• Published 30th Jan 2021
  • 246 Views, 5 Comments

Villain of the Piece - Lord Lazarus

A peek inside the minds of Equestria's most despicable.

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Law and Disorder

Hello, human beings! Haven't visited you guys in a while! I'm Discord, Sower of Anarchy, Herald of Havoc, Bringer of Entropy and Spirit of Eternal Chaos. You may have heard of me. I've certainly heard of you. And I've been watching you before Season 2 even began.

Those six pesky ponies may have trapped me within my own body but they can't stop my mind from escaping and wandering the planes. Just because I'm back in my stone prison doesn't mean I can't pop in on old friends. I find you so entertaining. Watching you glorified monkeys spread chaos without my help just makes me so proud. One day it'll come back to bite you. But enough about you, let's talk about me.

Let's see... I'm 85 millenniums old, which is quite young for a draconequus. My Parents are all-seeing, all-knowing beings whose forms are constantly changing. They live with my siblings in Limbo, the Void between realms. I'd show you a picture, but their appearance would make your eyes and brain melt. Trust me, I've seen it.

Some say I'm mad. I hate it when people state the obvious. Of course I'm mad! It's my function to sow the seeds of disharmony, what do you expect? And they always say it like it's a bad thing. Didn't Lewis Carroll say that all the best people are crazy?

Well, it's been nice dropping by, but I have other planes to visit. Just remember, if people say you're weird, take it as a compliment. Then do what I do! If you're particularly good at your job, I might even make you into a personal helper. This is Discord, signing out. Ciao for now!