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1-0X: Guardian of Many Hues

Author's Note:

There may eventually be a chapter 1-0 detailing the party, but welcome to the first published side chapter not featuring Harry/Lightning, although in this case it really isn't a side chapter in my heart. As always the Google Docs version can be viewed here where you can suggest fixes and such.

Book 1: Lightning Sunrise and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 0x: Guardian of Many Hues

Nearing the end of the “Freed Princess Luna” party, Rainbow Dash approaches a partying Pinkie Pie and pulls the peppy pink pony politely to a partly private place to powwow a particularly pertinent personal problem of Scootaloo’s peculiar parentage. Firmly but quietly Rainbow Dash asks Pinkie, “You know everyone in Ponyville right? Can you tell me who Scootaloo’s parents are here at this party?”

Pondering for a moment with chin on hoof, Pinkie eventually and shockingly answers with a shrug, “I don’t know,” before excitedly continuing, “but isn’t this great!? It means I have more ponies to throw a party for.”

Rainbow Dash manages to pick her jaw up off the floor to ask in confirmation, “You don’t know who they are or if they are here?”

“That’s what I said silly,” Pinkie excitedly replies before slightly more thoughtfully saying as she points, “Miss Cheerilee over there might know however. Schools are supposed to keep track of such things and meet with parents.”

“Thanks Pinkie. I hope you enjoy the rest of this party,” Rainbow Dash offers as she follows the offered direction and suggestion to find Cheerilee. Upon spotting her, Rainbow Dash swoops in to quietly asks her, “Miss Cheerilee have you met either of Scootaloo’s parents? She’s never told me about them and I need to discuss things about my little sis with them.”

Sighing, Cheerilee whisperingly answers, “I ordinarily wouldn’t answer such a question but since you might as well be her elder sibling by flesh and blood… no, I haven’t met either of them in the five years she’s been part of my class. They’ve always sent in notes saying they were busy adventuring. On that note her current state isn’t because of poison joke is it? It’s because she belongs to the same pony tribe as Lightning does?”

Sighing herself, Rainbow Dash reluctantly whisperingly reveals, “one of her parents was indeed of the same tribe as Lightning as we all, herself included, just found out. Her true form has feathered translucent wings and purple elytra and bands. I guess I need to find out from her own mouth who her parents are.”

Nodding quietly, Cheerilee whispers back, “thanks for confiding that in me. I wish you luck in getting her to talk, she’s never told anyone anything as far as I know beyond they are almost never home,” before speaking up, “I hope you enjoy the party Rainbow Dash!”

Taking the offered clue, Rainbow Dash says back as she wanders off to find Scootaloo, “I hope you enjoy the party as well Cheerilee.”

Spotting Scootaloo wandering away from her, Rainbow Dash calls out to her, “Hey sis! Hold up so we can talk about some things.” However instead of the expected slow down, Scootaloo instead freezes for a second before making a mad dash on foot for the train station.

Chasing after her on wing and quickly catching up, Rainbow Dash grabs her in her arms and lifts off for the clouds asking confusedly, “why are you running away from me?” to the shivering pegasus who curls up in her arms in response.

Landing bipedally on the roof of her cloud house, Rainbow Dash starts stroking the shivering form of her sister in her arms as she asks, “why are you scared of me sis?”

Shifting species into her true form, Rainbow Dash’s grip remaining strong despite the tingly feeling from the flames, Scootaloo finally tearfully answers as she starts squirming to try and get away, “because you won’t like the answers I’ll give sis and will be disappointed in me.”

Holding firmly onto Scootaloo as she tries to escape the loving embrace of her captor, Rainbow Dash grows even more concerned as she asks, “I won’t be disappointed in you ever Scootaloo. Let’s start with something small. You can just nod or shake your head if its easier, but are your parents still alive?”

Quietly and timidly Scootaloo manages a small nod before managing to mumble out, “my aunts are as well.

Letting out a breath she didn’t realize she had been holding, Rainbow Dash next asks as she squeezes Scootaloo gently, “Do you know where your Aunts are? Your parents?”

Initially nodding her head before giving the tiniest shake of her head, Scootaloo shivers again and curls up slightly more in fear hoping Rainbow Dash didn’t see the shake.

Alas for Scootaloo’s fears, Rainbow Dash did as she asks nervously, “If you live with your aunts, why don’t they attend your parent-teacher conferences?”

Shaking nervously, Scootaloo manages to utter out fearfully, “I...I don’t live...live with them anymore.

Aghast, Rainbow Dash asks Scootaloo sternly, “Why...why don’t you live with them anymore Scootaloo?”

In a tiny voice, Scootaloo responds, “because their hatred for each other over me hurt greatly so I ran away. They probably each think the other has me.

Blanching slightly at that, Rainbow Dash fearfully asks, “How long have you been living on the street Scootaloo and why didn’t you come to me?”

Quietly, Scootaloo answers, “I have been staying in my parents’ house in Ponyville by myself for...for about 5 years. I wanted to be as tough and strong as you.

Tearing up a bit, Rainbow Dash asks fearfully, “Have you had to go through garbage or steal for food and supplies?”

Shaking her head, Scootaloo manages to find a bit more strength as she says, “No…, somehow they’ve learned I’m here. The bills get paid...and...and, I find food and supplies on my front porch along...along with a little spending money.”

Breaking into relieved tears, Rainbow Dash squeezes Scootaloo tightly as she mutters, “thank Celestia,” before raising voice to shakily say, “You’ll...you’ll never have to w-worry about that again Scootaloo.”

Crying at seeing her big sister figure break down, Scootaloo confusedly asks, “What do y-you mean sis?”

Still crying, Rainbow answers with shaky breaths, “even… even if it means… I have to put the Wonderbolts… on hold for a bit…, making our sisterhood official… i-is far more important to me…. Heh..., look at me, be-becoming a guardian… at 18.”

Crying harder herself, Scootaloo asks, “Y-You’d d-do that f-for me!? Y-you aren’t dis-disappointed in me?”

Trying to put a little steel into her voice, Rainbow Dash answers, “I am in-incredibly disappointed y-you’d think y-you had to… to tough things out to… to impress me. I don’t say this enough…, but I love you. I do need to know little sis…, is Scootaloo your… your birth name?”

Managing to straighten out a little, Scootaloo uses the time to think before managing to croak out, “I was born Scooter Louise Songwing…. According to my aunts, my parents’ names are Silver Moth and Sirocco Songwing,” before pausing to let out a small wry chuckle as she guesses, “If I had to guess, I’d say my dad Silver Moth was the changeling….”

Managing to let out a small chuckle of her own through her tears, Rainbow Dash responds as she pets Scootaloo, “Sounds… sounds about right. Seems like they love you-u a lot to keep providing y-you with stuff.”

Slightly angrily, Scootaloo answers, “I just wish they had been there but at least I have you sis.”

Softly, Rainbow Dash answers, “and you will continue to do so. Disguise up, we have princesses to talk to Scootaloo.”

Waiting for Scootaloo to do so, Rainbow Dash then transfers her to her back before taking off in search of princesses.

It doesn’t take too long for a red-eyed Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo to spot Princess Celestia by Twilight and Princess Luna talking about something, “...course you can stay, but you’ll have to watch over Li-”

Rainbow Dash naturally calls out then, “Sorry to interrupt Princess Celestia, but I need your help with something in private.”

Seeing Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo’s state, Princess Celestia naturally asks, “may we make use of your library Twilight?”

Receiving a nod in return, the trio make their way into the Golden Oaks Library. No sooner has the main door been closed than Rainbow Dash bluntly opens with, “What’s the process for adopting a filly?” causing Scootaloo to blush in embarassment.

Taken aback briefly at the brusque candor, Princess Celestia replies, “Usually there is a lengthy application process where you and your abode is vetted thoroughly by Child Protective Services.” She pauses there for a second to watch them be depressed before continuing with a wry chuckle, “Thankfully for you Lightning has provided me with those details himself so those details will be expedited. Still it is strange, I didn’t think Ponyville had an orphanage as I imagine you want to adopt Scootaloo?”

Sighing in relief, Rainbow Dash answers, “I do want to adopt Scootaloo, formally known as Scooter Louise Songwing.”

“...daughter of Sirocco Songwing?” Princess Celestia turns the statement into a question.

Nervously Scootaloo answers back, “how did you know Princess Celestia?”

Princess Celestia just answers, “why wouldn’t I remember an archaeologist pair I hired before they just up and vanished. At least I know they probably did so to protect you.”

Begging, Scootaloo asks, “Please don’t send me back to my aunts or tell them I’m here? Their hatred of each other because of me hurt me for reasons I now understand.”

Reaching up with a hoof, Princess Celestia pats her on the head as she says, “you have nothing to worry about. They already proved they aren’t fit to raise you and you already have friends and family here.” Her horn then lights up and with a pop an adoption form and writing implements appear in front of her before she says, “Legally you’ll be her mother Rainbow Dash but you can call each other sister all you want. Now let’s get this adoption rolling.”

And so a new family was born in tears of joy and sorrow. Also tears of pain from the papercuts.

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