• Member Since 28th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen Apr 5th, 2023

Filet Mignon

Perpetually melancholic.

Comments ( 2 )

I combed at my hair again, hoping to calm myself down. It was obvious that I was in heat - at least, I felt like I was in heat, regardless of whether it was physiologically possible for a human to be in that sort of state. My mind wandered, settling on an article I had read during a night of aimlessly musing the internet. It had referenced a study where males could sense when females were most fertile, whether it be through a slight scent or subconscious sexual attraction. Perhaps that was related to what was going on? After all, my ovulation period was coming up, so I was pretty... um, fertile.

Is that true?

Suddenly, Big Mac cleared his throat loudly. We all looked over, and he gave his sister a stare. However, behind his silent demeanor, I caught a bead of sweat on his forehead, and when we made eye contact, he turned away nervously.

"Somethin' wrong, Mac?"

In a moment of extreme rarity, the elder brother spoke up. "I just remembered I gotta take care of somethin' at the farm." Focusing on his face again, I noticed his nostrils flaring, causing a blush to form on my face.

Omg, it’s actually true.

Another pause. "If I show up and there's more rope..."

Good times

I hope she’s not just doing because of the heat.

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