Changeling Times

by Midnight Might

First published

Times have changed for the Badlands Swarm, the world will change with it. Follow the tales of what happens after Chrysalis is deposed, and Thorax takes charge in this world.

The story begins shortly after Thorax helps the Badlands Swarm reform. MLP FIM is mostly canon, but a bit more combative.

Thorax now leads the Reformed Changelings. However, this is a new experience for him, and he must rely on old and new friends alike. While the Changelings pick themselves back up shadows have begun growing to the north west, and the horns of war sound in the north east.

Can Thorax and his brother keep the Swarm together or will it fall back into the darkness it fought so hard to leave?

Rise of a King

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He had done it. He had done it!
Thorax could hardly believe it. He had come back to his old hive, faced his greatest fear, and freed his family. With the aid of Starlight, Discord, and Trixie, the Changelings were now free to pursue their own goals, as individuals! On top of that the ever pervading hunger that was his constant companion had gone quiet. Everything seemed to be going up, and then he Looked down.

"Why am i yellow?"

A couple of days later.

Thorax looked around the old throne room. Where it had once been dark and foreboding it was now warm and welcoming. The roof had been broken allowing the fading light of evening in, and nature had already started covering the walls of the hive. He was currently sitting on the podium that used to hold Queen Chrysalis's throne.

On his left was Barb, a changeling with a curved horn. Her carapace was red and her skin a light orange coloring. Her eyes were a pleasant dark purple, adding a touch of cold to her otherwise warm complexion. Under Chrysalis she was a Swarm Leader, and was now acting as his chief military advisor. Chrysalis had escaped, and should still be considered a serious threat.

To his right was Mandible, a hornless changeling. His carapace was a deep blue and his skin a pale teal. His brilliant orange eyes were constantly wide open, leading to a childlike look of wonder. Well serving Chrysalis he was a nurse, caring for the Changeling larva and eggs. Currently he was working as Thorax's primary economist, ensuring the swarm didn't starve and had places to sleep.

They were discussing one of the biggest problems around the hive. Pharynx, and other elitist changelings. As far as he had seen the entire hive, save Pharynx, had reformed. However not all of them were ready to accept peace. Some still believed that changelings were the superior race and should take what they want.

Thorax really wasn't sure what to do. Before this he had always been a drone, and even after he left the swarm he never led anyone. Now an entire hive was looking to him to solve the current problem. No matter what way he looked at it someone would be upset. If he left the elitist changelings to their devices the Equestrians would be upset, and someone could get hurt. He could try to help them learn the value of other species, but they would most likely refuse. On top of that how was he supposed to confront Pharynx!

Ever since they were children Pharynx had made sure Thorax knew who was stronger. Despite this he had also protected him from others. Thorax knew that there was good within him, he just didn't know how to draw it out.

Only adding to the list of problems was a shortage of food. The Reformed changelings no longer hungered as they once did, but they still had to eat. The Hive Heart was almost empty before, and the little bit gained from the brief time spent impersonating the princesses was already almost gone.

"We could have the extremists lose in a fight with the Equestrians," The voice that shook Thorax out of his thoughts belonged to Barb, "They believe that they should just take the Equestrians emotions. If they were to try, and fail, they might start respecting them more and be more open to working with them."

"Or, it could grow their resentment towards them," countered Mandible. Both his advisors turned towards him, looking for his opinion on the situation. They both had good points and Thorax didn't know what to do.

"I... I'll have to think on it. Thank you for speaking with me Mandible, Barb." Giving them some brief instructions and saying farewell Thorax retreated to his room. Going to the sun warmed slab he slept on he closed his eyes. Despite the stress of the situation his exhaustion was stronger and he soon found himself drifting off to sleep.

Opening his eyes Thorax found himself in his room, but it was different... Darker. Just like, just like when Chrysalis was in charge. An eerie chittering laugh filled the still air. Jumping to his hooves Thorax shouted into the darkness just outside his room.

"I'm not sc-scared! I defeated you once and can do it again!" The effect of his words was ruined by the quake in his voice.

"No, you didn't defeat me. You and your friends tricked and lied your way to my throne. Without your friends you are nothing. A worthless failure. Not fit to be king, not fit to lead, not fit to live." As the body less voice was speaking light had slowly started filling the far end of his room. Hanging from the roof in green cocoons were Starlight, Barb, Discord, all of his friends! All of them bound and helpless.

"No... No! this isn't real! We defeated you. Me, Starlight, Discord, Trixie, together we beat you," Thorax shouted into the darkness, slowly gaining confidence. Suddenly leaping forward from the shadows the voice of his greatest fear was given form. Lunging forward and gnashing at his throat was Chrysalis, former queen of the changelings. Chrysalis was taller than him, even in his new reformed form. Her Chitin darker than the shadows filling his room. Her long hole riddled legs were splotched with red. Her face looking down at him, and her muzzle split in a cruel smile.

"And yet here I am," Chrysalis mocked. Taking a step back Thorax tripped over his own bed, landing on his flank. The already imposing figure now towering over him. Turning away Chrysalis continued speaking.

"Under my rule the Changelings flourished. We had Equestria in our grip. Our swarm was the strongest it had ever been, and I was the one that brought it there." Chrysalis took a moment to look back and glare at him. "Under your rule the Changelings are divided, weak, and starving. The hive is in pieces, and at the mercy of ponies." Taking a step towards Thorax's cocooned friends she continued. "But that matters not. The swarm is lost, but I can still take my revenge." She took another step, and then another. Thorax tried to call out. To yell at her to get away from his friends, but his voice would not come. As Chrysalis arrived at the cocoon of Starlight her jaw unhinged unnaturally. Her once normal fangs elongated and fierce. Just before she could bite into the cocoon a brilliant blue beam of magic burst through the roof. Banishing the shadows, burning away Chrysalis and the cocoons.

"Rise King Thorax." A strong yet gentle voice echoed forth from the night sky. A large blue alicorn slowly descending through the hole in the roof.

"It is naught but a dream. A manifestation of thy fears," looking towards him the alicorn continued, "However, she is not wrong. Thy people are scattered. They need a leader, they need you."

"But what am I supposed to do," Thorax interrupted, crying out. "I've never even led a raiding party before. How am I supposed to lead an empire." The alicorn's face had a slight smile on it as she started speaking again, unphased by his interruption.

"With the aid of some very good friends. It will not be easy, but you must try. When doubt takes hold trust in and believe in thy friends. Do not be afraid to ask them for aid. Now sleep, the future will be trying." With her piece said the alicorn took flight once more, leaving out of the same hole she entered. As she left Thorax's vision slowly faded to black as a restful sleep took him.

Situation Report pt. 1

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The next day at the Badlands Hive

Thorax had woken up scared but rested. Unsure what to make of the Alicorns message he decided to call for his friends, having them gather in the throne room. Hmm... Throne room no longer worked. He would have to come up with a new name for it. Regardless of its name, that was his current destination. From his room it was a relatively short walk. However, he chose to take the long way to get a look at the hive.

In many of the upper tunnels the roof had been broken open allowing the morning sun in. Oddly enough plants had already begun growing within the tunnels. It was odd because of the location of the hive. In the Badlands only the hardiest of plants managed to survive. Yet here within the hive vibrant green moss had started covering the walls and floors. Additionally light blue vines could be seen running along the walls.

The lower tunnels were much the same as it was before. The attitude of the Hive's denizens was what made it feel different. Where once hisses and snarls were the only sound, now greetings and well wishes filled the air. With Chrysalis leaving and the throne broken the tunnels had also become wider. Almost symbolic of the changelings opening their hearts up.

Though many of the changelings he saw looked a little hungry, they were also the happiest he had ever seen them. It reminded him that that was why he needed to step up. To save those smiles, to bring about a better future for the changelings. All he had to do now was figure out how.

Arriving at the throne room Thorax saw that his friends had already arrived. Barb and Mandible were standing near the dais, with Starlight and Trixie standing near the entrance to the room. However there was also a surprise. Standing near the shattered throne were two ponies he never thought would visit the hive. Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, and her spouse, Prince Shining Armor.

"Princess Cadance, Prince Shining Armor, what brings you to the hive?" As he spoke Thorax gave a slight bow.

"Starlight told us you needed some help. I remember how overwhelming it was when I first took control of the Crystal Empire. I couldn't ignore one of my best friends in need." Walking over Cadance favored him with a smile and a short hug.

"Thank you," Thorax's eyes widened slightly as he spoke. He had been expecting the two royals to be more hostile towards the hive, maybe even avoid it. Moving his gaze to the others in the room Thorax's gaze settled on his two advisors.

"Everycreature, these are my advisors, Barb," Thorax gestured to the orange changeling, "And Mandible," he said pointing to the blue changeling. "They are helping me keep the hive together. Unless something has changed, the situation is not ideal."

"Nothing has changed Thorax, for better or worse." It was Barb that spoke up, taking a step into the center of the room.

"For those unaware the hive is currently facing three major problems. First and probably most important, Chrysalis has escaped. She is currently on the loose and probably plotting revenge. Second and most immediate, the hive is facing a shortage of food. Chrysalis had pulled back almost all infiltrators and gatherers so the Hive would be at full strength to attack. This means that after that initial boost of energy we have had no new food coming in. Third and most volatile, there is a small group of changelings unhappy with the change in leadership. These changelings did reform, but still believe that ponies and other races are weaker than changelings." With her piece said Barb took a step back out of the center.

"Thank you Barb. One advantage that I did not count on was having princess Cadance here. I had intended to send out a letter to set up a meeting, but with you already here I hope we can discuss it now?" Thorax looked towards Cadance as he spoke.

"Of course Thorax, how can we help," questioned Shining, Cadance nodding in agreement.

"Thank you, both of you. I was hoping you could help with the food shortage. I, We," he corrected himself, "have stepped out of the shadows. Our old methods of gathering food are something I no longer want the hive to do. I was hoping we could set up an exchange of some sort. Materials or labor in exchange for love from the Crystal Heart."

"I see no problem with that. The Crystal Empire has more than enough love to share, and more than enough work to share as well." With no objection coming from Shining and Cadance in agreement it seemed this particular issue was solved for now.

"The changelings are in your debt," Thorax said, his voice shaking as he dropped into a bow. Shining's voice and a hoof on his shoulders brought him back up.

"Thorax, we're friends, of course we'd help you."

"Still, thank you," Thorax stopped speaking for a moment to turn and look at Mandible. "Mandible after the meeting could you work out the details with Prince Shining Armor?"

"Of course Thorax, it shall be done with haste," was Mandibles typical elegant response. Walking onto the dais Thorax turned so he could see everyone in the room before speaking again.

"Onto the next problem. Starlight I brought you here in the hopes you would know how to help change the elitist changelings minds? They haven't done anything yet, but it's a risk I don't want to have. Especially with Chrysalis still on the loose. I've tried asking nicely, offering larger rations, invited them to talk at one of the social circles, but nothing seems to be working!" The longer he talked the faster Thorax spoke, the reality of the situation causing his panic to build.

"I'm not sure what help I'll be, but I'll try my best Thorax," was Starlight's quick response.

"With the great and powerful Trixie helping your worries are over!"

"Thank you Starlight, and you as well Trixie," Thorax said looking towards the two of them.

"That just leave's Chrysalis, what of her my liege," questioned Mandible.

Somewhere in the Everfree forest

The wild rains poured down upon the forest. Pelting the leafs and producing a constant din, punctuated only by the occasional thrum of thunder, and the mad laughter of it's newest denizen.

Surrounded by green cocoons filled with forest creatures sat an alicorn sized creature. It's skin black as the night, with long legs riddled with holes. Atop her head sat a black four pronged crown with dark teal crystals at the tips. Long sparkling teal hair falling from her head, parted by her black gnarled horn. A pale green and teal carapace around her waist, and a pair of ragged translucent teal wings on her back. Green eyes staring down at a clutch of six eggs. A pink one, a yellow one, a white one, an orange one, a blue one, and a purple one larger than the rest.

"Soon all of Equestria will bow to me! Ahahaha!"

Situation Report pt. 2

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Back in the Badlands Hive

The first to respond to Mandible's question was Starlight.

"Twilight has already talked with the other princesses and if Chrysalis rears her head Equestria will help in whatever way it can."

"The crystal empire is quite far away but if we can help in any way, just ask," stated Cadance. With a grateful nod to both ponies Thorax turned towards Barb.

"After the meeting will you help me set up patrols for around the hive, and several scouting groups," questioned Thorax.

"Yes my liege." A third grateful nod was directed towards Barb.

"I believe that was all there was to talk about. Does anycreature have any questions," Thorax asked glancing around the room. The other creatures responded with head shakes or simple answers in the negative.

"All right then, thank you everyone for coming. I'll keep you updated on the situation of Chrysalis. Hopefully the next time we meet it will be under better circumstances." As the creatures left the room Mandible went with the royal pair, and Thorax followed Barb into the strategy room. Starlight and Trixie went deeper into the hive, presumably to ask around about the elitist changelings.

In the strategy room

The strategy room was much smaller than the throne room with a lower ceiling as well. The center was occupied by a large table with a map detailing the Badlands, the surrounding area, and most of Equestria. Eight small blue tokens, and four small green tokens had been gathered over top the hive on the map. A small replica of Chrysalis had been placed to the north of the hive near the mountains bordering the Badlands. Thorax's examination of the map was interrupted by Barb's voice.

"Chrysalis had been preparing for war, so there are more warrior changelings than usual. Currently there are eight on standby in the hive. Additionally there are four teams built for infiltration also ready."

"And how would you recommend using them," Thorax asked. After a few moments of thinking Barb responded.

"It depends on what you want done. If the goal is to merely protect the hive then I'd do it one way, if the goal is to expand another, and yet another still if we're going to focus on finding Chrysalis."

"Right now," Thorax said looking up from the map and towards Barb, "I think the hive needs time to heal and stabilize. We're already facing several problems and the last thing we need is to force Chrysalis into attacking."

"Then I would have four warrior squads return with the Princess to the crystal empire, have two patrol the badlands, and another two actively defend the hive. The four infiltration units could travel with the Princess as additional labor, they could stay in the hive and help with the elitist changelings, or they could infiltrate other cities."

"Barb! The ponies are our allies now, sending infiltrators is not an option," Thorax burst out. Barb took a step back, her eyes widening and a look of worry overcoming her features.

"I'm sorry I wasn't thinking! I won't mention it again," she said, her voice a higher pitch than usual. Thorax was shocked. Barb had always been a very calm collected ling, and now she seemed to be on the verge of tears. It took a moment before it clicked in his mind, and in a softer tone he addressed her again.

"No, I'm sorry Barb. You were doing your job and I shouldn't have gotten mad. However you don't need to worry, I'm not Chrysalis. She isn't in charge anymore."

"I know it's just," she cleared her throat stepping back up to the map. Her eyes still regarding him warily. "Ahem, as I was saying, those are our options. Regardless of your decision it will probably have to change in accordance with the deal Mandible makes."

"Alright. Could you go and find Mandible and the Royals? If they're done with the deal could you also bring Mandible back with you," Thorax asked, his voice still soft.

"Yes, my liege," she answered, giving a bow before leaving.

Somewhere in the hive, a few minutes earlier

The room that the negotiation was occurring in was one of the speaking circle rooms, and similar in appearance to a lounge. There was no roof, allowing the mid-morning sun to enter the room. The walls were decorated with paintings recently made by changelings, and there were several piles of cushions scattered around the room.

Cadance and Shining Armor were laying on several cushions. Across the circle Mandible had a notepad in his hooves and a quill to his right.

"So Prince Armor, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, what resources might the Crystal Empire require," Mandible asked with a questioning look towards them before picking the quill up in his muzzle.

"Please, call me Cadance. The Empire hasn't fully rebuilt after Flurry Heart shattered the Crystal Heart, and the edges of town where the storm was let in are still partially collapsed," Cadance said.

"Also recently my guards have been getting reports of strange creatures out in the snow. I'd like to go investigate but there aren't enough soldiers to do that and protect the Crystal Empire," Shining added. As they spoke Mandible wrote it down in his notepad. Once he had finished he put down the quill and looked up, a question on his lips.

"Does the empire have the materials to repair the houses?" He got two nods of agreement from the royals.

"So then you only need laborers and guards." It was not a question but a statement. "This hive has close to a thousand changelings that need to eat. How many changelings would we need to send to get a return of 3000 crystallized emotion daily," Mandible asked. The two royals shared a confused look before Shining spoke.

"Crystallized emotion?"

"Of course, how else would we bring it back to the hive?"

"I think what my husband meant was what is crystallized emotion," Cadance clarified. Mandible's head tilted to the side in confusion.

"Crystallized Emotions are small gems that glow with the emotion they embody. They work as a way to bring food on long missions, or for trading with other hives. If you don't use crystallized emotion how do you collect love from your citizens," he asked. The two nobles shared a look before Shining Armor spoke up again.

"The Crystal Heart is as old as the empire itself. It's a mystical artifact that passively collects love from the citizens of the Crystal Empire to power a large shielding spell and weather mitigation spell around the entire city. We don't have to collect any 'Crystallized Emotion'." Bringing a hoof up to his lower jaw Mandible hummed thoughtfully. Before he could speak a knock resounded from the door to the room.

"Mandible, are you done with negotiations?" The voice coming from behind the door was slightly muffled, but still distinguishable as Barbs.

"Not yet, but please do come in," Mandible responded. The door swung open inward revealing the orange changeling behind it. Barb looked around the room before giving a short bow towards the two nobles.

"Apologies for interrupting, but Thorax and I need the details of the trade before we can schedule the troops."

"Actually," Mandible started, "We've reached a bit of a standstill. The crystal heart that Thorax spoke of is an artifact that gathers love differently from how we do. If I may be so bold I'd like to accompany the first group of workers to see if conversion is even possible," he asked looking towards princess Cadance.

"Of course, until this problem has been fixed the workers can feed directly from the crystal heart," was Cadance's response. "The Crystal Empire could use another hundred workers if you have them."

"And as many guards as you can spare," Shining Armor added.

"Alright, I'll let King Thorax know. Princess, Prince," she said, bowing to each before leaving. After she had left Mandible turned back to the two Royals.

"When will you be returning to the Crystal Empire," Mandible asked the two royals.

"We plan on leaving for Dodge City today, and the crystal empire two days after that," Cadance answered.

"Would the workers and I be able to travel with you? If not it might take a while to get there," Mandible asked.

"Sure but we didn't bring enough gold to buy tickets for everypo... everycreature," Shining added.

"Thank you, and don't worry about the gold. Until then, thank you for talking with me," he said, nodding to each Royal in turn.

"Of course, anything for a friend," Cadance responded with a smile. With their business concluded and the royals leaving Mandible went to the Strategy room, and Thorax.

Leaving the Hive

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A few minutes later in the strategy room

"So they need one hundred workers, and any available soldiers," Thorax asked, looking towards Mandible for confirmation.

"That is correct, and with your permission I would like to accompany them. This Crystal Heart of theirs sounds like nothing I have ever heard of. Trading might not be possible without using changelings to transport it."

"Hmm... I see no problem with that," was Thorax's response. "Barb would the infiltrators be able to work as soldiers?"

"Yes. Infiltrators aren't as physically strong as our warriors, but they are more magically adept."

"Alright," Thorax said. Turning towards Mandible and straightening his neck before continuing in a more formal voice. "Mandible your mission will be to aid the Crystal Empire's rulers however you can. To do this you will be in command of forty warriors, forty infiltrators, twenty-five builder drones, and seventy-five worker drones. When your services are not needed you may study the Crystal Heart." As he spoke a faint purple mist extended from his middle horn. Stretching forward and connecting to Mandibles forehead where his horn would be.

As the mist reached Mandible Thorax's words could be heard not only by his ears, but also within his mind. At the same time he could feel his senses being expanded. He could sense the Changelings he had been put in charge of. He could sense where they were, how healthy they were, and a little bit of what they currently saw. If he focused his senses on one of them he could see through their eyes. Additionally Mandible grew several centimetres and gained muscle mass.

"Yesss my lord," Mandible said, his words slurring as he knelt. Mandible felt... confused. Confused but strong. Shaking his head and focusing on his own senses he looked forward towards his lord. No, not lord, he preferred to be called Thorax. His troubled thoughts were interrupted by a worried voice.

"Mandible! Mandible! Can you hear me?" With a final shake of his head Mandible felt himself again.

"Of course Thorax. Thank you for your trust, I will carry out this mission without fail. I was merely temporarily overwhelmed." With a confidant look on his face the new swarm leader, Mandible, looked towards Thorax. "With your permission I would like to go gather the troops and prepare supplies for the journey. We will need enough crystals for a week and bits for train tickets." Thorax's eyes unfocused for a moment before he spoke.

"Alright, the treasury guards and hive heart guards have been alerted. And you're sure you're okay," he asked a second time with a worried look.

"Thank you Thorax, and yes I am quite well," Mandible said as he left the room. Once he had left Thorax turned towards Barb.

"What was that?" Though her face remained neutral Thorax could swear she was holding back a smile.

"That was a promotion. By giving him control of other changelings his body was changed to better help him do his duty. You would have felt something similar, but far grander, when you ascended to King of the hive," Barb explained. Thorax nodded his head in understanding before speaking again.

"So, with forty warriors traveling to the Crystal Empire we can still use the original plan you came up with right?"

"Yes. We will also still have close to two hundred and fifty builder drones, and close to five hundred worker drones," responded Barb.

"Alright then. Could you inform the forty remaining warrior drones of their new assignment. After that you can take the day off," Thorax said, dismissing Barb with a kind smile before returning his gaze to the map on the table.

"I hope this works out. If not the elitists could use this as an excuse to do something bad."

The next morning outside of the Badlands Hive

The sky was a dull blue without a sky in the cloud. The Changelings had gathered on the north side of the hive. Just as barren as the rest of the badlands, with little standing out. Several small dead plants and rocks dotting the ground. The only thing that stood out was a large rock that a single changeling larger than the rest was standing on.

Mandible was going over his list. They had twenty-five percent more bits than they needed based off of train ticket costs prior to the Swarms reformation. They had double the amount of crystallized emotion needed for the journey to the Crystal Empire, and the trip back. All one hundred and eighty changelings had assembled in front of the hive. He could sense all of them, and knew that the right ones were here. So why did something feel wrong? Like there was more than there should be. He wasn't ready to forget the feeling, but they were on a schedule, so he ignored it for now. Putting his notepad in his saddlebag Mandible turned towards the assembled changelings.

"Changelings of the Crystal Expedition," He shouted, sending his words through the mental link as well. Once all eyes were on him he continued. "We will fly to Dodge City, and then by train to the Crystal Empire. Our goal is to assist the Crystal Empire in securing its borders, and repairing damaged buildings. During this time we will feed from an artifact that the Crystal Ponies have. Under no circumstances should you feed from anypony there."

As Mandible spoke he looked through the mental link, letting his presence be known to each changeling one at a time. This was a vital mission that could not afford to be ruined by a brash decision.

"Until we reach the Crystal Empire borders we will be traveling as pegasi of the Odin Mercenary Company. Once we arrive, try to avoid changing forms too many times. This mission can double as a debut for the changelings as much as a trade deal," After finishing his speech Mandible transformed into a dark blue pegasus with a scar over his lips on the left side, and a burn mark adorning his forehead. His mane and tail were a light blue.

"Now, move out," He shouted with a voice deeper than his old one.

As the swarm of changelings left the hive a cloud of dust was made obscuring the ground. As the dust settled the land in front of the hive was just as it had been yesterday. No bushes, dead or alive, and no rocks larger than a fist.

Dodge City

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Six hours later, outside Dodge City

The ponies of Dodge City could see a large herd of pegasi approaching the city from the south. Several at the back were carrying large crates, and others were carrying large bags. A dark blue pegasus could be seen at the front of the group, wearing light black armor that shone in the noon day sun.

"Mercenaries of the Odin Company, we are approaching Dodge City. Land to the north of the train station near the forest. The train should arrive in three hours. You are free to visit the town, but be on your best behavior," The dark blue pegasus shouted.

The locals were fairly familiar with the blue pegasus, Thor Odinson, and the company of pegasi mercenaries he led. They often came to Dodge City for minor trading, or to take the train to other towns. Within a few minutes the pegasi had landed. The ones that had carried the supplies gathered in the center of a field outside the town, making a pile out of the boxes and bags. The rest went into the town, leaving the captain and carriers in the field.

The group that Thor came with was larger than normal, but that was nothing unusual for the mercenary company. What was unusual was the pink alicorn and white unicorn that went into the field to meet with the mercenaries. The alicorn was adorned with a golden necklace and matching horseshoes. Wearing a gold crown with several purple gems embedded in it. The unicorn was wearing the armor of a soldier of the Crystal Empire.

"Mandible," Cadance asked the dark blue pegasus, a look of uncertainty on her face.

"Technically yes. However in this form I am Thor Odinson, leader of the Odin Mercenary Company. A pleasure to meet you princess," Mandible responded with a grin. "I have brought eighty soldiers and one hundred workers, as per your request. Is the train set to arrive on time?"

"Yes, and I'm glad to see you could bring so many soldiers. Are they fit to fight in the snow and ice surrounding the Crystal Empire?" This time it was Shining Armor asking a question. He had been the only one to accompany the princess into the field. However, a dozen guard ponies could be seen waiting near the train station, ready to interfere if something seemed wrong.

"It may take them a little while, but every cha~, ahem, mercenary, is given basic combat training in most weather conditions and terrains," Mandible paused for a moment to see if Shining Armor had any questions, before continuing. "Is there anything that needs to be discussed before we set off? If not I'll be joining the troops in town," he asked.

"No, if you need me or Shining we'll be waiting by the train station with our entourage," Cadance replied. "We'll see you on the train Thor."

"Until then princess." With the two nobles leaving Mandible took the chance to gather his thoughts. He should buy the tickets now, and then go and monitor the changelings in town. Normally he would trust the other changelings, but the sense of wrongness that had bugged him since morning had not abated.

Closing his eyes Mandible focused on his new connection with the changelings under his command. Reaching out through the connection, like stretching a new limb. It was like trying to push through icy water, but he was successful in the end. Connected to half of the dozen guards he gave an order.

"Bring the gold to me. We still need to buy the tickets."

Even with his focus the connection still felt quite weak. Despite this it seemed that his message had reached the changelings on guard. Six had come over carrying the bags of bits, leaving seven guarding the boxes of supplies. Seven? Mandible blinked and rubbed his eyes before looking again. There were only six, as it should be. He could have sworn...

"Boss you there?" Mandible was shaken out of his thoughts by one of the six changelings he had summoned waving a hoof in his face.

"Hmm... Sorry, yes. Did you say something," Mandible asked.

"Nothing important. Do you want to head to the train station now," The same changeling responded, shaking the bag of coins for emphasis. He had a grey blue coat, and a dull yellow mane. His cutie mark was that of a single cloud, broken down the middle.

"Yes, of course. Let's go," Mandible said before trotting ahead. The grey blue changeling looked back at the others who just shrugged their shoulders before following.

several hours later

A few minutes before the train had arrived the mercenaries of the Odin Mercenary Company had reconvened on the field to the north of Dodge City. There had thankfully been no incidents in town. On top of that, several changelings had gotten small meals from telling exciting stories to the young foals of the town. The price for the train tickets had gone up, as expected, but they still had more than enough to buy tickets back after this operation was over. No one had bothered the guards of the supply boxes, and the smoke from the train could be seen getting closer to town. Overall everything seemed to be going according to plan.

"Mercenaries of the Odin Company," Mandible called out. "We'll be in the cars behind the royals. Keep the gear in the center for ease of access. After that just relax and try not too cause to many problems. It is a fifteen hour trip from here to the Crystal Empire. New orders will be given upon arrival. If something goes wrong I will be in the royal's car discussing the mission." Just as Mandible finished talking the train arrived.

The front of the train appeared to be made out of a gemstone, sapphire perhaps, and a pony with a matching coat could be seen inside it. Leaning out the sapphire pony shouted,

"All aboard fer the Crystal Empire!"

"You heard him, all Odin Mercenaries, move out," this time it was Mandible shouting. With the other changelings boarding the train Mandible left to join Cadance and Shining Armor near the front of the train. He was confident that he could deal with whatever had been bothering him. He had his troops, his supplies, his plan, and they were about to set off for the Crystal Empire.

Fifteen hours later, in the frozen north

The trip had gone smoothly so far. All the non-crystal pony passengers had gotten off, and the changelings had returned to their original forms. Business with the Princess and Prince of the Crystal Empire had concluded. Mandible had done the rounds and made sure everything was alright with the other changelings. After that he had gone to one of the sleeping cars and was sleeping soundly.

Mandible was woken up by a sudden jolt. Rubbing his eyes and looking around he couldn't figure out what had woken him up. It wasn't until he stood that he figured it out. The train had stopped moving. Leaving the sleeping car Mandible started looking for someling that knew what was going on. However, after a few fruitless minutes of searching, a changeling approached him.

"What happened? Why are we stopped," Mandible asked.

"Dunno sir. The crystal ponies asked me to get you for them though. They probably know what's happened," was the changeling's response. Giving a nod of acknowledgement Mandible kept on going forwards, towards the royal's car. After traveling through a couple cars he reached the door to the royal's car. Knocking twice before a voice answered.

"Mandible, is that you?" The voice was Shining Armors. He didn't sound hurt or hurried, merely worried.

"Yes, may I come in," Mandible asked.

"Yes." This time it was Cadance that answered. That was good. At the least both of the Royals were unharmed. Opening the door Mandible took stock of the room. The two royal's were standing near a third pony, the sapphire coated one that he had seen in the front of the train. The dozen armed crystal ponies that Mandible had seen in Dodge City weren't there, but he could hear them talking to each other outside the train.

"Tell him what you told us Blue Steam," Cadance said, talking to the sapphire colored crystal pony.

"Well, I was up by the locomotive eating breakfast, when I heard a sound like tearing metal. I pulled the emergency brake cause if the train was breaking, then it needed to stop immediately, right," Blue Steam said, looking at Mandible to make sure he understood. "So the train comes to a complete stop and I hop out to look at it from the outside. I look all around, but the train looks completely fine right. So I start getting back in the train, and notice something's up with the railroad tracks. I get closer to take a better look, an' the tracks a couple dozen meters from the train have been torn up and twisted. Looking all around I can't see nothin' through the storm, cept a shadow running in the distance. It looked massive, at least three ponies tall. I bet it could easily kil~"

"Ahem," Shining Armor coughed, cutting off Blue Steam. He then continued with a serious look on his face. "So far it's unclear what it was, but one thing is clear. We'll have to finish the journey to the Crystal Empire on hoof."