• Published 16th Feb 2021
  • 2,749 Views, 177 Comments

The Trial Continues - Zerocool7785

This takes place A week after Sunset's Trial and the day after the Battle of the Bands. Sunset now as a new trials to deal with.

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The Dance and the Drama

Author's Note:

Wanted to get this out three chapters to go. Including a two part season finale.

It was Friday afternoon and Sunset was still nervous over the dance. It was the last period of the day and Sunset was in the library during study hall sitting across from Trixie. Trixie looked up at Sunset as she seemed to be staring off into space.

“Trixie to Sunset, come in please.” Trixie said, waving her hand in front of Sunset.

“Sorry it’s just the dance.” Sunset said downhearted.

“Oh Sunset, listen to the great and powerful Trixie. Tonight there is no crown, or Twilight or anything else like that. It’s just us two friends going to a school dance. Nothing else. Now a question. Are you ok with us actually dancing together?” Trixie said.

“Do people actually dance at a school dance?” Sunset asked.

“It’s more hanging out than dancing. Now what time are you picking me up?” Trixie asked.

“Luna and Aunt Celestia are chaperoning the dance so I have to get there early with mom. I will be picking you up around 6:30 I think. I’ll text you when I know more.” Sunset informed her.

“Ok but Trixie wants to know are you ok going with her?” Trixie asked.

“Yeah, I wouldn’t have agreed to go with you if I wasn’t ok to dancing with you.” Sunset replied.

“I know but after Tuesday, Trixie was wondering.” Trixie replied.

“Don’t worry about it Trixie I am ok with it, are you?” Sunset said.

“When Trixie ran away that day over to the school garden something weird happened. I passed a girl who was coming from the garden. She had messy green hair and worn out clothes. Trixie was too upset to care about it at the time. But Trixie has no idea who that was.” Trixie replied.

“Not anyone I know.” Sunset replied.

Just then the final bell rang and Trixie and Sunset packed up their stuff and headed for their lockers. After putting away most of her stuff. She grabbed her bag and headed to Luna's office. Sunset was happy to be able to walk the halls and not have everyone scared of her or wanting to kill her.

Upon entering her mom’s office Luna was finishing up for the day as well when Sunset came in.

“Hi honey, how was your day?” Luna casually asked,

Sunset ran up and gave her a big hug. Luna liked the affection that Sunset showed it sure beat the screaming matches. Still this was rare in school to see this.

“What’s wrong hun?” Luna asked.

“Mom, I'm worried about this dance tonight. Everyone thinks I’m overreacting, It’s just last time we had a dance here I…”Sunset started,

“Just go with Trixie and hang on to her. She is gonna be your life preserver tonight. I know she can be pompous and arrogant but she will get you through this. It's just a couple of hours, then you can go help Fluttershy in the morning.” Luna reassured her. “Now let’s check on the decorations in the gym and we can head home and get ready.” Luna told her, giving Sunset a side hug.

“Ok Pinkie Pie said she’s been working hard on the decorations.” Sunset replied.

As Luna and Sunset walked to the gymnasium Sunset could feel the anticipation grow. When she walked in it eerily reminded her of the fall formal. Luna put her arm around Sunset to comfort her.

“Pinkie?” Sunset said.

“Hi ya Sunny!!” Pinkie almost appearing out of nowhere and startling both Sunset and her mom.

“Hi Pinkie. Mom wanted to see how the decorations were coming for the dance.” Sunset said.

“They are coming along great look at the streamers and the balloons. Plus Applejack even has several cases of fizzy apple cider chilling on ice. I need to run home for a quick shower change and be back here at about 6 so we can open the doors at 7.” Pinkie said in one breath.

“We will be here shortly after 6 too. To make sure refreshments are set up.” Luna said.


“Pinkie bring it down an octave but yes I am coming. Just relax!!” Sunset said. Luna turned to say something to Pinkie, but Pinkie had vanished.

“Where did she go?” Luna asked

“Mom, it’s Pinkie, you just get used to it.” Sunset replied.

* * *

Later that afternoon after a shower and other preparations Sunset was ready for the dance. Luna put an old silver necklace on Sunset. Then handed her earrings and Sunset just put them down.

“What’s wrong with those, they belonged to my grandmother.” Luna said.

“I still can’t wear them, I never got my ears pierced.” Sunset said.

“Oh My Gosh I never realized. Well after the holidays as part of your Sweet 16 present we will get your ears pierced. I don’t have any clip-on earrings though.” Luna said

“Mom, it's ok. I still can’t believe you didn’t notice though.” Sunset said, a little surprised.

“Me too.” Luna said realizing she missed a detail like this, was she missing something else. She decided not to dwell on it. She decided to concentrate on her daughter going to her first dance.

“Your first dance and you are gonna have a good time.” Luna said beaming. “Just one more thing. Giving Sunset a quick spray of perfume to which she coughed.

“Mom please c’mon.” Sunset said coughing.

“Wait until your wedding day Sunset.” Luna said,

“Like that is ever gonna happen.” Sunset lamented.

“Just because your friends have boyfriends, doesn’t mean you won’t find one Someday. Besides, you have a date to the dance tonight.” Luna said.

“I know the first person who shows interest in me and I have no interest in her other than being friends.” Sunset said, looking down.

“Sunset, come on we need to go.” Luna said putting her coat on and grabbing her purse and keys then went over and got eye to eye with her girl.

“Sunset I’m sure a pretty girl like yourself will find someone, someday. I know it in my heart of hearts and when the time comes I will walk you down the aisle unless there is someone else you want to do that. You have to believe it.” Luna said.

After that Luna locked up and Sunset walked barefoot down to the car. Once in the car she put her shoes on and they went and picked up Trixie.

Sunset went up to the front door and knocked and Trixie opened the door and saw Sunset standing there.

“Wow you look beautiful.” Trixie said, hugging Sunset. Then Trixie smelled the perfume and smiled evilly.

“What?” Said Sunset sensing some remark was coming.

“You smell nice. Did you take a bath?” Trixie asked jokingly.

“The great and powerful Sunset…” Sunset began before both girls got hysterical, knowing each other’s sense of humor. Just then Luna honked the horn to get the girls to move.

“Mom has to get there early so she’s a little impatient.” Sunset told Trixie and the two girls walked down the walkway to Luna’s car. Sunset opened the door to the backseat letting Trixie slide in and Sunset sat beside her.

Luna decided to let the girls sit in the back seat and Luna noticed the girls were very close. She didn’t let on but she did want to call attention to it. She just wanted to get over to the school.

Arriving at the school Luna and the girls got out and headed into the gym. Luna went over to where Celestia was standing on the stage overseeing final preparations.

“Hi sister, our former student Cheese Sandwich has done well in the entertainment business. He is in college for that and worked hard getting the final preparations ready for tonight. I think there are people who were pissed that we cancelled a vote for Homecoming queen.” Celestia informed Luna.

“We have had enough with crowns and princesses for a while. Don’t you?” Luna replied.

“We have to get back to normal in this school.” Celestia said.

“As long as Sunset is here that is not gonna happen huh?” Luna asked.

“That’s not what I meant, this school is becoming very use to strange beings. The Sirens had nothing to do with Sunset. She may have started the magic here but I don’t blame her. She was a confused and lost girl, If she had someone who cared for her. I think things would have been different.” Celestia explained.

“I am glad things went the way they did. Sunset has given my life meaning. I think it was more than luck.” Luna replied. Luna saw students start to file in.

“Well let's get a spot by the doors and keep a watch on the dance. Hopefully this dance goes better.” Luna said.

Luna also noticed that Sunset stayed pretty close to Trixie all night long. Her and Trixie did a few fast dances and and even a slow dance that gained a lot of stares and even some whispers.

“You see that Sunset and Trixie are slow dancing.”

“Do you think they are a couple?”

“Are Sunset and Trixie gay?”

Sunset heard some of the whispers but Trixie helped calm her nerves. “Sunset, don't pay them any attention. Just stay with me and follow my lead. After this why don’t you mingle with your friends. There is a lot of that at dances too." Trixie said.

After they finished their slow dance Sunset went to mingle with her friends but didn’t want to leave Trixie alone. Trixie assured her it was ok, she was just going to the bathroom.

“Relax, go see your other friends. I’m just gonna use the bathroom. Besides, it's not like Trixie Iacks protection. Look over there by the doors where your mom and aunt are.” Trixie said motioning to who just walked in the door Sunset’s Aunt Chrysalis.

Sunset made her way over to the doors which lead into the school to see why her aunt was there.

“Aunt Chrysalis, what are you doing here?” Sunset asked.

“I wanted to see if you came. Plus your mom sent me a text and I came to talk to her.” Chrysalis said.

“Well Aunt Chrysalis I have never danced so much. People are whispering about Trixie and I being a gay couple.” Sunset said.

“Are you?” Chrysalis asked.

“Trixie is gay, I’m not but no guy is interested in me. I’m gonna hang with the girls.” Sunset said.

“What do you think, Chrysalis?” Luna asked.

“I don’t think she is into Trixie, Luna. Is this what you were worried about?” Chrysalis asked, a little annoyed.

“I wasn’t worried about Sunset’s orientation. I was wondering what you think?” Luna asked.

“I don’t think it should matter, I think she’s happy that someone gives a damn to help her change. She is trying to help Sunset. You told me Sunset was scared about coming here-Trixie is her rock and strength tonight. She is trying to be a good friend” Chrysalis said, a little annoyed.

With that Chrysalis turned and left the gym through the school out into the courtyard. Luna went running after her.

“Chrysalis wait!!” Luna called out running after her.

“Luna why? Why did I come down here? For your piece of mind? Were you scared about Sunset being gay or bi?” Chrysalis asked.

“Chrysalis, when I asked you to come it was just to see Sunset having a good time. Not to judge her orientation. What is this about Chrysalis? Why are you acting like this?” Luna asked.

“Luna I...I don’t know.” Chrysalis said, her voice breaking.

“You were worried I was gonna be like your parents when you said you were bi. I’m not going to give Sunset a black eye over it. I didn’t want you to come down here and ask you about Sunset’s orientation. I was asking what you think about the WHOLE DAMN PICTURE.” Luna stressed.

“I think what Trixie did is very admirable. I think it’s great Sunset is having a good time. I think it’s great that Sunset came tonight to show people she has changed. But most of all I’m sorry for overreacting.” Chrysalis told her.

“Two things Chrys. One If Sunset brings home a guy I’m gonna grill him. If Sunset brings home a girl I’m gonna grill her. I don’t care what gender they are, I'm gonna ask them some questions. That's my job as a mother.

Two I also wanted you to see this, say what do you think. Not for you to dissect the question and fly off the handle. I’m not going to stop loving Sunset regardless of what gender she likes.

Her and Trixie have been through a lot together. So I think they are going to have a special connection. Kind of like you and I. I know you love Sunset, I do too. Now it’s getting cold and I'm heading inside.” Luna said.

“I’m gonna take off, but what do you say to lunch together tomorrow? You, Me and Sunset.” Chrysalis asked.

“I would like that. Sunset would too, but she has an obligation in the morning but after that we can meet.” Luna told her.

The rest of the night went well for Sunset. Her and Trixie enjoyed some punch. Sunset got to hang with her other friends. Fluttershy reminded her of her shift at the Canterlot Animal Shelter. All in all Sunset was happy.

Outside the school…

Chrysalis had adjusted her leather jacket and was getting set to put her helmet on when she heard her phone ding. Taking it out, the text read:

PN: Well babe how did it go?

Chrys: Luna passed with flying colors, she really loves Sunset.

PN: I want to meet your niece, this pony-girl.

Chrys: Ok besides she needs a physical for her senior year.

PN: Well let's worry about that this summer.

Chrys: You want some company tonight babe?

PN: I need someone to keep me warm tonight.

Chrys: On my way.

Later that night....At the CMC clubhouse a campout was going on

“Ah know, we were completely ignored, but Applejack could tare herself away from Toe Tapper to talk to Sunset for a lil bit.” Apple Bloom said.

“I saw that and Rainbow did the same thing.” Scootaloo said back.

“Rarity did it too.” Sweetie Belle said.

“Ah also can’t believe Applejack agreed to let us have a cold weather campout.” Apple Bloom said.

“Hardly cold weather with all the blankets we got.” Scootaloo replied curling up under some blankets and comforters.

“Our sisters didn’t ignore us at the first dance. Like they did this time.” Sweetie Belle said.

“I wish we could get back at Sunset, but we would have to do it anonymously.” Scootaloo said.

“Anonymously?” Asked Apple Bloom.

“Yeah why?” Scootaloo replied.

“That gives me an idea.” Apple Bloom said.