• Published 23rd Feb 2021
  • 1,991 Views, 2 Comments

Little Macintosh - Foal Star

Big Mac wakes up one morning to see that he's a foal and his Smartypants doll might be involved

  • ...

Only chapter: Little Mac or Big Mac?

Big Mac woke up somewhat confused, and he was gauging his surroundings and was trying to figure out where he was. His entire body felt jelly as he kicked about his limbs, and he was surprised to see they were quite pudgy. The colt then tried to get up, but it seemed to be rather difficult for him. Big Mac turned his head to the side and saw wooden bars surrounding him; there were even plastic apples circling overhead. He looked at the strange object closely than it suddenly came to him. This was a crib. Above him is a mobile; upon this realization, he started to panic a little, kicking, and then he felt something snug around his waist (and it was quite damp and felt rather clammy). The colt paused as he looked down and saw a few soft quilts around his body. He didn't even have to look under to know that his rump was strapped up in a diaper. Then colt turned to see a strange rag doll in his hooves, that peculiar Smartypants doll that Twilight cursed. Big Mac could feel his cheeks flush pink as he took the doll for himself; it wasn't because of the spell either. He didn't know why but the doll reminded him of one he had in his foalhood, and he wanted to have it as a keepsake. The red-coated colt remembered going to sleep with the doll last night. The colt looked up at the mobile spinning overhead and was to think things over. Big Mac always had a want to be the younger sibling, and for some reason, the doll spoke to him, and the stallion just took it. He still wasn't sure why but it did, and now...well...he did not know what was going on. That was until Big Mac was picked up and was taken by a giant pair of orange hooves; he tried to maneuver around but seemed unable to escape.

"Stop that squirming. I gotta change ya." Big Mac heard his sister grumble as she then placed him down on a changing table; he looked up to see a tired-looking Applejack. She was somewhat exhausted with bags under her eyes. The red-coated colt kicked and cooed as she went about wiping his rump; he whimpered and kicked, feeling the cold wipes hit his exposed bottom. But she continued to do so, and the mare smiled down at him as she cooed, "you seem quite cheery today. Sorry about the late diaper change was up late trying to finish the harvest."

The mare finished wiping Big Mac's rump, then she began to rub cold foal cream over her charge's backside. The colt shivered as the cream touched his seat, and the mare continued, "Ya know how it is. I keep telling ya about all my problems and pretend like ya understand me."

Big Mac blinked, looking somewhat confused as to what was she talking about? Why hasn't she freaked out seeing he was a foal? Something was wrong, really wrong. He didn't notice his thoughts were causing himself to kick about and crying out loud. Applejack went about finishing taping him up in a fresh diaper, making sure to secure the tabs. She then took him over her shoulder and gave his padded rump a few pats trying to calm him down. Big Mac looked around his room and saw it was completely different, with the floor being padded; he had a toy chest in the back of the room. It was a small quaint nursery. He had him quiet down Applejack then took him downstairs. Granny Smith was already up as well warming bottle of milk as she commented, "sounds like little Mac is hungry."

Applejack rolled her eyes at the comment and responded, "he's always hungry."

The farm mare placed the little colt in a highchair, and he squeaked feeling his padded rump hit the wooden base with a puff of foal powder. Big Mac took the time to look around, trying to gauge where he was and his surroundings; once more, the kitchen wasn't different, nor was the dining room, minus the highchair. So far, the only changes he's seen were on himself and his room. Applejack then came over, tied a bib around his neck, and then brought out a bowl of mashed apples; she then spoon-fed him. "Now open wide!"

Big Mac groaned, but he was rather hungry, so he went and chomped down the mashed apples spoonful by spoonful. He didn't realize as he munched away that mashed apples were covered his face and getting all over his bib. But Applejack would wipe his mouth and coo at him; it was all rather nice…but also quite patronizing.

He then had a bottle of warm milk plopped into his mouth, and he suckled down its contents. The colt continued to suckle it down; it was actually rather tasty and quite creamy. As he suckled down his milk, Apple Bloom skipped over with a smile. "Oh, hey Applejack, morning Little Mac!"

Little Mac!? Big Mac thought, why is she calling me that! The colt tried to ask her babbling gibberish (and spitting out some food) which just made the little filly giggled, "I love it when he tries to talk; it's so cute!"

"Yeah, can't wait till he can, then he'll be as annoying as you." Applejack joked. She ruffled the filly's mane as she gave her a bowl of cereal and apple slices.

Big Mac grumbled under his breath as clearly trying to communicate was out of the question. He had to think of a way to tell them something was wrong. But the problem is they seemed to think this was normal? How was that possible?

He sat back in his highchair, chugging down his bottle, thinking it over when Apple Bloom got up. "Ok, gotta get going, see ya later!"

Applejack nuzzled the filly and then picked up Big Mac. "Alright, I gotta get apple buckin'."

"Come on, Applejack, ya can't do the entire harvest yaself! Ya need to hire some ponies! Caramel, or get your cousin Braeburn!" Granny Smith stomped a hoof and shouted.

The farm mare grumbled under her breath. "Granny, I got this; I just gotta drop off little Mac with Twilight; she promised she'll care for him today."

Granny Smith scoffed as she stomped off. "Fine! But I'm gonna go and start making the apple butter Filthy asked for. But you seriously should hire some help! You won't be able to care for Little Mac all tuckered out!"

Applejack ruffled the colt's mane as she plopped the bottle from Big Mac's mouth and wiped his mouth. The colt babbled and kicked about in his diapers; the farm mare cooed, "oh, Little Mac is fine; he can take care of himself. He's so calm and sweet, barely cries, and always has a smile on his face; well, come on, let's get going."

The farm mare took her little brother as she patted his back; he then spat up all over a rag as his sister laughed, "yep, every time."

Big Mac babbled as he kicked in his diaper as; he was then strapped into a stroller and buckled in tightly, making sure the straps were snug. The little colt scrunched the padding between his legs, feeling his diaper press against him. Despite the emberassing nature being strapped into a stroller he couldn't help but deel safe and secure. Applejack looked up to her charge with a smile as she plopped his Smartypants doll in his hooves. "Thought I forgot about your little friend, huh?"

Big Mac hugged the doll close to his chest and babbled, "Thank you." the farm mare just gave a daww and kissed him on the forehead. "Your welcome, you're such a good little foal."

Big Mac's cheeks flushed pink as his older sister strapped a diaper bag around her. "Alright, all set, let's get going. I've spent too much time away from apple-bucking as is."

The colt held Smartypants to his chest as he braced to be pushed outside with his foalish body exposed to the world. He secretly hoped that every pony wouldn't remember he was a stallion before.

Big Mac looked around, trying to gauge what else might've changed? Most of the ponies he knew looked the same. Dr. Whooves, Derpy, Roseluck, Octavia all were adults and were normal, so he was the only one affected. The other ponies even cooed and waved at him, treating him like a foal. So everypony else thinks he's just a baby as well. But he then saw Twilight; she was trotting down the road looking rather chipper as she waved a hoof. "Morning, Applejack."

"Morning Twilight." Applejack yawned back. the violet unicorn eyed her friend and asked in a concerned tone. "Seriously? You still trying to buck an entire orchard by yourself again?"

"Look, I appreciate the help; I really do, but ya can't come and swoop down to do my job. Ya got your own stuff to do running the library and learning about friendship." She bent a hoof to her brother's diaper, making him squeaked seeing his sister was checking it as she continued, "plus ya helping me care for Little Mac. I'm gonna take Granny's advice and hire some outside help."

"Well, alright…" The violet mare looked down at him as he squeaked, seeing her get close. "Oh, Little Mac is so cute! How was he this morning?"

Applejack smirked as she ruffled the colt's mane. "A little fussy but not too bad; he's such a great foal, honestly."

Big Mac squeaked as Twilight picked him up with her magic; he babbled and kicked in his pampers as he was brought to her face. The violet unicorn nuzzled him as she then looked him over and commented. "Oh, he's so chubby! You sure you're not feeding him too much?"

Applejack snickered behind her hoof. "Hey, blame Pinkie Pie; she keeps sneaking him treats when she foal sits him. You all have been a great help caring for him since..."

Twilight held a hoof as she replied, "Hey, don't mention it; I know your family has been through a lot recently…" She paused as if reflecting on a bad memory and continued with her thoughts. "I honestly don't mind watching him at all."

Big Mac blinked as Twilight said would infer that this is some alternate timeline where his parents recently died, and he was their last child before they passed. Big Mac shivered, hugging his plushie to his chest…Big missed them so much, and he secretly wished at the very least he could've seen them one last time.

Applejack didn't seem to want to dwell on the past as she took the diaper bag off and hoofed it over to Twilight. "Well, thanks for taking care of my brother; if ya need anything, just let me know."

"It's no problem at all," Twilight responded curtly as she strapped the diaper bag around her. However, she eyed the doll with a blush growing on her face as she replied, "oh, that's where it went?"

The colt held the Smartypants doll close to his chest as Applejack scratched her head and replied, "oh, that thing? Yeah, Apple Bloom gave it to him yesterday after your fiasco putting that curse on it."

The violet unicorn cheeks flushed red as she stammered, "oh yeah…well…um…he can keep it then as long as the curse is gone."

Applejack shrugged as she responded, "I guess it is; ain't nothing crazy happened since yesterday's fiasco, so I'm sure it's gone."

The violet unicorn, however, still seemed unsure as she eyed the doll. "Something is…off…like I feel strange…can I take it?"

The colt blinked as he was somewhat confused; maybe Twilight is onto something; perhaps this doll is the key to why he's stuck like this! He held up the doll and the violet mare took it; she ruffled the colt's mane with a smile. "Thank you, Little Mac, don't worry, I'll just make sure it's not enchanted anymore. I'll return it later, I promise."

The red-coated colt got rather excited, bouncing up and down in his pampers. Twilight, if anypony can help, it was the violet-coated mare he didn't know her as well as his sister. But she saved their hides before from Discord and Nightmare Moon. She can figure out what's going on and set things right!

The violet mare pushed the stroller down the streets to the library. As Big Macintosh was pushed through the streets, he was preferably used to being gawked and cooed at. He decided to just play along, waving a hoof. He tried saying hi, but of course, only incoherent gibberish poured out of his mouth, which resulted in dawws and coos from ponies walking by. As they came to Golden Oaks Library, Spike opened the door and greeted the two inside, waving a claw as he exclaimed, "Hey Twilight! You brought the little guy!"

"Of course, I did, Spike. I already told you before I promised Applejack I was going to care for him today." Twilight drifted Big Mac to Spike's open claws; the colt was already getting excited, kicking about in his thick pampers, making the drake laugh. "Oh, he's always so adorable!"

The drake placed Big Mac down next to a simplified O&O board already set up. Spike plopped by him as he exclaimed, "come on, we gotta finish our game!"

Little Mac smirked as he crossed his hooves; I guess Spike hasn't changed at all either, and it was fun to know in this universe they still play O&O. He clapped his hooves and bounced up and down, getting all excited again as Twilight rolled her eyes. "Spike, you know he's just a baby, right?"

"Yeah, but he can learn how to play! Besides, I made it easy for him." The purple scaled dragon replied as he rolled his dice and started their adventure.

The violet-coated unicorn just gave a sigh as she replied, "alright, just make sure he doesn't swallow the dice; I need to do some experiments upstairs."

"Yeah, yeah," Spike snapped back, and soon the two were engaged in a game of O&O exploring dungeons, fighting monsters, and grabbing loot. Big Mac did his best to play, but it was hard to tell the young drake's intentions. But the young drake seemed to understand as he tossed the dice for him and explained things like damage, what loot they grabbed. Little Mac couldn't help but think of Spike like a big brother he always wished for during their game. They must have played for some time because the drake eventually waved a claw in his face. "Uh, Twilight! Can you um ya know!"

"Yeah, yeah, I'll do diaper duty." The colt heard her grumble. Big Mac just sat there with his cheeks growing pink as he didn't even realized that he messed himself.

After a quick diaper change, it was time for lunch as Twilight had him eat some mashed peas. They were gross and bland, and they tasted rather awful; he kicked and whine in protest, but this just made his caretaker more angry and frustrated.

"Seriously, you need to eat healthier foods; come on!" Twilight growled, getting angrier with green mush now plastered all over her face.

The drake rolled his eyes as he replied, "you're terrible with foals, Twilight, do those faces Pinkie does."

"Ugh, fine!" The mare snapped back she then started to make exaggerated faces and coo at the foal, Big Mac for some reason cpuldn't help but laugh, which Twilight took the opportunity to slip mashed peas into his mouth.

Big Mac grumbled as some of the food got all over his mouth, but he was able to swallow it down. As the colt continued to be spoon-fed, Spike chomped on a bowl of gems. The colt couldn't help but notice that the drake was as much a messy eater as he was it was rather amusing. The young dragon turned his attention to Twilight asked, "so, what were you doing all day?"

The violet unicorn paused during the feeding and whispered meekly. "Um…you know that doll I enchanted yesterday?"

"How could I forget? You almost had Celestia send you back to magic kindergarten literally." Spike teased.

Twilight rolled her eyes and snickered, "haha, anyways, Little Macintosh had it, and I couldn't help but feel as if something was off… it's not that the doll has the "want it need it" spell placed on it…but something else is wrong with it…"

Spike sucked on a gem as he responded, "I mean…did you see anything strange? Is Little Mac ok?"

Twilight looked the baby over with him crossing his hooves with a scowl. "Hmm, nope, all I see is one chubby cranky baby. Maybe I'm just being overprotective I'll put him for a nap than run some final tests on the doll."

Twilight wiped the foal food from his face and took off his bib as she then cupped a hoof around his diapered rump. The colt squealed and kicked but knew that he wet himself hearing the padding squelch between his legs. The violet mare cooed, "oh dear, some pony needs a diapee change."

The mare placed him down on the ground as she got out the diaper changing supplies. Big Mac, however, realized he hasn't even tried crawling around in his new body, so he took the opportunity to get on his hooves and started to walk around. It was quite different than when he was an adult, with his body being rather wobbly, and the sodden padding between his legs didn't help either. As the colt toddled around he didn't notice that he was being watched by Spike and Twilight; when he turned to face them, he squeaked and stumbled over onto his rump with a plop making them both daww.

The violet unicorn lit her horn and lifted the colt over to the changing mat, and she began to untape his padding and then stood back as pee shot out! He squeaked in surprise as the mare just laughed, "oh, why are you so surprised!? This happens all the time!"

Big Mac just suckled on his hoof feeling emberassed still as he babbled an apology. Twilight however forgot all about the little incident as she then began to wipe the colt's nether regions with wipes once more than after another sprinkle of foal powder over his rump; the mare taped another diaper around his backside and sealed the tabs with a hoof. "there all cleaned up soggy butt!"

Big Mac kicked about loving the feeling of the diaper around his rump. Twilight hoisted the colt onto her back as she trotted upstairs; there, she lowered the colt down into Spike's basket and covered him in soft blankets. Then, another pacifier was plopped into the colt's mouth. He suckled on the rubber bulb, looking up at the ceiling as he felt sleep slowly came over him. The colt thought things over as he laid there, how this whole day was rather relaxing, and it was quite a needed break from working day to day. Big Mac snuggled under the blankets and let the rhythmic suckling of his pacifier lure him into another peaceful sleep.

Big Mac woke up later that afternoon, stretching his tiny limbs; he looked over to see that Twilight had the doll in her magic as she looked over at him with a smile. "Morning sleepy head, had a nice nap?"

The colt yawned as the pacifier came out with some drool running down his chin as he nodded.

Twilight then gave another sigh, "Well…I figured what was wrong…the "want it need it" spell was mostly gone, but remnants of it were still inside Smartypants and I'm assuming you took her and changed our reality. I'm betting you were much older than before but had a strong urge to revisit your foal years. The only way to change you back and to restore this reality is by you no longer wanting to be a foal anymore."

Big Mac blinked as he digested everything Twilight said; he was still somewhat confused. All he had to do was not want to be a foal anymore? Yes, it was rather lovely getting a break…but…did he really want to be a foal? Be the youngest sibling in the Apple family?

The violet mare got up, came over and took the colt into her hooves, and sat in a chair nearby as she continued to explain. "I'm sorry, this is all my fault; I put that dumb spell on that doll…though I find it odd you took Smartypants even after the spell was mostly removed?"

Big Mac's cheeks flushed pink seeing the violet mare had learned a secret of his. He felt so embarrassed as he hid his face behind his hooves as Twilight ruffled his mane. "Hey, don't sweat it…trust me, I would love to be foal again to…but… you've seen Applejack she's running herself ragged she can't run that farm by herself."

The little red colt gave a nod he has seen Applejack, and he also felt terrible for her trying to harvest every tree in Sweet Apple Acres by herself. Twilight was right…this was a nice break, but he can't leave Applejack to gather all those apples by herself!

The red-coated colt closed his eyes and thought about being an adult; no matter how nice it was, he won't leave the farm mare to work herself to death! He concentrated on that fact and then…

Big Mac woke up in a cold sweat; he wiped a hoof over his face; he looked around and saw nothing in his room was unusual, no toy chest, diaper changing table. In fact, on that thought, he tore the blankets off him and saw to his relief no diaper around his rump. However, he found that rag doll Smartypants was in his hooves; he took a few moments to catch his breath and then held the doll up, wondering whether it was all a dream? Was it real? He looked outside to see that moon was still in the sky; it was still relatively late maybe it was all just a crazy dream.

Big Mac laid back down in his bed and snuggled the doll to his chest. He had a feeling that the entire experience wasn't a dream.

He then heard a knock at the door. "Hey Big Mac, ya doing alright!? Thought I heard ya scream?"

Big Mac gulped as he was rather nervous Applejack would come in and see Smartypants as he quickly squeaked, "ey'nope."

"Ya sure ya don't need a di- I…I mean ya sure ya don't need anything." Applejack responded once again, this time with a clear nervous quiver in her voice.

"Ey'yup." Big Mac responded once again, this time with a snicker as he could've sworn Applejack almost asked if he needed a diaper change.

"Oh..ok…um…goodnight." Applejack whispered. Big Mac stood there as he heard his sister's hooves clop away; he took Smartypants and snuggled under the covers. As the colt closed his eyes, he wondered if maybe he could ask Twilight to make a spell to have him experience being a baby again. Maybe even have him see his mom and dad again somehow one last time...

Comments ( 2 )

Maybe even have him see his mom and dad again somehow one last time...


Comment posted by Galaxy of Equestria deleted Feb 24th, 2021
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