• Published 5th Sep 2012
  • 1,892 Views, 45 Comments

Beyond The Veil - chief maximus

Twilight's latest invention has done something to her. Her friends must find out what.

  • ...



Applejack burst through the door of the waiting room to find Rainbow Dash pacing a hole in the carpet. Her entrance brought Rainbow to a halt as the two embraced each other.

"Ah came as soon as Ah heard. Rarity and the others'll be here in a minute," Applejack whispered.

As they broke the hug, Dash cast a longing look past the emergency room doors. The narrow windows didn't afford much of a view into where a team of nurses had taken their friend.

Applejack and Rainbow took a seat in the empty lobby. "How's she doin?"

"They said she was dehydrated, malnourished, and had some... coronal damage? Something was wrong with her eyes," Dash sighed. "Other than that, she looked fine. They can't find anything wrong with her."

Applejack nodded, scanning around the lobby for a baby dragon she was sure would have been out here crying his eyes out. "Where's Spike?"

Rainbow lifted her head, as if she hadn't had the thought until now. "Uh... I didn't see him in the library when I found Twilight."

They paused, staring at each other blankly.

"Where do you think he went?" Applejack asked.

Rainbow shrugged. "I don't know, but he's been gone for at least as long as Twilight's been down there."

Applejack worked her jaw before speaking. "You don't think... Spike—"

"No way! Spike would never hurt Twilight!" Rainbow replied firmly. Applejack recoiled and sat back in her chair.

"Well, we'll know where he went when Twilight gets better," she said softly.

Nurse Redheart peeked her head through the door. "She's stabilized, you can see her now." They decided not to wait on the others.

Rainbow and Applejack hopped out of their seats and followed her down the white, eerily sterile hallways. Room after room of resting or sick ponies flew by them as they trotted to Twilight's door.

After a bit of a walk, they arrived. The nameplate outside the room was temporary, written in marker. Rainbow and Applejack hoped their friend's visit would be just as temporary.

Nurse Redheart opened the door. Applejack and Dash walked quietly to Twilight's bedside.

"She's just sleeping, but she hasn't been very responsive," Nurse Redheart said softly, checking the chart at the foot of her bed. "Maybe you two will have better luck than we did."

They thanked her as she left the room. Once Twilight had been cleaned, she didn't look too bad. She was still a bit thin, and the eye bandages seemed to exaggerate the seriousness of her injury. Other than the wads of cotton covering her eyes, the green hospital gown and tray of cold food next to her bed, Twilight looked comfortable.

The peaceful scene was made all the more disturbing by the notion of the finest medical team Ponyville had to offer hadn't a clue as to how Twilight had ended up like this.

Applejack seemed too petrified to move. She had never liked hospitals, and seeing ponies in traction wasn't something she was particularly fond of. Usually, she'd swallow her fear and put on a brave face, like when Rainbow had injured her wing. Though on that occasion, Rainbow was up, talking, acting like her normal self. Twilight was immobile, bandaged, and silent as the library in which she lived. Something unnerving about the whole scene kept Applejack near the doorway while Rainbow stepped forward.

"Twilight?" she asked softly, "Can you hear me?"

She waited for some kind of response, but none came. The rise and fall of her chest were the only sign she was even alive in the first place. Rainbow placed her hoof on Twilight's, the warmth assuring her that she was still alive in there somewhere.

Gathering her courage, Applejack made it beside Rainbow, scanning everything from the lumps in the blanket to the bandages around Twilight's head.

"They said she was conscious, but she just won't talk," Applejack reminded.

Dash nodded. "I know. How do you think she—"

The door to Twilight's room burst open, revealing Fluttershy in near hysterics, being held by Rarity, who wasn't doing much better. Pinkie was the only one who seemed normal, and that was saying something. Her ever-present smile had become a stoic purse of her lips.

"Oh, Twilight!" Fluttershy cried, hurrying to her bedside. "What happened to you?" she asked, only to receive the same gentle breathing Rainbow had gotten in reply.

"We don't know," Rainbow answered as Rarity and Pinkie followed Fluttershy to the bed.

"Well what did the doctors say?" Rarity asked after gently stroking Twilight's mane.

Rainbow shrugged. "They said she's fine. She should be up and talking to us, but she just won't." There was a hint of anger in her voice. She had expected the doctors to have the answers, but they didn't, and she didn't like being kept in the dark.

"Twilight, darling, you must tell us what happened," Rarity whispered, resuming her petting of Twilight's mane.

Still no response.

"What in Equestria could have done this?" Pinkie asked, an unusually serious tone in her voice.

They tried to think back to the last time any of them had seen Twilight. Applejack recalled her encounter with Spike at the apple stand two weeks prior.

"I remember Spike comin' by the stand a few weeks ago and tellin' me about a new book or somethin' Twilight got ahold of."

Rarity lit up as she too remembered Spike saying something about Twilight obsessing over a book. "I seem to recall him saying something similar when he was helping me at the boutique..." she said, putting a hoof to her chin before realizing a certain young dragon was missing from this picture.

"Wait, where is Spike?" she asked.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash exchanged glances, holding onto their silence a bit too long.

"Girls. Where is Spike?" Rarity asked, a bit more forcefully.

"Ah, well... we don't rightly know," Applejack explained weakly.

"You what?!" Rarity gasped.

"He wasn't in the library when I found Twilight, and I wasn't about to look for him and just leave Twi there!" Rainbow shot back.

"Well then, I suppose we can go back to the library and have a look around," Rarity said, determination flashing in her eyes.

"Sounds like a plan. Ah think if we bring some of Twilight's favorite things, it might snap her outta this funk."

They nodded in agreement. Fluttershy was still by Twilight's bedside as she continued to try and comfort her friend.

"Twilight," she whispered, "did something bad happen to you at your house?"

While the others were discussing the plan of action, Fluttershy gasped, feeling a response to her question in the form of Twilight pressing on her hoof. Slowly, her head began to turn in Fluttershy's direction. Though her eyes were bandaged, she could feel them staring at her from beyond the white cotton pads. Twilight's lips began to curl into a toothy smile. Fluttershy was too terrified to say anything except a barely audible gasp. As if in answer to her question, Twilight nodded once, keeping the horrifying smile glued to her face.

Fluttershy tried to scream, but found no air in her lungs. She withdrew just as Twilight began to convulse. The shaking from the bed drew the other's attention as the machines monitoring her began to sound their alarms. The medical team burst through the door and began trying to stabilize the seizing pony before them. Her friends looked on in horror as the nurses and doctor worked frantically. After a few moments of stunned silence, Twilight stopped twitching and laid silently, as she had been before.

Nurse Redheart approached the five ponies, telling them Twilight needed her rest, and that they were more than welcome to come back tomorrow. They all nodded, except for Fluttershy, who was still in tears.

Outside the hospital, they all seemed in agreement with the exception of Fluttershy. The other girls were used to her taking a bit longer than most to stem the flow of tears.

"Alright then, Rarity, Applejack, and I will head down to Twilight's and see if we can figure out where Spike went. Pinkie, you in?"

Pinkie pouted slightly. "I wish I could go Spike-hunting with you girls, but I have to watch the twins tonight."

Rainbow sighed, but nodded all the same. "Okay, Fluttershy?" she asked, glancing toward her.

"Girls... I don't think going to Twilight's is a good idea," she muttered in between her gasps.

Rainbow stepped toward her, draping a comforting wing over her withers. "Fluttershy, whatever did that to Twilight isn't there anymore, I promise. If it is, I'll kick its flank!" she said confidently.

"No, it's not that..." She paused to compose herself. "When I was beside Twilight, before she started shaking, I asked her if something happened to her in the library." Fluttershy looked out from behind her curtain of pink hair to find all eyes on her. "She looked at me with this horrible smile, and nodded!" She exhaled, as if the very words terrified her.

"So Twilight wouldn't respond to any of us, but she responded to you?" Applejack asked skeptically.

Fluttershy didn't respond. She only continued crying at the thought of Twilight's reaction as it played in her head over and over.

"Please girls... if you're going in the library, be careful," she begged.

"Don't you worry about us sugarcube. You just get some rest and dry out those eyes," Applejack insisted.

"Actually," Rarity interjected, "Princess Celestia will no doubt want to hear of this, and with Spike missing we'll have to send her a letter the conventional way. Fluttershy, would you be so kind as to write the princess on our behalf?"

Rainbow stepped back toward the group as Fluttershy nodded.

"Good thinkin' Rarity! Ah'll bet the Princess'll be able to fix Twilight in no time!" Applejack added proudly.

After Fluttershy and Pinkie went about their ways, the remaining Elements began the trek to the town library.

A silent walk was shattered by the question on everypony's mind.

"You think Fluttershy was tellin' the truth?" Applejack asked.

"'Bout what? Twilight?" Rainbow asked, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah. You think she was lying?"

"No," Applejack said quickly, "but why would Twilight not respond to any of us?"

"Who knows," Rarity chimed in. "You know how sensitive Fluttershy can be, maybe she simply mistook her oncoming tremors for a response."

"I dunno. She's not a pony doctor, but she is an animal doctor," Dash reasoned. "I think she knew what she saw."

The library came up beyond the road ahead, all of the ponies acutely aware that something terrible had happened within its hollowed trunk.

They stood before the front door, none wanting to be the first to venture inside. The house looked a lot more imposing for some reason. The usual ability to barge right in and see what their pal Twilight and Spike were up to had vanished as mysteriously as Twilight's attacker.

"Well, let's get in there..." Rainbow said weakly, though neither she, nor anypony else budged.

After a few more seconds of inaction, Applejack had had enough.

"Ah can't believe y'all! Scared of a darn house. Let's go!" she commanded, gathering her courage and pushing the unlocked door open, revealing the same neat and tidy (if not a bit dusty) interior Rainbow had flown out of only hours before.

Cautiously, they stepped inside, careful to leave the door open. The windows allowed light to naturally illuminate the main room, while the stench of the dishes in the sink had grown considerably.

Rainbow took a few more steps as they fanned out into the house, coming near the open door to the basement. The florescent lights still shone from beyond the stairwell, though something about that room unnerved her. Rainbow nearly jumped out of her skin when Applejack's voice pierced the tense air.

"We might as well start lookin'." Rainbow turned from the beckoning door to face Applejack. "Rainbow, why don't you keep on lookin' in the basement—"

"Actually, I think I'm gonna grab Twilight's personal stuff instead," she interrupted nervously, flying into Twilight's bedroom loft before Applejack had time to question her flighty behavior.

"Alright then," she sighed. "Ah'm gonna check outside for a place where somepony might've broken in. Ah don't suppose you'd mind checkin' the basement?" she asked skeptically.

Rarity inhaled. "If Spike was willing to brave a filthy mud hole to rescue me from those dreadful Diamond Dogs, then I can brave a musty old basement for him," she said confidently, much to Applejack's surprise.

"That's the spirit! Holler if you find anything."

Applejack trotted outside as Rarity turned toward the open basement door. With a deep breath, she opened the door fully as the hinges squealed in protest. The stairs were old, and didn't seem very stable, but their creaking belied their sturdiness.

Okay, just looking for any sign of Spike. The only thing to fear down here is what this awful humidity will do to my mane.

Rarity neared the bottom of the steps, taking in all of Twilight's wondrous equipment. Some emitted flashes of light, others a steady but soft tone, and still others seemed to be a combination of both.

For a moment, Rarity marveled at the futuristic and high-tech looking gadgets and gizmos before her. One object in particular stuck out. In the corner of the room, was a large ball on a pedestal, twice the height of a pony, surrounded by three rings, each ring spinning counter to the one before it. Its gentle motion—the constant slow revolutions of the rings around the ball of what looked like stone—drew Rarity closer, casting a sense of ease over her.

The outer most orbital ring had what appeared to be spines protruding from it, and on the face of every ring were ancient looking runes.

Where in Equestria could Twilight have gotten this? she wondered.

Every revolution, the rings would line up around the stone center, but only for a moment. As aesthetically pleasing as the strange device was, Rarity knew she'd been wasting time admiring Twilight's lab. Breaking her gaze, she cast it instead on the hard stone ground before it.

Her eyes widened as she realized two identical sets of claw marks seemed to lead right to the machine before her. Claw marks fitting the exact size of a certain baby dragon! Rarity gasped, scurrying backwards, her flank hitting a table. The impact startled her and sent the jar of ink shattering on the ground, the black ooze pooling in the center of the room.


That voice. It sent chills down her spine as she looked all around for the source.

"Spike!" she shouted desperately. "Spike where are you?"

Frantically, she searched the room before the voice spoke again.

"Rarity! Please help me!"

She was on the verge of tears, hearing the fear and pain in Spike's voice but not being able to help him tore at her very soul.

"I will Spike, just tell me where you are!" she pled, the voice growing more desperate and afraid.

She glanced down at the ink puddle, and gasped in horror. It had coalesced into Spike!

"They're hurting me!" he cried, the anguish on his face shattering the composure the normally ladylike mare was famous for. "Make them stop Rarity, please!"

"Spike!" she shouted, standing over the puddle, mere inches away from it. "You must tell me how to help you!" she begged, the pain he seemed to be in driving her to scream at the ink puddle.

"Rarity! What in tarnation is all the screamin' for?"

Applejack's voice snapped Rarity out of her fixation on the puddle. She looked up at the two ponies standing at the top of the steps, mascara running down her face as her tears continued to flow. "It's Spike! He's right here, we must do something to help him!" she sobbed, looking back down at the ink puddle, only to find her reflection staring back at her. No Spike, no unseen torturers, simply a puddle of spilled ink.

"Rarity, are you feeling okay?" Rainbow asked, fluttering down the steps and landing nearby.

"I... I'm..." She paused as she tried to gather herself. What in Celestia's name had just happened? She could have sworn Spike was right in front of her. She could still hear his voice in her ears! "I'm fine, I just... never mind," she said, waving a hoof dismissively.

"You sure? I mean, you were screaming pretty loud into that ink puddle," Rainbow teased.

"Yes, I'm sure," Rarity growled, "And, I think I've found a trace of Spike."

All ears perked up as she showed them the claw marks in front of the mysterious machine.

"Well, they look to be the right size, but what does this prove?" Applejack asked, examining the marks for herself.

"It proves that Spike must have been pretty scared or angry to claw through stone," Rarity explained.

"Okay, so he was here, but we knew that already," Rainbow replied.

Rarity glanced back at the spinning circles, the calm feeling overtaking her once again. "I think it has something to do with whatever this thing is."

The other girls faced it, feeling the same pleasant feeling one would get while watching a placid pond or a babbling brook.

"So, what? This thing's just a big ball with rings spinning around it," Rainbow reasoned. "How could this have made Spike disappear?"

Rarity snapped out of her gaze. "I don't know, it was just a guess."

"Well, Ah didn't find anything outside. I'd just as soon wait 'til the princess gets involved," Applejack said, turning back toward the stairs. "She'll probably solve this mystery in no time."

"That's probably for the best," Rarity concluded, following Applejack up the stairs.

"Rainbow, you coming or what?" Applejack called from the top of the steps. "Ah'm sure Twilight would like the stuff you got out of her room."

Rainbow broke her stare at the machine and nodded.

"Yeah," she replied, following her friends out of the basement and back into the living room.

Rarity couldn't help but recall what she'd seen in the basement. Thoughts began racing through her mind. Had she actually seen anything at all? Was Spike really calling to her from somewhere through a spilled bottle of ink? The idea seemed preposterous, and yet what she'd seen was so real, so vivid.

She could still hear his voice in her head: his screams, his pleas for help. She chose not to burden her friends with her revelations. Perhaps she cared more for Spike than she had ever let on.

It's okay Rarity. Spike being gone is simply getting to you, she thought as the three of them left Twilight's house.

Rainbow departed to the hospital, and Applejack headed back to her farm. As Rarity trotted back to Carousel Boutique, one thought weighed heavily on her mind: How would she explain Spike's absence to her sister?

Comments ( 22 )

Cant wait for more :pinkiehappy: ...... does that make me a bad person to want these characters to get psychologically tortured? NA of course not :pinkiecrazy:

Totally worth the wait.

Sweet an update:derpytongue2:.....oh this is going to be one interesting story

1328905 Yeah it will go from the present (mane 6 mystery solvers YAY!) to the past (Twilight and Spike's wacky adventures in the 9th plane of eternal torment. Or wherever they went.).


Max would you please explain to this "How would she explain Spike's absence to her sister?"

Is this a Sweetie X Spike thing ?

1330450 No. If it had any shipping, I would have tagged it as such.


1330580 Then why is Rare concern on how to explain to Sweetie about Spike ?

1333858 Because they are friends. You can't just say her friend is missing and no one knows where he is. Not every character has to be romantically involved with another.



I see...

This lookin' good. It's nice to see Rarity so intensely concerned for Spike; there are just too many stories in which the author (and by extension the characters) either don't care about him or barely acknowledge him. Here's hoping for an extra-affectionate reunion.

And Twilight's creepy response was pretty chilling. Clearly, she's possessed.

Creepy ponies are creepy... I approve.

Is that orb with the three rings the same one from 'Event Horizon'?

1341211 Yes. I just loved the design so much I shamelessly ripped it off. :twilightblush:

1341621 Twilight with the bandages over her eyes also seems eerily familiar. :trixieshiftright:

Enjoying it so far though!:pinkiehappy:

For those who need help visualizing.


I always thought it looked like one of those desktop gyroscopes you can buy.

1348221 Oh man I would so buy a desk top toy thing like that.

This fic...it be damn good.

I'm eager to see this fic continued, as I am interested to see the why, what, how, ... of this creepy situation.

2318272 I've recently decided to restart this fic, so you may be getting chapters of this in the future.

YAY! Descent into madness! It wouldn't be a good horror story without one of those. Or seven... Just wondering if you'll incorporate dreamwalking Luna into the story. I could see that offering some very interesting options.


"Twilight?" she asked softly, "Can you hear me?"

You need to lose the capitalization on the "Can" or make the comma a period.

Fluttershy tried to scream, but found no air in her lungs. She withdrew just as Twilight began to convulse. The shaking from the bed drew the other's attention as the machines monitoring her began to sound their alarms. The medical team burst through the door and began trying to stabilize

No comma. "alarms rang" She's in a hospital. We know she's hooked up, and we can assume it's the machines beeping. "rushed to stabilize"

"She looked at me with this horrible smile, and nodded!"

No comma.

write the princess on our

Cap that.

"Good thinkin' Rarity!


neat and tidy (if not a bit dusty) interior

"tidy, if dusty, interior"

she opened the door fully as the hinges squealed in protest.

This is worded a bit oddly. "the hinges squealed in protest as she opened the door."

The stairs were old, and didn't seem very stable,

No comma.

In the corner of the room, was a large ball on a pedestal, twice the

In order to avoid the unnecessary strangeness of theses commas, how about
"A large ball on a pedestal stood in the corner of the room. It was twice..."

Please help me


She glanced down at the ink puddle, and gasped in horror.

No comma.

"Make them stop Rarity, please!"


"I don't know, it was just a guess."


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