• Published 29th Sep 2020
  • 3,469 Views, 83 Comments

The Rising Demon Era. - Neutral Boy

Too many mistakes were made in Equestria. Now everyone and everypony is paying the price as the distortion of chaos rises and the army of demons spreading. Led by the former two pupils of Princess Celestia, Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer.

  • ...

Interlude: Café blues & unwanted reunion.

Author's Note:

Just quick note for my fellow readers & followers. This chapter of the story took place in the EQG world. Around the same time before the wedding started when Twilight was sent in the crystal mines by the Changeling Queen and found her long time caretaker Cadence.

Also an apology for Chazkopa since I should've gotten this part of the chapter done sooner, but I got slightly held back with other activities & some problems that I didn't feel like writing yet.

So enough of that dillydallying, enjoy the reading.

In the daily morning of Canterlot city, Sunset Shimmer is seen locking up the door & walking the blocks.

Recently, Sunset didn't get much sleep from studying so she needed some time outside to think.

She didn't paid much attention to people walking by her as she's too busy with things in her head.

'I don't know what's wrong with me lately. Usually I didn't have any problems on my days of school and getting things done by reigning down any students at CHS, but yet a part of me felt something's definitely off recently. I just can't shake the feeling away from me.' She thought.

She pauses when her stomach growls for some meals.

'Ah well, I'll deal with that issue later, right now it's time to go get a bite to eat.'

So Sunset goes forward towards Sugarcube Corner that's close by and spots several students there.

Much to there discomfort, they spotted Sunset and backed away from her lest they get some harsh blackmails or perhaps getting suspension. Though they do glare at her and she didn't paid no mind from them.

Upon entering the store café, Sunset is surprised to see Vice Principal Luna sitting alone at a table drinking coffee.

"Hey there Vice Principal Luna."

Luna turns her head to see Sunset waving at her.

"Sunset Shimmer? I thought that you were suppose to work on your extra homework."

"Nah, I just needed to take a break. Plus it's really boring when I sit for too long and get headaches sometimes."

Sunset walks over to sit beside her principal. Although, Mrs. Cakes narrows her eyes at Sunset, but she didn't say anything else since Luna is here as she gets back to work.

"To be honest Ms. Luna, I never actually seen you here of all places. Usually you've been mostly busy with work at Canterlot High School and helping the staffs in each rooms."

"I sometimes come here to relax Sunset, given that my sister can handle the paper work businesses."

While Vice Principal Luna looks at her coffee, Sunset notices a ring on Luna's finger.

"I didn't know you had a ring on your finger Ms. Luna, is your husband around or working somewhere?"

Luna sighs and rubs her ring.

"This belong to my fiancée when he proposed to me."

"Oh, but is he alright or. . ."

"As much as I hate to say this Sunset, he's. . . . . . . . . . . . . no longer around or anywhere else."

There was a silent pause as Sunset sees Luna clenches her ring of her deceased lover and holding in her tears. A part of her feels sadden to see Vice Principal Luna having to carry a big burden of holding the ring, though she did wonder if Principal Celestia felt the same mournful pain for Luna.

However, their conversation is cut short when they both heard a loud shout from Mrs. Cake.

"What the hell are you doing at my café?!"

Both Luna and Sunset flinched a bit and they turn their heads to see someone already entering the doorway.

"Relax Mrs. Cake, I'm not going to ruin your store today like the last time." The female voice spoke.

When the female figure walks a bit forward, the customers heard her voice and felt terrified of her.

"Leave us." Her cold tone voice told them.

The customers got the message as they instantly paid their meals and leave outside the door.

Luna recognizes the brown hair eye patch woman and gets up to confront her.

"Jewel Heinrich." Luna says, her teeth gritting in anger.

'Jewel Heinrich?' Sunset thought, wonder on how Luna knows her.

'Wait a sec, I've seen her somewhere before, but not her name entirely. Hmmmmmmmm.'

"It's been a long while, Luna."

"Cut the nice acting bullshit Jewel, why are you back in Canterlot?"

"Oh isn't not obvious dearest Luna? I merely came to pleasantly visit both you and your big sister. Though I must say, you two did a fine job of keeping everything all cool and dandy while I was off doing my own task of leading grand people to flourish in studying harder than that foolish Crystal Prep Academy of dumpster babies."

"I highly doubt you can lead your students to study when you punish them brutally on tests and sports."

"Oh speak for yourself miss Moona wetting the bed drama woman. Speaking of Canterlot, how has the CHS been doing? Did your sister stop crying over her stupid con artist of her so-called-perfect boy toy man?"

Luna immediately grabbed Jewel's business shirt and both of them are face to face.

"Don't you dare talk down about my sister and her deceased boyfriend! You have no idea on what kind of pain the both of us went through! I know that you lost your brother, but I also my fiancée as well. So I'll ask you one more time; Why come back here now? To berate us more, mock us in shame, blackmail, threatening, or perhaps kill us now?!"

"Oh believe me Luna, if I did think of those ideas, then Canterlot would've crumbled down long ago."

Jewel then gently pulled Luna's hand off of her business shirt.

"However, I'm not going to do that since I fully accepted my brother's wish to never harm you or Celestia."

Jewel glances to see Sunset and smile, much to Sunset's shivering feeling from looking at her.

"Now if you ladies excuse me, I have business to attend at the guitar store."

"Get the hell out of my store now or I will call the cops!" Mrs. Cake yelled out.

"As you wish Mrs. Cake."


Jewel bows and turns around to walk out, but then stops when she heard Luna speaking.

"Before you go, I need to ask you something. Where's the rest of your group?"

She glances to Luna and looks down on the ground.

"Sadly, we have completely departed and I don't know on where they're at exactly nor phone number."

When Jewel's left, Sunset decided to speak with Luna.

"Uhhhh, do you know her Vice Principal Luna? Did something happen between you two?"

Luna turns her head to her student and gave a long sigh, plus showing a couple of tears.

"It's an old wound from the past, you best not deal with grown up dramas Sunset."

Back outside, the athletic student named Rainbow Dash is jogging in her walks for some time.

While whistling in her little world and not looking, she bumps into someone.


She lands on the ground and shakes her head.

"Hey! Who's the wise gu-"

Rainbow's sentence is cut off when she sees the person and slowly her sudden fear is building up.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the offspring of sunshine & skittles~. Fancy meeting you here~."

Rainbow slowly crawled away and got up as the person is walking toward her.

"J-J-J-J-Jewel? I-It can't be, you w-w-were. . ."

"Oh believe me girl, I'm here in the flesh and still kicking. Though before I left a while back, I merely had to let off some steams of useless thugs and wannabe bad students, especially a couple of irritating young gals who needed to be taught of harsh reality checks and painful underworld sessions."

From hearing those words, Rainbow's eyes widen of knowing who they were.

"G-G-Gilda. . . . . L-Lightning. . . t-that was you who crippled them?"

"Yes indeed, but I'm good now and took some therapy. So you have nothing to fear. . ."

In the next moment, Rainbow didn't react as she got punched in the stomach and her left face cheek.


Her face is grabbed by Jewel and is very afraid of her.

"However, your family, team, and Idol made a very big mistake back then of crossing us. Though a part of me thinks it wasn't your fault entirely, but the damage is already done. So consider this an apology gift and lesson learned."

Patting Rainbow's bruised cheek, Jewel let go of her as her body is on the ground again.

"Give my regards to your poor excuse of a broken, discipline, obsessive, denial, family Tarnish Rash." She says in a venom tone.

So Jewel walks away from Rainbow, the athlete girl shivering and tears showing in her eyes.

Nearby, Rainbow's friend spotted her and is in shock.

"Oh mah stars Rainbow Dash! What happen ta yah?!"

Unaware of the two girls, a boy peeking behind a trashcan saw all of this event happen and runs off.

Far off away from Crystal Prep Academy, a blue haired girl is searching on her phone for any games.

Her phones vibrate and she goes to her message box before her eyes widen in surprise on seeing it.

{Hey, it's been a while. Listen, we need to talk and I need your help. . .}