• Published 8th Jul 2020
  • 342 Views, 7 Comments

Changeling Times - Midnight Might

Times have changed for the Badlands Swarm, the world will change with it. Follow the tales of what happens after Chrysalis is deposed, and Thorax takes charge in this world.

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Dodge City

Six hours later, outside Dodge City

The ponies of Dodge City could see a large herd of pegasi approaching the city from the south. Several at the back were carrying large crates, and others were carrying large bags. A dark blue pegasus could be seen at the front of the group, wearing light black armor that shone in the noon day sun.

"Mercenaries of the Odin Company, we are approaching Dodge City. Land to the north of the train station near the forest. The train should arrive in three hours. You are free to visit the town, but be on your best behavior," The dark blue pegasus shouted.

The locals were fairly familiar with the blue pegasus, Thor Odinson, and the company of pegasi mercenaries he led. They often came to Dodge City for minor trading, or to take the train to other towns. Within a few minutes the pegasi had landed. The ones that had carried the supplies gathered in the center of a field outside the town, making a pile out of the boxes and bags. The rest went into the town, leaving the captain and carriers in the field.

The group that Thor came with was larger than normal, but that was nothing unusual for the mercenary company. What was unusual was the pink alicorn and white unicorn that went into the field to meet with the mercenaries. The alicorn was adorned with a golden necklace and matching horseshoes. Wearing a gold crown with several purple gems embedded in it. The unicorn was wearing the armor of a soldier of the Crystal Empire.

"Mandible," Cadance asked the dark blue pegasus, a look of uncertainty on her face.

"Technically yes. However in this form I am Thor Odinson, leader of the Odin Mercenary Company. A pleasure to meet you princess," Mandible responded with a grin. "I have brought eighty soldiers and one hundred workers, as per your request. Is the train set to arrive on time?"

"Yes, and I'm glad to see you could bring so many soldiers. Are they fit to fight in the snow and ice surrounding the Crystal Empire?" This time it was Shining Armor asking a question. He had been the only one to accompany the princess into the field. However, a dozen guard ponies could be seen waiting near the train station, ready to interfere if something seemed wrong.

"It may take them a little while, but every cha~, ahem, mercenary, is given basic combat training in most weather conditions and terrains," Mandible paused for a moment to see if Shining Armor had any questions, before continuing. "Is there anything that needs to be discussed before we set off? If not I'll be joining the troops in town," he asked.

"No, if you need me or Shining we'll be waiting by the train station with our entourage," Cadance replied. "We'll see you on the train Thor."

"Until then princess." With the two nobles leaving Mandible took the chance to gather his thoughts. He should buy the tickets now, and then go and monitor the changelings in town. Normally he would trust the other changelings, but the sense of wrongness that had bugged him since morning had not abated.

Closing his eyes Mandible focused on his new connection with the changelings under his command. Reaching out through the connection, like stretching a new limb. It was like trying to push through icy water, but he was successful in the end. Connected to half of the dozen guards he gave an order.

"Bring the gold to me. We still need to buy the tickets."

Even with his focus the connection still felt quite weak. Despite this it seemed that his message had reached the changelings on guard. Six had come over carrying the bags of bits, leaving seven guarding the boxes of supplies. Seven? Mandible blinked and rubbed his eyes before looking again. There were only six, as it should be. He could have sworn...

"Boss you there?" Mandible was shaken out of his thoughts by one of the six changelings he had summoned waving a hoof in his face.

"Hmm... Sorry, yes. Did you say something," Mandible asked.

"Nothing important. Do you want to head to the train station now," The same changeling responded, shaking the bag of coins for emphasis. He had a grey blue coat, and a dull yellow mane. His cutie mark was that of a single cloud, broken down the middle.

"Yes, of course. Let's go," Mandible said before trotting ahead. The grey blue changeling looked back at the others who just shrugged their shoulders before following.

several hours later

A few minutes before the train had arrived the mercenaries of the Odin Mercenary Company had reconvened on the field to the north of Dodge City. There had thankfully been no incidents in town. On top of that, several changelings had gotten small meals from telling exciting stories to the young foals of the town. The price for the train tickets had gone up, as expected, but they still had more than enough to buy tickets back after this operation was over. No one had bothered the guards of the supply boxes, and the smoke from the train could be seen getting closer to town. Overall everything seemed to be going according to plan.

"Mercenaries of the Odin Company," Mandible called out. "We'll be in the cars behind the royals. Keep the gear in the center for ease of access. After that just relax and try not too cause to many problems. It is a fifteen hour trip from here to the Crystal Empire. New orders will be given upon arrival. If something goes wrong I will be in the royal's car discussing the mission." Just as Mandible finished talking the train arrived.

The front of the train appeared to be made out of a gemstone, sapphire perhaps, and a pony with a matching coat could be seen inside it. Leaning out the sapphire pony shouted,

"All aboard fer the Crystal Empire!"

"You heard him, all Odin Mercenaries, move out," this time it was Mandible shouting. With the other changelings boarding the train Mandible left to join Cadance and Shining Armor near the front of the train. He was confident that he could deal with whatever had been bothering him. He had his troops, his supplies, his plan, and they were about to set off for the Crystal Empire.

Fifteen hours later, in the frozen north

The trip had gone smoothly so far. All the non-crystal pony passengers had gotten off, and the changelings had returned to their original forms. Business with the Princess and Prince of the Crystal Empire had concluded. Mandible had done the rounds and made sure everything was alright with the other changelings. After that he had gone to one of the sleeping cars and was sleeping soundly.

Mandible was woken up by a sudden jolt. Rubbing his eyes and looking around he couldn't figure out what had woken him up. It wasn't until he stood that he figured it out. The train had stopped moving. Leaving the sleeping car Mandible started looking for someling that knew what was going on. However, after a few fruitless minutes of searching, a changeling approached him.

"What happened? Why are we stopped," Mandible asked.

"Dunno sir. The crystal ponies asked me to get you for them though. They probably know what's happened," was the changeling's response. Giving a nod of acknowledgement Mandible kept on going forwards, towards the royal's car. After traveling through a couple cars he reached the door to the royal's car. Knocking twice before a voice answered.

"Mandible, is that you?" The voice was Shining Armors. He didn't sound hurt or hurried, merely worried.

"Yes, may I come in," Mandible asked.

"Yes." This time it was Cadance that answered. That was good. At the least both of the Royals were unharmed. Opening the door Mandible took stock of the room. The two royal's were standing near a third pony, the sapphire coated one that he had seen in the front of the train. The dozen armed crystal ponies that Mandible had seen in Dodge City weren't there, but he could hear them talking to each other outside the train.

"Tell him what you told us Blue Steam," Cadance said, talking to the sapphire colored crystal pony.

"Well, I was up by the locomotive eating breakfast, when I heard a sound like tearing metal. I pulled the emergency brake cause if the train was breaking, then it needed to stop immediately, right," Blue Steam said, looking at Mandible to make sure he understood. "So the train comes to a complete stop and I hop out to look at it from the outside. I look all around, but the train looks completely fine right. So I start getting back in the train, and notice something's up with the railroad tracks. I get closer to take a better look, an' the tracks a couple dozen meters from the train have been torn up and twisted. Looking all around I can't see nothin' through the storm, cept a shadow running in the distance. It looked massive, at least three ponies tall. I bet it could easily kil~"

"Ahem," Shining Armor coughed, cutting off Blue Steam. He then continued with a serious look on his face. "So far it's unclear what it was, but one thing is clear. We'll have to finish the journey to the Crystal Empire on hoof."

Author's Note:

We finished the chapter a whole hour before midnight! We'd call that a success.
Close calls aside, we hope you all enjoyed this chapter. We've never done an accent for a character in writing before, so here's hoping it worked out all right. If you have any thoughts, comments or suggestions we would love to hear them. We'll see you next chapter, and we hope you all have a wonderful day!
Until next time,
Midnight Might

Comments ( 1 )

Aww, and now its marked as canceled. Did you not like where it was going?

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