• Published 29th Sep 2020
  • 3,468 Views, 83 Comments

The Rising Demon Era. - Neutral Boy

Too many mistakes were made in Equestria. Now everyone and everypony is paying the price as the distortion of chaos rises and the army of demons spreading. Led by the former two pupils of Princess Celestia, Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer.

  • ...

Chapter 1: The first taste of severe consequences.

After being teleported back to where Twilight was, she decides to go back in Ponyville at her tree home.

She didn't bother to greet every pony, including her own friends on the way there since she has a lot to think about and only wanted to be alone so no pony can interrupt her.

Arriving at her tree home, she opens her door and closes it before going to her bed and cries herself to sleep.

Over the next days and weeks, Twilight has slowly felt better and begins to hang out with her friends.

Although, she hasn't told them about what really happen and just want to forget about it.

In the following friendship reports and her friends doing reports as well, everything has been going smoothly.

Then, the one week happens where it would change Twilight's life and view point of Equestria forever.

A Canterlot Wedding Invasion has commenced, curtesy of the changeling named Queen Chyrsalis who has fooled every pony by using a disguise of Twilight's babysitter caretaker and her brother soon to be wife, Cadence.

When Twilight rescued her caretaker in the crystal mines, they confronted the imposter at the wedding. Chrysalis revealed herself and defeated Princess Celestia using a magic love boost from Shining Armor. After taking care of Celestia, she ordered all of her units from inside and outside the magic barrier to stage an attack on Canterlot.

Unfortunately, when Twilight and her friends did there best to wipe out many changeling to get the Elements of Harmony, they were quickly outmatched and taken back to the wedding as prisoners.

Twilight's world came crashing down as she thought that she would get better, but yet it appears to grow worse ever since arriving to Canterlot. Her instincts of knowing something is wrong with her former babysitter when she didn't join the sunshine dance. She also seen Cadence disliking the things behind her friends's back. Then came the confrontation when she accused her of being evil, but ends being alone after getting called out in harsh words by her own brother, friends, and mentor.

"If I were you sister, I wouldn't even come to the wedding."

"Nice going Twilight."

"How could you do this to your own baby sitter?"

"You're crazy in a coco land."

"I'm ashamed of you Twilight. To think I had the decency of working on a dress for you."

"Really brought this upon yourself egghead."

"Sometimes I do wonder if you prefer to marry your books instead of going out with a nice stallion."

"You have a lot to think about, my faithful student."

Her tears were leaking out as she watches the Changeling Queen gloating over of fooling every pony.

That is, until a certain familiar voice calls out to her.

Some friends and family they turn out to be, huh?"

Twilight sees an image of the same knight who has talked to her, the time when they were alone.

She sees him walk up to her and look deep in her eyes.

"What would you do, if you were at a lowest point? Being left behind by your own friends and family you try to protect, yet they didn't appear beside you? All these years of learning to love, but get rejected and left to die?"

When his image disappears, Twilight didn't know on what she could have said back then, until today.

". . . Revenge, Justice, and Freedom." She coldly whispers.

Twilight's foalsitter Cadence barely heard her as she sees Twilight doing something with her horn.

'Twilight? What's wrong?' Cadence's mind said.

From her own beating heart, Cadence can tell something's off with Twilight, but has no idea on what to do.

In the wedding throne room, no other pony didn't know on what happens next as Twilight uses her magic to unleash a beam, hitting at Chrysalis's right shoulder. She screamed in pain, not expecting to be hit from behind and feeling a burn on her right shoulder. She turns around to see who it was, but felt an ominous magic aura coming from Twilight and it's not stopping.

'What is going on?' She exclaimed in her mind, feeling a bit of fear building up.

She also notices Twilight's body is incinerating the goop holding her. When one of Chrysalis's changeling drones try to detain Twilight, she grabs him by the throat and flung him at the wall beside the Queen. She is stunned in shock by what occurred, her head turn to see her precious drone collapses and has mutiple broken bones.

She turns her head to see Twilight already freed Cadence and is cracking her knuckles, glaring at the Queen.

"I'm going to enjoy watching you scream as I rip out your beloved bug wings and examine them in my laboratory. Maybe these ones will fit perfectly on me than you." Twilight says in a venom tone.

Not wanting to be humiliated by a mere pony unicorn in public, Queen Chrysalis roars in anger and she and Twilight charge at each other as a brawl commences. Both her friends, Spike, Cadence, and Celestia watches helplessly as they have never seen Twilight in a fit of uncontrollable negative emotions.

Cadence couldn't have imagine in all of her years, witnessing to bond over an innocent filly toward her reunion who has changed. Her tears were flowing of watching Twilight going blow to blow against Chrysalis and get injured, but she hasn't back down and continue to fight her.

Knowing she can't tell if this would last long, Cadence attempts to snap Shining Armor out of his dizzy state. It worked as Shining shakes his head and sees Cadence in front of her.

"C-Cadence, what happened to me?" He murmurs, but gets a hard slap in the cheek by Cadence.

"There's no time Shining. I need your help to saving your little sister from the changeling Queen and her subjects. If Twilight dies here, I swear to Celestia and every pony that I won't forgive you and there won't be a wedding for us. Understand?"

He flinches from her cold tone, but nods his head. Not wanting to make her more angry at him.

So they both conjure up a powerful love spell while Twilight and Chrysalis continue to fight. Yet in there fight, Chrysalis seems to be all of a sudden losing to Twilight somehow. She is seen panting and tries to think of a way to take her while still confused on why she's backed into a corner.

'Th-This is all wrong. I should have been much stronger when I absorbed Shining's love and defeated Princess Celestia! Yet how, how am I losing to this mentor's unicorn student?! It doesn't make any sense! Nothing about this makes any sense!'

"Ready to give up on your invasion Chrysalis?" Twilight says coldly.

"Not a chance! If you haven't notice, I still have my changeling army waiting to decimate you at any second!"

"So you say, but what about that immense power behind you?"

Chrysalis paused her fight and turns her head, her eyes widen upon seeing Cadence and Shining Armor unleashing a spell she wasn't prepared for. There spell contains a big sphere going big and blowing away all of her changelings while freeing Twilight's friends and mentor from the goop.

"Oh crap baskets." She mutters.

The blast hits Chrysalis as she is seen blasting off away from Canterlot, but not before giving her last speech.

"Marking my words, I won't give up that easily and ruin your whole lives, including you as well Twilight Sparkle!!!"

The threat was over as every pony in Canterlot cheers loudly, except for one particular pony mare who's not in a very happy mood. She sighs in disappointed, not because of the changelings have invaded oh no-no-no-no, but she's very disappointed at those who have let this whole dreadful mess to happen in the first place.

Twilight turns around and walks over to her mentor Celestia, not bothering to check up on Shining, Cadence, Spike, and her friends. She saw her mentor has her head up and sees her student walking towards her. Celestia smiles and wanted to thank her, but her smile fades when Twilight grabs her by the throat.

"This whole mess wouldn't have happened if you would just sit on your flat sunny ass and listen to what your students has to say more than letting these Noble bucks rub off on you in bed." She says in a venom tone.

"Hey Twilight! What the heck are you doing?! Let the Princess go or I swear you-"

She turns her head and glares at her friend Rainbow Dash who has stopped upon seeing her this angry.

"One more flap, step, or word and you can kiss your Wonderbolt dreams goodbye. FOR GOOD THIS TIME."

Fearing of losing her dream, she fearfully steps back and joins her friends.

"Twily? What's wrong with you? Why are you being so host-"

Shining's voice grew silent when her sister gave him a death glare.

"For once in your life brother, shut the buck up! Not only have you made this mess happen, but you let the imposter make a fool out of you. Just like she fooled my own friends, Spike, and my mentor."

None of the ponies and Spike were speech, filled with some regrets and ashamed of not listening to her warnings.

"Let's just get something straight, there won't be a wedding unless you tell every pony in public the honest truth of what has happened before & during the Canterlot wedding ceremony and I do seriously mean the "HONEST TRUTH" to every pony, RIGHT AJ?!"

Applejack felt her body shaken up in fear, but nods her head.

"So then, if there's no one here to object, then I need to be alone for now. As for you my own mentor. . ."


There was a hard slap sound, earning Celestia a bruise on her left cheek and a punch to the gut.

Twilight bends down and whispers into her mentor's ear.

"You. Have. A lot. To think about. Princess Sun****."

Twilight then walks away from her own mentor, but pauses and glance toward her foalsitter."

"Cadence?" She says softly.

"Y-Yes Twilight?" Cadence responds back, feared on what she has to say to her.

"Don't bother of following me, for now you need to ask questions on why your wedding is in ruins. If I were you, I'd start by asking my own assistant Spike, my backstabbing friends, your precious aunty, and your soon to be husband. Including on what they have all said to me before Chrysalis banished me to the crystal mines."

Twilight then proceeds to go away from the ruined wedding and takes some time to be left alone.

After she left, Cadence turns her head at the ones Twilight told her. She has tried to keep her cool calm state from every noble she came across, but now her state is breaking apart and her anger is fuming.

"None of you are leaving this place until you tell me the exact truth and why Twilight is this pissed off after she had saved me in the crystal mines. If anyone wish to speak, do so cause I'm not very happy here. RIGHT! NOOOOOOW!!!!"

Not far off away from Canterlot, Princess Luna is arriving back from her duty mission, but her body paused when she felt a strong presence of magic coming from Canterlot and not a good kind of magic.

"Ohhhh. . . this can't be good. What did you do now sister?" Luna says.

She sighs before flapping her wings and head straight for Canterlot, wondering what happen while she was gone.

Unaware that the changing shift of Harmony has just begun.

Author's Note:

General Smarty Pants: Good lord, it has begun. . .

*Dark Samus's laugh echoes in the starts*

Who here thinks this version looks good and sexier? Good Twilight or Evil Twilight?


Anyway, happy Halloween everyone and my beloved followers! From our family to yours, keep your pants dry, your dreams wet and remember. Hugs not drugs.