• Published 31st Jul 2020
  • 318 Views, 5 Comments

The Hoofston River Delta... - PearlescenT

Coco Pommel takes an old friend on a trip down memory lane.

  • ...

...is the Place I Call(ed) Home

Manehattan is a beautiful place, isn’t it?

It’s changed a lot since the first time I arrived here, but… it still feels like home. Ha-ha.

I remember it all, actually.

Just… imagine, for a second. How much can you remember?

We’re walking on the Bronclyn Bridge right now. It wasn’t as small as it was when we first set up shop, but it’s here now, and it’s bustling more than ever before. I like it. It made it easy for me to go from my apartment to Rarity for You. You remember this too, no?

Oh. Well. We used to have horse-drawn carriages. Do you remember that as well?

We don’t have them anymore. Princess Twilight really has done much for Equestria. Oh, the wonders of Arcanite.

Princess Twilight. Do you remember her? She was your friend.

Yes. Yes. She was with you, here, when you first arrived. Princess Twilight, and the four other mares that were your… best friends. The Elements of Harmony.

Yes. Yes! Do you remember me?


I… was with you during your very first Fashion Week. You made wonderful dresses. We still make them now - they’re under our vintage line.

Yes… you do remember- oh. Ms. Polomare is already long gone. You don’t need to worry about her anymore.

Oh, yes! I know. You would call it ghastly. I think they were… a teensy bit off-season.

Here. We’re at the place where the Hoofson River meets the Celestial Sea. You took me here the day you wanted me to take over.

Look. Seagulls. It’s sunset - just like that time. Exactly like that time. You gave me back the rainbow fabric I gifted to you. Well, another roll of it, to be exact. Similar style, make, and feel - but a sweet gesture, nonetheless.

You remember that too…? Yeah. Those were good times.

How come you still don’t remember my name, Ms. Rarity?

You winked at me, right here, at this place, decades ago - when I told you I wanted to start a line of perfumes, and you said, “Oh, darling, how inspired!”

You told me to use my name.

Pommel No. 5? You loved it. That was your favorite - the lovely lavender touch you suggested is still there, even if the product itself has gone through… oh, so many changes? Here, I still have a sample of the original version. Smell it. Maybe that will help.

You- you do remember me.

Of course. Why did I ever doubt you?

Thank you. For everything.

I’ve made it big, Rarity. Bigger than I’d ever thought I could. Still own my studio in Bronclyn, though. The window looks out to the Celestial Sea, and I like seeing sailboats and seagulls. It’s a pretty view.

Most recently, as I’ve grown older, I’ve come back there more often than not. To… revisit.

I remember why I stuck with that studio for so long. It’s a very, very pretty place. I love rivers - I love the sea, too.

Oh, yes, of course I’m not taking that away from you. You love the ocean too. Hi-hi.


You’ve done so much for me, Rarity. I can only pay it forward. You know, I just picked up a preppy new assistant - she’s a total tech-y mare, I must say - and… she reminded me of you. Screw the daily labours of business, I needed to meet my old mentor! Scrapped my schedule for the day, off I go to meet… an old friend. Down by the Hoofson River.

Oh, I must tell you about Canterlot Boutique. It’s been extremely successful, still. The name Rarity goes hoof-in-hoof with the latest in the fashion industry. Always has, always will be. And of course, these days we’re truly lending ourselves towards more sustainable initiatives-

What? You want me to-

No, no. Rarity, I- I have so much to say, and I have so much to tell you. I- I-

I- I'm sorry. I'll be quiet now.

You… really don't want to hear any of it, do you?


… what did you say?


No. I'm… truth be told, I think I'm finally starting to understand why you retired in the first place.

… why? It’s because you were right after all. The industry does kill you. It saps your passion; forces you to do things you would never have considered doing. Just for the… bits and glamour. Hihi. And... for every second I create for my career, it’s a second I lose out on being with the ponies I love. I'm starting to miss everyone I care about. Just like… me and you.


Whatever do you mean? Suri Polomare passed away ten years ago, Rarity. You don’t have to-

-oh. Oh.

No, she’s long gone. Yes, we can visit her. I should be able to look her up in the phone book.

This is your favorite place in town, Ms. Rarity. Of course we’re here - where else would we be?



You're looking for… Coco?

Coco- Coco's right here. I'm Coco. Coco Pommel - your assistant, your confidante, your successor-

… no.

I'm- I'm sorry, Ms. Rarity. I'm… I'm not Coco Pommel. I'm… just a friend, I would say.


You… miss her?


She misses you too.


… say that again?

Forget the business? What? You want her to sell it all?

Oh. Forget about the money, and… yeah. I’m listening, Miss Rarity. Of course I'll send her your regards. And, yes, I'll make sure she hears from you.

What would you like me to say?

You're… proud? Of- of her?

Of… of course. No. I- I understand. She would be proud of you, too.

No. No. Please don't talk like that, Ms. Rarity. Coco-

Coco loves you. Coco looks up to you. Through times of pain and loneliness, or when she's laboring through hours at her boutique, or even when the runway opens and she feels ... happy. You're her inspiration; you've always been there for her. She-

No. If- she- she's just… busy right now. That's why I'm here. Her… assistant. Heh.

No. She loves you, Ms. Rarity. More than anything. She would throw the whole business away if you told her to. If she were here-

But it's not like that!-


I'm sorry, Ms. Rarity.

No. She remembers you. She always has - and she always will.

Yes. Even if… even if you forget her yourself.

I’ll... remember you, too.

Don’t worry. I’m here.

The setting sun truly is beautiful. I think I understand why Coco and you both love this place. The shimmering water under the lights, or the seagulls, or the smell of that sweet, sweet ocean breeze.

You truly do have a sweet spot in your heart for Manehattan, don't you?

For her?

That's very beautiful.



You… remember the Boutique?

Of course - it’s still as lovely as it was the day you left it.

Would you like to see it?

Author's Note:

My first (proper) story on FimFiction. A huge thanks to everybody at the Quills & Sofas Speedwriting group. Here's to more works and writings!

Comments ( 5 )

Oh wow, that was amazing. I loved the pacing and wording and the end made me tear up a bit. Wonderful characterization and overall just a lovely piece, can definitely see why you won third place!

Gotta admit, in terms of our two fics talking of the tragedy ponies go through, you hit the mark far better than me, in far fewer words.

Coco's amazingly patient, bursting with potential your words almost sing to, and the flow of this story follows the level yet frantic air with which Coco hand'es Rarity's condition.

It's not said what specifically afflicted Rarity, and I think that ambiguity works to your advantage; it makes the mind's eye focus on the interaction, rather than the inhibitor.

All in all, thank you, then and now, for a fantastic FIMFic. Hope you make the featured if I don't. Or both of us do.

Your support really did help get this story as far as it could. Let's hope both of us get into the box, yeah?

Thank you, Snow - I'm glad you enjoyed it! :twilightsmile:

Brilliant work, does rarity got Alzheimer? I just wonder why rarity got this. Two novels I have ever seen about Alzheimer, rarity always be the one who suffers this disease.
I love the scene what shows how sensitivities coco is. And that's why I like this pony. Hardworking, intellectual, thoughtful and kind. And you show these virtues in your words.

Grats on the first story! This is a great use of one-half of a conversation, and filling in the blanks for the rest does make this more poignant. Sad to see Rarity in such a state, and it's a shame both ponies found such pain in their work (maybe ask Pinkie for some advice? :P) Profound to see Coco acting so patiently and understandingly, despite harboring so much hurt underneath. Good job.

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