in time he had no confidence and let Flash take over him. But now here he was, married to a woman he loved dearly, had a daughter, and finally has confidence. He couldn't be happier with how much his life had turned around for the better, and it was all thanks to Adagio.

"Anon!!! Come here!!" Adagio yelled at the top of her lungs.

Anon quickly ran out of the kitchen, afraid something had happened to his wife or worse his daughter. As he turned the corner he saw Adagio smiling brightly. Nothing seemed to be wrong, but here was Adagio smiling as she pointed at something. Anon looked over at where his wife was pointing, and Anon couldn't believe what he was seeing. His daughter was finally walking! She only took a few steps until she lost her balance and fell. Anon's daughter started to laugh, as Adagio quickly rushed over to her and picked her up holding her like a stuffed animal.

"I told you, Anon. My little girl finally took her first steps. You're such a smart girl you know that?" Adagio laughed as she continued to hug her little baby. Their baby could only continue to laugh not even knowing what incredible moment she had just done.

"I guess you were right, Adagio. Our daughter was close to being able to walk. How did you know she was close to being able to walk?" Anon asked as he looked at Adagio.

"Call it a mother's institution. Plus, I'm always right." Adagio said as she held her head up in her little victory.

Anon crossed his arms as he looked at Adagio with a knowing smirk. "Always? I wouldn't say always. Maybe most of the time but definitely not all the time."

"Close enough to me. Most of the time, all the time." Adagio said with a cheeky smile.

Anon rolled his eyes. "Sure whatever you say Adagio."

Just then Adagio's phone started to ring. She left the room with your daughter in her hands. Anon didn't know who was calling her but it wasn't any of his business. Adagio came back out of the room and she looked like she was in a good mood as she had a smile on her face.

"Sonata and Aria want to meet up at Sugar Cube Corner." Adagio said as she went over to Anon.

"Oh alright, well what are we waiting for? Let's go." Anon said as he put on his jacket.

"Sure, just let me get the baby dressed." Adagio said leaving the living room and back into the bedroom.

After a while Adagio came back with Anon's daughter. Anon grabbed his keys and opened the door. Adagio walked out of the door with his daughter in her hands. Anon then closed the door from behind Adagio. He then turned around and looked at his beautiful wife, with their beautiful baby in her hands. This was Anon's new and better life. Anon and Adagio were finally together and Anon's life couldn't be any better.

The End

Comments ( 4 )

Wow, this was great.

Ohh. Wow, getting into a fight as a freshmen. That’s rough.

Trust me, I do.

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