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2. A Talk With Sisters

Adagio walked back home from another day of school. Friday's were always good, sadly however this one wasn't. That day her class had a test and Adagio wasn't proud of it of her results, not one bit. It was one of those stupid let's give you an out of nowhere tests for the pain of the students. Why did teachers give out random tests like that? Adagio suspected teachers did that for their pure enjoyment and to make their students suffer. And since Adagio hadn't known about the test she didn't even study for it, so she could only hope she did well on it but she wasn't so sure.

It had been a few years since Anon saved Adagio from Flash and his friends that day. Ever since then Adagio and Anon started to hang out and become good friends. Even some people at their high school started to make rumors about them, thinking the two of them were dating. It was always fun to see Anon's face turn bright red like a cherry when people made that assumption or would come up to the two and ask. Her sisters, Aria and Sonata would make fun of her, but there was nothing going on between her and Anon... at least that's what she thought.

Another thing Adagio had come to realize was the dark past between Anon and Flash. Apparently, Flash and Anon were friends at one point but once Anon saw Flash picking on some other neighborhood kids their friendship soon ended. Ever since Flash would pick on Anon the most for "betraying" him, Flash would mess with Anon both mentally and physically, and because of that Anon had a serious confidence issue. Adagio hated seeing Anon doubt himself in thinks he shouldn't be, but she didn't know how to help or what do to. She could only hope that the problem would pass over and Anon would one day find the confidence back in him.

Adagio opened her bedroom door and threw her backpack on the ground as she fell onto her comfy bed. Looking up at the ceiling, Adagio sighed, she had a secret that she had been keeping from everyone, even her friends and family, and most importantly, Anon. She did indeed have a crush on Anon, a huge crush on him. Whenever someone would ask her if she liked Anon, Adagio would lie and say that she didn't. But the more she lied the harder it became to hold in her little secret any longer. She had to tell someone, anyone for that matter, just not Anon. Although, she was almost certainly sure that her sisters knew about her crush on Anon. The other day she had brought Anon over to her place one time. Sonata, her youngest sister had said something about Adagio bringing her boyfriend over. Aria, her other little sister, slightly older than Sonata, had told Anon that Adagio had a dream of marrying him and having a family together.

Anon was obviously confused and flustered at her sister's remarks, which would not only be the first but last time Anon would ever come over to her house again. Adagio was so sure she was going to die from the embarrassment that day. Her sisters had a lot of fun teasing Adagio that day, and Adagio hated every bit of it. But that was her two little sisters for you, being annoying to their older sister, that was nothing out of the ordinary.

Adagio groaned as she got up from her bed and went to her sister's room. Aria and Sonata were in their room playing and surprisingly not fighting with each other. Now that was a sight to see, normally the two were at each other's necks. Adagio walked into their room and Aria and Sonata looked up at her with confusion.

Aria looked at Adagio and then went back to playing with her toys. "Oh hey, Adagio. Where's your boyfriend?"

Adagio slightly blushed but shook it off. "He isn't my boyfriend!"

"Sure whatever you say Dagi. So, what do you want? I thought you were still mad at us after what happened yesterday?" Sonata said, obviously confused while playing with her dolls.

"Trust me I'm still mad at you two." Adagio was going to say more but she bit her tongue. She came to talk to her sisters not start problems. "But can't we just all get along and be nice sisters to one another?" Adagio smiled brightly.

Her sisters, however, didn't fall for it as both Aria and Sonata turned to face one another and then back at Adagio. "What do you want? You're never this nice to us, unless... you want something from us. So what do you want from us?" Aria asked crossing her arms. Sonata looked at Aria nodded her head and then mimicked what her older sister had done.

Adagio sighed. "I don't want anything from you two. I just, uh... just wanted to talk to you guys. It's gotta do with Anon." Adagio turned her head away from her sisters in embarrassment.

"I knew it!" Aria yelled standing up." He is your boyfriend!"

"Do you hear that Ari?" Sonata asked, putting her hand to her ears. "I think I hear wedding bells? When's the wedding going to be, Dagi? Can we come along?" Almost touching her nose Sonata got close to Adagio's face. "Can I be the flower girl!?"

Adagio pushed Sonata out of her face. "Ugh, there isn't going to be a wedding. Anon isn't even my boyfriend."

"Then what do you have to tell us that involves Anon? Did something happen? He didn't do anything to you did he?" Aria asked. Even though Aria was younger she was still protective of her older sister.

"Yeah, because if he did, daddy would beat him up." Sonata said, punching the air to emphasize her point.

Adagio sighed, rubbing her forehead. She was getting a headache from her two sisters. "No, he didn't do anything to me. I came to tell you that I do in fact like Anon."


The coo from both Aria and Sonata was enough to make Adagio start to think she had made a mistake telling them anything in the first place. "I'm already regretting I told you two."

"Then why did you tell us if you were just going to regret it in the end?"

Adagio rolled her eyes at Sonata. "Because I just had to get it off my chest, ok? I've been keeping it for a while now and I couldn't keep it in any longer."

Aria smirked. "Oh, in that case, I'll tell Anon for you."

Adagio glared at Aria. "If either of you even thinks about doing that I'll tell your crushes about your feelings. And I don't think you would want that now do you?"

"No!" Sonata ran over to Adagio hugging her leg. "Please don't. I won't tell Anon anything, Dagi, I promise!"

"Well, that's one. What about you Aria? You don't want you know who, to know how you feel." Adagio threatened.

"I don't even know what you're even talking about. I don't like anyone. So this doesn't even work for me." Aria smirked as she crossed her arms.

"Oh, so you don't have a crush on Keith-" Adagio tried to say but got interrupted.

"OK!! FINE! We... have ourselves a deal. I won't tell if you don't tell." Aria said as she looked away with a small blush.

Sonata tilted her head. "But why come talk to us of all people?"

Adagio shrugged. "I knew you guys could probably already tell I liked him. So I thought I would come and talk to you guys."

Aria just stared at her older sister. "So that's all you came to tell us?"

Once again Adagio shook her head. "No, I came to see if you guys had any advice."

Looking at her sister dumbfounded Aria sighed. "I don't know, Adagio. From how Anon acts you should first try to help him out, before anything."

Sonata nodded her head agreeing with Aria. "Yeah, that confidence issue is a real problem of his. He'll never be able to ask you out with his current confidence."

"Shut up! He probably doesn't even like me like that." Adagio sadly looked down.

Shrugging, Aria went back to playing with her toys. "You never know. Maybe he does secretly like you."

"So just help him with his confidence problem? That's all I have to do? Just help Anon accomplish his goals of finally being able to stand up to Flash and regain his confidence?" Adagio asked her siblings.

"Is there anything else?" Sonata asked.

"No, now thinking about it. He's not really picky about what he likes. The only thing he's always wanted is to be able to stand up to Flash and stop him from being a bully to everyone. That'll not only be good for him but for everyone else, Flash really is a jerk." Adagio said, thinking about everything Flash had done to others.

"There you go, that's what you do. Help him gain confidence, and help him stop Flash. Then he'll probably fall for you. And if that doesn't work, just know that you helped him with something much more special to him."

"Yeah, she's right. You're perfect with helping Anon out. You're radiating with confidence!" Sonata stood up with a smile. "Sometimes you have too much confidence." Sonata mumbled the last part.

"That's because I'm older than you." Adagio pointed at Sonata. "If I’m overconfident then I'll be cocky like Flash. You don't want me to act like Flash do you?" Adagio questioned looking down at her sisters.

"Flash isn't overconfident though, he's just a big bully. There's a big difference between you and Flash."

"Still my point stands. Adagio has far more confidence than anyone I know. She'll be the perfect person to help Anon get his confidence back." Sonata said with the utmost confidence.

"I know I am, that's why I'm going to help him. And I'm going to be with him for the whole time until the very end when he beats Flash once and for all."

"You said you liked him? Are you sure you're not in love?" Aria questioned as she smiled.

"Shut up! I don't love him! I just have a crush on him." Adagio yelled while a blush covered her face.

"Sureeee. That's why you always talk about him all the time. What did you say that day when you came back home when you went to the park? 'I was saved by a hero today at the park. He saved me from a bunch of bullies. He's my hero.'" Sonata said, mimicking Adagio's voice.

"Hey!" Adagio yelled." "I don't sound like that at all."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Me and Sonata were in a very serious battle until you came in."

"Fine, I can tell when I'm not wanted." Adagio said as she started to leave her sisters room.

"No! You can stay. You never play with me and Aria anymore. You're always thinking about Anon."

Adagio sighed and turned back around. "Fine, I'll stay. Even though I'll win, but still."

"Good luck with that, older sister." Aria smirked as Adagio smirked back at her.

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata all started to play with one another. It had been a while since the three of them all played like this, and it brought Adagio back to when they were younger. Sure the conversation didn't go as planned or as Adagio had hoped it could but it was something. But now Adagio had a plan.

Help Anon get his confidence back.