• Published 30th Jan 2021
  • 245 Views, 5 Comments

Villain of the Piece - Lord Lazarus

A peek inside the minds of Equestria's most despicable.

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God Save the Queen

I am Queen Chrysalis, and I was the leader of the changelings once upon a time. I remember those days well. We would pose as ponies in order to make our victims drop their guard. Some of us even disguised ourselves as trees and rocks, so that those fools would suspect us even less. We would hide in plain sight, acting exactly like our victims. Then we would reveal our true forms when it was all too late to do anything about it. I always enjoyed the looks of terror and disbelief that came over the faces of those pitiful ponies before we drained them of their delicious love energy.

We were unstoppable. We made ponies paranoid. Their friends could be changelings for all they knew. Their mother could turn into a big black bug-creature and drain them until they were empty husks. I loved spreading fear, still do to this day. I know that it makes me sound evil, but I don't really care. Ponies do things as families and so did we. Every changeling in my hive hatched out of an egg I laid. They were my children. I loved them. That proves I'm not a monster. I devour love, but I can feel it too. I thought that nothing could tear a family of this size apart. I was wrong.

Starlight Glimmer. A name I curse every day. She infected my children with that disease, friendship. She tried to infect me too. Ha! As if I, Queen Chrysalis, could possibly fall to corruption! I'll die before I let friendship claim me as a victim.

But my children were not so fortunate. I could only watch as every single one of my precious hatchlings was mutated by the foul plague carried by that Twilight Sparkle wannabe. I fed my subjects. I kept them safe and warm. And this is how they repay me? By turning their backs on the changeling who devoured her mother, a true tyrant, so they wouldn't have to suffer under her rule any more?

But I'm not defeated. I'm stronger than I ever was and getting stronger every day. I will liberate my hive. And then we can go back to the old ways of feasting on the love of everypony we meet. But first, I will get revenge on the pony who brought my life crashing down around me. I underestimated Starlight once. Never again. I will destroy her horn and render her powerless. I will kill her friends before her eyes. It will be especially pleasing to do away with that wretch of a dragon, Spike. I'll pluck those wings first, then the arms, then the legs, and finally that delicate little head. I will make Starlight watch all of that, then I'll tear her heart out of her chest and suck the love from it.

I will have my revenge, Starlight. Just you wait. I'm coming for you. Sweet dreams...

Author's Note:

WE aRE LoRD laZARus. tHIs IS OuR FIRsT EVER FImfiCtioN WORK. THeRE WILL BE mORe in tHE FutuRE. STAY TuNEd, AND if you hAVE THE time, PLeasE MAKE a TV tROpes pagE.

wE'lL MEEt aGain, DOn't know where, dON'T knoW WHEn.