• Published 16th Sep 2020
  • 3,492 Views, 43 Comments

Cozy's Paw Patrol - Tidal Wave2

Cozy Glow get's sent to Adventure Bay and she meets the Paw Patrol

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Apologizing (Extended/Redone Version)

Eventually, Chase, Skye and Cozy found an island and landed there. Afterwards, Cozy began to feel a little guilty that her new friends could've gotten hurt because of her. It was then that Chase broke the silence. "Alright. I think we made it far enough." The police pup looked ahead and noticed a forest nearby. "Just in case, we should probably head in there to hide."

"Are you sure, Chase?" Skye asked, not exactly feeling like it was safe.

"I have to agree." Cozy said. "I mean, golly gee. What if there are dangerous creatures in there?"

"Don't forget, we have our mighty pups abilities." Cozy & Skye knew Chase had a point, so they followed him in. After a couple hours of walking, the trio found a clearing area and searched for food. They found plenty of fruits, and they began to have their snack. Soon, Cozy started to feel guilty for putting the pups in danger. The young filly decided that she needed to talk with her two friends.

"Guys, I'm sorry I brought you into this mess." Cozy apologized. "Twilight and her friends might be after you for helping me. I mean, isn't it a crime to help convicts?"

"Please. There's plenty of crooks who did far worse." Skye said. "Not that I'm making any names... Starlight Glimmer." The group laughed at Skye's statement. "Besides, if it weren't for you I wouldn't have been able to meet my idles."

"Plus, we're a team and you're family to us." Chase said with a smile. "No matter what happens, we'll always be there for you." Cozy began to tear up.

"Thanks guys." The pups just embraced the filly before they continued their snack.

Meanwhile, Twilight was flying through the air, searching for the runaway's. She managed to grab a bit of Cozy's hair before she escaped, and used it to guide her tracking spell. The princess already took it upon herself to find Cozy Glow and convince her to come back to Equestria before time was up.

"They can't be too far now." Twilight continued to glide through the sky, until she spotted an island in the distance. She noticed that the spell was getting stronger, and she knew what that meant. "They're here." Twilight began to speed towards the island, determined to complete her task.

Back at the clearing, the trio was finishing their snack. Chase was just about to toss a banana peel aside, when he began to sniff the air. He smelled something familiar.

"Chase, what is it?" Skye asked. Cozy lifted her head and turned to Chase, just as curious as to what was going on. Chase's eyes suddenly widened.

"She's here!" The police pup exclaimed. Skye and Cozy instantly bolted up.

"NO! YOU DON'T MEAN???" Skye panicked. Chase nodded. Skye quickly turned to Cozy Glow. "Quickly! Hide!" Cozy nodded and hid in a thick tree. It was then that the lavender Alicorn landed 6 feet away from the pups, causing them to immediately turn toward her.

"So this is where you flew off to."

"You made a BIG mistake following us!" Chase yelled, glaring at the princess. Twilight flinched at the German Shepherd's anger. "Why do you want to take Cozy Glow away so much!? You have NO idea what she's been through!!!"

"You're right. I don't." Twilight confirmed. "But I DO have an idea of what will happen if she doesn't come. Cozy is in grave danger!"

"Yes she is!" Skye yelled. "Because all of Equestria hates her! I would've thought that my heroes would give her the chance she deserved! But instead, you want to re-imprison her!"

"Listen, Skye, is it?" Twilight asked, which Skye nodded. "If you truly know about me and my friends, you know that I always cared about Cozy. You should also realize that me and my friends were victims of betrayal."

"Same with Cozy!" Chase rebutted. "From what I heard, you've reformed a chaotic God, a racist chancellor, and boastful magician. Yet, you couldn't do the same for a child!?" At this point, Cozy Glow decided she was done hiding, and began flying toward Twilight from behind.

"You wouldn't understand. You're not the leader of an entire country, trying to decide what's best for everyone." Twilight pointed out. "Besides, Cozy can surely get over i-" The princess was interrupted when Cozy bucked her in the back of the head, knocking her down.

"You are so smug!" Cozy yelled. "You think the world revolves around you! That you KNOW the best choice! Well guess what!? I got along just fine without you!" The filly was fuming with anger. "I found friends who actually UNDERSTAND me! I help others in need! I found a new life where I can be happy! And now you're trying to take it all away!!!" Twilight began to get up, groaning in pain from the attack.

"Okay... I understand that you're peeved, Cozy. But believe me when I say I'm not trying to take anything from you."

"I'M NOT LISTENING TO ANY OF YOUR LIES!" Cozy screamed. "NEVER AGAIN!!!" The filly tackled Twilight and began to punch her. Twilight took a few hits before she teleported behind Cozy. Before Twilight could do anything, Chase leaped and delivered a roundhouse kick to her face.

"This time we won't hold ANYTHING back!" Chase yelled.

"Pups, you need to back off!" Twilight retorted. "Look! I know I made a mistake. I really do, but-" The princess was interrupted again when Skye knocked her aside with a headbutt.

"I'm sure your heart bleeds!" The cockapoo yelled before attempting to pin Twilight down. "You're not talking your way out of this one!" Twilight was starting to get more angry than upset.

"You canines are making it VERY difficult to hold back!"

"You didn't hold anything back against ME!!!" Cozy roared before going for another punch. "You've had this coming for a long time!" As Cozy threw her punch, Twilight dodged. "You NEVER truly cared! And I'm SICK of it!!!"

"I thought YOU were the one who never cared!" Twilight said.

"She DID!!!" Skye screamed as she tried to use a lightning attack, but missed. "That was before the incident!"

"WHAT 'incident'!?" Twilight asked in anger and confusion as she narrowly avoided a bite from Chase.

"WHAT'S THE POINT OF TELLING YOU IF YOU WON'T EVEN LISTEN!?!?" Chase was furious with the Alicorn, but not as much as Cozy was.

"Look, I know that I don't listen sometimes!" Twilight admitted as she shielded herself from as attack. "But that's normally because I worry sometimes."

"Yeah! You were SO worried about failure, that you would've let me rot in Tartarus, or decay as a statue!" Cozy said, kicking Twilight in the side. "You didn't even take time to think that maybe your 'mentor' DOESN'T know everything!"

"Cozy, you're mixing up everything me, my friends, or the Royal Sisters do for Equestria!" Twilight yells. "Everything we do is to protect everyone!"

"SO CELESTIA LET A MONSTER KILL MY PARENTS TO PROTECT ME!?!?!?!" Twilight immediately stopped in her tracks, and her eyes widened.

"Wait... Is that what started this?" The princess asked in shock.

"DON'T SAY IT LIKE THAT!!!!!!" Cozy screamed as tears began to fall from her eyes. "YOU KNEW THAT I MIGHT HAVE AN UNDERSTANDABLE MOTIVE!!! BUT YOU LET CELESTIA IMPRISON ME ANYWAY!!!!!" Chase and Skye stopped and noticed Twilight's expression. "SHE DIDN'T DO HER JOB CORRECTLY!! AND IT LED TO ME BECOMING AN ORPHAN!!" Twilight's face turned to one of sorrow and guilt. Chase and Skye decided to stay back and let the situation unfold.

"YOU DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER TO HELP ME!!! YOU LET THEM TAKE MY LIFE AWAY!!" Cozy cried. "I once thought you were my friend! (sniff) I thought you were like a second MOTHER to me! But what you did was DISGRACFUL to the title 'Princess of Friendship'!!!!"

Nobody moved. Nobody said anything. Chase and Skye could tell that Twilight felt bad. The princess saw that Cozy truly was in pain. And it was because of that pain, that she was driven to evil. Cozy was right. She failed as her teacher. As her princess. As her friend. Twilight then gave a sad smile.

"Okay Cozy." She said. "If that's really how you feel, go ahead and do what you think I deserve." To say everyone else was shocked would be an understatement.

"What!?" Chase and Skye said in unison. Cozy just stared in confusion, which quickly turned to sadness.

"Y-You're t-trying to trick me!" Cozy cried.

"No. I'm being completely honest with you." Twilight sadly assured the upset foal. "I knew you were troubled and needed help. But I also knew you weren't ready to talk yet." She admitted. "I was hoping if you spent a bit of time in stone, you'd have time to think. I didn't want you hurt, but I guess it was selfish of me." Twilight began walking over to Cozy. "I was still hurting from your first takeover attempt. The idea was there. I went with it, because I thought Celestia knew what she was doing." Twilight reached Cozy and put a foreleg around her. "I've been a terrible friend to you, Cozy. I didn't mean it, but it doesn't change the fact that I was." It was then that Twilight shed a couple tears. "I am truly sorry I hurt you, Cozy."

At this point, Chase and Skye were shedding tears too. But Skye was smiling, because this was what she wanted to hear from Twilight for a long time. Cozy Glow looked into Twilight's eyes, and saw regret.

"D-Do you really mean that, Twilight?" The filly asked.

"From the bottom of my heart." Twilight answered. After a few seconds of silence, Cozy starting sobbing her eyes out and hugged Twilight.

"I FORGIVE YOU!!!" The ponies embraced as they let their tears flow. Chase and Skye watched, happy that everything was good now. "I-I'm ready to go with you now." They all wiped their tears and stood up. Chase then made his way over to Cozy.

"You'll come back after you straighten things out with Celestia. Right?" He asked.

"Of course I will." Twilight then turned to the pups.

"Thank you for taking care of her."

"No problem your majesty." Chase said.

"Please, just call me Twilight." Twilight said.

"Sure. And thanks for listening. It's all I wanted." Skye added. "What about our friends and your friends?"

"The Paw Patrol is fine, and my friends are already waiting back in Equestria." Twilight answered before opening a portal. "We'll be back soon."

"Bye Cozy." Chase said. Cozy nodded as she stepped in the portal with Twilight. "Well, all's well that ends well."

"Chase! Skye!" The two pups turned to see the other pups approaching.

"Pups!" Skye exclaimed in surprise. "What are you all doing here?"

"We came to check and see if you were alright." Rocky answered. "The other ponies and their dragon just disappeared on us." The pups then noticed that Cozy Glow wasn't around.

"Wait, whewe's Cozy???" Zuma asked worried.

"Don't worry. She's in Equestria." Chase said. "Turns out, we just needed to talk."

"So, she'll be okay?" Marshall asked. Chase and Skye nodded.

"Well that's a relief." Everest said. "Hopefully Cozy will come back afterwards."

"Si." Tracker agreed. "That filly is super spec-"

"Hello? Is anyone there!?" The pups jumped at the voice.

"W-Who's there!?" Rubble asked in alarm.

"I'm a friend of Twilight's." The voice said. "Now listen, Cozy Glow is in grave danger!" The pups gasped.

"What are you talking about?!?" Skye asked worried.

"Me, the girls, and Spike have been imprisoned. Twilight has been tricked like the rest of us." The voice answered. "In fact, Cozy's not the only one in danger. ALL of Equestria is!"

"WHAT!?!" The pups exclaimed in fear and shock. "Who's behind this???"

"It's Celestia! Something's not right with her. She's going to KILL Cozy!"

"NO!!!" Chase shouted. "We have to stop her!!!!!"

"But how?" Zuma asked. "How do we even get thewe!?!"

"Don't worry." The voice said. "I can use the power I still have to open a portal to Canterlot. The rest is up to you." The pups looked at each other and nodded.

"Do it!" Skye shouted. Not too long afterwards, a portal opened. "Let's go!" And the Paw Patrol jumped through the portal to put an end to this terror once and for all!

Comments ( 3 )


Did you happen to have certain reactions to certain parts?

I like how they forgive each other. You know its good to forgive and forget.

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