• Published 16th Sep 2020
  • 3,499 Views, 44 Comments

Cozy's Paw Patrol - Tidal Wave2

Cozy Glow get's sent to Adventure Bay and she meets the Paw Patrol

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Back in Adventure Bay, the Paw Patrol were having a movie night at the base after cleaning up a littered beach. Tracker was with Cozy Glow, getting some snacks while learning about her schemes. "So basically, you were using your cuteness to manipulate your enemies?" The chihuahua asked. Cozy nodded. "Wow, kinda reminds me of one of our former enemies: Sweetie. She's young like us and attempted to become a queen."

"Heh, if me and her were still villains, we'd probably get along pretty well." Cozy commented as they headed to the room where the movie was being shown. "So, what's this movie about?"

"Some police officer named; Murphy, who gets shot to death and he is brought back to life as a crime fighting robot." Tracker answered. "At least, that's what I heard. I've never actually seen it, but I bet it's awesome!" Soon, they arrived in the room and sat with their friends. "Did it start yet?"

"No, there's still one more trailer left." Rubble answered. Suddenly, a roar was heard from the TV. "Oh, this is a Godzilla trailer."

"Um... what's a Godzilla?" Cozy asked curiously.

"Oh he is super awesome!" Marshall said. "That guy is a giant lizard monster that goes around destroying cities and-" As Marshall continued to describe Godzilla, what he just said was starting to repeat in Cozy's head. 'Monster'. 'Destroying cities'. Terrible memories came to Cozy; screaming, death, suffering. Cozy couldn't help the tears welling up in her eyes. Of course, this didn't go unnoticed. "Hey, are you okay?" Cozy didn't say anything, she just started sniffling and flew out of the room. "W-What happened? Was it something I said?" After Marshall asked, Ryder came in the same way Cozy exited.

"Pups, any idea what's wrong with Cozy?"

"I don't know." Zuma said. "She just started crying while Mawshall was talking about Godzilla." Skye knew that something was up.

"Guys, maybe we should go check on her." Everyone nodded in agreement and went outside the lookout. Soon, they found Cozy sitting under a tree with pain in her eyes. "Cozy?" Skye asked. "Are you okay?"

"I'm sorry if I offended you." Marshall apologized. "I didn't think describing something would do that."

"That's not what upset me." Cozy assured them. "Just... memories." Skye thought for a moment before her eyes lit up in realization.

"Is it what caused you to turn evil in the first place?" Cozy nodded. Skye knew that she was finally going to learn Cozy's backstory. She also knew that she had to help Cozy cheer up. "W-What happened?" Cozy gave her a look that said 'I don't want to talk about it', but after a few seconds of silence, Cozy sighed and decided to tell them.

"You want to know what happened?" The group nodded. "A monster killed my parents."

"NO!" Rocky shouted in shock.

"Yes." Cozy confirmed. "I remember it like it was yesterday. I was 4, maybe 5, and I lived in a town called: Hoofwell. My parents would play with me, give me plenty of food and did a lot for the town. My life was amazing, however, all that ended on July 13th. Me and my parents were on our way home from a carnival that opened that same night. We were about halfway home when we heard screaming. My daddy went into an ally, but he didn't come back. My mommy told me to stay where I was. When she didn't come back, I had to know what happened. I walked down the ally, calling for my parents. Along the way, I smelled something awful. I soon saw that the smell was a pile of bodies, and on top of them were the corpses of my parents." Cozy paused before continuing. "I screamed and ran out of the ally crying my eyes out, but when I got out, the town was on fire. It was then that I saw the creature behind the slaughter. Burning red eyes, wings with feathers like daggers, bloody fangs, and the worse part was the voice. So deep and dark. I lost everything that day: my family, my friends, and my home."

"Ooooh!" Marshall cried. "Here, let me play a sad song for you on the world's smallest violin." He said while rubbing his paws together, playing a depressing tune.

"But Marshall, this is serious!" Chase said.

"I know. This really is the world's smallest violin. See?" Marshall showed the tiny instrument in his paws.

"Oooooookaaaaaaaay..." Cozy said a bit weirded out.

"Look Cozy," Ryder began. "We're sorry for what happened to you. But please remember that no matter what, we're here for you." The pups nodded as tears appeared in Cozy's eyes.

"Thanks guys!" Cozy said embracing the group. "So, shall we start the film?" The group laughed as they went back to the lookout to watch their movie.