• Published 29th Jan 2021
  • 632 Views, 7 Comments

A Confusing Life - DrSandwitch

New town, new home, new life, will I live a good one or a bad one? I don't know and I'm not even sure I want to know, but I'll accept anything that happens... maybe.

  • ...

First Day

I could feel the burning rays of the sun touch my skin slowly rising from the bottom of my bed to the top of my face. I could tell this is a beautiful day judging by how quiet it is, and I'm gonna spend the rest of it lying on the bed, nothing can get me out of this bed today.

"Confusion! wake up, it's time for school!"

"Oh, right school..."

I got up from my bed and rubbed my eyes trying to wake myself up, I looked at the clock above my door with curiosity, the time is six twenty-five am. I got off my bed landing on the floor with my hooves, I used my magic to hover a comb to me from my drawer. I trotted to the mirror and proceeded to comb my mane gently trying not to pull strands out of my head.

"Are you up yet?"

"Yes, mom I'm awake!"

"Then get down here I made Haycakes!"

When my mother said haycakes I threw my comb on the bed and rushed straight down the stairs. As I made it to the kitchen I see my mother placing a haycake on a plate, I pulled a chair back and sat down on the end of the table. My mother places a stack of haycakes in front of me while I was getting myself comfortable, I gave the food a quick sniff and stared at them to appreciate what my mother has made.

I grabbed the maple syrup on the table and squeezed half of the bottle onto the haycakes, I used my magic to pick the haycakes up instead of using the utensils my mother has left for me to use. I then slowly placed it into my mouth taking a big bite trying to savor the flavor, it tasted more like maple syrup than haycakes since I poured half of the bottle on it.

"Are you excited to go to school?" my mom asked with curiosity as she flips a haycake on the pan.

"No, not really I'm more afraid than excited, you gotta remember I haven't been to school for a year already, plus this is a new school in a new town so, of course, I'm going to be scared."

"Don't be silly, everything will be fine, I'm sure you will make lots of friends In school today!"

"I hope so..."

"Listen I know you're still thinking about the old schools we sent you to in the past but you have to trust me on this. The school here in Ponyville is much better than the schools you have been to in Manehatten, the fillies and colts in the school are probably just like you and I'm sure nopony will pick on you, but I cannot promise you anything."

She is right Ponyville is different and I'm sure the ponies in the school are different too. I gave her a hug to thank her for cheering me up, without her I'd probably still have problems in life.

"Thanks, mom I needed that."

"Your welcome, now hurry up and finish your haycakes school opens in a couple of minutes!"

"Oh right sorry."


After a two minute trot, I could already see the school in the distance, I’m surprised I lived close to the school yet again I’m also a little upset knowing that I'm close to it. I turned to my mother and gave her a tight hug or at least the tightest one I can give.

“Good luck in school!” she said as she places a hoof on my mane

“Thanks mom, I'll try.”

I stepped back and waved at her as I trotted to school, I could see a tear form in her eye in the distance. Just as I was about to call it out to her she wipes it off even before I could open my mouth to say anything.

I turned to my front as I continued to school and I gazed my curious head to my surroundings, the whole street was empty I couldn’t see anypony nor any filly or colt.

“Maybe they're already in class?” I said to myself with confusion.

I shook my head trying to focus on the pathway to school, I noticed I was standing in front of the school's pathway, I went up to the door and stayed completely still. Something was holding me back, I tried my best to remember the wise words my mom had told me back in the kitchen to build as much confidence I need to open the door.

It took me a couple of seconds before I was ready to enter, I applied my hoof to the door and gave it a push. The door didn’t open, I then noticed a sign on the door so I used my magic to hover it above me so I could read.

“Closed, what a waste of time,” I said to myself with relief and disappointment.

I hung the sign back and trotted to the playground, I took a seat by the swings while I wait for the teacher to come and open the door. I looked around to see if there is any cafe open for me to stay in to pass the time, I couldn’t see any opened cafe in the distance.

I decided to have a stroll around the place just in case I see another cafe that is open and to my sightseeing, I see a local cafe. I trotted inside the cafe followed by a ding above me and gave quick look around the place, it was empty and the chairs were still hanging on the tables.

I went to the counter and rang a small bell waiting for somepony to show up. A bell rang from behind me a few seconds later, I turned around to see a pony in uniform standing by the door.

“How did you get in here?” the mare asked.

“The door was unlocked and the sign said open so I went inside for a drink.”

I watch as her face turned into a confused and stressful one, she shook her head and trotted behind the counter.

“My drunk flank, what will it be?” she said as she places a hoof on her forehead.

“I'm guessing you don’t have tea?”

She nods with disappointment, this was expected.

“Then ill just take a Latte if you got any.”

She nods and trots to the back of the counter and proceeded to make the Latte I ordered, I grabbed a seat and placed it in front of a table. I took a seat while patiently waiting for my Latte.


The bell above the door rings from behind me, I turned to see a mare with a pinkish-maroon skin and a white mixed pink for her mane, she had three flowers for a cutie mark.

“Oh hello Cheerilee, it's good to see you again!”

“It's great to see you too, just give me the usual I’ve got a busy day today.”

“Sure thing!”

The two ponies continued to talk while I try to ignore them since it would be a little creepy, especially since I'm literally the only pony inside the cafe.

“Hey kid, here's your drink!”

I turned to the counter and got off my seat, I trotted to the counter and picked my Latte up. I used my magic to carry the drink while I try and reach for some bits in my saddlebag. I placed the two bits on the counter and trotted back to my seat.

I hovered the cup to my face and stared at it, I remove the lid and gave the drink a quick stir. I took a small sip and left a porting of it in my mouth, I closed my eyes as I try to figure out the taste that is left in my mouth.

“Is this seat taken?”

I opened my eyes startled, swallowing the portion of the hot liquid I left in my mouth. I began to cough continuously like if I was choking on a hard candy my grandparents would give me when I visit them. I hit myself on the chest several times until I stopped choking. The mare gave me a concerned look as I try to recover from what just happened.

“I’m sorry for startling you, are you alright?” she questioned me with fear.

“Yes yes-“ I coughed “-I’m alright, I just didn’t see you coming that's all. Also, no this seat is not taken so go ahead!” I said panting trying to recover from what just happened.

“If you say so.”

She pulled the chair in front of me and took a seat, she places her saddlebag on the table pulling out sheets of paper. The papers looked like something you would receive from school activities, these sheets had sentences with gaps in between and at the end of them. I’m guessing this mare had set some activities for the first day of school, oh wait...

“What is a colt like you doing here in a cafe this early?” she asked with a face of interest.

“I’m just passing the time while waiting for the school to open nothing much, how about you?”

“Oh, you must be one of my students!”

“I guess so yeah.”

“Well, we better get you in class then, right after I get my coffee.”

I grabbed my drink and gave myself a little stretch before I leave the cafe with the teacher.

“Your coffee is ready!”

The mare trotted to the counter to grab her drink, she pulls out three bits and places them on the counter. She then makes her way to the door while I follow from behind.


On our way back to the school a question flew inside my head, why did the mare go to the cafe first and why was I the only one to show up to school this early? I didn’t bother asking since I would probably get the same answer that's left inside my head.

“My name is Cheerilee, but I would prefer it if you call me Miss Cheerilee!”

“Nice to meet you Miss Cheerilee! My name is Con-“

The mare places a hoof in front of my mouth cutting my name in half.

“I’ll just wait until the rest of the class is here, don’t want to waste these activity sheets I made for the whole class would I?”

I nodded agreeing to what she had said. After a short walk, we finally made it back to the school, she grabs a key in her saddlebag and unlocked the door. We both walked inside the school and to my surprise, it was just one big classroom, I never been to a school that's just a huge classroom but I guess I should have expected it since Ponyville is a small town.

Miss Cheerilee trots to what I believe is the teacher's desk in the front of the class, she places her saddlebag and her coffee on it.

“Since you’re a new student and first in class, I believe it would be fair to let you pick your seat first!”

I turned to the room and gave it a long stare, I observe the desks provided for the students. They were all made out of wooden planks and were built to look like a pedestal, I looked at the very back of the classroom and laid my eyes on the desk in the corner. It looked perfect, despite a few carved holes on it.

I trotted to the seat and applied my flank on the small wooden chair behind it, I placed my saddlebag beside the desk and placed my Latte on the desk. I sighed with relief as I looked around the room, Miss Cheerilee stared at me confused, I’m guessing she wasn’t expecting me to sit at the very back corner of the class.

I smiled at her nervously trying to change whatever is in her thoughts right now, she shook her head and gave me a smile she then sat on her seat, she then picked her coffee up for a sip. I grabbed a sheet of paper and a pencil in my saddlebag and placed it on my desk, I decided to draw stuff while waiting for the rest of the class to arrive.

“What are you doing my little pony?”

“Huh? Oh, I’m just drawing stuff to past the time since nopony else is here.”

“Well, what are you drawing?”

“Nothing much just a ma-“

The door opens in the middle of our conversation, fillies and colts trot through the door either in a group or alone. Almost everypony is talking to each other as they trot inside scattering around the room.

“Good morning Miss Cheerilee!” half of the ponies inside the class greeted the teacher, what surprised me is that most of them said it at the same time.

“Why hello there my little ponies, I’m sure most of you know what to do!”

Everypony wandered around the room looking for a desk of their own, a purple colt trotted his way to the desk beside me. This is one of the scariest bits of being a new student for me at least, either your new seatmate is a total idiot or if he’s a smart flank.

I turned my attention to the class again instead of staring at a colt trying to take a seat. Everypony was already in their seats and were talking to each other while I sit and drink, nothing special.

“Alright, class I have an activity for all of you to introduce yourselves, make sure you read the instructions given to you on the paper!”

Miss Cheerilee trots to each desk leaving the sheet of paper for the class to have. Everypony receives a sheet except me, I guess today is my lucky day.

“Oh I’m out of copies, is it fine if you can make your own introduction on your own paper?”

“I guess so, do I have to copy the other sheets?”

“If you wish to do so then maybe you could ask a seatmate,” she said as she leaves my desk and trots back to her’s.

I turned to my seatmate with curiosity just to see him drooling on the paper. I’m definitely making my own introduction, this is gonna be interesting.


“Alright, class time is up! I’ll be gathering your papers with this basket so be sure you've done them before I get them!” Miss Cheerilee announced to the class.

Just in time I just finished my paper, but I feel like I added a little too much information about myself, no matter it’s probably fine. I looked around the class with curiosity to see if other ponies were done with their papers, some of them were waiting while the others continue to write.

“Hey dude can I see your paper?” the colt or my seatmate asked.

“Why should I? You’re probably gonna copy everything I have written.”

“Bruh, you had to be one of those ponies, besides I don’t even know what to write. This is boring as B”

“Just write something basic if you have nothing in mind, that’s usually my solution to everything.”

Miss Cheerilee trots in between us during our conversation, either she overheard us or she is here to take our papers away. I watched as the colt panic and rushed writing on his paper, I folded my paper and placed it inside the basket.

“Are you done yet my little pony?”

“Indeed I am!” the colt said with a panicked look on his face as he places his paper inside the basket.

Miss Cheerilee smiles at both of us as she trots to the other ponies for their papers.

“That wasn’t so hard was it?” I smirked at the colt while waiting for his reply.

The colt ignored me but gave me a dumbfounded look, he is definitely upset but I’m sure I did him a favor.

“Alright, class I believe I received all your papers. I will now wander around the class and allow you to pick a folded paper inside the basket. I will then read one of your paper’s to start the introduction, the pony that owns the paper that I read will be the next one to read the paper that they received, and then we continue the cycle until the last pony reads his!”

Miss Cheerilee starts trotting to ponies' desks and placing a folded paper on them. I was not really expecting this to happen yet again I should have known since it is an introduction activity, at this point, I was starting to fear for the pony that received my paper since it is partially long and is a little bit deep.

A folded paper was placed on my desk while I was stuck in my thoughts, I picked the paper up and unfolded it. Inside was the five sentences I read back in the cafe, I am now sure that my introduction has more information than whatever is written in here.

“Alright, now that everypony has a folded paper, I will be the first to read-“ she takes a deep breath “-I’m from Ponyville, my favorite food is cupcakes, I bake cakes with my mother during my free time, and the thing I dislike is reading. My name is Truffle Puff. Please stand and read the paper you’ve got Truffle!”

The filly stands as she prepares herself to read the paper in front of everypony, this is probably gonna take a while.


It’s been five minutes ever since we started and not even half of the class is done reading their paper. The introductions I heard so far are basically the same thing, the only thing that pulls me into interest is the names of each filly and colt. Truffle Puff, Cinnamon Bun, Scootaloo, John Stick, and other ponies that I have already forgotten.

They all do have more interesting lives unlike me, I’m more of a sit, think, and drink kind of guy just like my father. Just thinking about all of this makes me fear more for whoever has my paper since they have to read a sorta long paragraph that has too much information about me. But the chances of my paper being read to the class is seventy-five percent especially if it's randomly given to everypony in the room.

“Apple Bloom please stand and read the paper you got!” the teacher announced.

The filly stood up from her chair and looked down at the paper. I watched as her excited face slowly turns into a sad and concerned one, just by that I can tell that the paper she got can’t be good.

“Hi my name is Confusion, I am a colt that moved away from Manehatten four months ago to be exact. The reason I moved to Ponyville is because of the schools I’ve been to from the past years, I had been pushed around and picked on every single day in school no matter what, just because I had no cutie mark and because I had a stupid name, I mean c’mon is Confusion even a name for a pony? I usually waste my time sitting and thinking about life and personal things since I don't have any friends in the city to hang out with, I don’t physically do stuff for fun besides sitting and standing but it's better than sleeping in your own thoughts. Life is somewhat short and I was told to live to the fullest here, I just hope everything will be better here in Ponyville... PS My favorite food is Haysagna.” the filly reads the paper out loud sounding speechless.

Everypony in the room stared at her with shock and confusion, ponies were looking around the room and started to whisper to each other. I stayed in my seat since I didn't want to grab the attention of the entire class that is probably talking about the paper I had written for my introduction.

“Dude I feel bad colt that wrote that, he has been through many stuff judging by what he had written. You got any idea who he is?” The colt beside me or my seatmate asked.

I stayed silent pretending not to know who the colt was.

“Oh! Uh, Would you look at that its recess time, everypony is now dismissed! Miss Cheerilee announced in the front with a rush.

I'm not sure if she tried to find a reason for me not to stand or if she is serious about the time but either way I'm not complaining. Everypony in the class got off their seats and trotted their way to the door, I could hear some ponies whispering to each other on the way out.

I stayed in the class since I have nothing to do outside, I pulled my unfinished drawing and pencil out of my saddlebag and continued to draw to pass the time.