• Published 11th May 2020
  • 702 Views, 14 Comments

The Children of Discord - Ragnarok17

Discord become idolized by a group of ponies who call themselves, “The Children of Discord”

  • ...

Discordant Town

Discord and his followers appeared in a town with mismatching buildings and all civilians wearing mismatched outfits.

“So this is Discordant Town?” He asked before he see all civilians coming after him like crazy bulls and jump on him and shouting

“MY SAVIOR!” They yell in unison as they are hugging Discord while Discord is laughing hysterically.

“Please! Like I said, all of you can call me your daddy” Discord smiled.

“Daddy!” They smiled before they let go of Discord and he gets up to find a big golden statue of himself snapping his finger in front of him.

“Oh my! All of you built a statue of me?! Now this is truly appreciation I always wanted!” Discord hugs a statue of himself and kiss on it while all members of The Children of Discord go crazy and chanting his name.


“I can’t believe our beloved messiah kiss the statue that we made for him! This is the greatest day of my life!” A male Earth Pony fainted before a female Earth Pony catch him.

“We love you, Discord!” A female Earth Pony act like a crazed fan girl, “You are our national treasure!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!”

Mayhem with a book on his hoof as he manages to calm down his cult as he cleared his throat as he starting to speak.

“Rejoice! Discord, Lord of Chaos. He is our beloved savior and messiah who united all of us to become “The Children of Discord”! and his chaos magic will bring joy to others! Now, let us witness our messiah standing in front of us”

The crowd cheering for Discord and he’s very happy that those ponies show their appreciation to him and he thought ‘My! Unlike those so-called Elements of Harmony, these ponies do care about me!”

Mayhem close his book and give a big grin to all members of “The Children of Discord”

“ALL HAIL LORD DISCORD!” Mayhem and all members bowing down to their beloved savior as they’re praising Discord


Mayhem raises his hoof to silent all members, “Now, let our father speak to us” He left so Discord can speak to his own children.

Discord look at them and give a big and mischievous smile as he speak, “Oh, my sweet child! Before I meet all of you, I used to be friends with Elements of Harmony who weren’t my friends to begin with and despite my attempt to befriend them, those phonies refuses to be my friends and no matter how many time I try to be nice to them, they still wouldn’t want to hang out with me at all! They didn’t bother to tell me about a celebration party that I wasn’t invited to and Twilight tell me off if I was nothing to her!”

All members booed after hearing what Elements of Harmony did to their beloved messiah.

“Those damn hypocrite! They’re so big on friendship and yet, they wouldn’t befriend you?!” A female Earth Pony member yelled

“Outrageous! The “Princess of Friendship”, Twilight Sparkle is nothing more but a damn hag who dare to disrespect you!” A Male Earth Pony member yelled

“I am so ashamed to be part of species who are colossal jerkass! I felt that I should be Draconequus instead!” Another Male Earth Pony member yelled

“Yeah!” All members nodded in agreement.

“Not to mention that “Princess of Friendship” and her goons willing to shunned those adorable fillies because they’re post about themselves in gossip column and Rainbow Trash defiles them by pouring rain on them! How do you call that a friendship?! They’re little fillies for goodness sake! Elements of Harmony can suck on it!” Another female Earth Pony member yelled.

“YEAH!” They nodded in agreement.

Discord is calming his cult down, “Now now, my children. There’s no need to get pissed off about Elements of Harmony because they don’t get us, they don’t understand us as most of them are the ones who are order-type and don’t allowed me to use my chaos magic since they don’t appreciate me at all”


“I don’t get it! They’re okay with Pinkie Garbage doing crazy stuffs but not okay with our daddy doing same things?! What’s up with that?! Hypocrite!” A male Earth Pony member angrily yelled

Discord is getting tired of all this yelling, so he snap his finger to have a giant ice cream landed on them with Discord holding an umbrella to protect himself.

Discord look around at Discordant Town being covered with ice creams and all Members emerges from the ice cream as they look at their messiah and...... give a very big grin

THANK YOU!” they yelled in unison as they’re start eating the ice cream while Discord watch them as he sit on a comfort chair that he snap his finger for.

After hours and hours of The Children of Discord eating all ice cream, all of them got full up and Discord is amazed of this.

“You kids made me so proud! You do enjoy my chaos magic!” Discord smiles

Mayhem who is now wearing a priest outfit with random different colors approached Discord

“My father, since you are no longer associating with those hags, I got a present for you”

“A present? What kind of present? I thought the golden statue of me was my present” Discord’s eye widened

“Behold! Your own throne!” Mayhem present Discord his own throne, something that he was denied by Elements of Harmony.

“YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!” Discord is very happy as he jump around like a crazy creature and Mayhem is pleased to see his messiah being happy about getting his own throne. Discord land on his throne and put his right leg on his left leg and act like the king of the world!

“My father, here’s your own crown as well” Mayhem open a box to reveal a regal-like crown with random and mismatched colors and gently put the crown on Discord’s head.

“Thank you, Mayhem. Now, I feel like a proper king!” Discord raise his claw as everypony including Mayhem bowing down to their beloved ruler, “From this day on, Elements of Harmony are no longer my friends anymore! All of you are my true friends..... wait a minute, I take it back! All of you are my family! This is the first time that I truly feel appreciation for real and you guys give me something that Elements of Harmony failed on....... a throne!” Discord kissing his own throne.

“Oh my goodness! Our beloved king kissing the throne that I personally made it for him! I am truly blessed to have him kissing my own creation” A male Earth Pony fainted before a female Earth Pony catch him again.

“Don’t tell me this is going to be a running gag?” A female Earth Pony asked in annoyance.

Discord stop kissing his throne as he look at his childrens as he put on a grumpy face, “Now, I’m still pretty sore that they didn’t invited me to Spike’s celebration party. In fact, I didn’t even want to go to that pesky dragon boy’s celebration party anyway! I bet Shining Armor and Cadence are still angry with me for siding with Lord Tirek.” And then Discord burst into a hysterical laughter as he back and forward in his own throne, “Why would I want to waste my time with them when I got you? They barely know about me at all! No, I’m not going to waste my time with those royal brats who doesn’t appreciate chaos magic..... the same goes for Elements of Harmony! If they prefer to spend time with that dragon more than me.... so be it.

Discord snap his finger and a bonfire appear out of nowhere, all members of “The Children of Discord” cheered loudly as they ripped their clothes out and put on a tribal costume and wearing a Discord-like tribal mask

They chanting “DISCORD! DISCORD! DISCORD! DISCORD! DISCORD! DISCORD! DISCORD! DISCORD! DISCORD!” as they dance around the bonfire.

Discord snap his finger and he got all plushies of Elements of Harmony as he approached the bonfire with a flame on his eyes while all members go wild and chanting


“Burn those cursed ponies! They don’t deserve you!”

“Do it, father!”

Discord look at the plushies of his former friends and start to throw each of them into the bonfire like it was nothing to him anymore.

He throw the plushies of Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Rarity in the bonfire since they didn’t bother to notice his presence when he came to the castle.

He was about to throw Fluttershy’s plushie but stopped and look at the plushies of his once-beloved Fluttershy who was the only one who willing to reform him and remember her painful words when he betrayed them to Lord Tirek.

Why are you doing this? I thought we were friends!

Discord lowering Fluttershy’s plushie and realizes he took the resentment toward them too far causing everypony to be confused.

“What is he doing?!”

“Burn that plushie already!”

“Don’t let your guard down! Elements of Harmony weren’t your friends to begin with, my messiah! If you go back to them, they’re still treat you like a garbage and you won’t be appreciates by them!” Mayhem yelled

Discord then look at Twilight’s plushie and he remember her own words toward him in a twisted way and exaggerated it as starting to see a demonic hallucination of Twilight.

I think it’s best to not invite you for Spike’s celebration party so you wouldn’t ruin his celebration party and I’m glad I didn’t invite you! Discord, I will be honest with you.... I never like you to begin with and you’re not really my friend at all! Why would I want to be friend with the like of you who couldn’t control theirself?

“Stop it, Twilight..... you’re hurting my feeling” Discord weeping

Oh please! You did same thing with Fluttershy! You are nothing more but a pathetic freak who almost thrown Equestria into madness and I don’t even know why I give you a hug to begin with?! You don’t deserve that hug!

And then he look at Fluttershy’s plushie and starting to see a demonic hallucination of Fluttershy.

Yeah! I was pretending to be nice so you wouldn’t use your chaos magic! Once you’re fully reformed, I will abandon you and you will spend the rest of your life as a weak-ass loser!

“Fluttershy? How could you? I thought we were friends!” Discord cries

Oh, we were. But I was just using you and the whole celebration party that I promised? I LIED!

Discord is shocked and tears coming from his eyes.

“I can’t believe you were using me the entire time” Discord become sad as he once again look at the hallucination of Twilight

Discord, by the time you truly reformed, you will be forgotten by all creatures of Equestria and they will ignore you! Let’s face the fact, no ponies will ever appreciate a miserable and wretched old fool like you and that’s the truth!” both demonic version of Twilight and Fluttershy laugh at him

A celebration party for you? No way! Why would I want to throw a celebration party for a disgusting freak like you?” a demonic version of Fluttershy laugh harder more.

Discord’s sad face changed into enraged face as his eyes is now with more flames and his claw held both plushies of Twilight & Fluttershy tightly as he angrily look at those plushies one last time “I HATE ALL OF YOU! before he throw them into the bonfire.

“He did it! He burned those cursed fraud in the bonfire!”

All members of “The Children of Discord” cheers louder as Mayhem & some members put on a royal cape on Discord whose his heart was broken by demonic hallucinations of Twilight & especially Fluttershy as he look at them.

“You’re right, Mayhem. I’m done with Elements of Harmony!” Discord watch all plushies of his former friends burned as Mayhem smiles as he’s proud of his messiah officially disowns Elements of Harmony for good, he comfort his beloved savior.

“Don’t worry, father. You don’t need them anyway, you got the real family who truly care and appreciate you”

Discord smiles “Thank you... my son” Discord patting Mayhem’s head as both of them walk away from the bonfire as every ponies watched the plushies of Elements of Harmony being perished.

Night Time

At Canterlot Castle, Princess Celestia is asleeping on her own bed and then.... she wake up as she was drenched in sweat and the only word she can only say is.....


Author's Note:

Man! Discord really hate Elements of Harmony even more! I guess he doesn’t want to do anything with Elements of Harmony.

Discord finally found his true family in “The Children of Discord”

Beside Chaosville, Discordant Town is his true and only home and have no plan of ever coming back to Ponyville!

EDIT: I will clarify that Mayhem who is wearing a yellow cyclops sunglasses is the leader of “The Children of Discord” as he’s very devoted to Discord and he see Discord as his god.