• Published 30th Jan 2021
  • 246 Views, 5 Comments

Villain of the Piece - Lord Lazarus

A peek inside the minds of Equestria's most despicable.

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Bat out of Tartarus

As I step out into the world that has until now been beyond my reach, everything goes bright. For a moment, I worry I've gone blind. Then my eyes gradually become used to the sunlight, allowing me to see the changes that happened while I was gone. I stand there, blinking. Then I close my eyes and raise my head skyward. Free, I think. I'm... free. Finally. After spending 1000 years locked away in my little cell.

I walk to the top of the largest hill I can see and look around. I see lush green fields, rows of proud trees, wispy white clouds. I am not a sentimental centaur, far from it. But even I have to admit the scene is beautiful, especially if you've been imprisoned in Tartarus for an entire millennium. It's very different to how I remember it, but I suppose I'll get used to it.

It takes me a while to decide what to do next. I obviously want to carry on with my original plan of devouring all magic in existence and being worshipped by all, but I wonder if I should wait a little. Find out what else has changed so I won't be at a disadvantage.

Realising that I'm terribly thirsty, I head on over to a nearby river. As I drink, I catch sight of my reflection in the azure water. I'm disgusted by how pitifully weak I look. I could be mistaken for a frail old grandfather. That needs to change. Gods aren't weak.

I know I have to be careful. I must keep to the shadows, taking victims one at a time. And once I'm powerful enough, I'll take Equestria by force. I'll overthrow not only Celestia, but my father, King Vorak, as well. I want to see the shock and despair in his eyes as the son he looked down on brings his reign to an end. That'll teach him for choosing that traitor Scorpan as his favourite child. I wish I knew where Scorpan was so I could get back at him for his betrayal. Last I heard, he left the world of Equestria to explore new lands. Some brother he was. He didn't even visit me in Tartarus.

I realise that I'd better find a place to stay for the night. Coming across a fairly unremarkable cave, I shoo out the bats and other critters, then spend the rest of the day gathering materials so it will be better suited to my needs. Lying down on a bed of moss that I constructed, I shut my eyes and dream of a future where I rule all worlds as a God.

It's good to be back.

Author's Note:

SoRrY tHis tOOk so Long. wE'll BE goIng on a bREaK for some TimE while we fINiSh the shOw. thEn we'll BE bacK.

We'LL mEEt AgaIn, DoN't know wheRE, don't knoW when.

Comments ( 1 )

Imagine if his father and brother are actually dead.

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