• Published 29th Dec 2020
  • 463 Views, 5 Comments

Rock Solid Sisters - Wolftamer54

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Chapter 4: Routine

Eyes snapping open, Marble awoke suddenly. She felt a pang of disappointment at getting cut off before the best part of the memory, accompanied by an aching in between her thighs. Shuffling them together, she momentarily just lay in bed staring at the ceiling, wishing she could go back to the one night where everything had been perfect.

Of course, not much had actually changed on the rock farm. Just as desolate as ever, perhaps even more so without the loud and vibrant guest of the previous day. Still, despite the absence of their more eccentric sibling, the sisters had work to do. Next to Marble, Limestone was beginning to stir herself, eyes moving around beneath their lids. Soon enough, they snapped open to reveal the vibrant yellow orbs, which quickly retracted in response to the sudden light, and caused Limestone to raise a hoof over her head to block the sunlight. Glancing to her side, she found her sister staring at her.

“Enjoying the show?” she grumbled, causing Marble to give a small smile. “Well come on, we’ve got work to do,” Limestone continued, sitting up and extracating herself from the blankets. Marble, who had already done so earlier, was off the bed in a mere second. Before she left the room however, she turned and gave Limestone a boop right on her nose. She gave a little giggle as Limestone blushed and looked away.

Continuing out into the hall, Marble made her way into the kitchen. Taking two wooden bowls out of a cupboard, she poured a mix of oats and pebbles into them. Setting the bowls on the table, she had already started on her meal when Limestone joined her. The two ate their breakfast in silence, though Marble did extend a forehoof and rest it upon her sister’s. At first retracting from the unexpected contact, Limestone relaxed and eased into it, touched by the show of affection from her sister. Downing the crunchy meal in little time, the two soon had to turn to other, less pleasant, tasks.

Hours having whiled away, the ponies once again found themselves laboring in the rock fields. The sun was as bright and hot as ever, the land just as desolate, and the rocks just as… uh, rocky. So too did the demeanor of the ponies remain unchanged. Marble and Limestone simply continued to work in silence, the same routine that they had done hundreds, if not thousands of times before, and would likely do as many times again in the future. But while the physical actions were rhythmic and familiar, their minds were still free to wander. Marble in particular continued to flash back to that night, some years ago and yet remembered so strongly.

It had been… magical. Marble almost felt silly or cliched using that word, but there simply wasn’t any other better descriptor. After so many years spent in near isolation, such a night was beyond anything she could have hoped for. Her sister by her side the whole time, together they had enjoyed a brand new experience. The five of them, all together through the night. Mac in particular proved himself exceedingly caring and gentle for a creature of his size. But willing to be more intense when she grew more confident. And Limestone got her fair share of intensity as well. Applejack and Sugar Belle took part from time to time, lending a hoof or a hole here and there, but mostly content to sit back and enjoy the show.

When it was all said and done, the passionate night had led to a peaceful sleep, and a wholesome morning. Waking up wrapped in a knot of warm bodies, all cuddled up together, and with Mac’s strong hooves around her, it had been heaven for Marble.

But of course, it couldn’t last forever. Soon enough, the others had woken up as well. And as the cogs of the world began to turn around them, the sun rising and signalling the start of a new day, so too did they all have to return to their own lives. Mac had begun to stir, and after he woke, spoke softly in her ear.

“We’ve got to go now, sugarcube, but we’ll see each other again.”

And in a short time, they had all gone their separate ways again, the Apples and Belle back to Ponyville, and the Pies back to their rock farm. Just the same as ever. Marble let out a brief sigh as she looked out over the desolate expanse, longing for the contact that had been promised. Despite what Mac had said, it had been months since they last were able to see each other. The constant flow of weirdness around Ponyville, and the Apple’s own farm responsibilities making free time rare. And long-distance travel time nonexistent. And what little time they had had together only made Marble long for more. While before she had only been able to imagine what it would be like, now she had the vivid and aching memories of each of their interactions. Each practically perfect, but far too short. While the hours of work were seemingly infinite.

A few meters away, Limestone watched her sister with interest. She could tell from the longing look and vacant stare on her face that she was thinking about the Apple stallion again. For her part, Limestone hadn’t rejoined them since the first night, and had been more content to let Marble have some privacy for once. But yet, she couldn’t just sit there and let her stare off into space all day. Sighing, she set down her pickaxe and trotted over to where Marble stood.

“Hey,” she said in greeting, coming up behind her sister. “How you doing? You seem a little… distracted,” she ventured, resting a hoof on Marble’s back.

The small grey pony let out a sigh and turned to face her sister. “Mhm,” she said, giving a slight nod.

Limestone grimaced internally before shoving down her instinct to back away and instead asked “Do you want to talk about it?” she said, feeling queasy from such a cheesy question.

“There’s nothing to talk about,” Marble let out, barely above a whisper. “You know this feeling just as well as I do. Probably even more.”

Limestone considered that, and conceded “You’re right. I do know the feeling. And I also know that we can’t let it get in the way of our lives. Look, maybe Mac will reach out soon, and maybe he won’t. But what he does is not up to us. Maybe you can even be the one to reach out to him if you feel so strongly about it. But we can’t spend every second of the day worrying about some other pony. We’ve got to be in the moment. Take whatever life throws at you head on, and roll with it.”

“Heh, just like a rock,” Marble laughed with a small smile.

Limestone begrudgingly smiled at her sister’s silly joke, and agreed. “Yeah just like a rock. We are the Pie’s aren’t we? Our family has been around for centuries, and we’ve always stuck together. You know I’m not going anywhere,” she finished, now looking Marble right in the eye, with a hoof under her chin.

“I know.” Marble answered in turn, regarding Limestone with a feeling of love for her help and reassurance, and wanting to return the favor. Just as her older sister would provide solidity and dependability, she might offer her something more lighthearted in turn. So she brought up her hoof, and gave her sister a slight touch on the nose. “Boop,” she said happily, smiling as she saw the blush spread under her sister’s fur at the friendly contact. Deciding to capitalize on her success, she went forward and captured her sister’s lips in a kiss.

Surprised at the unexpected contact, but not opposed to it, Limestone closed her eyes and gave into it. Wrapping her hooves around Marble’s back, drawing them in closer together. And for just a moment, as they were lost in their passionate embrace, they forgot about the farm, they forgot about Mac, they just knew each other. The warmth of their bodies pressed together, the softness of their fur, their taste in each other’s mouths. It was perfect. And even as it came to an end, with the two pulling away from each other, all the feelings were still there. Even if they couldn’t forget the world forever, they could still go back to work with a smile, right alongside each other.

Author's Note:

And that's my story. I hope you liked it. And even if you didn't, thank you for reading it anyways. If you want to share your thoughts, I'd love to hear them.

Comments ( 5 )

I kinda kinda ship AJ and Limestone

Hmm... that’s an interesting one.


I kinda kinda ship AJ and Limestone

.... :pinkiehappy: I got a story for you. Click here

Great story!! :pinkiehappy: (Now I wish we had all the Pie sisters as emotes…)

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