• Published 22nd Aug 2020
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The Runaway - Elmaster48

Cozy Glow learned that to get throu life she had 2 ways: Manipulating her way to the top or running away. We all know how well turned out.

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Part 2

The gang was small in number, its members weak, not even had a name. But for Cozy Glow that was ok, they knew how to be sneaky, they managed to survive in apparent secret.

The gang started small, putting firecracker paintings at little dragon territory, sneaking at the hideouts to some of the gangs to leave threatening letters that supposedly came from another gang.

That raised the tension between the different groups, it was too much risk and too little result. Some of the members of the gang were considering ditching her. Cozy Glow knew it was the moment to get to the next step. They would try to attack them and blame another party.

How a little gang of runaways too small in number and weak would do that? She developed a tactic.

Every filly of the group would stalk a random member of one of the gangs, they would wait until it was alone. Then the unicorn of the group would levitate a bag or towel (anything to cover the poor fool face really) in the poor foal head. And then every member of the gang would tackle them and once in the ground would beat the poor filly or colt until was unable to stood up. Once they did that they would tie up their victim and put paintings with messages supposedly coming from another gang.

It was brutal and messy, but that got the job done. Some of the gang started to have doubts about continuing. But any doubt was swept aside once members from gangs they never targeted, but were the ones that usually were blamed for the attacks started to suffer the same style of attack, those were retaliation.

The plan was working.

At best Cozy and the gang targeted like 7 individuals, but by the end of the month these ritualistic attacks made by other gangs were the triple, now that the rest of the gang adopted her methods, even perfected them with more than 3 gang members receiving the beating. Those gangs always had outburst of violence but never this violent or organized.

At first the grownups believed these attacks were the result of only 1 mad pony. But soon enough they would realize the gangs of runaways, the ones never taken seriously by authorities, were the ones to blame.

The idea of innocent little fillies and colts doing things like this shocked many across Equestria and the mayor was quickly removed from office, 20 years of a successful political career now laid in ruins.

Soon enough it would be held elections and a new mayor would be elected, the issues the mayor proposed were difficult to understand to Cozy but one of the core issues he was elected it was to take care of the gangs of runaways.

Cozy Glow allies were celebrating, believing the new mayor would play right into Cozy Glow plan. Some even were hopeful believing that the mayor might help any runaway and make this a safe city for any lost foal. but Cozy Glow was unsatisfied however, she might be just a little filly, she might not be an expert on politics… but she understood that the new ponies in power would not care enough to make a difference, and if they care they would only gave a token effort to take care of the gangs.

In fact, this was Cozy plan all along, now that there is a new mayor if violence escalated even more then he would be forced to do something, with the recent memory of a mayor thrown from office it could be said that his career depended both in his hooves… and Cozy hooves.

The other gangs could care less about politics however, they continued their ritualistic attacks. The tension between gangs was rising to a boiling point. This was scaring the unaffiliated runaways who believed that once this tension boils over they would be caught in the crossfire. Sure enough, violence on them became more common since the start of the ritualistic attacks, and now they needed someone to save them.

Enter Cozy Glow, who along with the gang she at this point she was their leader went straight into a small commune of unaffiliated runaways.

¨Runaways of manehattan, the gangs have terrorize us for too long, the grownups are too busy discussing about transportation and bathrooms to do something for us, is our place to take care of the gangs!¨

¨And how you will do it?¨

Some filly from the group said, they might be just foals but aren’t stupid.

¨With your help of course, you know what this city got recently? A new mayor, this mayor won on the promise of helping us, a lie of course. But we will force him to fulfill it¨

A colt stood up, he was more frustrated that curious, look straight at Cozy and said

¨By protesting? Some years ago a protest made by fellow runaways was held, they asked for help and the only thing they got was pepper spray in their faces for doing it without some dumb permit¨

Cozy Glow wasn’t aware of the anecdote, but that wasn’t her plan, it was far too optimistic.

¨We will infiltrate some of the gangs, from there we will manipulate them into destroying each other. If you want to help us go with us, anypony that wants the gangs to keep terrorizing you can remain here¨

Every single one of the runaways in the commune stood up, for them it was maybe their chance to get rid of the gangs, leaving the city for them was out of the question, for all they knew other big cities had similar or worse conditions. But if the pegasus plan worked they would enjoy prosperity.

Cozy Glow and her new batch of recruits discussed the plan. Even thou these foals were unaffiliated to any gang, in fact they were victims of their robberies, assault and extortion, but thanks to that they knew the city. Many of them were strong enough to join any gang or even lead one but refused out of principle.

The plan was simple, the different members would join different gangs and get information on things like who were their leaders, where they keep their bits. And of course get the trust of the gang. It was a risky move, a single foal snitch and their little conspiracy would be over.

Once everything was set and done Cozy Glow send letters to every gang. Every letter was an invitation for a possible offer of peace, it would be held close to the mayor palace, just after Princess Celestia Lowered the sun and Princess Luna raised the moon. There was one detail: Every gang expected just to find members of the gang that invited them instead of every gang of the city.
it was all or nothing, a single mistake and everything would collapse.

And they came, from the smaller ones to the bigger ones. Every gang went in the same time with 20 members each as representatives. The possibility of having peace or setting a score was replaced with confusion, this was the moment.

Cozy Glow and some of her gang were in the roof of a nearby building, it was close enough to have a view of the street

¨Now, do it¨

Cozy Glow instructed the young unicorn that once leaded the gang to light up her horn and set up a spell that would make a small light, noticeable enough to be seen at the street full of confused foals.

The only ones that noticed were the infiltrated members, each of them from a different gang, between 1 and 3 for each gang. each of them move back behind their respective gang, they were too busy trying to process why other gangs were there that didn’t notice some of their members moving behind them, too distracted to realize all the gangs were in a trap.

¨Do it again¨

The little pegasus gave a final order to the unicorn, who used her horn to make another light. Once the infiltrated members saw the lights they draw slingshots, and with that each of them fired a small projectile towards a different gang.

Who short first? None of the gangs knew, all they knew some rival gang just attack them, while they charged seeking to fight the gang they believed were the cause of this treachery, the real culprits ran away to safety. Their part of the plan finally completed.

Cozy Glow also had an important part. True, she might have organized the entire thing, but she brought the thing that for her was the most important part of the entire plan: Popcorn.

¨This guys, is the taste of victory.¨

Said Cozy Glow, who enjoyed the popcorn while watching the riot she started, one close to the mayor palace. She enjoyed every part of it, the plan she laid out went to perfection. She managed to manipulate every gang into open warfare, made them had a grudge so big that to make them fight she would only need to put them together and cast the first stone.

The fight was a riot too close of the mayor palace, it would garner all the attention of the media, who will report this and future fights between the runaway gangs. And with that the mayor would do exactly what she wanted, a mayor that only got there because of her.

Cozy Glow couldn’t be prouder of this moment, maybe her special talent was manipulation? It was something to consider

Then a small light came from her rear.

¨Look, you got your cutie mark¨

The unicorn pointed at the pegasus flank, she was no longer a blank flank. What kind of cutie mark she got? A piece of chess, she just discovered her special talent.

This was Cozy Glow destiny? This was her confirmation.

A few months passed since then, because the gang of Cozy Glow never operated like the rest of the gangs it was easy to get off the grid, meanwhile the rest of the gangs were quickly captured by law enforcement. Order finally came to the streets of Manehattan, still many foreseen this would be only temporary and a new gang would fill the vacuum. After all once the mayor took care of the gangs he went again to ignore the runaways.

The newer members of Cozy gang leave, they only joined to eliminate the gangs that tormented them, to her didn’t matter after all she still had the original members left, the ones who knew how to pick locks and had no problem stealing. They went to the now abandoned hideouts of the other gangs and looted them, they founded hidden various thousands of bits. With that they would manage to get by without needing to steal for a long time.

Now Cozy Glow could feel that all the power she ever wanted was so close, now what remain was to dispose of the former leader of the gang and any still royal to her and transform her gang into a powerful one like the ones she has destroyed, even more considering how little competition has. She would finally get more power she ever dreamed off… But with that point that started to feel old, she wanted something bigger.

She examined what would be her options, by mere chance she saw in the newspaper the news about the princess of friendship Twilight Sparkle. she was opening a new school: the school of friendship.

The inscriptions were for creatures from all kinds, from the wealthy to… maybe poor fillies from Manehattan, the opportunity to get close to one of the princess was a priceless one. A plan was starting to take shape, she might have to play the role of a lovely innocent little filly but it would be worth it.

She quickly packed her things and leave for Ponyville.

She sure think big.