• Published 16th Feb 2021
  • 2,776 Views, 177 Comments

The Trial Continues - Zerocool7785

This takes place A week after Sunset's Trial and the day after the Battle of the Bands. Sunset now as a new trials to deal with.

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A busy night.

Author's Note:

O.K. I know this is going to feel like an X-Files episode but I promise you this is going to be the last appearance of Mulder, Scully, and The Cigarette Man for this story. We will go back to more Equestria Girls things in the coming chapters. Thank you. As always please leave a review.

“ABUSING ME??!!” Sunset cried.

Chrysalis stepped up in front of the police officer. “I work for the FBI. I demand to see a warrant to enter the premises!” Chrysalis demanded.

The Officer pulled out a warrant and showed it to Chrysalis. It said they had the right to enter the premises for an investigation.

“Well this isn’t Sunset and Luna’s permanent address.” Chrysalis added.

Luna tied her robe and walked into the living room to talk to the two officials from DCF. She had to stay calm so they didn’t think she ever flew off the handle with Sunset.

“I don’t understand why you think I’m abusing my daughter. I took her off the
streets. Gave her a place to sleep, food to eat, bought her clothes to wear, make sure she bathes and shaves her legs too. I make sure she does her homework and enforce a bedtime with her.” Luna explained.

“Can we see her room?” The lady asked.

“Sure but she and I don’t live here, we’re staying here for a little while but we live
at my apartment.” Luna said staying calm.

“And you don’t have a warrant to enter those premises.” Chrysalis added smugly. At that point there was a knock at the door and Chrysalis went to answer the door. She was happy to see the two agents at the door.

“What is this a trench coat convention?” The one official asked, seeing Mulder and Scully walk into the living room.

“What is going on here?” Mulder asked.

“They think I’m abusing my daughter Sunset. They want to examine her and see her room at the apartment.” Luna said,

“You want to examine her? Then it would be a good idea if I did it.” Scully said.

“Why you?” Asked the lady official.

“Because I graduated from Medical School at Stanford University. You can ask my partner how much I know about medicine.” Scully replied

“So why are you working as an FBI agent?” The woman asked.

“Because I thought being an FBI agent would help me. Now do you want me to examine her or not?” Scully said leading Sunset to her room.

“Fine but I must be present.” The lady said.

“What about what I want?” Sunset asked almost in tears.
Scully walked up and put her hands on Sunset’s shoulders. Put her forehead to Sunset’s forehead. “I will be gentle, I promise you.” Scully said.

“I want my mom .” Sunset said.

“Ok Miss Luna, come on down here.” Scully said motioned Luna to join them in Sunset’s room.

“She can’t be present while you do this. ”The Official said,

“I’m allowing it.” Scully said.

“Under whose authorization?” The woman asked,

“The United States Government, that’s who.” Scully said showing her badge.

“Fine go ahead.” She said.

The three women walked into Sunset’s temporary bedroom. Sunset had to strip
down to her underwear. Sunset was embarrassed but if it cleared Luna’s name that’s what mattered.

Scully did her examination of Sunset. She did notice two thin scars on her back but made sure the lady did not see them. Scully made a mental note to ask Sunset about them. Scully did look over Sunset’s arms and had to ask about the fading scars.

“Sunset I have to ask, these scars on your arms, do you cut?” Scully asked.

“I did, before Luna took me in and off the streets.” Sunset replied.

“When was the last time?” The official asked.

“A few months ago.” Sunset lied.

“Why did you stop?” The official asked.

“Luna took me in, and showed me someone gave a damn about me. Thanks to
Luna I have a mom, two aunts, and six wonderful friends. Five of which are close enough that I consider them sisters.” Sunset explained.

“You don’t consider Trixie a sister?’ Luna asked.

“Trixie and I are still getting to know each other.” Sunset replied to her, as Scully
looked at her scars.

“Sunset I need to ask your mom to leave the room, just for a few minutes, ok?” Scully asked. Sunset nervously nodded yes. Luna regretfully got up and left.

“Sunset I need to know do you feel in danger here?” The official asked.

“Yes.” Sunset replied.

“Why?” The official pressed.

“If Agent Scully and her partner out there catch Gilda Griffon, I will feel tons safer.” Sunset said motioning to Scully.

“Do you feel in Danger with Luna or your Aunt Chrysalis is what I ment?” The official asked.

“NO!! THEY TOOK ME IN, WITHOUT QUESTION.GAVE ME A PLACE TO STAY!! She fed me not literally, took me clothes shopping, and gave me a room at the apartment. It's a safe place and I love my mom. She doesn’t hurt me or abuse mentally, verbally, sexually, or physically!!” Sunset shouted, standing up shaking, tears in her eyes.

“About the scars on your arms…” The official said.

“Mom has me in counseling, helping me deal with my hostage situation, and
emotional problems-showing she cares!” Sunset shouted. At this point Scully put her hands on Sunset’s shoulders.

“I think it’s safe to say that Sunset is not being abused and is in no danger with Luna.” Scully said.

“We still need to see the apartment. But that can wait a little bit.” The official said.

With that Sunset got dressed again and ran out to the living room and clung to Luna. Luna returned the hug. All Sunset wanted was Luna to hold her and tell her it was gonna be ok.

Chrysalis and Mulder were talking in the living room, Mulder told her about what they discovered at the prison. Mulder said the local police and bureau had been notified.

The male official was looking over the house until Chrysalis told him this is not
where Luna and Sunset live permanently. They were staying here in protective custody until they caught Gilda Griffon.

Luna and Sunset were eventually forced to take the officials to their home.

Sunset showed them her room, clothes in her dresser, and closet although most were at Chrysalis place. The bed was neatly made and clean, the room was pretty neat and the officials noticed she had a TV and desk to do school work. All things considered the apartment seemed to be in good order.

Luna made a follow-up appointment with the officials but for now everything
seemed good. Luna and Sunset headed back to Chrysalis’s house to give her the good news.

“Thank God.” Chrysalis said collapsing on the couch. “If I find out who did this I am going to break my foot off in their ass.” She added.

“Where are the other two agents?” Sunset asked.

“Oh Mulder and Scully had to get back to work. With a lot of her allies still locked
up and assets gone. They figure Gilda will try to enter her old life probably through her family. That’s when they plan to get her.” Chrysalis told her.

“I need a drink after this. Then I need a hot bath.” Luna said.

“Me too!!” Sunset declared.

“No kiddo, no alcohol for you. Remember the last time.” Chrysalis said following them into the kitchen.

The rest of the night after Luna and Chrysalis had a stiff drink and all three had
relaxing hot baths. Sunset went to bed exhausted. Chrysalis stepped outside just to get a breath of air and check to make sure her car was locked. She heard footsteps behind her.

“Why didn't you tell me they were coming?” Chrysalis asked not even turning around.

“I'm not supposed get involved, especially with Mulder in the area.” The cigarette man replied.

“This was your warning DCF?” Chrysalis asked.

“Part of it. I know since your niece and another girl brought “magic” into this world, something is on the horizon. What I’m not sure. I warned you to make sure you made it through.” He replied taking a puff of his cigarette.

“Where is Gilda then?” Asked Chrysalis.

“Making a deal.” He replied

“With who and for what?” Asked Chrysalis.

“You can send Sunset and Luna home now. Sunset has not yet fulfilled her purpose. We will see to it she is kept safe.” He replied.

“What assurance do I have?” Chrysalis replied.

“Your niece is special, we are not going to come after her. We will be watching though.” He replied. With that a black car pulled up with tinted windows and he went over and opened the back door.

“Wait at least tell me where Gilda is.” Chrysalis said.

“Being taken care of, we have that situation handled. Remember your niece is protected.” With that he got in the car and left.

Chrysalis stood there as a chill blew through the winter air. She made sure the cars were locked and went inside for the night.

Elsewhere in Canterlot that night....

“But being a king with a foreign country you can help me.” A young woman replied.

“But If I take you with me, what is in it for me I don’t normally harbor criminals Gilda Griffon.” The King replied.

Stepping into the light Gilda noticed he had a grey complexion and jet black hair.

Perfectly white teeth. His red eyes made her nervous. His deep voice did little to make her feel better.

“I have associates here in Canterlot…”She began

“That are all locked up behind bars or under house arrest! DO NOT WASTE MY WITHTIME WITH A STREET GANG, THAT BOTCHED A KIDNAPPING!! Now give me something I can use, or this meeting is over.” The king replied.

“I know where there is an alien she demon. I know it sounds crazy but it’s true.” Gilda said.
The king leaned back in his chair as if to ponder it. He was actually looking behind her to two men in black suits, one of which had an earpiece and nodded to the king.

“Very well, I will give you passage on my ship. We sail with the tide.” The king said, motioning to the agents that the deal was made. With that they walked out the door.

“Thank you very much, your majesty!” Gilda said happily.

“Your majesty? I am a king but I’m not used to such formalities just call me Sombra.” King Sombra replied.

In the room adjacent the cigarette man was talking with another man in a suit and tie.

“You really think letting her go is a good idea?” The one man asked.

“Yes we can trust King Sombra and letting her leave the country, is one less distraction for us.” The cigarette man replied.

“And the fifteen year old girl with magic?” The other man replied.

“We will keep an eye on her, but you and I know we have other more important things to take care of.” The cigarette man replied walking off.

That same night in Canterlot…

“I don’t know Apple, I'm taking a big risk here.” Braeburn said looking around the warehouse.

“Risk, a lot of our business comes from here in Canterlot. Moving our business here is a smart move.” Apple Cinnamon replied

“All because of Luna.” Braeburn said.

“Well she does have a part in my proposal to move here.” He said.

“Apple Cinnamon, we live in Appaloosa, we can’t afford a house here. In Appaloosa we have a place fully paid off that has been in our family for a few generations. Here we will have to get an apartment here and pay rent. Maybe we can get a house. It will probably be in a bad section of town though.” Braeburn explained to him.

“Celestia has a nice place.” Apple Cinnamon replied.

“Celestia’s family had money, the house belonged to her parents. Look, go surprise Luna and talk to her. Between your smooching, see what she says.” Braeburn told him. Apple Cinnamon just smiled at the suggestion.

“Granny Smith said we can stay there, we need to leave at first light. So don’t be all night.” Braeburn informed his cousin.

“Ok then I will go see Luna.” Apple Cinnamon said turning on his heels and with a spring in his step.

“Hey you got the truck, drop me off Sweet Apple Acres first, wait up you’re my ride.” Braeburn called after him.