• Published 11th Aug 2020
  • 469 Views, 2 Comments

Rainbow Dash dresses in style (whether he likes it or not) - Disty Dusk

Contains r63 Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Rainbow Dash goes to Rarity's for a soccer uniform fitting. He wanted it to be over quickly, but Rainbow Dash is about to have a long day after he accidentally breaks her mannequin.

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Chapter 1

Rainbow Dash and Applejack were walking down the street one sunny day, discussing the new soccer uniforms the boys’ soccer team were made to wear. Rainbow Dash was not too happy about it.

“I don’t see why we need new soccer uniforms,” said Rainbow Dash.

“It’s a new season,” said Applejack. “Coach says we need new uniforms.”

“But why does some girl need to take our measurements?” asked Dash.

“Rarity’s not ‘some girl’, she’s the coach’s daughter.” said AJ. “She insisted on designing and making the new uniforms and gave the coach a family discount.”

“It still sounds stupid,” said Dash grumpily. “Why can’t I just give them my size?”

AJ shrugged. “Coach says you have to do it or you can’t play this season. It’s not even that bad. She already took my measurements, and the whole team’s measurements yesterday…except yours.”

“I was busy.” explained Dash.

“Busy napping?” asked AJ.

“I was resting after a long jog, okay?” Dash said in his defense. AJ just rolled his eyes. “Anyway,” Dash sighed. “I guess I’ll head over to coach’s house and get it done. I’ll catch up with you later.”

“Alright, sugar cube. Have fun.” AJ gave Dash a pat on the back and they both went their separate ways.

A few blocks later, Rainbow Dash walked up to the coach’s house and rang the front doorbell. “Coming~!” said a cheery, feminine voice from inside. The door opened. Behind it was a teenage girl, the same age as Dash in fact, with marshmallow white skin and long, swirly purple hair. She wore a white blouse, blue skirt, and purple high heels. “Hello~,” She greeted Dash. “How may I help you?”

“Hi. My name’s Rainbow Dash,” he introduced himself.

“Oh!” said Rarity, “You must be the boy who didn’t show up yesterday. Come in~.”

Dash walked inside and was surprised to see what looked like a clothing workshop. Shelves filled with different kinds of fabrics, needles, and thread. A large desk with a sewing machine and sewing patterns. A long clothing rack with a lot of dresses. And in the center of the room, an old-fashioned mannequin stand wearing a frilly pink dress decorated with some bows.

“My name is Rarity, and this is my fashion studio!” She said, showing off her room.

“Uh huh,” said Dash. “So, where’s coach?”

“You mean my dad?” Rarity asked. “Him and my mom are out shopping today and my little sister is hanging out with her friends, so I got the whole place to myself! Unless you count my cat, Opal.”

“Uh huh,” said Dash uninterestingly. “So how does this work? Do I just give you my size then leave?”

“Oh, heavens no!” answered Rarity. “I have to take all your measurements myself so that your uniform comes out perfectly.”

“Okay,” sighed Dash. “I guess we should get started.”

“Absolutely! Just let me finish this outfit first,” Rarity said as she walked towards the pink dress in the middle of the room.

“Wait, you’re not going to take my measurements first?” Dash asked confusingly.

“Priorities, darling.” Rarity pulled a pair of red glasses out of her pocket and placed them over her eyes. “I’m working on this outfit for a client and it needs to be finished by tonight.”

“Won’t taking my measurements be faster though?” asked Dash.

Rarity’s tone changed from a cheery voice to one of annoyance. “This is more important to me right now. I waited for you all day yesterday and you never showed up. Now you’ll have to wait!”

“Can’t I just come back on a different day?” Dash asked.

“Patience, darling. This won’t take long.” Rarity said as she went to work on the dress.

Rainbow Dash sighed. He didn’t like waiting. He didn’t care much for fashion, either. He thought Rarity’s studio was lame and uncool. Dash didn’t feel like watching Rarity make the dress, so he went to the next room. This room was much different than the seamstress room. It had a lot of sports memorabilia, a trophy case, and framed pictures of soccer teams from previous years. Dash really liked this room a lot better. He started admiring all the awesome stuff when he found a soccer ball on one of the shelves. He picked up the ball and started kicking it and keeping it up in the air. Rainbow Dash then imagined himself on a soccer field, running past the opposing team while the crowds cheered. He pulled his leg back, “He shoots!” Dash kicked the ball into the imaginary opponent’s goal as hard as he could. “He scores!” Dash was so captivated by his daydream that he didn’t realize he kicked the ball straight into Rarity’s fashion studio.


He heard the soccer ball hit something loudly followed by a shriek. “Uh oh,” thought Dash as he rushed back into the room. The mannequin with the pink dress on it was now on the floor with the stand snapped in two.

“What have you done?!” Rarity screamed.

“I’m so sorry!” said the frightened Dash. “I didn’t mean to! It was an accident!”

“My mannequin is broken!” Rarity yelled. “My only mannequin! How am I supposed to finish this outfit now?!”

“Maybe we can fix it.” said Dash.

“There isn’t enough time!” responded Rarity furiously. “I promised my client I would have this outfit finished by tonight, but now…” Rarity began to choke up, her eyes watering, “Now I…I…I CAAaaAAAA’T!” she cried loudly.

Dash felt bad for the poor girl and tried to comfort her. “Hey. Don’t cry. There’s still time. Maybe we can figure something out.”

Rarity wiped away her tears and thought for a moment. “Well…” she said. “There is one thing we can do.” Rarity took the dress off the mannequin and held it up. “Without my mannequin, I’ll need something to replace it.” She turned towards Dash and held the dress against his body. “And since you’re the only one around, you’ll have to model it for me.”

Rainbow Dash backed away from Rarity with shock. “Are you crazy?! There’s no way I’m wearing that!”

“Fine. You don’t have to wear it,” said Rarity. “I’ll just tell my dad what you did. He’ll probably kick you off the team.”

“You can’t do that!” Dash yelled.

“I can and I will.” said Rarity. “So, what’s it gonna be? Are you going to help me or not?”

“Aurgh!” Rainbow Dash said furiously, “Fine, but you have to promise not to tell anyone. Got it?”

“Splendid!” Rarity said with a smile. “Now strip down to your shorts while I clean up the mess you’ve made.”

Dash did as Rarity said as she picked up the broken pieces and tossed them in a corner. Rarity then motioned Dash to stand in the mannequin’s former spot while she got out the measuring tape.

“Are you taking my measurements for the uniform now?” asked Dash.

“Well, yes, but actually no.” answered Rarity. “I need to make sure you’re the right size for the dress.” She wrapped the measuring tape around Dash’s waist. “Hmmm.” Then she brought the tape up to Dash’s chest. “Just as I feared. Your waist size is too big, and your bust size is too small.”

“Great. Does this mean I don’t get to be your model?” asked Dash.

“Not necessarily, dear. We just need to make some adjustments.” Rarity walked over to her desk, opened up the top drawer, and pulled out a white lacy bra.

“You’re joking! You don’t expect me to wear that, do you?” Dash asked.

“Fashion is no joking matter, sweetie. The sooner you put this on, the sooner we’ll be done.” Rarity handed Dash the bra. He sighed and reluctantly put his arms through the straps and pulled the bra onto his chest. He tried clipping the back, but he couldn’t reach the clasps. “Here. Let me help you with that,” Rarity said as she snapped the clasps closed and began stuffing the cups of the bra. Rainbow Dash never imagined what it’d be like to have boobs, but it wouldn’t be too hard now with the stuffed bra he was wearing. “There. That should do it. Now for the next piece.” Rarity went back to her drawer and pulled out a corset.

“Oh, come on!” whined Dash. “Do I really have to wear that?”

“Yes, darling, you do.” answered Rarity. “This outfit is made for someone skinnier than you and I don’t want you stretching the dress.”

“Fine.” said Dash. “Let’s get this over with.”

Rarity wrapped the corset around Dash’s waist and began lacing up the back. “Now I’m going to tighten up the lace. I need you to breathe in as I’m tightening the corset. Got it?” instructed Rarity.

“Whatever.” said Dash. Rarity pulled as hard as she could on the strings causing the corset to tighten up and making Dash wince in pain. “Ow! That’s too tight!” Rarity pulled on the laces again. “Ouch! You’re crushing my organs!”

“Stop complaining and don’t forget to breath in!” Dash howled in pain as Rarity tightened the corset more and more around him until she was done. “There. Now you have a nice, feminine figure.” Rarity giggled.

“Ugh.” Dash groaned.

“And now…the dress!” Rarity exclaimed as she held up the pink frilly outfit and slowly started unzipping the back. Rainbow Dash couldn’t believe Rarity was making him wear such a ridiculous outfit. Rarity squatted down in front of Dash and held open the dress waiting for him to step in. He grudgingly stepped into the dress and shivered as the smooth fabric touched his skin. He then felt the soft material slide up around him as Rarity pulled the dress slowly up his body and over his chest. Dash then threaded his arms through the sleeves as Rarity pulled the sleeves over his shoulders. Finally, Rarity slowly pulled up the zipper, closing the dress snuggly around Dash. “A perfect fit.” smiled Rarity.

“Yeah, yeah.” said Dash. “Are we ready now?”

“Just one more piece, darling.” Rarity said as she got out what looked like a poofy white skirt with lots of frills. “I need to wear this petticoat too.”

“Aren’t I wearing enough?” Dash argued.

“This is what gives the skirt it’s poofy look, darling. I can work better when I see the skirt’s shape.”

Rainbow Dash groaned and stepped in the petticoat and pulled it up underneath the dress. Rarity tugged on the skirt, straightened it out, then took a step back to look at the boy. She smiled and giggled.

“What’s so funny?” Dash said unamused.

“You just look so adorable! Would you like me to give you a makeover?” teased Rarity.

“S-shut up,” Dash said as he crossed his arms and pouted.

“Well excuse me, princess,” giggled Rarity. “Now…,” she put her hands together. “Let’s begin.” Rarity got down on her knees with her sewing supplies and went to work on the dress. She smiled and hummed to herself as she adjusted the hem and added bows.

“How long is this going to take?” asked Dash.

“It won’t be long, sweetie. Just be patient.” answered Rarity as she continued to smile and hum while working around the dress.

Suddenly, Dash heard his phone receive a text message. Dash wanted to answer it, but the only problem was that the phone was in his shorts…which was under the petticoat…which was under the dress…which was being worked on by Rarity. “Hey. I need to check my phone.” said Dash.

“Not yet, darling. I’m in the middle of a stich.” Rarity said. “You can check it later.”

“Ugh,” Dash thought to himself ‘Why did I agree to this? She’s just dragging this out to torture me. This is so not awesome.’ Rarity continued working around the dress until she had worked around the circumference of the skirt. “Are we done now?” Dash asked with irritation.

“Yes, darling. We’re finally done…well, almost. Just a few more touch ups here and there.” Dash grew more frustrated when suddenly, the doorbell rang. “Coming~!” said Rarity as she got up and walked towards the door.

Dash panicked and yelled at Rarity. “Wait! Don’t answer the-” but it was too late. Her hand was already on the doorknob and was turning it. Dash thought about running into the other room, but it was too far away. He then frantically looked around and saw the dress rack. As Rarity creaked the door open, Dash sprinted towards the rack and hid behind the dresses before anyone could see him. Dash then froze in place, careful not to make a sound or any sudden movements.

“Hiya Rarity,” a familiar voice said from the door.

“Oh, hi Applejack.” said Rarity. “What brings you here?”

“I was just wondering if you’ve seen Rainbow Dash. He didn’t answer my text and he wasn’t home, so I figured he might be here.”

“Oh, he is here actually. I was just taking his measurements.”

Dash could feel his heart race. ‘Why did she say I’m here?! Why doesn’t she just tell him to go away?!’

AJ then asked “You’re taking his measurements just now? He came over here a while ago.”

“Yes, well, there was a, um, teensy accident and Dash was helping me out.”

AJ raised an eyebrow. “He was helping you, huh? That doesn’t sound like Rainbow. Can I talk to him?”

“He can’t talk right now. He’s wrapped up at the moment.” Rarity giggled.

“I see.”

Dash felt something soft and warm touch his legs, surprising him. He looked down and saw a cat with white fur and a purple bow tied up on the top of its head. The cat let out a soft meow. Dash tried to quietly shoo it away.

“Well, I better get going.” AJ said. “Could you let Rainbow know I was here?”

“Sure thing, darling~.” answered Rarity.

“Meoow. Meoooooow.” AJ and Rarity could hear the noise coming from the dress rack.

“What the-,” AJ walked into the house past Rarity and towards the rack.

Dash began sweating with fear. ‘Why is he coming this way?! Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! Ohmygooooosh!’

AJ then pushed the dresses off to the side and took a big, long look at his friend clad in a pretty pink dress with shock. “Rainbow Dash?!” Dash didn’t move. He just laid cowardly against the wall with big wide eyes. AJ then cracked a smirk and started laughing. “Pfff…Bwahahahahaha! Well howdy, young lady. Hahaha!”

“I-I can explain!” Dash shouted.

AJ couldn’t hold back his laughter. “Is this what’s been taking you so long? Busy playing dress up?! Hahahaha!”

Dash tried to cover up the dress with his arms. “I-it’s not what it looks like!”

“I never thought I’d see the day, but you do make for a cute little thing. Eh, Dashie? Hahaha!” AJ said as he continued laughing. Dash blushed with embarrassment. “Awww. Aren’t you just precious?” AJ said as he pulled out his phone to take a picture. Dash panicked and tried to run away, but he didn’t get farther than a couple of steps before AJ grabbed him by the arm. “Where do you think you’re going, little missy?” Dash tried freeing himself by pulling as hard as he could, causing AJ to lose his balance. “Wo- Woah!” AJ said as he fell face first straight to the floor, grabbing hold of something hanging the dress rack on the way down.


Dash froze in place as Rarity gasped. AJ poked his head up, looked over, and realized that he had just torn the skirt off of one of Rarity’s gowns. “Uh oh.”

The two boys were now standing in the center of the room. Rainbow Dash was still wearing the frilly pink dress, but Applejack was now also wearing a dress, the same dress that he had destroyed moments ago. Rarity was kneeling next to AJ, smiling and humming to herself as she fixed the previously ruined dress.

Applejack said to Rainbow Dash “If you tell anyone about this, I’ll kill you.”

“Ditto.” said Dash.

Comments ( 2 )

You deserved that, Applejack. :rainbowlaugh: Why do I get the feeling that AJ is now wearing this...

This was a cute little story, nice work. :)


You deserved that, Applejack. :rainbowlaugh: Why do I get the feeling that AJ is now wearing this...

LOL that would be funny.

This was a cute little story, nice work. :)

Thank you!

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