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3. A Run In With Flash

Monday, a day every kid hates as it was the start of another week. And sadly the day was only beginning, currently Adagio was now walking to school with Anon. It also didn't help that both of them were worried sick for this very day. Their teacher was going to hand out the test they had taken that previous Friday. Neither Adagio nor Anon felt like they had done any good, both with their own reasons in mind. Anon because he had no confidence at all and Adagio because she didn't study one bit. To make matters worse, whenever they did a test like that the teacher would call out everyone's score. Another thing teachers did was to make their students suffer. Were they trying to humiliate the kid for doing badly for their own amusement and show off the students who did good to make others feel worse?

"Hey, Adagio?" Anon asked, snapping Adagio out of her thoughts. "Do you think you did well on the test?"

As Anon looked at Adagio, Adagio looked down, and sighed as she shook her head. "I didn't even study for the test, much less know about it. I can only hope I did well, which would be a miracle. Do you think you did good on the test, Anon?"

Anon mimicked Adagio's reaction and gave an uneasy chuckle as he scratched the back of his neck. "I think I did okay, for the most part. I did have a little trouble with some of the questions on the test but other than that it was alright."

"You know I would normally say you always do well on the tests we have, but for once I have to agree with you. That was one of the hardest tests yet. We'll be lucky if we get a D or higher." Adagio said and Anon could only nod his head in agreement.

"I'm sure we didn't do that bad, you especially. You're smart, I'm sure you passed the test." Anon reassured Adagio.

Adagio noticed how Anon talked more about how she did good on the test and not how the both of them did good. She let it slide however as the two had arrived at school. Rolling her eyes, Adago looked toward the school. "Sure, whatever you say Anon."

Once the two of them entered the gates to the school, they made their way to class. When they walked into their classroom they then took their seats and waited for class to begin. Already standing in front of the classroom was their teacher and he didn't look too happy. Adagio couldn't help but feel sick, she was hating every moment of this, she just wanted to go back to her bed and back into her slumber. Already starting the week off by getting a test score, how fun. The teacher clapped his hands getting all of the student's attention and haulting their conversations.

"I have graded all of your tests from Friday. And I must say, I'm not too pleased with your scores. Most of you either failed the test all together or did below average. Only ten of you actually got a C or above. I will now go over everyone's test, I will save the actual good scores for last." The teacher said, as he pulled out a stack of papers. No doubt being all of the students tests papers with their scores on them.

Adagio was biting her lip hoping it would help calm her nerves, but it wasn't helping. Only ten people got C's or above? This test obviously was one of the harder ones yet, and this made Adagio even more nervous than she already was. As the teacher kept on calling on people's names, Adagio got even more scared by each passing name. After a while, the teacher stopped calling on people's names. Adagio was confused by this, there was still kids who had yet been called on or gotten their tests back. She started silently counted and sure enough, she counted nine plus herself then... ten!

"I have gone over everyone's names that didn't get a C or above. I will now go over those that did get actual good grades, these are the students that got the highest scores on the test." The teacher said.

Adagio's teacher started to once again call out names. Her name hadn't been called yet, so she obviously did better than she had thought which was enough to make her smile at that. The teacher was currently on number five and neither Adagio's, Flash's, or Anon's names were called yet. Adagio felt even more confident, she could actually have a high score for once on test.

"Coming at number three we have Adagio Dazzle." The teacher said as he looked up from the paper and gave Adagio a smile. The class began to cheer for Adagio as she was still sitting down in shock. She looked around and her eyes caught Anon who was smiling and clapping for her, he motioned for her to go get her test and she smiled.

Adagio was jumping for joy in her head, she couldn't believe she had done it, and that Anon was proud of her! She walked up and took the test from her teacher. Adagio looked at her paper that had a big 94 mark on her test. She didn't think she was going to have the third highest grade, much less get a passing grade on the test. She had guessed on almost every single one of the questions. The only two names that hadn't been called yet were Anon's and Flash's names. Adagio was kinda hoping Anon did better than Flash, but she could only hope.

"Coming at number two we have Flash Sentry, and at number one we have Anon." The teacher said, as he once again looked up from the papers and smiled at his two highest scoring students.

Adagio looked back at Flash; he was in shock. Adagio smiled that's what he gets for acting like he's the best all the time, to fall one step behind Anon. Maybe, just maybe now he'll stop acting like a bully and actually start treating people with respect. Anon and Flash got up and take their test from the teacher who said some words to the both of them, words Adagio couldn't hear. As the two got their test, Adagio noticed that Flash didn't look too happy not one bit, but Adagio didn't care. The only think she cared about was Anon getting the best score and beating Flash in something.

Adagio and Anon were currently on their break and were hanging out like always minding their own business. They were talking about the test and how well their results were, that however ended until Flash and his little friends came along to ruin their peaceful talk. Flash grabbed Anon by the collar of his shirt and threw him against a wall.

"You think you're smarter than me just because you got a higher score, huh? You probably cheated on the test! There's no way someone like you could have gotten a better score than me!" Flash yelled.

"Hey! Let him go! He didn't cheat! Stop being a sore loser and get out of here!" Adagio yelled. "Anon studied for that test, he deserved the grade he got, if anyone cheated it was probably you!" Adagio started to walk over to Flash and Anon, to help out her friend in need but she was stopped by Flash's two friends. They smiled and stood in front of Flash, and they didn't look like they were going to let her pass by them so easily.

"Admit it you cheated and nothing will happen to you or your loud mouth friend." Flash looked back at Adagio and then down at his fist. "Or I'll have to beat it out of you until you beg for mercy?"

Anon looked at Flash's fist and got scared, not only for him but for Adagio as well. "Y-yeah, I cheated. I cheated on that test, you're way smarter than me Flash."

"Good." Flash said as he threw Anon to the ground. "Come on let's go guys, it smells like pure failure over here. Oh, and Anon, make sure your friend over there keeps her mouth shut before it gets her in trouble." Flash looked at Anon and pointed to Adagio.

Flash and his friends leave Adagio and Anon alone in the middle of the hall. Adagio walks over to Anon who was still on the ground adjusting himself from Flash.

"Are you okay Anon? He didn't hurt you, did he?" Adagio asked as she bent down to Anon checking to make sure he didn't get any bruises.

"No. I'm fine, I'm used to him doing this to me, remember?" Anon said as he wiped his clothes from the filth they had gotten on them.

Adagio stood up as she helped Anon back up. "Why can't he just deal with the fact he did worse on the test than you? He needs to get his underwear out of his butt. We should tell someone about what he's doing."

"Please don't. They won't do anything anyways. And even if they do, Flash will just come back and hurt us." Anon said as he looked down. "Teachers don't do anything with bullying, they've never done anything to Flash. Flash always gets away with what he does, always. There's no point in telling someone, nothing will be done."

Adagio looked at Anon. "But he threatened you! He held you against a wall, he's beat you up multiply times, we have to do something that might actually stop Flash from bullying not only you, me, but everyone else too."

"That's the thing though. I don't want someone else to stop Flash. I want to be the one to stop Flash." Anon looked at Adagio in the eyes. Adagio noticed the look in his eye, he was serious about this. "So don't tell anyone about this, okay?"

"I would normally say no but since it's you, I'll expect your request. I promise I won't tell anyone about all of this, but if he hurts me then that's a totally different story and not even you will be able to stop me." Adagio said as she crossed her arms.

"You come to me if that ever happens. If he hits you, even so puts his hands on you, you come to me and he'll see a different side of me." The tone in Anon's voice was serious but yet protective, it made Adagio heart flutter a bit.

Adagio then thought about what he had said. "Different side? I don't know if I should be happy or scared about that."

"You don't have to be scared of me." Anon said, just then the bell had rung signaling the end of their break." It's just that if he hits my best friend then he'll see my bad side."

Adagio blushed bright pink. She was Anon's best friend... well his only friend at that, but still! Knowing that Anon cared that much to do something to Flash if he ever hit her, made her feel happy. Going back to Anon having a bad side... she didn't believe it. Anon was nice, maybe too nice at times. He wouldn't hurt anyone, matter of fact he wouldn't even hurt a fly... would he? Maybe if Flash got Anon mad enough he could. But seeing Anon someone who was known as the quiet kid all of a sudden go insane and get angry? Yeah that wasn't something she wanted to see any time soon.

From how Anon acted from what Flash just did, he looked scared out of his mind. Or was it all just an act he was putting on? Adagio looked at Anon, while Anon continued to talk about the test and some of the questions. What if Anon wasn't scared of Flash at all and he only acted like he was? That would make Flash the idiot and Anon the genius. Anon was smart, Adagio knew that, but was he that smart?

"Come on Adagio, let's head back to class." Anon said, as he started walking back to class.

"Yeah, coming right behind you!" Adagio said as she started to catch up to Anon.

Flash was both strong and smart, Anon was smart and kinda strong, well on the inside he was not so much on the outside. At first glance, people could think Flash was the stronger one of the two. But to Adagio, Anon's drive in beating Flash was much stronger than anything she had seen before. The day that the two of them get into a fight, whenever that day comes... something will happen, whether it'll be good or bad.