The Runaway

by Elmaster48

First published

Cozy Glow learned that to get throu life she had 2 ways: Manipulating her way to the top or running away. We all know how well turned out.

Cozy Glow learned that to get throu life she had 2 ways: manipulating her way to the top or running away. We all know how well turned out.

This story doesn't focuss on the events of the show but rather the where and how she learned her ways and what would become of the poor filly now turned into stone.

I submit this story to the Cozy Glow Short Story Contest

This is the first fanfiction i made well to be fair last month i tried to write another one, but a virus broke my computer and killed the fanfic while i had written just 2 chapters, i don't know if that counts i hope you guys like it.

any criticism would be appreciated, english is not my first language and i want to keep learning so anything on grammar and spelling would really help me.

Part 1

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Life for anypony in Manehattan can be beautiful or difficult depending on the pony status, the connections it has and in general: the power a pony has. Might be a beautiful city at the surface, but there it prospered the mentality of might equals right. And it was in full force in the poorest sections of the city.

Many ponies had parents giving them this mentality, some were lucky enough to have parents that raise them to value friendship over power.

And then there were the foals that grew in the streets, living off stealing or menial work to get by. These poor creatures got the nickname runaways, regardless of them actually having fled from broken homes, orphanages, being thrown out of their homes or simply having parents that ignore them every day. Every foal had a different story but all of them share the label runaway by the ponies of Manehattan.

Cozy Glow have one of these stories, she never knew her parents, she was raised in an orphanage, the only thing she truly had was her name. She felt like she was a prisoner without hope of scape, at least until she heard tales of the runaways…

The part she only heard was the part of them surviving on their own, without the mistreatment of the caretakers or the indifferences of parents. She escaped the orphanage and stowaway in a train that went right into Manehattan.

Right there she discovered the harsh truth of living on her own. There were small gangs of foals who organize to protect themselves from law enforcement and be more effective in their robberies. Foals who tried to work doing menial work were the ones truly on their own… and the primary victims of the different gangs.

Power was something she lacks, she wasn’t an earth pony so her strength alone would mean nothing in a fight, especially for being so small, neither a unicorn so any magical attack or intimidation with magic was out of the question, she was a pegasus, even thou the ability of fly was remarkable for her age… it mean nothing in a fight if the pegasus was only a untrained filly, the only thing cozy could do if any gang tried to steal from her was to run.

Every time.

Maybe running away was her special talent, but the fact she never got a cutie mark for that and sometimes got caught and got a beaten as a result she knew it wasn’t the case.

In a cold night, injured, tired and starving after ones of those times he got caught and didn’t get anything to eat Cozy Glow contemplated her life choices and options.

she might had endure this for a couple of years, but the filly knew that she couldn’t continue like this, she either had to go back to an orphanage and hope don’t get daily punishments to keep her obedient like in the orphanage she grew up or continue to receive beatings and continuing starving. Cozy Glow refused to be powerless again, so she decided to see if she could join one of the gangs.

At the next morning Cozy Glow was still considering her options, some of the gangs she knew them well: the firecrackers, the skull hammers or the silver hooves. But the most powerful gangs were the snake bitters and the little dragons. Neither of them get along, some them had stolen from her at least once, but all needed any help and with that she could finally get power.

Cozy was walking through the market. Little dragon territory, hoping she could recognize any member to ask them to join. Then she saw a couple of grown up ponies talking, behind them a little filly taking some Fruits and putting them in her saddlebag, the clerk didn’t notice, he was too busy flirting with the mare.

The mare could see clearly how the filly was stealing food and other essential, but refused to do anything about it. She either did not care about it… or she was collaborating with the little thief.

Cozy Glow saw how the thief became more confident and finally decided to move to the cash register, she could not see it clearly but the filly probably used some kind of tool to open the machine and took the bits and put them in her saddlebag before walking away with her loot.

That for poor little Cozy Glow was a revelation, maybe she was weak, but by using manipulation she could finally get power.

From that revelation come a silly plan, if it works she could get all the power she wanted, if it fails she would had to run away from Manehattan and try again somewhere else.

Cozy stalked the thief to her hideout, a small ramshackle warehouse in an abandoned amusement park, it was all of nothing.

She knocked the door but nobody answered, she knew at least the little thief was there. But no answer came, she was growing more frustrated, she was about to try to bust the door open…. but then somepony opened the door.

Once the door was open cozy glow could see the thief… and the rest of her gang, 5 fillies and 3 colts. Cozy Glow without flinching talked to the thief.

¨I saw what you did.¨

The gang were seen her with eyes of pure rage, they believed she could do gooder, probably raised in an ivory tower and too stupid to realize she was about to get the beating of her life.

¨I want to join.¨

The thief that cozy glow previously followed walked towards the little pegasus and said to her.

¨We are a small gang, we can barely feed, why you want to join us instead of a big one?¨

Cozy knew the thief wasn’t asking out of curiosity, but for deter her from joining. She knew the gang, even thou it was small… it was a successful, the thief managed to steal without being seen by the clerk, and had at least an adult in the gang helping for them, so they were successful in spite of their small numbers.

Just what Cozy needed, she then told to her future ally.

¨I know, but what if I told you that we can destroy the rest of the gangs.¨

The filly was confused, now she was aware the pegasus standing in front of her wasn’t a do gooder, clearly a fellow runaway. But she now was proposing declaring war on gangs that could crush them?

¨Notice how your hideout is a secret, most gangs put paintings to make clear to who belong too, yours not. Yet you were robbing at little dragon territory, I know you are not one of them, they never steal from shops, and if they did they would use force instead of intelligence.¨

Another filly, a small unicorn of the small group from the hideout walked towards Cozy and spoke to her.

¨Look, we don’t want my people to fight another gang, we just want to survive, in fact that mare that help us will get most of the bits of the last robbery and we only get to keep the food. We aren’t strong enough to join more powerful gang and the only reason why we don’t try to find some job is because we would become targets for the rest of the gangs.¨

Cozy Glow knew she was the leader of the gang. She smirked and said to the filly.

¨I know, but I never said we needed to fight them directly, we could try to provoke them into attacking each other, the grownups don’t care about runaway gangs because their worse outburst are always small, but if we provoke them to attacking each other they would be pursued by the law, you no longer had to worry about silly dragons or snake bitters.¨

The unicorn was skeptical but allowed Cozy to continue

¨unlike your gang, those fools make clear who they are, where they live, only reason why grownups don’t go after them is because they simply don’t care, but if violence sparks the rest of Equestria could notice, and the mayor in an attempt to save face would put an end to the gangs, you managed to get your gang out of their sight. You don’t have to worry about them anymore, those gangs will be gone.¨

The offer was intriguing to the unicorn, they survived a long time, but their little operation would go crashing down if the rest of the gangs discover they were robbing in their territories, having the opportunity be able to rob freely without the fear of competition was an offer she couldn’t refuse, she just wanted a question.

¨What is your name?¨

The little pegasus, realizing her plan was starting to work smiled and answered to the unicorn.

¨Cozy Glow.¨

Part 2

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The gang was small in number, its members weak, not even had a name. But for Cozy Glow that was ok, they knew how to be sneaky, they managed to survive in apparent secret.

The gang started small, putting firecracker paintings at little dragon territory, sneaking at the hideouts to some of the gangs to leave threatening letters that supposedly came from another gang.

That raised the tension between the different groups, it was too much risk and too little result. Some of the members of the gang were considering ditching her. Cozy Glow knew it was the moment to get to the next step. They would try to attack them and blame another party.

How a little gang of runaways too small in number and weak would do that? She developed a tactic.

Every filly of the group would stalk a random member of one of the gangs, they would wait until it was alone. Then the unicorn of the group would levitate a bag or towel (anything to cover the poor fool face really) in the poor foal head. And then every member of the gang would tackle them and once in the ground would beat the poor filly or colt until was unable to stood up. Once they did that they would tie up their victim and put paintings with messages supposedly coming from another gang.

It was brutal and messy, but that got the job done. Some of the gang started to have doubts about continuing. But any doubt was swept aside once members from gangs they never targeted, but were the ones that usually were blamed for the attacks started to suffer the same style of attack, those were retaliation.

The plan was working.

At best Cozy and the gang targeted like 7 individuals, but by the end of the month these ritualistic attacks made by other gangs were the triple, now that the rest of the gang adopted her methods, even perfected them with more than 3 gang members receiving the beating. Those gangs always had outburst of violence but never this violent or organized.

At first the grownups believed these attacks were the result of only 1 mad pony. But soon enough they would realize the gangs of runaways, the ones never taken seriously by authorities, were the ones to blame.

The idea of innocent little fillies and colts doing things like this shocked many across Equestria and the mayor was quickly removed from office, 20 years of a successful political career now laid in ruins.

Soon enough it would be held elections and a new mayor would be elected, the issues the mayor proposed were difficult to understand to Cozy but one of the core issues he was elected it was to take care of the gangs of runaways.

Cozy Glow allies were celebrating, believing the new mayor would play right into Cozy Glow plan. Some even were hopeful believing that the mayor might help any runaway and make this a safe city for any lost foal. but Cozy Glow was unsatisfied however, she might be just a little filly, she might not be an expert on politics… but she understood that the new ponies in power would not care enough to make a difference, and if they care they would only gave a token effort to take care of the gangs.

In fact, this was Cozy plan all along, now that there is a new mayor if violence escalated even more then he would be forced to do something, with the recent memory of a mayor thrown from office it could be said that his career depended both in his hooves… and Cozy hooves.

The other gangs could care less about politics however, they continued their ritualistic attacks. The tension between gangs was rising to a boiling point. This was scaring the unaffiliated runaways who believed that once this tension boils over they would be caught in the crossfire. Sure enough, violence on them became more common since the start of the ritualistic attacks, and now they needed someone to save them.

Enter Cozy Glow, who along with the gang she at this point she was their leader went straight into a small commune of unaffiliated runaways.

¨Runaways of manehattan, the gangs have terrorize us for too long, the grownups are too busy discussing about transportation and bathrooms to do something for us, is our place to take care of the gangs!¨

¨And how you will do it?¨

Some filly from the group said, they might be just foals but aren’t stupid.

¨With your help of course, you know what this city got recently? A new mayor, this mayor won on the promise of helping us, a lie of course. But we will force him to fulfill it¨

A colt stood up, he was more frustrated that curious, look straight at Cozy and said

¨By protesting? Some years ago a protest made by fellow runaways was held, they asked for help and the only thing they got was pepper spray in their faces for doing it without some dumb permit¨

Cozy Glow wasn’t aware of the anecdote, but that wasn’t her plan, it was far too optimistic.

¨We will infiltrate some of the gangs, from there we will manipulate them into destroying each other. If you want to help us go with us, anypony that wants the gangs to keep terrorizing you can remain here¨

Every single one of the runaways in the commune stood up, for them it was maybe their chance to get rid of the gangs, leaving the city for them was out of the question, for all they knew other big cities had similar or worse conditions. But if the pegasus plan worked they would enjoy prosperity.

Cozy Glow and her new batch of recruits discussed the plan. Even thou these foals were unaffiliated to any gang, in fact they were victims of their robberies, assault and extortion, but thanks to that they knew the city. Many of them were strong enough to join any gang or even lead one but refused out of principle.

The plan was simple, the different members would join different gangs and get information on things like who were their leaders, where they keep their bits. And of course get the trust of the gang. It was a risky move, a single foal snitch and their little conspiracy would be over.

Once everything was set and done Cozy Glow send letters to every gang. Every letter was an invitation for a possible offer of peace, it would be held close to the mayor palace, just after Princess Celestia Lowered the sun and Princess Luna raised the moon. There was one detail: Every gang expected just to find members of the gang that invited them instead of every gang of the city.
it was all or nothing, a single mistake and everything would collapse.

And they came, from the smaller ones to the bigger ones. Every gang went in the same time with 20 members each as representatives. The possibility of having peace or setting a score was replaced with confusion, this was the moment.

Cozy Glow and some of her gang were in the roof of a nearby building, it was close enough to have a view of the street

¨Now, do it¨

Cozy Glow instructed the young unicorn that once leaded the gang to light up her horn and set up a spell that would make a small light, noticeable enough to be seen at the street full of confused foals.

The only ones that noticed were the infiltrated members, each of them from a different gang, between 1 and 3 for each gang. each of them move back behind their respective gang, they were too busy trying to process why other gangs were there that didn’t notice some of their members moving behind them, too distracted to realize all the gangs were in a trap.

¨Do it again¨

The little pegasus gave a final order to the unicorn, who used her horn to make another light. Once the infiltrated members saw the lights they draw slingshots, and with that each of them fired a small projectile towards a different gang.

Who short first? None of the gangs knew, all they knew some rival gang just attack them, while they charged seeking to fight the gang they believed were the cause of this treachery, the real culprits ran away to safety. Their part of the plan finally completed.

Cozy Glow also had an important part. True, she might have organized the entire thing, but she brought the thing that for her was the most important part of the entire plan: Popcorn.

¨This guys, is the taste of victory.¨

Said Cozy Glow, who enjoyed the popcorn while watching the riot she started, one close to the mayor palace. She enjoyed every part of it, the plan she laid out went to perfection. She managed to manipulate every gang into open warfare, made them had a grudge so big that to make them fight she would only need to put them together and cast the first stone.

The fight was a riot too close of the mayor palace, it would garner all the attention of the media, who will report this and future fights between the runaway gangs. And with that the mayor would do exactly what she wanted, a mayor that only got there because of her.

Cozy Glow couldn’t be prouder of this moment, maybe her special talent was manipulation? It was something to consider

Then a small light came from her rear.

¨Look, you got your cutie mark¨

The unicorn pointed at the pegasus flank, she was no longer a blank flank. What kind of cutie mark she got? A piece of chess, she just discovered her special talent.

This was Cozy Glow destiny? This was her confirmation.

A few months passed since then, because the gang of Cozy Glow never operated like the rest of the gangs it was easy to get off the grid, meanwhile the rest of the gangs were quickly captured by law enforcement. Order finally came to the streets of Manehattan, still many foreseen this would be only temporary and a new gang would fill the vacuum. After all once the mayor took care of the gangs he went again to ignore the runaways.

The newer members of Cozy gang leave, they only joined to eliminate the gangs that tormented them, to her didn’t matter after all she still had the original members left, the ones who knew how to pick locks and had no problem stealing. They went to the now abandoned hideouts of the other gangs and looted them, they founded hidden various thousands of bits. With that they would manage to get by without needing to steal for a long time.

Now Cozy Glow could feel that all the power she ever wanted was so close, now what remain was to dispose of the former leader of the gang and any still royal to her and transform her gang into a powerful one like the ones she has destroyed, even more considering how little competition has. She would finally get more power she ever dreamed off… But with that point that started to feel old, she wanted something bigger.

She examined what would be her options, by mere chance she saw in the newspaper the news about the princess of friendship Twilight Sparkle. she was opening a new school: the school of friendship.

The inscriptions were for creatures from all kinds, from the wealthy to… maybe poor fillies from Manehattan, the opportunity to get close to one of the princess was a priceless one. A plan was starting to take shape, she might have to play the role of a lovely innocent little filly but it would be worth it.

She quickly packed her things and leave for Ponyville.

She sure think big.

Part 3

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Absolute terror, that was the only thing that Cozy Glow could feel, she had victory so close. Somehow got two of the most dangerous villains in Equestria history to help her, Equestria was divided and would soon defeat princess twilight and her friends.

But got swarmed by the creatures of Equestria that were supposed to be divided, now they stood together and she could not process what was happening and got struck directly with the power of all of Equestria combined.

Chysalis decided to spew empty threats, how they would continue to menace Equestria, there wasn’t a more scary moment she had in her life. Running away from gangs trying to give her a beat down and take away her last bit, being dragged into Tartarus after her failure at the Friendship school… standing alongside beings that could crush her as easily as an ant…

Nothing compared with that moment. Before she could try a vain attempt to flee a cupcake fell from the sky trapping her and her allies.

Then she crawl out of there she saw right in front of her Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, the princesses she defeated and took their power alongside Discord the false grogar, that just a few hours she managed to outsmart and drain him of his power too. She could only watch while the 3 of them used a spell to turn her and her allies to stone. Her face reflected the sheer terror she felt in those last moments, a face that would forever remain there, to everycreature to see.

Discord would taunt the statue of chrysalis… Cozy Glow somehow managed to see it… she was conscious?

She knew that discord was turned into stone more than a thousand years ago. She always assumed that discord was sleeping every moment of it. But not, he was aware of everything at his surroundings like she is now.

Rage was the thing that she now felt, she wanted to scape to enact vengeance.

She would scape someday and finally take her revenge. Maybe could count again with the petrified buffoons that were alongside her… who she was unable to talk to.

Discord intended to link the statues so the 3 of them could communicate between them, enduring each other would be their punishment.

What discord failed to consider was that the inherent magical power of Tirek and Chrysalis would be helping them to do that… something Cozy Glow lacks.

She was tried to talk to them, she could try to ask for help, to organize a plan but… only got silence.

Cozy Glow would continue to spew hatred towards her former allies, towards the Princesses, towards all of Equestria. But her threats fall on deaf ears and would be like that for days.

The days turn in months and no response came. The statues of her and her former allies were placed on the royal garden to everycreature to see. She would curse to every single being that would pass by, from the royal guard to tourist. But she would reserve her biggest curses to Princess Twilight, who once a month would go to the garden to watch the statues and stand there for hours for some reason.

The months turn in years and the experience became a never ending torture for her. every time somecrature passed by she would ask for help. She started to feel something she never felt before… remorse. The only thing she could do besides watching the garden was to remember her life. She in her search for power caused great harm to everycreature in Equestria. From the war she orchestrated in Manehattan to her betrayal of Twilight and her students, to her alliance with Chrysalis and Tirek… and this is where all ended, maybe if she got one last chance could set things right… or go disappear somewhere.

Each time Princess Twilight stood in front of the statues Cozy Glow would ask for forgiveness, but she couldn't hear her pleads, this would go on for more years.

And the years turned in decades. At this point Cozy Glow just wanted to die. She now lived more time as a statue than free, the feeling of warm breezing of the wind, the taste of food, the feeling of grass on her hooves. She couldn’t feel anything of that, only cold. Ageless creatures like the Princesses or Discord can endure it, but her? Nope.

Every time somecreature would visit the statues Cozy would ask them to grab a hammer and smash her statue to pieces, but those pleads like always would not be heard.

Everycreature looked forward to the future, from the birds in the sky to the princess, Cozy Glow don’t, she got used to see guards exchange stories between them and visiting children playing, who later grew up, Even one grew up to become a guard. And then there was Cozy Glow who couldn't take it anymore, it was a long time ago since she couldn't endure it, and for what she knew she would be in this state forever.

The only possession she had were the memories from her past life, a past life full of cruelty both inflicted on her but more inflicted to others, and the worst part is? She could not even apologize, she would forever be view as one of the most evil being in Equestria history, her face of terror would mean nothing to them and she wouldn’t be even able to apologize or ask for death.

One afternoon something totally unexpected happen, depending in who you ask it was a miracle or an accident, her statue broke.

Decades ago then Discord and the Princesses turn Cozy Glow and her allies to stone they failed to consider that her lack of magical power would make her unable to communicate with her now former allies. Other thing that they failed to consider is than the lack of magical power means that the spell that keeps her in stone would be unable to sustain itself. Between that and her small size mean that Cozy Glow without any interference broke free.

The little filly couldn't hold her tears. The feeling of the grass was something she missed, she was able to see it but unable to touch it, and now she could do it. If she were able to sleep in those decades as a statue she would had dream of this moment.

This happiness stopped with the realization that the only reason why she wasn’t apprehended already was because the guards were off duty… and with that the realization that if she were captured…

She would be turned to stone again.

Vengeance was something out of her reach, the only thing she wanted was to not be turned into stone again.

She fled, still remembering how to fly she escaped from Canterlot, now she could go anywhere… and at the same time don’t. If she went to civilization there is no doubt she would be recognized and apprehended.

Knowing that flying would make her easy to see she went to the ground and started running. All plans she thought would end with her in stone once again, her only options would be to go to either the former lair of Grogar or whatever remained of the house of the crazy old hermit from the mountain where she found the Grogar bell, she would live the rest of her days… alone...

Cozy Glow would be alone, waiting for the day the princess finally track her down and turn her to stone, that mere idea was terrifying than even the first time she got turned.

To what she would call luck she found a cliff, she found the only way she could scape such horrific fate...

The Cozy Glow run at the cliff, once at the edge she stood there, thinking for various minutes on what she was going to do, but at this point death was preferable… so she jumped.

Many other creatures would die from that fall but not a pegasus.

Pegasus have a survival instinct, more specifically a reflex that makes them react in the last second to avoid hitting the ground at high speed, the Pegasus that want to aspire to make dangerous maneuvers would train themselves for months to overcome this and make almost suicidal maneuvers.

Cozy Glow lacked such training so she by instinct reacted and managed to avoid the ground, she hit a small tree and fall to the ground. she suffered minor injury but was still alive.



The filly screamed, in tears and exhausted. she was out of options, neither suicide worked. She was going to be turned into stone eventually.

She would be there in the ground, waiting for being apprehended.

But for some reason, one even unknown to her, she stood up. And did the only thing she knew what to do if she were in danger and all fails, run away.

She didn’t know or care why she was running or where at this point. But she was still running, too tired at this point to fly, too weak to get somewhere, she was once again running, aside from manipulation this was the only thing she knew, she always consider that if her plans backfired she would run and don’t look back, and now she was doing it.

Cozy Glow would run for hours, beyond what many fillies of her age would be able to do, she was exhausted but she didn’t care, this was the only thing she could do and would do it until she couldn't do it anymore. She would only stop if certain Princess hit her with a beam to turn her to stone or her body collapsed. This was the only thing she had now and she will not let anycreature take that away from her.

Cozy Glow continued running until her body finally collapsed, she was unable to stand up, now barely able to breath. The only thing she saw before her coincidence started to fade away was something at the distance… a building, and then two, and then tree… she was close to civilization, the very thing she wanted to avoid. Now she sure was going to be captured.

¨I’m doomed¨

That whisper was the last thing Cozy Glow could say before losing consciousness.

Part 4

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Cozy Glow awoken, even thou she hoped she had not. She was in a nice house, still the confortable bed she was lying down mean nothing to the poor filly.

She knew it would be a matter of time before the princess or her friends would appear to turn her to stone once again, even thou any injury she sustained no longer hurt… she was hungry.

Cozy Glow got out of the bed trying to be silent, maybe she had a chance of escape. She tried to fly but she was still half sleep, so the filly only managed to fly half a second before falling to the ground. The impact made a sound that made the inhabitant of the house realized she awoken.

Cozy was on the floor, unable to even cry at this point, she could only close her eyes. Then she open them she saw a pink unicorn with golden eyes and mane.

¨am glad you are awake. When me and my friends saw you we thought you were death, but after I inspected your body we discovered you only had small bruises but you had sings of exhaustion.¨

The unicorn was right, Cozy Glow had the fight of her life before being turn into stone, and after escaping she was even more tired, and still she somehow managed to run from Canterlot to be near Ponyville. It was a great feat for a filly of her age, a grater one considering how tired and injured she was.

¨You might be still weak, I know how i can take care of you. My books said that you need food after waking up.¨

This might be the last meal Cozy Glow could get before being turned into stone again, so she stood up and followed the unicorn to the kitchen.

¨Even thou I read many cooking books I am still only able to make food edible, I’m still working on giving them good taste.¨
Said the unicorn, trying to light up the mood.

Cozy glow sit in a chair while the unicorn cooked the food, the pink unicorn talked about various things, but never got a response from the little pegasus who was completely silent.

After many minutes finally the unicorn went to the table with a bowl of soup, it was brown and clearly poorly cooked, the unicorn wasn’t lying then she said her food was only edible. Still Cozy Glow dint mind, she started to drink the soup, it tasted awful… but it tasted something, it was the first thing she tasted in decades, to the filly that awful soup was the best thing that happened to her in decades.

The unicorn was smiling, happy than somecrature dint complain about something she cooked for once, joyful that the little filly was enjoy it.

But that happiness ended then she noticed that the filly stop eating before could finish her meal, before the unicorn could try to ask what was wrong the pegasus spoke.

¨I’m sorry.¨

The pegasus face was full of tears. Everything she has done, the memories of the life she had, the evil thing she done and her ultimate punishment came back at her. And now she was getting kindness from some dumb unicorn that probably was completely unaware of whom she was.

The unicorn hugged the filly, it was the first shown of affection she had in a long time. Affection that she never got from a mother, neither at the orphanage, she would NEVER get it in Manehattan. She would finally get it the school of friendship… but she betrayed them and for that got dragged into Tartarus. That memory would only bring back the memories of Tirek and Chrysalis, their attack on Equestria and… the cold, the stone, the decades she was trapped in stone.

¨I’m sorry.¨

Those were the only words that Cozy Glow said, she repeating them again and again, at this point don’t even her knew why she was apologizing or to who.

After the filly calmed down the unicorn stood up and said to the filly.

¨So… I noticed your mane is a disaster.¨

If that was an attempt to joke certainly dint made cozy glow smile. Still it was true, her mane was a disaster after the events of yesterday.

¨Somecreature teach me how to leave a mane quite beautiful, I can give you good look like me if you want too.¨

The mare was waiting for a response, anything, hopping she said anything besides ¨I’m sorry¨

Cozy Glow slowly nodded. Causing the unicorn to smile and the two of them exited the kitchen.

Once both of them went at the bedroom Cozy Glow sat as the pink unicorn did just behind her. The contrast between them was clear with the unicorn having a smile that irradiated an aura of happiness while with Cozy Glow was clear barely she was barely able to keep herself from crying again.

¨Pretty please try to not cry again, it would make me a little more difficult to give you a good look.¨

Again the unicorn tried to make a joke, again the silence made her clear her attempt of humor fallen flat again. But then she got a response from the filly.

¨No promises, but I will try.¨

That response gained an even bigger smile from the unicorn, who with her magic levitated a small box of tools. Cozy glow lowered her head while the unicorn took from the box some tools to brush cozy mane. While the Unicorn worked on the little filly mane a small question came from Cozy Glow mouth.

¨What’s your name?¨

¨Luster Dawn.¨

That’s her name, it’s the name of first creature she spoken in decades, the first being that show her kindness and generosity. One that tried to even tried to bring her some laughter. The first pony she actually respected was called Luster Dawn.

Even then, she didn’t feel like she deserved that joy, she knew only 2 words would be needed to destroy all of that happiness… but being kicked out of the house or turned into the authorities would mean this mare would be safe, safe from Twilight, would might think Luster Dawn had anything to do with her scape.

Cozy Glow knew how it feel to suffer the princess wrath, she experience it 2 times. In both of them she only managed to escape thanks from factors outside of her control.

Cozy Glow refused to let Luster Dawn suffer thou that, knowing the price she would pay she said 2 dreaded words.

¨Cozy Glow¨

¨What? I didn’t hear you¨

¨Am cozy glow, the evil filly that betrayed Princess Twilight Sparkle, the filly that later joined some of Equestria biggest villains and got sentenced to be turned into stone for eternity.¨

Luster Dawn was silent, still treating cozy mane like she told her something irrelevant, like she doesn’t care.

¨Please, I can’t remain here, if Twilight catch me she will turn me to stone, if she catches me here she might turn you into stone.¨

Luster Dawn continued to treat Cozy Glow mane, almost finishing.

¨I don’t care about that, what I care is your mane, is going to look so good.¨

Cozy Glow was static, unable to find an answer to that, she was crazy? She had some hidden agenda? More and more questions and theories went through cozy head, and then the unicorn levitated a mirror in front of pegasus face, luster asked cozy.

¨How it look?¨

What kind of look was that? Luster Dawn gave Cozy Glow the same style she had. Now both shared the same mane style, thanks to both of them being pink anycreature would be forgiven if they believe these 2 ponies were related.

¨It looks fine I guess. But you should not be with me anymore, could be dangerous.¨

Luster dawn stood up, Cozy Glow dint knew what to expect at this point.

¨I don’t fear danger, and if danger comes I promise you we will face it together.¨

Luster Dawn should had given her royalty to somepony else. that was the only thing cozy could think, after all she was one of the most vile beings ever walked in equestria, Cozy Glow was fully aware that haven Luster Dawn being around back then she was allied with the of other of Equestria biggest villains no doubt she would had oppose her, Cozy considered that back then she would probably manipulated her and use her. Cozy Glow feel like she dint deserve that royalty from her.

¨Look, it has been decades, and to be honest I think your punishment was excessive. True, you needed some punishment for what you had done, but even now you are still young. You have a whole life that could be worth living. Maybe you could try to make amends by helping somecratures or at least get some peace instead of living tormented by your past.¨

Those words truly hit home for Cozy Glow, she dedicated her younger years to get power and made others miserable, and as a consequence she spend the rest of days suffering for it. Maybe she could try to help and do some good in this world, at least until Twilight or her friends found her and turn her back to stone.

At least she would go back to stone knowing she did something right. For once in her life, and even if it was small… for her that would be enough.

Cozy Glow, for the first time in a long time look forward for the future, but for now she was tired. Even thou she had a good sleep she was still weak from what happened yesterday, and this day mentally drain her, Luster Dawn noticed the fatigue in the little pegasus eyes.

¨I’m sorry, the medicine i used to treat you is one very exhausting. also I guess all of those years as a statue might have atrophied your muscles, so tomorrow if you are not too tired we might do some exercise so you get better. First you need to help yourself before you can help others¨

¨Thank you¨

Cozy Glow hugged Luster Dawn and walked straight to bed, she almost immediately felt sleep, hopeful for tomorrow and no longer afraid, now she had a home, with someone she trust. she no longer needed to run away.

After the little filly fall sleep Luster Dawn exited the house, after walking a few meters she spoke.

¨I know you are here Princess Twilight.¨

Behind Luster Dawn appeared a flash of light, revealing Princess Twilight Sparkle.

¨My dear student, you truly are the best.¨

Twilight complemented Luster Dawn, the unicorn knew that the Princess was in her home the entire time, accompanying them with a invisibility spell. Luster sent her a letter informing her of her little finding, but Twilight never told her that she would be alongside her the entire time. Still Luster Dawn somehow knew it the entire time.

¨You know what I have to do. I told you that Cozy Glow is manipulative and extremely dangerous, yet you insisted in taking care of her.¨

Luster Dawn was fully aware of how dangerous is Cozy Glow, she was the one who discover her by mere chance while she and her friends tried to have a picnic. She did not saw the evil being that attacked Equestria and took the princesses power, the one that almost destroyed all magic from Equestria causing its collapse, or the one that triggered a gang war causing much harm to many ponies. What she saw was somepony that was injured and needed help.

¨I’m happy that you send me a letter informing me that you by chance found Cozy Glow while you and your friends tried to enjoy a day off, I’m proud that you were honest and told me the truth instead of hiding her from me. But look my student, I never intervened then Cozy Glow was in your home and you were taking care of her, I let you treat her injuries and give her something to eat, but she is still a ticking time bomb, in any moment she could betray you and try to destroy Equestria again. I’m sorry my student but I have no choice.¨

Luster Dawn didn’t even look at Twilight, but she responded with that struck a nerve on her.

¨You could said the same regarding my mother.¨

Twilight did not know how to respond to that, Princess Celestia gave her the reprimand of her life for turning Starlight Glimmer into her own student in spite of everything she has done and could do in the future, but Celestia later apologized after she saw how Starlight not only denounced the idea of creatures living in a authoritarian and stagnant society like she once leaded, but also help redeemed the changelings and even tried to offer a hoove to chrysalis.

even thou the former changeling queen rejected her and went thru a path of revenge the point was clear. Starlight glimmer made the point that anycreature was capable of doing good.

¨Twilight, I know how dangerous she can be, I know she could be trying to manipulate me and try to hurt somecreature else…¨

Twilight student took a deep breath.

¨But you know what else could be? That she is broken, she grew up as a runaway, raised without the warm love of a family but instead with the coldness of the streets. I know than after you became ruler of Equestria you helped those foals from Manehattan. But she spend decades as a statue, you leave her behind. she needs help, and I want to help her.¨

Princess Twilight stood silent, never once her best pupil defied her on something, maybe with her little idea of having friends being a waste of time, but that was something childish she got over quickly. In this issue Luster Dawn was standing her ground, she promised to keep Cozy Glow safe, and nothing twilight said would make her student break that promise.

but there was something else. Twilight lowered her head in shame and said something that her student never expected to hear.

¨Cozy Glow is my biggest failure, when I opened the school of friendship I wanted to spread the values of friendship so no other creature would had to suffer from war, cozy took part of a war I was unaware off, I failed to see that. The lessons that she learned in those days stuck over the ones I gave her. After I discovered that, I made everything in my power to help the runaways from Manehattan and other cities. But even now I can’t look Cozy in the eyes, even less help her.¨

Luster Dawn never heard her teacher speak of a problem without a solution, it was Twilight who told her that no matter what kind of problem she faced, every single one of them should be seen a puzzle to be solved. But for once she had an unsolvable puzzle. She was unable to do anything to help Cozy Glow, the filly hated her and her friends. Twilight was aware than any attempt from her or her friends to redeem the little filly would be meet only with hostility. the only thing the alicorn could do was to visit the statues monthly to reflect on her failure to never make the same mistake again.

¨I’m sorry, I know you put a lot of effort to help those foals, you alongside my mom put them in the right track and gave them home and safety.¨

Twilight, remembers than at one point neither had faith in discord. But it was Fluttershy who shown him kindness and with that he started to go in the right track, and after he betrayed everypony in Equestria to help Tirek… he did the right thing and gave her the key she needed to open the box that safeguarded the way to defeat Tirek.

That would later bring to her the map that would guide her towards Starlight Glimmer. If weren’t for that, Starlight would had continued ruling her little corner of Equestria. She would never had reunited with Sunburst and with that it would never been born one of most talented unicorns in history, maybe wasn’t her place to redeem Cozy Glow.

¨Luster Dawn, my dear pupil, I’m going to give you a test...¨

Princess Twilight took a deep breath, preparing herself to give her student perhaps the single most important test she gave to her student.

Luster Dawn meanwhile did not know what to expect, would Twilight would give her a test about restrain and keep away from Cozy Glow?

¨Your test will be to save the last of the runaways.¨

Luster Dawn knew this meant that her teacher had faith in her, now she was sure she was doing to right thing, it was now her duty to help Cozy Glow. Luster Dawn knew whatever the future holds for both Cozy Glow and her… She would be ready.

Part 5 (epilogue)

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Has been a year since Cozy Glow was adopted by Luster Dawn.

Equestria changed so much thou the years and the filly needed help to adapt. It wouldn't be without help, Luster Dawn and her friends would help her every step of the way.

Still life wasn’t perfect for Cozy Glow. It was full of ups and downs, for starters she developed a fear of statues caused by the decades of being one herself, she managed to overcome it eventually. Still her complicated life would make her impossible to connect with ponies and creatures of her age, not even Li'l Cheese who was exited of a new friend was able to do it.

She wouldn't be admitted at the school of friendship because of her past actions. Still her studies both in proper education and friendship lessons would be held by some tutors like Pinkie Pie, the cutie mark crusaders and eventually Starlight Glimmer. who would discover that Cozy Glow possessed the IQ of a genius, not surprising but what is surprising is that is one even bigger that many of the most talented unicorn sorcerers in recorded history.

This revelation would give an idea to the pegasus to finally give something in return to Equestria. with the help of Starlight she would organize a small gathering of various students from the School of friendship and give a small speech.

¨Equestria and beyond has defeated many villains, some of them more dangerous that anycreature can imagine, but each had in common that no matter the power and size, with afford they can be defeated. Still there is a villain that its power is overlooked, its servant underestimated: forgetfulness and misinformation. Much of our history is lost every day, and if we aren’t careful even our very history and achievements could be lost too, it’s our duty to save both the knowledge and lessons from the past and the present for a brighter tomorrow.¨

This speech was made to help rally help for her little project of search and preservation of both magical artifacts and historical documents. She might don’t know it yet but in decades to come this little movement would eventually grow into a great organization that would rediscover ancient methods of magic, technology and agriculture that were lost and now would help advance society by centuries.

But for now at the present Cozy Glow was sitting alongside Luster Dawn in a train with direction to Manehattan. She needed this, she dreamed of one day help Tirek and Chrysalis also find redemption but she first needed to help herself.

¨I never imagine a train would get to Manehattan in only hours instead of days¨

Cozy Glow was still amazed with the technological advancement. Luster Dawn in another hand was a little worried about the filly.

¨You know, nobody is forcing you to do this, if you think you can’t do this we can go home anytime¨

Luster Dawn was aware of how much suffering this city gave to Cozy Glow, even thou the city is not like before still could open some wounds on the filly.

¨I know, thank you but I need to do this.¨

The pair would finally arrive at the train station. From there they would take a taxi what would go directly to a too familiar place.

During all the way both Cozy Glow and Luster Dawn were silent. The unicorn was watching the little filly checking if she was alright, the filly would be watching the streets, seen if she can recognize some of the streets and corners where she used to fight and survive. Seen the streets clean and with foals playing gave her a little peace of mind, this city was healed from wherever affliction used to have.

After some hours they would finally arrive at their destination, an amusement park. She remember this place, used to be abandoned from decades ago and this was the place where the gang she once leaded had their hideout.

The pair would walk in the park, seen the attractions and feeling the happiness in the air, there Cozy Glow could see all kinds of creatures: ponies, zebras, griffons, dragons and even saw something odd… an stallion, earth pony to be specific he was walking alongside a female changeling, And in front of them a small… hybrid of the two? She never thought a pony and a changeling would be able to have interbred, even less that this would not turn heads and be seen as something normal, this for some reason comforts her.

The pair would finally got at their destination, the place that used to be the shack where Cozy Glow sleep alongside the gang and made plans of conquest. it was removed a long time ago and in its place it was now a monument… maybe the shack was no longer there but still this gave her unpleasant memories, but Cozy Glow was strong enough to do this, she stood in front of the monument and stare at it.

The monument was a statue of Princess Twilight Sparkle, her hooves were being hugged by many foals like she was their mother. And her wings were holding various foals, but the wings were being supported from falling over by other foals. Cozy Glow wasn’t expecting this…

¨I know that my mom helped these foals too, but she never liked having statues made in her honor and-¨

Cozy Glow interrupted Luster Dawn who was misreading the situation.

¨Is not that, I recognize those ones who are helping Princess Twilight to support her wings.¨

Cozy Glow wasn’t lying, the foals both hugging Twilight and being supported by her were generics ones without any distinguishing feature, but the ones that are helping Twilight?

¨I recognize them, all of them. They were… the ones I should had considered my friends in those dark days, I should have stayed with them.¨

Cozy Glow wasn’t crying, she was good at controlling her emotions at this point but this truly sadden her, what could had been of her life if things turn… differently? She would had continued her plan to become the leader of a powerful gang? She would had abandoned her plan and help the runaways of the city? She would had turn good? or remained ev-

Luster Dawn hugged the little filly, she was totally aware of Cozy Glow past. In fact the pegasus told her every detail about it, even the names of the ponies that followed her.

¨We can’t change the past nor should we. But we can learn from it, and i’m with you every step of the way¨

This was totally something Luster Dawn was totally aware, she knew about… the little incident caused by her mother. And Cozy Glow remember that her path started here, but one thing remained unclear… why the statues with distinguishing features were from her old gang?

That’s then the small pegasus noticed a plate in the monument, the inscription reads:

¨This is the place where Princess Twilight Sparkle met the small group known as The Glow Defenders. Runaways that once dedicated to crime but eventually decided to defend the innocent from danger. They would help Princess Twilight in her mission to make sure no foal would live without home or safety in Equestria.¨

Since Cozy Glow abandoned Manehattan never bother to knew of what became of her gang, she once justified this as simply using them and no caring about them… in truth she hated that city and wanted to never knew again anything related to the city that gave her so much sorrow, this made her avoid any news about the city, even of what became of her... friends.

¨I’m sorry I never told you this, the first thing my mom and Princess Twilight did was find the gang you once led… what surprised them is that they never saw you as the monster that the rest of Equestria saw you as.¨

Cozy Glow would normally be angry for never being told about this, but the revelation that the group of ponies that considered her their friend and even admire her would help Princess Twilight to bring safety to every runaway was something that made her happy, the group once she wanted to use to get power… became heroes.

Cozy Glow turn her head towards Luster Dawn, the pink unicorn was ready to receive a well-deserved reprimand by the filly for hiding the fate of her friends. But instead a jokingly mannered Cozy said something unexpected.

¨I’m okay with this, why ruin a surprise?¨

A laugh between the 2 soon followed. After that Cozy Glow made one last request.

¨Lets go home… Mom.¨