• Published 31st Jan 2021
  • 4,287 Views, 219 Comments

The End of All Things - Boltstrike58

Grogar's return, aided by the all non-reformed enemies of Equestria, threatens all that Twilight Sparkle holds dear.

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Chapter Thirteen: Wrapping Up

The magical glow faded from the eyes of Twilight Sparkle and her five best friends as they descended back to the ground. Once their hooves reached the earth once more, they all nearly collapsed face-first into the grass, even Pinkie Pie. Nopony would blame them, considering they'd channeled all their magic into one, harmonic blast to defeat the Elements of Disharmony. It was no surprise they could barely stand up straight.

"Are you okay, Twilight?" asked Spike, rushing over to her side.

"I'm fine," replied the alicorn. "Just kinda worn out."

"Could somepony tell the world to stop spinning, please? I'd like to get off," complained Pinkie, wobbling from side to side.

"So, uh...anypony know what happened to Grogar?" asked Rainbow. "I'd kinda like to know if we just killed him. Not that I'm complaining, considering we gave the chance to surrender, but..."

"He's not dead," replied Twilight. "We banished him back to Tambelon, along with his castle. He's just trapped in the dimension of darkness now." She looked sadly over the remains of Canterlot Castle, over which the portal to Tambelon had once floated. "I wish we could've reformed him. Made him see that friendship isn't a waste of time, that's it's better to have friends than to rule the world."

"We gave him a fair chance, sugar cube," said Applejack. "He's the one who rejected it. We can offer friendship to everypony, but we have no control over whether or not they take it."

"It's a shame, but true," added Rarity. "It's not like we can force anypony to accept our ideology. That would make us unjust brainwashers."

Twilight's frown faded a little, but she still looked down at the ground, sadly. She was the Princess of Friendship, charged with spreading that concept and all that it entailed across Equestria. Did Grogar's refusal mean she'd failed? Was she simply not good enough as a princess to convince him to change his ways?

She felt a paw settle on her withers, causing her to look behind her. Discord floated beside her, a somber, but accepting look gracing his features.

"Don't take it personally, Twilight," he told her. "Grogar...father...never really accepted anyone else's ideas. He believed he was always right about everything. I think calling him insane wouldn't be much of a stretch. It was admirable of you to offer him redemption, but it's not your fault he didn't take it."

That brought an actual smile to Twilight's face. She still felt sorry for Grogar, but that didn't seem as heavy to her now.

"Thank you, Discord," she replied, flying up until she was level with his head and hugging him.

Once she settled back down onto the ground, a small cough caught her attention.

"Um, Twilight?" ventured Fluttershy. "I don't want to spoil our victory moment, but before we do anything else, I think we should decide what happens to them."

She pointed with one butter-yellow hoof. Twilight's eyes followed, discovering Chrysalis, Sombra, Tirek, the Storm King, and Cozy Glow were all still lying on the grass. She noticed their wounds didn't appear to be bleeding anymore, likely a by-product of the harmony blast. Twilight felt relief course through her, happy to know that their enemies weren't still suffering.

The feeling didn't appear to be mutual, of course.

"If I were in your position, I'd execute us as quickly as possible!" Chrysalis screeched, though the effort clearly hurt her. "If you don't, we will be sure to return! We'll find more dark magic, and we'll bring you ponies down until you can't—"

Tirek weakly raised his hand, and covered Chrysalis' mouth again. "Please, shut up," he grumbled. "My head hurts enough already."

"Just send us all to Tartarus already," said Cozy. "I bet my cage is still warm, anyway."

Princess Celestia marched past Twilight, Luna by her side, and glared down at Grogar's five lieutenants.

"Do any of you have any idea what you did?" she demanded. "Grogar wasn't seeking to conquer Equestria, he wanted to destroy it! And the five of you went along with him! Not to mention the destruction of the Tree of Harmony! There is no punishment in this plane of existence worthy of what you have done!"

"Oh, I wouldn't be too sure of that," said Discord, snaking his way around Celestia's neck. "I can think of a few good ones."

"Hey, it's not like we had a choice!" complained the Storm King. "He said he'd, and I quote, inflict a pain worse than death on us if we didn't help him."

"Now you know how I felt," Tempest growled, earning her a glare from her former boss. "Well, not exactly, but you did say you'd destroy me if I failed you."

"We can build an enchantment to keep the Everfree Forest from overgrowing and covering Equestria," said Star Swirl, "but you still destroyed one of the most powerful beacons of good magic in this world. The severity of that act cannot be overstated."

Sombra groaned. "Are you actually going to sentence us?" he whined. "Or is sitting here listening to you monologue the punishment? Because, if that's it, I'd rather go back to being dead."

Celestia opened her mouth, likely to reprimand the villains some more, but Twilight touched her on the wing, prompting her to stop. The solar alicorn looked down at her former student, and as they made eye contact, a wordless conversation passed between them. Celestia gave a small nod after a few seconds, and took a step backwards. Luna followed her. Twilight was left alone to look down at the villains.

"The others are correct. Each of you have committed your own grave crimes against Equestria, embodying the elements of greed, cruelty, despair, deceit, and betrayal. Even worse, you worked alongside Grogar, whose evil eclipses all of your own. I understand he threatened you, but you could've found a way to get around him, and yet you didn't even try. We cannot allow such evil to go unpunished.

"However," she continued, holding up a hoof to silence any potential interruptions, "as the Princess of Friendship, and the future ruler of all Equestria, it's my duty to spread comradery to every creature across this world, or to at least try. And I won't make exceptions for you five, despite all that you have done.

"Don't mistake this as getting off. You five will still serve sentences in Tartarus. But when you get out, you will be given the chance to redeem yourselves. You will be given the opportunity to accept friendship and become kind and productive members of society. If I were you, I'd take that opportunity. Especially you, Sombra and Storm King. You two were given a second chance at life, something very many creatures dream of but never get. I suggest you use it."

The Storm King groaned and slapped his own forehead, Chrysalis hissed, and Cozy Glow looked like someone had just told her Hearth's Warming was canceled. Still, none of them had any strength left to whine in actual words.

Twilight turned to Shining Armor. "Can you contain them until we can get them transported back to Tartarus?"

"Sure," answered her brother, lighting up his own horn. Magical crystal barriers began forming around the five villains, levitating them off the ground and moving them from their positions.

"We should have enough anti-magic metal to cage all of them," he continued. "I'll post some extra security around Tartarus, just in case."

Twilight sighed in relief, before turning around and walking back to her group. Princess Celestia looked down at her former student, tears beginning to form in her lilac eyes.

"I am so proud of you, Twilight," she breathed. "You've grown so much. We couldn't have chosen a better successor to rule Equestria."

Twilight blushed a little. "Thank you, but I never could've done it alone," she admitted. She cast her gaze over the other five former Element Bearers, Spike, and all the other creatures that had come to their aid. "You taught me the most valuable lesson of all: friendship can overcome anything."

"I'm glad you took that lesson to heart, Twilight," Celestia continued. "You truly are the Princess of Friendship, and all that encompasses."

"We've still got a lot of rebuilding to do before the coronation," Spike pointed out, sadly. "Canterlot is pretty much in ruins right now." He gestured at the massive pile of rubble that was once Canterlot Castle.

"It doesn't matter," said Twilight. "We've rebuilt it before, we can do it again. As long as we all work together, we can do anything."

Discord groaned. "The sappiness of this is killing me..."

"Me too," complained Rainbow Dash. "Still, at least the fight's over."

"Who's up for a 'We Just Saved Equestria Again' party?!" shouted Pinkie, who immediately regretted it based on how the other five immediately pressed their hooves to their heads in pain. "Oops. Sorry!"