• Published 29th Sep 2020
  • 3,479 Views, 83 Comments

The Rising Demon Era. - Neutral Boy

Too many mistakes were made in Equestria. Now everyone and everypony is paying the price as the distortion of chaos rises and the army of demons spreading. Led by the former two pupils of Princess Celestia, Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer.

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Chapter 2: Aftermath & Decisive Decision.

Inside the house where it's wrecked from a few changelings, a lone mare with glasses on is irritated as she cleans up her house and replace the items that were broke.

"I leave my home for several hours and look what happens." She mutters, dusting her books.

"'Hey Moondancer, how about we hang out like old times? It gets really cranky being in the house for too long. Why not just go out and explore every once in a while?' Then suddenly, things get crazier when changelings appear out of nowhere from inside & outside the barrier. Ruining my time of hanging out with my old friends!"

Slowly Inhaling and exhaling to not have her magic ruin her house, Moondancer clears up her mind.

"Ah screw it, I'll go check on my friends. See if they're okay and didn't get captured."

Making the rest is cleaned up, Moondancer changes up her clothing and then heads outside.

Minutes have passed by and while walking around, she looks to see some buildings have taken damage.

Especially seeing the royal guards rounding up the changelings who were left behind.

Upon turning to the right corner, Moondancer spots a pony in an old guard orange armor sitting on a big rock, watching a hologram green image. Suspiciously curious on who's the guard, she slowly walks over.

"Heh, looks like some ponies at the ceremony is in serious trouble." The unknown guard says.

"Um excuse me?"

The guard turns his head and spots Moondancer, then waves her hand to her.

"Oh hello, don't mind me, just watching the wedding ceremony unfold."

"Not to be rude, but are you spying on the new couple getting married?"

"Well partially yes, though it seems the wedding has unfortunately halted due to the changeling invasion. Including the parts where betrayal is involved and a certain purple unicorn mare is caught in the middle, sound familiar?"

"Purple mare. . . . . wait. . . are you talking about Twilight Sparkle?"

"Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner ponies! Anyways, yes I'm talking about the purple mare. The thing is though, it would seem this mare is very pissed off since she got betrayed by her friends, mentor, and brother over a princess who's secretly a changeling queen. What you're seeing on this screen right now is the aftermath wedding disaster and it seems Twilight needed to be alone for now. Although, the conversation isn't over yet for the unfortunate victims."

Moondancer sees the image change of Twilight leaving the ruined wedding.

"Wow, I've never seen Twilight this mad before."

"Yep, but the hints of chaos isn't over yet in the wedding. Want some melted cheese chips or popcorn?"

". . . Eh I'll take both."

After Twilight Sparkle has left to be alone, Princess Cadence demanded truthful answers from the ones who have neglected her favorite filly and why no pony even bothered to back up her evidence story.

So the five mares, Spike, Celestia, and her fiancée told their side of the story before the ceremony.

They exclaimed mostly that Twilight seemed off, suspiciously moody, overreacting much, and jealous.

When the bride princess ran off crying, they remember saying hurtful words to Twilight, which a part of did regret saying and wish to take it back. Yet under these circumstances, it's probably too late for that now.

When they finished up the story, Princess Cadence went silent for a minute and rubs her face with her hands. Thinking up on what to say next, her hands lowered and turn into closed fists.

"I understood why Twilight did her investigation, but all of you should know better. Heck, you five should've taken your friend's side instead of a Princess who you barely even known in a day or two. For your information Aunty and Shining, Twilight did the right thing of confronting the imposter, even if she might have the evidence or not."

"B-but dear, we didn't know that you were-"

Shining's words got cut off when his fiancée death glared him, making him flinch and lower his head.

"I'm not going to hear more of your lame ass excuses Shining Armor. You and I are going to have a private discussion later on how much you done bucked up as a big brother to your own flesh & blood sibling little sister."

Shining merely nodded in acknowledgement.

"Aunty Celestia, there are so many words I wanted to say, but I just can't stand to look at you now."

Celestia eyes widen in tears, but lowers her head along with her flatten ears, knowing she definitely screwed up big time. Not just being a princess, but failing as a mentor to her own student.

"Spike, I'm not being too harsh on you, but you need to be a little more mature and smart of growing up. I'm sure your big sister has her heart broke when you left her side, you have to be responsible to redemption and apologize to her so that it won't happen again."

"I understand Cadence." Spike said, nodding his head sadly and want to make up with his sister.

"As for you five specifically, I'm very disappointed in all of you. The five of you mares represent the Elements of Harmony bearers, yet neither one of you knows on how to be a true bearer. Sure the elements have chosen each of you along with Twilight, but it's also that when there's possible danger in any place, you have to train very well and become smart so that you work as a great team together."

She then turns to the side slowly and her next words grew colder.

"Then again, your time of relaxing in Ponyville seems to make you lose IQ skills and lack poorly training."

All the pony's eyes widen, never expecting Cadence to sound this suddenly cruel to them.

"W-Why. . . y-you-" Applejack wanting to get up, but her friend Fluttershy puts her back down.

"If you lay one hit on me, I will call the guards and have you arrested. I suggest you think wiser, dishonest Applejack."

AJ's teeth were gritting in anger, but tries to clear her head.

"That also goes for the rest of you mares as well."

The other four heard it, but for Rainbow however, she also seethed in anger like AJ.

"Now then, I'm having this wedding delayed and all of you need to interview an important announcement to every pony in Canterlot on why all of you screwed up big time and let a bug shapeshifting queen & her subjects fool you all."

After her conversation is over, Cadence passes by them and picks up a changeling drone who's critically injured from Twilight's toss at the wall. She then glance and makes one last statement to them.

"When this news is over, you five element bearers and my aunty are not welcome at our wedding."

As Cadence flews off with the changeling were stunned by what she had just said. However for Spike though, he shakes his head and runs off, proceeds to go find Twilight and apologize to her for not believing her.

The green image fades as Moondancer is also stunned by what has happen.

"This. . . . . t-this is really hard to take in. Did these new friends of hers screwed up big time?"

"Oh most definitely, though I'm mostly surprised Princess Cadence didn't lash them out by blasting them."

"Eh I wouldn't agree to that being extreme. Speaking of, I have to go find my friends."

"Oh before you go, I do have something to give you."

The pony in old armor gives a scroll to Moondancer.

"After you go check up on your friends, go deliver this message not far from Canterlot and visit a certain place there. If you do, I'll give you a set of hefty bag of bit as a kind payment."

Moondancer thought about it, but decides to accept the scroll.

"I'll keep that in mind."

When Moondancer left to go find her friends, the armor pony chuckles in a dark laugh. He then pulls out another scroll and makes a long list of words. After it's done, he uses his magic to split the scroll into five others.

"This should keep the chaotic messing going a bit longer in the broken family bond."

He uses a secret hand sign as the five scrolls disappear, teleporting to the unknown locations.

"Now that that's done, I think it's time to take a little trip up in the clouds."

In another site, a young stallion guard cadet is searching for the weeping sound of a mare crying somewhere.

At a tall building, he slowly opens the door, peeking in to see Twilight crying in her books.

Seeing the purple mare weeping, he puts his gear by the bookshelf and walks over to her.

He sits beside her as Twilight hears hoof steps, slowly looking to spot the guard waving at her and smiling.

"Hi there, my name's Flash Sentry."

Author's Note:

Me: Alright, I got one done! Any questions?

Random comment: Uh yeah, how come Twilight didn't get blown away in the last time by the power of love?

Me: . . . . . (Borrows WildCat's double barrel shotgun and shoots the person)

Me: Exorcism complete! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!