• Published 11th May 2020
  • 702 Views, 14 Comments

The Children of Discord - Ragnarok17

Discord become idolized by a group of ponies who call themselves, “The Children of Discord”

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Crashing Spike’s Celebration Party

At the ceremony, Princess Cadence and Shining Armor along with Spike and the rest of Elements of Harmony standing on the stage to celebrate Spike for saving the Crystal Empire twice.

Cadence speaks up “It’s my honor to give Crystal Empire medal to the savior of Crystal Empire for saving us..... twice!” The crowd applaud the young purple dragon as he blushes.

“We love you Spike!”

“Please, you are making me embarrassing” Spike pleaded playfully while Elements of Harmony are giggled at this.

Twilight smiles at Spike “Spike, I’m so proud of you! You‘re the reason you brought back Crystal Heart to the empire and put the end of King Sombra” Twilight patting Spike’s head

“Nah, I shouldn’t take all the credit! I should be thanking Cadence for helping me out too! If wasn’t for her, I would have dropped Crystal Heart.” Spike genuinely smiled at Princess Cadence who smiled back to him while Shining Armor is not pleased that Spike left him out

“Hey! I help too, you know?” Shining Armor called out

“All you did was throwing her out to me” Spike teasing Shining Armor

“Come on, Spike! She have wings and I wouldn’t throw her out if she doesn’t have wings” Shining Armor defend himself

“I’m so sorry for criticizing you, Shining Armor” Spike say in sarcastically tone which annoy Shining Armor.

While Spike and Shining Armor argue back and forth like little childs, Twilight notices Fluttershy doesn’t seem happy for some reason and she have a guilt-ridden look.

“Fluttershy? Is there’s something wrong?” Twilight asked in concerned tone

Twilight’s voice snapped her out of her guilt-ridden state and she look at her.

“Yes, Twilight. I felt guilty for not letting Discord know ahead of time regarding Spike’s Celebration Party.” She look at Twilight, “Twilight, I wished you weren’t being too harsh on him when he came to the castle. I understand you don’t want him to ruin Spike’s Celebration Party but at least try to be reasoning with him than outright telling him that he’s going to ruin the party, you didn’t have to use harsh words to him”

Twilight sighed “You right, Fluttershy. I kind of went overboard with him but I was afraid that he would ruin the party that is important to Spike after what happens at Grand Galloping Gala.” Twilight starting to feel little bit of guilty for what she said to Discord, “Once this party is over, I will apologize to Discord for what I said to him”

“Thank you, Twilight” Fluttershy smiled at her as she put her hooves on Twilighy

In shadowy background of Crystal Empire, a hooded Mayhem watching the event and he carrying a mystical notebook and he give a big grin, “Now, as a payback for what you did to our messiah, all of you will pay the ultimate price!”

Mayhem writes on his mystical notebook

“Young Spike was unexpectedly involved in a terrible accident”

Mayhem gives another big grin “Let the crashing begin!”

Princess Cadence is about to give the medal to Spike when they heard a falling sound

“Where is that noise coming from?” Spike asked before seeing a giant crystal statue of himself falling and it coming after him, “Oh..... crap” Spike bluntly states before he get smashed by the giant statue of himself much to the horror of Elements of Harmony who weren’t fast enough to stop the giant statue as they didn’t see it coming

“NO!” Elements of Harmony cried, as they ran to Spike’s body with Rarity cradling the young dragon sobbing.

“Please! Spikey-Wikey! Don’t die on me! I can’t live without you! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!” Rarity shaking Spike’s body uncontrollably until Spike slowly opens his eyes to see his beloved Rarity sobbing hysterically

“Rarity...... Can you please stop shaking me, I think i going to vomit if you keep on shaking me” Spike groaned, “Ow! I think I got some cut on my body from having a statue of me land on me” Spike chuckles

Rarity’s sad look turned into happiness as she is relieved that her beloved Spikey-Wikey is still alive and she hugs Spike tightly as if she doesn’t want to let go of him

“Oh Spike! I’m so glad you’re still alive, darling!” she cried happily while tightly Spike to the point of choking him until Twilight touch Rarity

“Ah, Rarity, you can let go of him”

Rarity look at Spike and realizes she’s almost choking him “Right, Sorry Spike” She let go of him while chuckles sheepishly.

Princess Cadance approached the injured dragon “I don’t understand, the statue shouldn’t be able to fall on you, Spike.” Cadence is confused as how the statue somehow fall on Spike.

“Pinkie? Is this one of your prank you pull on Spike?” Rainbow asked Pinkie as all of Elements of Harmony looked at Pinkie Pie who is bewildering at this accusation.

“Don’t look at me! I like pranks but I wouldn’t go too far on something like this! I have my own standard!” Pinkie Pie debunks this accusation

Mayhem chuckles as he wrote another one on his notebook.

“Shining Armor suddenly start to punch anyponies who stand in his way and cannot control himself”

Princess Cadence look around the surroundings, trying to figure out about the falling statue when Shining Armor delivers a mighty punch to Cadence’s face which cause her to be knocked unconscious and the entire Crystal Empire & Elements of Harmony especially Twilight are horrified of seeing this

“Shining Armor?! What the hell is wrong with you?! Why did you hit Cadence?!” Twilight said in an angry tone as she approached Shining Armor

“I didn’t do it! It’s like someone is controlling my body!” Shining Armor punch Twilight’s face which leave her with a big bruise on her cheek and starting to cry, seeing her cry causing Shining Armor to immediately feel guilty and gasped, “Oh my Celestia! I’m so sorry, Twily! It was accident! I swear! I wouldn’t dare to hurt you like this!”

The rest of Elements of Harmony comfort Twilight and they are pissed at Shining Armor for what he did to Twilight & Cadence.

Despite his injuries, Spike get up and angrily confront Shining Armor as he was glaring at him for what he did to Twilight “Now you listen here, pretty Stallion! Just because you’re Twilight’s BBBFF doesn’t mean you can go around and punching her like that!”

“I told you I didn’t do it on purpose! My hoofs is controlling me!” Shining Armor trying to explain this situation when he punch Spike which cause Rarity to cries.

“SPIKE!” Rarity comfort Spike before glaring at Shining Armor, “Get away from him, you savage!”

The whole Crystal Empire are even more shocked of seeing Shining Armor punched their savior in front of them as each of them grabs their pitching fork and all weapons to target at Shining Armor for not only punched Cadence but Spike as well.

“What were you thinking of attacking Spike?!”

Shining Armor start sweating and chuckles sheepishly before shouting “I’M SOOOORRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYY!”

Mayhem write another one

”All civilians of The Crystal Empire including all royal guards transformed into all plushies”

Mayhem clicks his tongue “Man! No wonder Ponies are known for their awful communication skill since most of them are pretty jerkasses”

As the whole crowd about to attack Shining Armor when they transformed into plushies, Elements of Harmony, Spike & Shining Armor are speechless of seeing this.

“What..... just...... happened?” Shining Armor asked before he knocked himself unconscious.

Fluttershy looks at unconscious Shining Armor and then look at all plushies of all civilians and royal guards of The Crystal Empire and then look at injured Spike and she starting to realizes that somepony is sabotaging the party “Guys! I have a feeling somepony is sabotaging the party”

“WHAT?!” They yelled in unison

“That insane! There’s no way all of this messes are cause by somepony” Rainbow Dash doubt Fluttershy’s claim.

”Suddenly, Rainbow Dash was bombarded by strong winds.”

Rainbow Dash notices winds coming after her “Oh no! I better get out of here!” despite her best effort to get away from the winds, she end up get sucked into the winds and get hits by various objects like books, trash, cakes etc before landing on stinking puddle

“EW!” Elements of Harmony look away from Rainbow Dash’s stinking mess much to her dismay

“Alright! You win, Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash try to get up and keep slipping on the puddle, “OW!”

Mayhem chuckles

“Now for the big climax”

As Mayhem about to write on his notebook, he notices the arrival of Princess Celestia

He growls “Damn it! That’s cursed Princess always ruined the fun!” He hide himself in the shadowy background to not get caught by her.

Princess Celestia arrives in front of Elements of Harmony and she look around the messes “Oh my dear, what just happens?”

Spike is limping toward Princess Celestia with a calming face “Well, Princess Celestia. I’m so happy that you come to my party because.......” and then his calm face disappears into a more upsetting expression and start to shouting “I WAS ALMOST KILLED BY MY OWN STATUE! SHINING ARMOR PUNCHED CADENCE, TWILIGHT AND ME! ALL OF CRYSTAL PONIES TURN INTO PLUSHIES FOR NO GOOD REASON AND RAINBOW IS COVERED WITH TRASH!”

“Hey!” Rainbow called as she constantly try to get up but keep on slipping on the puddle

Spike laid down on the ground “My party is ruined! Why does the whole world want to kill me? What did I do to them to deserve this?!”

Pinkie Pie looked at you “That sound like all official writers of the show since they have a grudge toward our young Spike for some reason.... why is that?” She then look at Spike who is still upset about his ruined celebration party while Rarity & Twilight comfort the young dragon, “I think fanfic writers did better job of handling Spike than official writers”

Twilight approached Princess Celestia “Princess, what are you doing here?”

Princess Celestia sighed “Discord’s gone”

The group gasped, “WHAT?!” Fluttershy asked in disbelief

“What do you means he’s gone?!” Twilight is bewildering about this revelation.

“Discord is no where to be seen in his home dimension or Ponyville..... he’s gone, I can’t find his current whereabouts and I had a dream last night that someponies kidnapped Discord”

Fluttershy doesn’t take this news really well “Kidnapped?!” She cried into her own hands, “It’s all my fault! If we had invited him to the party, he wouldn’t be kidnapped!” Celestia comfort Fluttershy while rest of Elements of Harmony especially Twilight feeling guilty for what they did to Discord before his apparent kidnapping.

Princess Celestia spoke up “Tell me, where did you leave him last?”

Twilight sighed as she believes she’s responsible for Discord’s “kidnapping”, “Princess, The last time I speak with him, I told him off by telling him that it’s best to not invite him for Spike’s celebration party so he wouldn’t ruin his celebration party” Twilight look around the place, “I guess I deserve all of this mess because what I said to Discord”

The rest of Elements of Harmony, Spike and Princess Celestia comfort Twilight with Applejack speak up “Don’t blame yourself, Sugarcube, we are to blame too. We should’ve invite Discord to the party but instead we let him get kidnapped by those varmint”

“Yeah, we’re supposed to be his friends but we let our anger get the best of us and now, we don’t know where are they keeping Discord at” Rainbow added.

Twilight looked up to her friends and seeing how Fluttershy is heartbroken about Discord as she hang her head in shame and thought ‘I’m sorry Fluttershy, I didn’t means to let his happens’

Mayhem come out of the shadowy background and he have no sympathy to Elements of Harmony since they weren’t being friends to his beloved messiah.

“Such a disappointment” he laments, “You guys are supposed to representing friendship and yet, all of you treated my messiah coldly! This is unforgivable! No pony will ever hurt my father.... EVER AGAIN!

Mayhem writes on his notebook

“Elements of Harmony, Spike and Celestia falls asleep as all of them put on the cage”

Elements of Harmony, Spike and Princess Celestia are feeling doozy

“Guys? Why do I feel like sleeping all of a sudden?” Pinkie Pie asked before she’s asleeping.

“Even I have so much energy, I still tired for no rea....” Rainbow fall asleep

“I can’t go asleeping just yet!” Spike falls asleep

Each of them falls asleep and leaves Twilight and Fluttershy as Twilight look at Fluttershy

“Fluttershy, please forgive me......” Twilight falls asleep

“Twiiiiiilight!” Fluttershy tries to stay awake but unfortunately, she falls asleep.

Elements of Harmony, Spike & Princess Celestia are magically put on a large cage to fit all of them at once! Mayhem approached the laugh and he have a pissed off look

“You hurt my savior too many time! I won’t let all of you hurt him again!”

Mayhem burst into hysterical laugh like a mad man before stopping himself

“Man! why do I sound like a supervillain all of a sudden? I’m a good guy and Elements of Harmony are real bad guys!”

Mayhem writes on his notebook

“The cage that contain Elements of Harmony, Spike & Celestia are transport to a cavern”

The cage disappears in front of Mayhem who grinning.

“Much better”

Mayhem continues his hysterical laughter as he land on the ground back and forward as he’s very happy that he succeeded on getting rid of them.

“Man! My messiah will be pleases that Elements of Harmony will no longer bother him anymore!”

He get up and walk away from the ruins of Spike’s celebration party.

Author's Note:

Oh no! Elements of Harmony, Spike and Princess Celestia are trapped in an unknown cavern!

Will Discord ever find in his heart to forgive them or will forever hate them and be with his new family?!

I like to apologize to our resident young Dragon for almost killing him.... my bad! :fluttershysad:

EDIT: TBH, I really don’t have a name for Mayhem’s mystical notebook and it would be helpful if you give a name for the notebook.....surprise me!

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