• Published 18th Dec 2011
  • 3,177 Views, 43 Comments

Three Evil Rulers, Three Cold Hearts - Matthais Unidostres

The three rulers from the Hearths Warming Eve story have returned to bring civil war.

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The three rulers were marched through the Canterlot sculpture gardens, surrounded by palace guards.

"Oh look! There's our friend!" Puddinghead shouted excitedly, her bubbly and energetic personality much different from the somber unicorn and rage filled pegasus.

What Puddinghead had been pointing to was the Spirit of Disharmony himself, Discord. The Draconequeos horrified facial expression, permanently frozen in stone, stared down at the three ponies as they were led on a wooden scaffold in front of his plinth.

Unicorn guards beat drums rapidly as the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony approached the scaffold, flanked by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

"I cannot believe I missed yet another disaster. . ." Luna mumbled, "It's like the Changelings all over again. . ."


"Sorry, Tia. . ."

The unicorns suddenly stopped beating their drums. That was Celestia's cue. The Princess of the Sun stepped in front of the three criminals and said, "You have committed crimes against Equestria, and all of pony kind! For this, you shall be judged by the Elements of Harmony. They may give out a variety of punishments, for they can be. . .unpredictable. . ."

Luna nodded solemnly.

"Therefore, you may or may not live to see another day. . ." Celestia continued solemnly, "I'm sorry, but your crimes cannot be pardoned. They must be paid for. Before you receive your fate, do any of you wish to say anything?"

There was a moment of silence. . .which was promptly broken.


"Shut your mouth you disgusting bigot!" Platinum retorted.

"Disgusting bigot yourself! You both are!" Puddinghead shouted back.


Everything stopped as Celestia's Royal Canterlot Voice echoed throughout all of Canterlot.

Pinkie Pie leaned over to Luna and whispered, "Wow, she's good. You certainly learned from the best."

Celestia looked scornfully at the three ex-rulers. "You make me sick," she said coldly. She then walked next to the Mane Six. "Fire at will," she said.

The drums kicked up again, building up suspense as the Elements of Harmony lit up. There was a flash of light as the Rainbow of Light was sent arcing into the sky, and then crashed down onto the wooden scaffold.

Puddinghead let out a blood curdling shriek as her hooves began to turn to stone. Her body thrashed around madly as her eyes showed mad fear and panic as her broken brain processed what was happening to her.

"No, no, NO! This is worse than being a pony-popsicle!" she screamed as her terrified expression was frozen in stone.

Platinum fell to her knees as her legs began to be petrified in rock. "NO! Don't do this to me! I'll change! I swear! I'll do anything! I'll let everypony in the world kiss my hooves! I'll give everything I have to the poor! Just plea-." Her begging was cut short as stone enveloped her body, preserving her as a crying unicorn on her knees, begging like a pauper.

Hurricane snarled and roared, gnashing her teeth as stone crept up around her.

"CURSE YOU! CURSE YOU ALL! CURSE YOU ALL TO TARTARUS!!!!!!" she roared as she was frozen in place as a deranged dictator, ranting and raving in vain like a colt having a temper tantrum.

As the light from the Elements faded, Celestia horn flashed as the three statues were arranged in a single around Discord, a warning to show what happens when one allows disharmony into their hearts, or worse let, acts as an agent of its creation. . .

"IT'S - NOT - FAIR!" Diamond Tiara shrieked from within the dungeon.

"Be quiet young lady!" her parent shouted at the same time.

"Yeah, or I'll make you shut-up!" Gilda growled from across the hall, in a cell of her own.

"You aren't the boss of me, and you can't get to me from over there, so why don't you shut-up!" the filly retorted.

"Enough!" Filthy Rich shouted, and smacked her daughter hard across the face, "I may have spoiled you, but that ends now. If we ever get out of her, then we're going to have to get a fresh start, and perhaps some time in this place will un-spoil you, you little brat! Now stop your whining! Do I make myself clear.

The hurt, fear filled expression was proof that the filly would keep her mouth shut. However, she did mumble one last thing, "I want my tiara back. . ."

Meanwhile, Trixie sat alone in the corner of her cell, a metal block around her horn to block her magic. Prince Blueblood sat on a bed of hay on the other side of the room, a bowl of uneaten oatmeal on the ground next to him. He also wore a block on his horn, but his face was paler than usual, and his eyes were wide with terror as he sat in utter filth.

"Oh, don't you worry Twilight Sparkle. The Great and Powerful Trixie will have her revenge!" Trixie cackled, and she began to laugh maniacally, only to be silence by a bowl of oatmeal hitting her in the face.

"Hush-up, you fool. We're in the dungeon, get used to it! We aren't ever getting out. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must get back to being in shock over sitting in a dirty place after being stripped of my Royalty Status," Prince Blueblood said with only one breath. He then took another deep breathe, and returned to staring into space.

Trixie snarled and screamed, "CURSE YOU, TWILIGHT SPARKLE!!!!!!!!!!!"