• Published 18th Dec 2011
  • 3,179 Views, 43 Comments

Three Evil Rulers, Three Cold Hearts - Matthais Unidostres

The three rulers from the Hearths Warming Eve story have returned to bring civil war.

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Chapter 2: Canterlot, Cloudsdale, and Corruption

Three Evil Rulers, Three Cold Hearts

I am really touched and amazed at how many review, comments, favorites, alerts, and watches I've gotten on FanFiction.net and FimFiction.net. I promise I will not let you down. I will make this story the best it can be. Thank you all so much, and enjoy the story. This chapter will be a long one, so sit back.

Chapter 2: Canterlot, Cloudsdale, and Corruption

Hearths Warming Eve had come and gone. It had been a week since the magnificent play in Canterlot, which still rung fresh in everyone's minds. Snow was still on the ground for all the fillies and colts to play in, that is, when they weren't playing with their new toys they all got on that glorious night.

Princess Celestia strode into her throne room in very high spirits, when two pegasi guards got her attention.

“Ahem, your most Royal Highness, we have a situation,” one said as they both bowed low in respect.

“Situation? Whatever could possibly be the matter on such a fine Winter's day?” Celestia replied, surprise in her voice.

“Ahem, it is the, well, the Generous one, that is, the unicorn that bears the Element of Generosity,” the other guard said.

“What? You mean Rarity? But she should be in Ponyville now,” Celestia said, looking perplexed.

“Well, we are certain she is the same unicorn you invited here to stay in the guest tower a few months ago, your Highness,” the guard on the left said.

“Well, what's the situation?”

The guard on the right gave a heaving breath, shuddering as he did so, and he said, “Forgive us, your Majesty, but may I suggest we simply show you?”

The unicorns of Canterlot all stared in confusion, or horrified fascination in some cases, at the loud white unicorn in the middle of the town square. A platinum and purple crown upon her head, and a purple robe with fluffy white trim down her back. Her purple, ribbon-like mane shook as she shouted out towards the unicorns.

“Hear me, unicorns of the city called Canterlot! This city is the purest of pure of this mixed up world! This is a city of unicorns, the most superior of all ponies! This will be the place where we will hone our magical skills so that we may rise up and conquer the lands and take them from those barbaric pegasi and those primitive earth ponies!” Princess Platinum shouted.

“Miss, I fear you have gone too far!” shouted a voice with a french accent.

Platinum turned to see Fancy Pants approach, with his wife Fleur right behind him.

“And who are you that dares speak out against your Princess!” Platinum shouted in disgust.

Fancy Pants looked the unicorn up and down and said, “Miss Rarity! I fear that the play has caused you to loose your mind somehow!”

“Loose my mind!” Platinum roared, “HOW DARE YOU! I am Princess Platinum! The highest authority over all unicorns! I'll have you thrown in the dungeon for this!”


Platinum jumped at the sound of the Royal Canterlot Voice, and quickly turned to see Princess Celestia descend upon her, flanked by the two pegasi guards.

“What – are you doing?” Celestia asked sternly, even angrier than when Twilight had thrown Ponyville into chaos.

Princess Platinum looked at the Alicorn in front of her. She stared at her horns, her wings, and the two pegasi guards on either side of her.

“What kind of filthy half-breed are you?”

The entire crowd went silent at the terrible comment made by the unicorn.

Celestia just stared down at her, not looking angry at all, but worried and concerned.

“Oh dear. It seems as if something terrible has happened to your senses, and your mind,” Celestia sighed.

“WRONG!” Platinum shouted, “It is clear that you are some sort of disgusting cross between a unicorn and a pegasus. How dare such a marriage take place! How dare anyone soil the pure blood of a unicorn with the disgusting mud blood of a pegasus! Of all the abominable things that could happen, this is THE – MOST – ABOMINABLE THING!”

The crowd suddenly began to shout and scream in fear. Unicorns stepped back and pointed up at the sky that was slowly beginning to fill with dark storm clouds.

Celestia looked up in shock as the storm clouds swirled and whirled in the sky, blotting out her sun completely. Snow began to swirl down in furious winds that blew violently around her. All of this was set to the eerie, howling sound of a spectral being of pure evil.

“No. . .” Celestia whispered.

“Get out of my sight, abomination! Unicornia has no place for mutant beasts like you!” Platinum spat.

Suddenly, the howling reached it's highest volume, and the spirit it belonged to leaned out from the clouds.

“Windigo. .” Celestia gasped in pure terror, her eyes wide with it.

The ghost-like horse gave a mighty howl, and breathed a blast of icy mist out of its mouth.

The icy blast shot down towards the petrified Alicorn, and washed over her mercilessly.

“NoooOOOO!” Celestia gasped as solid ice creeped up from her hooves until it reached the tip of her horn.

And then, just like that, the Windigo, and the storm, vanished without a trace. The sun was now shinning ironically on the Alicorn Popsicle that stood in the center of Canterlot.

The guards looked at Celestia, then at Platinum, and then flew off for their very lives.
Princess Platinum blinked in confusion, but then smiled and said, “Well, it seems as if the magic of the unicorns really is all powerful!” Platinum turned to the crowd and shouted, “Bow to your ruler, or suffer the same icy fate!”

Everyone immediately did as they were ordered to.

Platinum's smile was enhanced as she said, “Good! Now, our first order of business,” she then pointed a hoof dramatically at Canterlot Castle, “Is to make that castle mine!”

The floating city of Cloudsdale was as white as the snow on the ground far below it. However, it was hardly as peaceful due to the loud and bombastic pegasus in the center of the city.

“Fellow pegasi of the city of Cloudsdale! Listen and obey! The time has come to rise up against the unicorns and earth ponies. They are bound to the ground like pathetic worms! While we, the strong and noble pegasi, are airborne and majestic. We are the strong, and the strong must rule!” Commander Hurricane shouted, wings flapping as he hovered a few feet off the clouds. The surrounding pegasi stared at the strange pegasus in shock, not believing what they were hearing.

“Hey Dash! I think you're a few colors sort of a rainbow if ya know what I mean!”

“WHAT! Who dares speak to me so!” Hurricane shouted. She looked around to see a brown pegasus, a tan pegasus, and a gray pegasus, all with huge bangs covering their eyes. It was none other than Billy, Hoops, and Score. Rainbow Dash's childhood friends/bullies.

“Uh, newsflash Rainbow! The Hearths Warming Eve play is over!” Hoops shouted.

“Yeah, you can cut the acting now!” Score added.

“First of all, my name is Commander Hurricane!” the pegasus shouted, “Second of all, your manes are a disgrace to the pride of the pegasi! And third of all, HOW DARE YOU SPEAK MOCKINGLY TO YOUR HIGH AND MIGHTY RULER!”

The three pegasi all fell to the cloudy ground and covered their heads with their hooves, whimpering in fear at the military dictator's commanding tone.

“What is the meaning of this!”

Hurricane turned around to see a gray pegasus with an electric yellow mane and tail, as well as a cloud with a thunder bolt coming out of it for a Cutie Mark.

“And who are you?” the Commander asked.

“I am Mayor Flashbang of Cloudsdale, and if you continue to disturb the peace, I will not hesitate to have you thrown in jail!” the pegasus said firmly.

Hurricane's blood boiled as her eyes burned even redder then usual. “WHAT! You would would throw me in jail!”

“Yes,” Mayor Flashbang said.

All of sudden, a voice rang out, “Emergency! Emergency!”

Everyone turned to see the two pegasus guards land on the cloud ground nearby.

“Perfect timing,” the Mayor said, clapping his hooves, “Guards, arrest this insane pegasus!”

“You use pegasi who are of lower rank than me to arrest me! I cannot be arrested! I am the highest rank of all! I am Commander Hurricane! Supreme ruler of the pegasi! And you are guilty of TREASON!”

Dark clouds swirled in the air high above Cloudsdale. It wasn't long before eerie howling rang out, and the evil face of a Windigo appeared. The spirit breathed a blast of icy breath that shot down and froze Mayor Flashbang solid.

Commander Hurricane just laughed and said, “Yes! The pegasi control the weather, so their absolute ruler would be able to harness it's ultimate power!”

Suddenly, six fast objects burst from the cloudy ground around him. She looked up to see six pegasi in blue flight suits, leaving a trail of thunderclouds behind them.

“The Wonderbolts!” Billy cheered as he and his two other friends got up to their hooves. They then began to cheer and shout. Before long, everyone else joined in as well.

“Alright,” said Soarin' a white pegasus stallion with black hair, “Nothing fancy. Just concentrate on taking this lunatic down!”

Spitfire, an orange mare with fiery hair, nodded and said, “Got it. It all right everypony, let's do this!”

Commander Hurricane stared at the approaching pegasi, seething with rage. “Traitors! TRAITOROUS SCUM! I'LL KILL YOU ALL WITH MY BARE HOOVES! Just cause I command an army doesn't mean I always need one to fight!”

Commander Hurricane leapt up into the air, her black brush topped helmet securely fastened to her head, and shot towards the Wonderbolts.

Rapidfire attempted to deal a blow to Hurricane's face, but the Commander dodged it and punched him in the chest. Fleetfoot flew up from behind to give her a nasty blow to the head, only to get bucked in mid air by the Commander's two hind legs. Spitfire pulled an 80 degree dive towards the dictator, zooming at super speeds. Hurricane laughed mockingly as he shot forwards at a nearly identical speed as Spitfire. When the two collided, there was only one thing that would determine which one would win.

Which of them had a helmet on.

When her head collided with the solid metal behind the black brush of the helmet, Spitfire's world went black as she was sent spinning and tumbling off through the air and horribly fast towards the ground. . . .


Soarin' roared with rage as he and the two other Wonderbolts flew at Commander Hurricane in a V- formation, their hooves outstretched to attack.

Commander Hurricane just stood their smiling wickedly as the threesome approached.

Soarin' noticed this, and he suddenly gasped as he realized out loud, “This is all. . .a trap!”

Out of the dark clouds, the Windigo came down once again. Hurricane pointed. Flash! Three ice sculptures fell to the ground. She pointed again. Flash! Rapidfire fell. She pointed again. Flash! Fleetfoot fell.

All of the pegasi trembled with fear as the dark clouds dissipated and the powerful Commander landed back in Cloudsdale.

“Salute me!” she shouted, sticking a hoof out rigidly.

Everyone copied the action in fear.

“You two!” she shouted at the two pegasi guards, “How many are among your ranks!”

“About a hundred, sir, mam, sir, uh I mean. . .” one of them said.

“Where are they?” Hurricane asked.

“At Canterlot Castle, we told them to defend it from Princess Platinum after she. . .” the other one said.

“Platinum!” Hurricane spat, “So,she's taken Canterlot! Very well! Bring all of the guards here!”

“But Commander! The Castle!”

“Shut-up! Platinum can have the old earthbound castle! Cloudsdale will be the capital of Pegasopolis! We'll let Platinum keep Canterlot now, but then, we'll launch a full scale attack and burn that accursed unicorn city to the ground! Hahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa!”

The guards stared in horrified fascination for a few minutes, until Hurricane suddenly shouted, “What are you waiting for! Go! Bring me those guards!”

As the two unfortunate guards flew off towards Canterlot, Hurricane turned to the surrounding pegasi and said, “100 soldiers will never be enough. I will need to increase our numbers. . .”

Hurricane turned his gaze upon Billy, Score, and Hoops.

“Congratulations!” Hurricane said with an evil smile, “You're all first in line to be drafted!”

In one of the towers of Canterlot Castle, there is a certain bedroom. The wall paper is blue with white glowing stars. An image of the moon is painted upon the ceiling. One of the walls is lined with books about the moon, the night, nocturnal creatures, and the night sky. And next to the window, now blocked by deep night-blue curtains, was a bed. In this bed slept Princess Luna, soundly and peacefully. Totally unaware of what was happening outside.

Dark clouds swirled about the tower as three spirits of chilling evil descended.

Winking at each other and laughing wickedly, the Windigoes all breathed their icy breath upon the tower. It wasn't long before it was all completely frozen solid, with a young Alicorn in perfect suspended animation cryo-sleep inside.

The Windigoes laughed wickedly. With both Princesses on ice, and their three little puppets sowing the seed of war, it would only be a matter of time before all of Equestria was once again in their icy grip.

Sorry, no Chancellor Puddinghead yet! With the Windigoes doing the leader's dirty work, and with both Princesses frozen, it looks like they will be a bigger threat to Equestria than you all though they would! Stay tuned for trouble in Ponyville!