• Published 31st Jan 2021
  • 4,275 Views, 219 Comments

The End of All Things - Boltstrike58

Grogar's return, aided by the all non-reformed enemies of Equestria, threatens all that Twilight Sparkle holds dear.

  • ...

Bonus Chapter: What If?

Crystal Empire, Equestria

"We can't just go up against Grogar and the others again. Not with nothing but our wits," insisted Twilight. "We don't have the Elements of Harmony anymore, so we need something to even the odds."

"But what else could we possibly bring to the fight?" asked Spike. "The Crystal Heart only works in the Empire, and I can't think of any other magical artifacts that could overpower someone like Grogar."

"It's not like we can just lure him to the Empire," added Tempest. "There must be something that can match the power of those dark elements."

Twilight thought for a minute, while the others tossed around suggestions but dismissed them just as quickly. Tempest had to be correct, Grogar's power couldn't be absolute. But in all of Equestria, was there anything that could—

An idea hit her like a lightning bolt. There might not be anything in Equestria, but what about beyond Equestria? Plus, they could get some additional aid.

"I've got it!" she exclaimed, taking off with a single flap of her wings. "I know where we can go!"

"Where? What do you mean?" asked Celestia.

"Through the mirror!"

Comprehension slowly rose into the faces of Spike and the other former Element Bearers.

"Are you sure about that?" asked Rainbow Dash. "From what you've told us about that place, it sounds kinda...less magical."

"But Sunset Shimmer's group embodies the Elements of Harmony as well," said Starlight. "Maybe their powers haven't been affected by the loss of the tree."

"Wait, what?" asked Tempest. "Who's Sunset Shimmer? What's this about a mirror?"

"Trixie would also like to know what's going on," said the showmare.

"It's...kind of a long story," said Twilight. "To sum it up quickly, there's a magic mirror back in my castle that is a gateway to another world, where counterparts of all of us live as a species without magic called humans. Oh, and Celestia's former student, Sunset Shimmer, basically moved there."

Tempest blinked a couple of times. "That...is a lot. Seriously, that sounds insane."

"Anyway," Twilight continued, "Sunset and the counterparts of myself and my friends can basically channel the power of the Elements of Harmony. They each have a special pendant that gives them a magical power. Combined, they can equal the power of the Elements themselves."

"Sweet. So we're sneaking back to Ponyville?"

"Definitely. There's a magic journal I can use to contact Sunset in my castle."

Canterlot High, Earth

Sunset Shimmer and her posse charged down the halls of their high school, having rushed out of class the second Sunset's copy of the journal vibrated. A few texts had summoned everyone, and the teachers, used to these seven students having to rush to avert magical catastrophes over and over again, had simply let them go. Sunset had filled them all in on Twilight's message, and the current situation in Equestria. Eventually they shoved open the front doors of the school, arriving at the Wondercolt statue nobody had bothered to repair.

They didn't have to wait long before the portal opened and Princess Twilight, in human form, came tumbling through, only to be caught by Sunset.

"Thank you. Hey, girls," she said to the others. "Hey, me." The spectacled Twilight gave her the thumbs up.

"I got your message," said Sunset, holding up the journal. "Is it true? Grogar destroyed the Tree? The Elements are gone?"

"Pretty much, yeah," replied Twilight. "Please tell me your geodes are still working, at least."

Rarity projected one of her diamond barriers in front of her. "They seem to work, darling," she replied. "Though I don't know if we'll be much help in pony bodies we're not used to."

"Not to mention we have no idea if they'll work in Equestria," added human Twilight. "We still have no idea how much works in this world. Maybe their powers will fade if we go through the portal."

Princess Twilight swallowed nervously. "Well there has to be something! We can't beat Grogar by ourselves! Can any of you think of anything?"

For about two minutes, nobody spoke. They thought, staring around and scratching their heads. All of a sudden, Sunset snapped her fingers, bringing everyone's attention back to her.

"I have an idea!" she announced. Then her face fell a little. "But... Now that I'm thinking about it, it's pretty radical. Risky, too."

"At this point, Sunset, I'm willing to try anything," replied Princess Twilight.

Sunset took another deep breath. "How would you feel about revealing the existence of the portal to everyone?"

*Several phone calls, demonstrations of magic, and one teleportation later*

"So, let me get this straight," said the president. "You're from an alternate universe, which is populated by the same people, except instead of humans, they're magical talking ponies, you're the Princess of Friendship over there, you've been traveling between world via a magical portal in front of a high school, and you're coming to this government for help to deal with a goat who wants to destroy your world simply because he can."

"Well, when you put it that way, it sounds kind of ridiculous," responded Princess Twilight. "Still, that's pretty much it. I'm sorry our first real contact had to be a plea for aid from you, but we're running out of options."

The president sighed, running his hands over his face. "You know, if you hadn't proven that magic exists just a few minutes ago, I wouldn't have believed you." He pointed to human Twilight and Princess Twilight. "I'd be more inclined to believe you two were just twins pulling some super elaborate prank. Now, I don't know what to think." He sighed again. "I never thought my administration would be the first to have contact with aliens."

"I assure you, my world has no problems with yours," said Sunset. "But if Grogar brings Equestria to ruin, and finds out the existence of this world, he'll come for you."

"That's another thing," replied the president. "You're a magical unicorn, yet you've been living among us humans for years. How'd you manage to go undetected for so long?"

Sunset frowned. "It...took a lot of work. I admit, not all of my methods were legal. But can we sort that out later?"

"Sure." The president turned back to Princess Twilight. "Now, what exactly is it you need from us?"

"I didn't have a lot of time to study your human weapons," she replied, "but from what I have seen in books and on the internet, your militaries are quite impressive. We just need some of that firepower to convince Grogar to surrender."

The president swallowed. "Well, I'll see what I can do," he answered. "Though, will our soldiers be of much use in pony bodies they're not familiar with?"

"Leave that problem to us," responded the princess. "I'm sure we can tinker with the mirror to get it to keep you in human form after passing through."

"Alright." The president picked up his phone.

Canterlot, Equestria

Grogar impatiently tapped his hoof against the floor of Tambelon Castle. Twilight Sparkle and her friends, along with any allies they might manage to drag out, should've attacked by now. He'd studied them and their personalities for years, and come to the conclusion that hiding like cowards would've been out of character for them. He'd predicted that they'd make one more futile effort to attack him, even without their precious Elements of Harmony, and he'd crush them, asserting his dominance over Equestria. However, his magical senses hadn't detected them approaching.

"Chrysalis," he barked, "are there any more hidden pathways Twilight Sparkle's team could use to get to Canterlot? Perhaps if they intended to take us by surprise?"

The changeling queen shook her head. "We've searched every possible avenue they might've used to reach this place. If they were on their way, we'd know about it."

"That's what I thought," responded the goat. He rested his chin on one hoof, thinking deeply. Perhaps he'd overestimated their bravado. Perhaps the defeat he'd previously handed them was so great they couldn't muster the will to face him again. If that were the case, he could simply hunt them down and exterminate them, without the need to—

A ping in one of his magical sensors brought Grogar out of his own head. He smirked. "So they're coming after all," he muttered.

He turned his gaze towards the eastern sky. His magic scanning had detected movement in the air from that direction. Grogar had expected the ponies not to approach from the air, considering how easy it would be to spot them, but perhaps they were more foolish than he thought. Now all he needed to do was shoot down the airship they were using, then head to the crash site and pick off the survivors.

His confidant smirk faded into a confused frown as the detected object pushed through the clouds, coming into view. He'd expected a zeppelin, or perhaps a few pegasus chariots Celestia had managed to dig out from somewhere. What he saw was no fewer than twenty-five large, metallic tubes with wings, with flames shooting from their rears, that seemed to be propelling them. In all his years of observing Equestria, he'd never seen any kind of technology like this.

A tapping on his shoulder caught his attention. "Master Grogar?" ventured Tirek, pointing down at the plains surrounding Canterlot.

Grogar had felt his magical sensors below go off as well, and as he looked down, he discovered several large, metal vehicles advancing on Tambelon Castle. They were pulled by no ponies, but seemed to run on their own power, pushed forward by tread-like wheels on either side. A long tube extended forward out of the top of each one, pointing forward, aiming directly at Tambelon Castle. Grogar didn't know why, but they made him uneasy.

"What are those?" asked Cozy Glow.

"I'm not sure," admitted the ram, "but they change nothing. Whatever Twilight Sparkle has brought to challenge me, it cannot compare to my power."

From her position inside the tank, Twilight went over the plan again, praying that nothing would go wrong. Get in, get Grogar to surrender. That was all there was to it.

"Everypony ready?" she said into her microphone. Her and all her friends had been provided with one. None of the soldiers believed they would need to communicate, expecting an easy fight, but she'd insisted on them, just in case.

"We've got no problems so far," responded Rainbow Dash. "Aerial approach is going smoothly."

"Same thing on the ground," added Applejack.

Twilight swallowed in anticipatory fear. She trusted the human soldiers, but that didn't mean she had one hundred percent faith in this operation.

"Sunset, are you absolutely sure about this?" she asked, one more time.

"Definitely," replied the unicorn, patting Twilight on the wing. "Trust me, Grogar has no idea what we're bringing to his doorstep. There's nothing he has that can counter this."

Twilight felt a little better, smiling at her friend before turning back towards Tambelon Castle.

Grogar himself had taken the first few steps out onto the lawn, his five lieutenants hanging back a short distance. All the tanks pointed their cannons at him, though if it worried him, he didn't show it. Twilight used her magic to open the hatch on the tank she was riding in, and floated out with a single flap of her wings.

"Grogar," she called out, using a little magic to amplify her voice, "we have you completely surrounded. You are outnumbered and outgunned. Surrender, and you will be shown mercy."

The ram cast his butter-colored eyes across the force that had assembled before him. Above, the jets were now doing loops around the towers of Tambelon Castle, primed to start bombing should the situation require it. Fortunately, he had no way of knowing that.

"I'll admit, Twilight Sparkle," he began, "this isn't the last stand I was expecting. It is...slightly more impressive. However, it is clear to me you are simply bluffing in an attempt to convince me to surrender, and you will fail in that endeavor."

"You honestly think this is a bluff?" Twilight snapped back at him. "What, you think this is all some kind of magic illusion? Even with all of our magic combined, I don't know if I could create an illusion this elaborate!"

"The Great and Powerful Trixie could," muttered the showmare from inside her tank, only to be shushed by Starlight.

"The exact method by which you achieved this eludes me, I confess," Grogar continued, "but my magic is powerful enough to defeat these forces, even if they were real."

Twilight felt her wings droop a little. He wasn't going to listen, no matter what they did.

"So be it," she said. She ducked back inside the tank, closing the hatch behind her.

"You did your best," said the driver. "He's just too stubborn for his own good."

"So now what?" Twilight asked.

The soldier passed her what looked like a small, metallic sphere. "Pull the pin and chuck it."

Twilight knew what a grenade was. She didn't like this plan, but she supposed there was no other choice. Lighting up her horn, she lifted it in her telekinetic grip, and opened the tank hatch once more. She yanked the pin out, and pitched the grenade as hard as she could towards Grogar, who didn't react. The sphere landed a short distance from his hooves.

"Really? You hope to defeat me by throwing balls at me? What are you—"

The rest of Grogar's evil rant would go unheard, as the grenade burst, obscuring the ram in a smokey explosion. His five lieutenants were far enough away that they weren't hit, but they still reeled back in shock. When the smoke cleared, it revealed Grogar's fallen body, clearly dead.

Twilight poked her head out. "Now, if any of the rest of you want to fight, we will not hesitate to—"

"We surrender!" exclaimed the Storm King, throwing his hands in the air. The other four followed suit, thrusting their forelimbs upwards.

"Oh," replied Twilight, dumbfounded. "Well, that was easy."

"And you beat him that easily?" demanded Scootaloo. The Cutie Mark Crusaders, as well as Sandbar and his friend group, had arrived mere minutes after the surrender, along with pretty much all of Equestria, looking to help in the battle against Grogar. However, they'd quickly learned there was no battle to be fought.

"Pretty much, yeah," replied Sunset Shimmer, taking a swig of her drink.

"Oh," said Apple Bloom, sounding a little disappointed. "We, uh...had a whole 'power of friendship' speech set up and everything."

"Looks like we won't be needing it this time," said Twilight. "Thanks, though. Maybe keep that speech for the next crisis."

Author's Note:

Thanks to Sunset_Shimmer83 for giving me the original idea for this. Don't take this chapter seriously, I wrote it as a joke.
You're probably wondering why I didn't address whether or not Grogar's five minions took the offer of reformation. Well, I wanted to leave it up to each individual reader as to whether they reformed or not, or whether some reformed but others didn't.
Anyways, thanks for reading.

Comments ( 19 )

This kind of funny, lol

Nice chapter, but anyways, I think that all five of Grogar's minions should stay evil, especially Cozy, they may have all endured a bad past, and being good wouldn't take away the pain and trauma they endured, and Tartarus would only make them worse.

Are you going to make a sequel or something? I don’t know.

I will defeat you with the power of friendship
and this neat gun I found

I don't have any plans for one, but if I get a good idea, I might.

You could save that for April Fools. Which is in 4 months.

I hate that you didn't show what happened to the five evil ones that Grogar have dragged into his sick twisted plans to annihilate Equestria into oblivion! :twilightangry2:

Comment posted by ElmoHater862 deleted Mar 14th, 2023

I don't know about you, but I hope they end up letting their chance for redemption go down the drain because they are at this point better off on the path of evil and turning good won't change anything!

I think that Cozy Glow can be reformed but Tirek and Chrysalis have already rejected that offer in the past so it's doubtfull. Sombr and Storm King are unknown given how little is known of them.

I am currently writing and making a sequel to this story, and it is about what happens with the legion of doom, but you will have to come and read it for yourself.

I hope they all stay bad, especially Cozy, I love them a lot better as evil, and they pretty much have done so much damage to Equestria at this point, and turning good won't erase it. And Tartarus is possibly way too nice for them by this point, and Twilight and the other Equestrians are taking a big risk sparing them and briefly putting them in Tartarus, especially given that they would eventually let them out to give them a chance to turn to good creatures.

Well, as much as I hate to admit it, but yes, good riddance indeed!:flutterrage: Even though he honestly deserved far worse for all his terrible actions in this story, including trying to commit massive genocide on Equestria and how he threatened his minions a fate worse than death if they didn't help him. And I don't even know why Twilight tried reasoning with him or wanted to give him a chance for redemption either since it is pretty oblivious that he was unredeemable.

I think you should whenever you get the time. And maybe make two optional endings to determine whether or not the legions turn good.

Hey, I may have been over exaggerated before. But anyways, Grogar's legions may choose to end up staying bad anyways, even after getting out of Tartarus. I can't really imagine all of them willingly turning good even if we wanted them to. Even if Cozy repented, it doesn't mean all the others will, especially Chryssie who have already rejected redemption before.:moustache::duck:

Okay, so this story ended with the legions being sent to Tartarus after Grogar was defeated and banished back to where he came from, but will be given a chance to change and join Equestrian society after getting out (the bonus what if chapter doesn't count because it wasn't part of the main story), but I wonder what Luster Dawn and Opaline (along with the rest of the G5 series) would be like in this version?

If the legions end up redeeming themselves, they would most likely befriend Luster and spend time with her while going around doing community service or something to make amends for their crimes/sins following their release from Tartarus, returning to their homes; Chrysalis going back to her hive as a changed creature, now a beautiful white changeling with all the holes gone instead of her usual ugly/black form and becoming a better leader for the changelings and ruling alongside Thorax and making amends with all those she have hurt and wronged, especially Starlight Glimmer while defending her hive from dangerous threats, Sombra returning to the Crystal Empire to make amends with the crystal ponies for what he putted them through and either join the Crystal guards to defend the royal family and the empire from danger or might even be king again once proven that he could be trusted enough and this time rule with fairness and compassion alongside Cadance and one day Flurry, Tirek going back to his homeland after atoning for his mistakes with Equestria and mend his bond with his brother Scorpion and ruling alongside him, Storm King making amends with Tempest for betraying her and all those he have attacked and terrorized during his reign of terror before possibly returning to his own homeland to start anew while spreading the news that he changed, and Cozy Glow possibly going back to Ponyville and rejoin the school of friendship as a much better student to learn about actual friendship and making amends with everyone including the student six for what she have done, and all five becoming allies of Equestria rather than enemies and work with Twilight, Luster and the others to fight Opaline once she makes her move to try to defend Equestria from her. But soon Twilight would have to store the magic away with the three unity crystals after seeing Equestria and the other lands falling to Opaline and seeing so many including her friends, family and Luster being taken down and she and the reformed former legions would use the last of their strengths to imprison Opaline inside Twilight's old castle in the ruins of Ponyville for a thousand years before Sunny and her friends get together and begin restoring the magic and getting everypony back together again, and G5 would be the same way it is in the actual series.

But if the legions remain on the bad side, then they would most likely somehow manage to escape from Tartarus after taking out the guards and bypassing their security and end up teaming with Opaline to take over and destroy Equestria once and for all. They would take down Twilight and the others after managing to destroy the bonds of so many creatures and turning the three pony tribes against each other to make the magic of friendship as weak as possible while destroying so many houses, cottages and buildings, and Luster Dawn and her friends would try to fight the evil legions to save Equestria and restore the magic of friendship by getting every pony and creature back together, but soon Twilight would be forced to make the hardest decision after seeing Luster and the others falling to the horrifying wrath of Opaline and the legions and all of Equestria and the other nations being destroyed. Twilight would store the magic into the three unity crystals and use the last of her strength to trap Opaline in her old castle in the ruins of Ponyville and turning the five former members of Grogar's legion into stone for at least a thousand years before Sunny and her friends get together to restore the magic, and the legions and Opaline would escape from their respective confinements and try to stop the mane five and take all the magic for themselves and take down what's left of Equestria once and for all.

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