• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 2,169 Views, 24 Comments

[Redacted] - McPoodle

Vinyl Scratch tries desperately to prevent the future that Twilight Sparkle is living through.

  • ...



- Epilogue -

Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia awoke at the Everfree crash site, surrounded by the other Elements of Harmony with looks of horror on their faces regarding the prisoner who had just escaped from their custody. Celestia had higher priorities, though, first consulting a Spike-sent note that materialized beside her, and then teleporting the entire group to a warehouse near the heart of Canterlot.

There they found the Emperor in a permanently catatonic state. He had been forced to relive the most terrifying moment of his life, when the flames of Faerie had consumed his mortal body, and the reminder had broken him utterly.

The Emperor’s unwilling allies, Fire Engine and Eggplant Perturb, were found alive and well by Waking Terror, who had walked right up to them and lifted the spells that were both charming them and threatening them with death if either dragon or pony had approached them. Lucky for the Perturbs, Waking Terror was neither of these.

Thanks to the magic that Twilight had stolen from the Emperor and passed to the Princess, Celestia was now stronger than she had been for thousands of years. She effortlessly healed herself and Twilight of all of the injuries they had sustained during the dream. After taking control of the Sun back from Luna, she retired back to the castle for some well-deserved rest.

“I have a question,” Celestia asked Twilight a few days later from her bed after hearing her account of the dream. “How were you able to summon enough magic to transform yourself into an elder dragon?”

Twilight laughed. “Oh that was a trick Pinkie Pie taught me once, Princess; it wasn’t even magic! After all, we were in a dream! Even if the dream was not my own, the dreamer of a dream trap spell is controlled by the same rules as any other dream. I followed the plot every dragon knows so well, and he had no choice but to see it through. I didn’t even know for sure what an elder dragon looked like--they are just shadows in the stained glass, and I’ve never seen them depicted elsewhere. It was Vasilyevich himself who did most of the work.”

“That was very...manipulative of you, Twilight,” Celestia observed with a trace of unease. “You need to hang around me less and your Ponyville friends more in future.”

Twilight nodded, a bit unsure of herself for a moment, then turned and opened the door to admit a stream of well-wishing ponies and a few Perturbs.

Celestia thanked them all individually, spending a fraction of a second longer on Pinkie Pie’s name than on the others. Only the pink party pony caught this distinction, and she nodded calmly to herself.

She’s that much closer to figuring me out, Pinkie thought. Which means I’m that much closer to my last party. I wonder if there’s a sale on jujubes?

In a corner, Vinyl Scratch sat, the pair of headphones covering her ears plugged into the Equestria Accoustics Trottman she had built with her own hooves, playing DJ Pon-3’s signature tune in her ears.

As far as she knew, she was the only blind pony who had ever lived. She had saved the life of the ruler and creator of all ponies using a gift, the Golden Horn Sight, which only a blind pony could possibly possess. And just now she had just saved her life again, this time by using the power of friendship, on a dragon.

There was no possible way to top this. Vinyl Scratch had just fulfilled her reason for existing.

Oh I dunno, replied the mental voice of DJ Pon-3. The Elements of Harmony thought they’d never be able to top beating Nightmare Moon, and then they found themselves face-to-face with Discord.

Who? Vinyl Scratch replied to herself.

The Chaos God! Surely you remember the way he turned Equestria upside down?

Um...not exactly. Was this yet another mental block implanted by Celestia in the minds of her ponies?

Ah come on! Everypony was crazy! Octavia was a circus clown, Pon-3 told her, and you were her...

...I remember! I remember! Please don’t say anything else!

It occurred to Vinyl that this particular mental block served a very good purpose. The block to keep anypony from knowing Twilight and her friends had defeated Nightmare Moon acted to protect their privacy and their friendship. The block to keep anypony from remembering what Discord had done acted to protect the sanity of everypony who wasn’t Twilight or her friends.

So what happens now? she asked herself.

Here’s a suggestion, the mental voice of DJ Pon-3 replied, have you considered just winging it? After all, those six ponies behind you are the frickin’ Elements of Harmony, and they seem like well-adjusted members of Equestrian society to me!

Vinyl chuckled to herself. All those ponies are crazy! she answered.

...says the pony with me in her head!

You have a point, Vinyl reluctantly concluded. “So, when are we getting this party started?” she asked out loud, getting up on her hind legs.

The others cheered in anticipation of another of DJ Pon-3’s epic musical sets.

Vinyl reached down, and found the familiar table and twin record platters, supplemented by one of her company’s CD players. It hadn’t been there a few seconds ago.

There was a time when this sort of thing made her nervous.

But this was the magical land of Equestria, and weird stuff like this happened all the time.


Author’s Notes:

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is copyright Hasbro, with extra credit given to Lauren Faust for the specifics of the series. The characters of DJ Pon-3 (aka Vinyl Scratch), Twilight Sparkle, Princesses Celestia and Luna (and Nightmare Moon), Spike, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Lily, Pony Joe, Octavia and Discord, and the locations of Manehattan, Canterlot, Fillydelphia, Cloudsdale, Ponyville and the Everfree Forest (or what’s left of it) are taken from that source, although any fault with their interpretations lies with the present author. Stalliongrad and Trollestia are purely fan creations (so far). The characters of DJ AJ4X, Oars in Wells, the Princes Constant and Steadfast, Pr. Stein, Emperors Reznicek and Vasilyevich, Waking Terror and The Great Will, The Black King and White Queen, Double Echo, Uncle Philo and Rooky, the location of Fort Solaris, the Battle of Pelican Fields (obviously named after Tolkein’s Battle of the Pelennor Fields), the concepts of horn sight, the Telegraphy family, and the Etheric, and the company Equestria Acoustics are all my creations.

“The Old Home Guard” is a song from the Disney film Bedknobs and Broomsticks (1971). “Boogie Wonderland” is a 1979 song by Earth, Wind & Fire featuring The Emotions. Dib, GIP and the members of the Perturb family are pastiches of characters from the series Invader Zim, created by Jhonen Vasquez and property of Nickelodeon. (Why “Perturb”? Because “perturb” is a synonym of “irk”, that’s why.)

Citizen Kravitz is of course inspired by Citizen Kane. If I’m going to have a character inspired by Orson Welles in this story, then of course I’m going to sneak both Citizen Kane and War of the Worlds in (plus The Third Man [the cuckoo clock] and ‘F’ for Fake [the trajectory of Oars’ career], but those were weak references, so they don’t really count).


Oars in Wells stood in the basement of Castle by the Sea, looking into the impossible portal that linked it with the realm of magic.

“Fae,” he addressed the teeming magnitudes circulating on the other side. “I’ve been speaking with your Great Will, and I got him to agree to name me as his successor. And so I stand, not so humbly, before you. Would you mind, terribly much, if I made a teensy little withdrawal?”

Comments ( 9 )

I am utterly excited to be the first to be able to review this story. It was very well written though very random and sometimes and hard to follow but it all evens out in the end. The moment you introduced Zip I realized that he was it play off of Zim. It was very daring of you to use the characters from Zim however you developed zip into character with his own personality. Things like loyalty and caring that are hard for Zim to grasp Zip seems to get. I like this differentiation. Now unto Vinyl. I love the way you portrayed her in this story mostly the fact that she was blind. I've never seen that take on her before but it now canon in my head. But the conclusion of the over all story was too fast and didn't really give much as to why Vinyl was in the mix of all this anyway. She just happened to know everybody. And at the very end it said that she saved the world with her the Golden sight and defeated a dragon using the elements of harmony. I don't remember her ever useing the elements of harmony on anything! So this confused me a bit but otherwise this is an amazing story and I hope you keep writing. I would love to see more of your work!!! (I understand you may have expected readers to already know some of this information. Meaning there may have been a prequel to this story. If that's the case then you're writing is fine and I'm sorry for nit picking. )


Thank you very much for your review.

To correct one of your points, I did not say that Vinyl defeated a dragon with the Elements of Harmony, I said she defeated a dragon with the power of friendship, which is something available to anypony.

I am frankly amazed and gratified that you were able to follow this story as well as you did, as it's the last part of a six-part series called Betwixt Silver and Gold. The earlier stories explain how the Mane Six befriended Vinyl Scratch and the development of her character--see this blog post for details. I've tried my best to let each story stand alone, but I was never sure if I had succeeded in pulling that off.

Wait, so... it really doesn't have a title? Seriously?


You mean the story? Of course it had a title before it was redacted, and I'd be glad to tell you what it was, but then, of course, I'd have to have you sent to a prison in the middle of the land you'd been banished to... :trollestia:

Very cool, and now i can finish Perfect Village!

One thing bothered me though: In the end you talk about how the battle with Discord got covered up. This makes no sense. I can see how Celestia might have covered up the Longest Night and said that the Mane 6 were only 'helpers,' so to speak. Even say that 'their' party was merely a celebration of Luna's return and our protagonist's part was severely downplayed, but this is a bit much. After Discord is defeated we very specifically get a celebration of the Elements all Star Wars style, and the stained glass windows from before(you make it look like that room was just hidden in But wait... there's more!) are made very much public.

So I guess my question is this: Is this story now full-blown Alternate/Derivative Universe, eschewing show canon with all the force of a thousand Shippers, or am I merely reading something wrong somewhere and this your run-of-the-mill AltVerse with OCs and a few new adventures?

P.S. Your blog post doesn't help much in clarifying....


Short answer: yes, full-fledged alternate universe.

I wrote the outline for this series before Series 2 even started. I made minor changes to incorporate a few things from Series 2, but as that blog you linked indicated, there are some essential parts of the series that were contradicted by canon.

The basic thought about the Discord incident is this: If Ponyville falls completely apart from a stampede of rabbits, how can these ponies possibly retain their sanity after what Discord put them through? So I decided that after that celebration (where I imagine every one of those ponies is shaking like a leaf and looking around to see if anybody remembers the horrible shame they revealed when they were discorded), the Princess made those memories fade away over time. Because they're benevolently Orwellian like that.

Alright, I believe I'm now caught up on what I somewhat spoiled for myself by reading Perfect Village out of order.

That was rather interesting, this whole AU Equestria you have built really is in fact.

Man, for a relatively short story that had a lot going on! Not sure exactly how the Emperor getting his brain fried fits with The Perfect Little Village of Ponyville, though. Orson Welles is best villain, and it would be one thing if he set that up, but Celestia and the Elements should know that the Emperor isn't going to be sending any "peace offerings".... Well, on to the sequels.

Well, this one ends better than it begins, I'll grant that.

Not my fav of the Betwixt Silver and Gold series, but at least it worked well in conjunction with the rest. All in all, this series has made for a fine binge over the last few days and I have a bunch more of your other stories marked for similar treatment in the future. Take care till then!

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