• Published 22nd Aug 2020
  • 1,417 Views, 10 Comments

The Runaway - Elmaster48

Cozy Glow learned that to get throu life she had 2 ways: Manipulating her way to the top or running away. We all know how well turned out.

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Part 3

Absolute terror, that was the only thing that Cozy Glow could feel, she had victory so close. Somehow got two of the most dangerous villains in Equestria history to help her, Equestria was divided and would soon defeat princess twilight and her friends.

But got swarmed by the creatures of Equestria that were supposed to be divided, now they stood together and she could not process what was happening and got struck directly with the power of all of Equestria combined.

Chysalis decided to spew empty threats, how they would continue to menace Equestria, there wasn’t a more scary moment she had in her life. Running away from gangs trying to give her a beat down and take away her last bit, being dragged into Tartarus after her failure at the Friendship school… standing alongside beings that could crush her as easily as an ant…

Nothing compared with that moment. Before she could try a vain attempt to flee a cupcake fell from the sky trapping her and her allies.

Then she crawl out of there she saw right in front of her Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, the princesses she defeated and took their power alongside Discord the false grogar, that just a few hours she managed to outsmart and drain him of his power too. She could only watch while the 3 of them used a spell to turn her and her allies to stone. Her face reflected the sheer terror she felt in those last moments, a face that would forever remain there, to everycreature to see.

Discord would taunt the statue of chrysalis… Cozy Glow somehow managed to see it… she was conscious?

She knew that discord was turned into stone more than a thousand years ago. She always assumed that discord was sleeping every moment of it. But not, he was aware of everything at his surroundings like she is now.

Rage was the thing that she now felt, she wanted to scape to enact vengeance.

She would scape someday and finally take her revenge. Maybe could count again with the petrified buffoons that were alongside her… who she was unable to talk to.

Discord intended to link the statues so the 3 of them could communicate between them, enduring each other would be their punishment.

What discord failed to consider was that the inherent magical power of Tirek and Chrysalis would be helping them to do that… something Cozy Glow lacks.

She was tried to talk to them, she could try to ask for help, to organize a plan but… only got silence.

Cozy Glow would continue to spew hatred towards her former allies, towards the Princesses, towards all of Equestria. But her threats fall on deaf ears and would be like that for days.

The days turn in months and no response came. The statues of her and her former allies were placed on the royal garden to everycreature to see. She would curse to every single being that would pass by, from the royal guard to tourist. But she would reserve her biggest curses to Princess Twilight, who once a month would go to the garden to watch the statues and stand there for hours for some reason.

The months turn in years and the experience became a never ending torture for her. every time somecrature passed by she would ask for help. She started to feel something she never felt before… remorse. The only thing she could do besides watching the garden was to remember her life. She in her search for power caused great harm to everycreature in Equestria. From the war she orchestrated in Manehattan to her betrayal of Twilight and her students, to her alliance with Chrysalis and Tirek… and this is where all ended, maybe if she got one last chance could set things right… or go disappear somewhere.

Each time Princess Twilight stood in front of the statues Cozy Glow would ask for forgiveness, but she couldn't hear her pleads, this would go on for more years.

And the years turned in decades. At this point Cozy Glow just wanted to die. She now lived more time as a statue than free, the feeling of warm breezing of the wind, the taste of food, the feeling of grass on her hooves. She couldn’t feel anything of that, only cold. Ageless creatures like the Princesses or Discord can endure it, but her? Nope.

Every time somecreature would visit the statues Cozy would ask them to grab a hammer and smash her statue to pieces, but those pleads like always would not be heard.

Everycreature looked forward to the future, from the birds in the sky to the princess, Cozy Glow don’t, she got used to see guards exchange stories between them and visiting children playing, who later grew up, Even one grew up to become a guard. And then there was Cozy Glow who couldn't take it anymore, it was a long time ago since she couldn't endure it, and for what she knew she would be in this state forever.

The only possession she had were the memories from her past life, a past life full of cruelty both inflicted on her but more inflicted to others, and the worst part is? She could not even apologize, she would forever be view as one of the most evil being in Equestria history, her face of terror would mean nothing to them and she wouldn’t be even able to apologize or ask for death.

One afternoon something totally unexpected happen, depending in who you ask it was a miracle or an accident, her statue broke.

Decades ago then Discord and the Princesses turn Cozy Glow and her allies to stone they failed to consider that her lack of magical power would make her unable to communicate with her now former allies. Other thing that they failed to consider is than the lack of magical power means that the spell that keeps her in stone would be unable to sustain itself. Between that and her small size mean that Cozy Glow without any interference broke free.

The little filly couldn't hold her tears. The feeling of the grass was something she missed, she was able to see it but unable to touch it, and now she could do it. If she were able to sleep in those decades as a statue she would had dream of this moment.

This happiness stopped with the realization that the only reason why she wasn’t apprehended already was because the guards were off duty… and with that the realization that if she were captured…

She would be turned to stone again.

Vengeance was something out of her reach, the only thing she wanted was to not be turned into stone again.

She fled, still remembering how to fly she escaped from Canterlot, now she could go anywhere… and at the same time don’t. If she went to civilization there is no doubt she would be recognized and apprehended.

Knowing that flying would make her easy to see she went to the ground and started running. All plans she thought would end with her in stone once again, her only options would be to go to either the former lair of Grogar or whatever remained of the house of the crazy old hermit from the mountain where she found the Grogar bell, she would live the rest of her days… alone...

Cozy Glow would be alone, waiting for the day the princess finally track her down and turn her to stone, that mere idea was terrifying than even the first time she got turned.

To what she would call luck she found a cliff, she found the only way she could scape such horrific fate...

The Cozy Glow run at the cliff, once at the edge she stood there, thinking for various minutes on what she was going to do, but at this point death was preferable… so she jumped.

Many other creatures would die from that fall but not a pegasus.

Pegasus have a survival instinct, more specifically a reflex that makes them react in the last second to avoid hitting the ground at high speed, the Pegasus that want to aspire to make dangerous maneuvers would train themselves for months to overcome this and make almost suicidal maneuvers.

Cozy Glow lacked such training so she by instinct reacted and managed to avoid the ground, she hit a small tree and fall to the ground. she suffered minor injury but was still alive.



The filly screamed, in tears and exhausted. she was out of options, neither suicide worked. She was going to be turned into stone eventually.

She would be there in the ground, waiting for being apprehended.

But for some reason, one even unknown to her, she stood up. And did the only thing she knew what to do if she were in danger and all fails, run away.

She didn’t know or care why she was running or where at this point. But she was still running, too tired at this point to fly, too weak to get somewhere, she was once again running, aside from manipulation this was the only thing she knew, she always consider that if her plans backfired she would run and don’t look back, and now she was doing it.

Cozy Glow would run for hours, beyond what many fillies of her age would be able to do, she was exhausted but she didn’t care, this was the only thing she could do and would do it until she couldn't do it anymore. She would only stop if certain Princess hit her with a beam to turn her to stone or her body collapsed. This was the only thing she had now and she will not let anycreature take that away from her.

Cozy Glow continued running until her body finally collapsed, she was unable to stand up, now barely able to breath. The only thing she saw before her coincidence started to fade away was something at the distance… a building, and then two, and then tree… she was close to civilization, the very thing she wanted to avoid. Now she sure was going to be captured.

¨I’m doomed¨

That whisper was the last thing Cozy Glow could say before losing consciousness.