• Published 29th Jan 2021
  • 633 Views, 7 Comments

A Confusing Life - DrSandwitch

New town, new home, new life, will I live a good one or a bad one? I don't know and I'm not even sure I want to know, but I'll accept anything that happens... maybe.

  • ...

Behind the Bush

As I walked into the bush I see a filly crying underneath a tree, I stared at her with fear for I was not expecting a filly to be the one crying in the bushes, I'd be glad to help a crying stallion or colt but this, this is over my "Hope to never do list," yes I do have a list like that if you are wondering.

"Why did I choose to here?" my thoughts grew as I continued to stare.

For some reason, I wanted to get a closer look at the filly not to be a creep or anything but so I can find out why she is crying. I looked around the area quietly making sure I don’t get the filly's attention. To my sightseeing, I see a couple of bushes surrounding the tree she is under.

“Huh, how did I not notice that?” I said to myself quietly as I snuck myself behind one of the bushes.

I moved a branch carefully to take a small peak at the filly, I looked at her scanning her top to bottom, she had a yellowish colored fur and a red like color for her mane, she wore a big pinkish bow on her head and has no cutie mark on her flank just like me.

“Why am I standing here, I should do something,” I questioned myself for I felt like a creeper spying on some crying pony behind the bushes.

"Aren’t you already doing that?" my mind states the obvious.

“Well, I have to do something,” I said starting an argument with myself.

"But if you do, you might probably make things worse since you don’t have a good way with words, especially if it's a girl."

"You're r-right, you have a good point I could make things worse if I tried."

I agreed to myself like a crazy pony and decided to leave the filly alone, I backed away from the bush and trotted my way back to the park.


I hear a snap underneath my right foreleg, I looked down at my hooves and saw a separated stick under it. the crying stopped as I stared at the stick underneath my hoof, at this point I knew I was screwed so I turned my head slowly to what used to be a crying filly.

She was staring at me confused while she rubbed her right eye with her hoof, we stared at each other awkwardly for quite some time I myself stayed frozen trying my best not to move because I heard that if you stay perfectly still nopony would see you.

"That's for dinosaurs idiot."

“Oh, now you tell me?! Why in Celestia do I still talk to myself?"

“H-hello?” The filly said as she stuttered in confusion.

She said something! I started to panic, my heart was racing, I began to sweat nonstop. I best make a run for it before I do something embracing, I didn’t hesitate but to run as fast as I can away from the filly.

“Wait come back!” I hear the filly exclaimed at me as I ran away from her, I didn’t care for which direction I was going I just kept running and running until I was at least 10 miles away from her.


I've been running away from the filly for quite some time now so I started to slow down, I noticed I ran really far from the place I just in I guess I’m safe for now. I sat down on the ground to give myself some air, while I was on the ground I moved my worries to my surroundings. I see trees and bushes and a couple of fillies and colts playing around in a grassy area.

I'm back at the park what a relief, I got up on my hooves and followed a pathway hoping that it would lead back to town. On the way, I pulled out my watch in my saddlebag to see what time it is, it's been four and a half hours already? Time does move fast huh. After this discovery, I started to gallop my way back to the train station in excitement knowing that I'll be able to see my parents again.

On the way I started to hear the whispering again, I stopped and immediately turned around to the direction where the whispering is coming from. I see nopony down the pathway but plain grass, I started to wonder if I should find out where it was coming from.

"Are you joking? It probably might lead you to another crying filly, just ignore it and head back to the station."

"You're right, I should be heading back. Don't want to risk another embarrassing staring competition with another pony."

I continued to walk back to the station trying to ignore the whispering from behind me, I hope I'm not going crazy or anything.


After a long walk, I sighed with relief for I had finally made it to the station even though I tripped on a root and stepped on a couple of pebbles on the way back again. I dusted the dirt off of me as I make my way to a wooden beam in the station.

"Finally I'm back at the station just in time too, the train will be arriving in three minutes!"

I looked around the station with curiosity to see three other ponies waiting, I'm guessing they are waiting to board the next train. I got up and placed my saddlebag on the floor giving my back a break.

*Choo Choo*

I looked into the distance to see the train my parents are arriving in, a smile slowly formed on my face as I jumped in joy. A stallion stared at me with confusion as I jumped repeatedly.

The train arrived at the station, with excitement I galloped straight to one of the doors and repeatedly jumped, I guess I do overreact. As the door opened, a crowd of ponies leaves the train, I stayed on my spot waiting for my parents to walk out one of the doors.

It's been four minutes already and I haven't seen my parents leave the train yet, I was starting to fear that maybe they were not on the train, maybe they missed it? maybe they got the wrong train? I started to panic trying to figure out what's going on.

"Hey there kiddo!" a stallion shouts in the distance.

I turned to my left to see my father waving at me with my mother beside him, I galloped immediately to them and pounced myself around their leg. I wrapped my hooves around both their forelegs and gave them a tight squeeze. Thank Celestia they didn't leave me.

"I'm guessing you missed us?" my father said with a chuckle.

I nodded my head violently brushing my face on both of their forelegs showing them how much I missed them. My father picked me up by surprise and placed me on his back.

"Well now that we are here, I think it's best that we get to the motel so we can get some rest. Especially you Confusion, you look really tired." my mother said as she picks my saddlebag up from the floor.

"No no, I'm not tired I'm just-" I yawned with exhaustion "-I'm just glad both of you are here."

I hear my parents laugh together as I close my eyes for a short nap.


I felt myself being placed on a soft surface, I rolled myself around it trying to find a comfortable position for me to sleep in. I then hear a mare singing an alibi to me, the mare sounded like an angel flying down from the sky above. As the mare continued to sing I started to realize who it is. That sounds like my mother! I turned around and opened my eyes a bit to see her sitting on the bed gently combing my mane with her hoof.

"Are you sure our lives will be better here?" the question flew out of my mouth for I was curious.

"I cannot give you an exact answer to that question for your life depends on how you make it, but right now we have to settle ourselves in, it might take a couple of months or maybe a year but we will get there, I promise."

Her words got me thinking for a couple of seconds, she is right my life does depend on how I make it. She is one of the wises ponies I know in Equestria, I'm just glad to see her again, I'm glad to see both of them again.

"Ok, mom-" I yawned "-goodnight."

"Goodnight sweetie."