• Published 2nd May 2020
  • 351 Views, 6 Comments

Clipped Wings - TheLionNerd

After an accident paralyzes Rainbow Dash's wings, she must find a new place in the world.

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Crusading for Jobs

The next morning, I reached the edge of Ponyville with a deep breath. Here we go, the first steps into my new life without flight. The cool breeze and chirps of the early birds welcomed me to my new hometown as I ran a hoof across my mane and looked ahead, then began to move forward

"Doesn't hurt to adjust.'' I smiled to myself, using the time to head into town and find something to do to keep myself occupied. What all is there to do here on day to day stuff? Surely it can't be that bad!

Okay, I couldn’t have spent all my time in the air, what else did my friends and I do? Well, we spent a lot of time around Sugarcube Corner. Maybe I can go find some trouble to get in there. And if not, Pinkie is always a great pony to waste time and have fun with.

With my mind set, I set my path to the confectionery funhouse, as I walked, my gaze wandered. I spotted several pegasi I recognized on the way enjoying taking to the air and enjoying the sky. Every time I saw this I felt a pang of sadness and anger hit me.

These pegasi barely used their talent for flight. They just aimlessly flew around. Why hadn’t it been one of them that had to become a grounder? It just had to be me, didn't it?!

I kicked a rock along the ground in an angry huff. I turned my vision to the dirt below me, unable to watch those ponies flaunt the very talent that now evaded me.

''It stings a lot at first, but you eventually get used to it.” Came a small voice from behind me. Turning around, I saw Scootaloo standing there, buzzing her wings. ''I had to and despite that, I met you, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. You guys helped a lot, you know?''

I felt a wave of guilt wash over me. Here I was, throwing a silent tantrum like a little filly, and here was an actual filly who had been dealing with my current problem for her entire life. ''S-Sorry, squirt.''

Looking down, I hid my look of shame and guilt. Quickly wanting to try to change the subject, I cleared my throat after ruffling her mane. ''S-So, you got school?''

"Rainbow Dash, it’s saturday."

"Oh. Right." I rubbed the back of my head in embarrassment as I sighed. "I'm trying to spend the day in Ponyville and see how a pony on the ground can live daily."

Scootaloo gave me a sympathetic smile. ''Oh… you're wanting to get used to being on the ground? Well you’ve come to the right pony!''

The filly stood proudly at the mere notion of being able to help me as she tapped the ground a few times. ''So, where ya going right now?''

''Well, I was going to go and visit Sugarcube Corner. I figured if there was any way to kill time, Pinkie Pie could come up with some harebrained scheme. Why, you have a plan?''

''You want to know how to live on the ground, then we need to teach you the ropes, Rainbow.'' She announced in her best Spitfire impression. Pretty far off, but a good attempt. ''Alright, newbie?''

Stifling a laugh, I brought my right leg up in a mock salute. ''Yes ma’am!''

''Okay, so what plans did you have before you ran into me, again?'' Scootaloo asked me curiously as we were walking through town, some ponies giving my wing casts curious glances and others sympathetically smiling at me. Word travels fast in Ponyville.

''I was originally going to be hanging with Pinkie. Maybe do some pranks, or maybe… I dunno, do Pinkie things. She never seems to run out of ideas.''

''Well, before we get to that, how about we eat?'' She joked, looking up at me with a grin.

''You’re the boss, Scoots.'' I chuckled as we approached Café Hay, ponies in front of it eating their own breakfast meals and talking to each other, but some still shot my wings a stare. Entering the cafe, I went up to the front desk and was met by one of the hostesses.

''Hello, my name is Juicy Strudel and I am the hostess here. Well, one of them.'' She laughed sheepishly. ''Would you like a menu?''

''Yep!'' I replied, putting a hoof on the table as Strudel grabbed one of the menus with her teeth and put it on the table, then did the same with Scootaloo. ''My sister and I were wanting to come by and grab some breakfast.''

''This is the best Café in Ponyville!'' Strudel grinned, replying with excitement. ''And that's because we're the only one in Ponyville!''

''Right…'' I raised an eyebrow while Strudel passed us the menus, Scootaloo barely able to hold onto hers due to her diminutive size. '' Well, we're gonna go find a seat.''

''Alrighty then!'' She waved as she left. ''I'll come find you when you’re ready!''

''Shouldn’t be too hard, we’re the only ones here.'' I whispered, eliciting a giggle from Scootaloo.

As the two of us sat at our table, we looked over the menu. The menu wasn't the most appealing or diverse one in Equestria, but it was better than nothing.

''Breakfast has hayburger, lunch has hayburger, dinner has hayburger.'' With a sigh, I decided on what I wanted. Wasn’t too hard. ''Might as well get a hayburger and some water for breakfast. What about you, Scoots?''

''Ooh, how about a daisy sandwich?'' Scootaloo asked?

I nodded in response as I sat my menu down. ''So we're ready, or do you want a drink with the sandwich?''

“Water’s fine.” Scootaloo smiled.

I waved over Juicy Strudel and told her our orders. As she left to prepare them, Scootaloo and I began talking. 'Y’know Scoots, if you told me when I was in flight school that I’d be living in Ponyville, and best friends with a shut-in and a librarian, I’d call you crazy. Weird how much can change in just a couple years, huh?''

''I suppose so.'' Scootaloo responded. ''Then again, you’ve always lived an action packed life. Only thing that’s really changed in the past few years with me is you and the Crusaders.''

''Yeah…'' I responded wistfully.

''Where are you going with this, Rainbow Dash?'' Scootaloo giggled.

''Honestly, nowhere. I suppose I’m just in a nostalgic mood.''

At that moment Strudel saw fit to come back with our meals. Nodding our thanks, we both dug in.

As we ate, I thought of what this new life could bring and what might happen with it. I'm a shadow of the mare I used to be, so that complicates a lot of things, and my life was going to have to completely change.

So I couldn’t work with the flight team anymore. I was going to have to start a job here on the ground. I could ask Fluttershy, but not only is she already sheltering me, but I don’t think she makes all that much anyway.

Actually, how are the Wonderbolts going to take this?

The sheer thought of that sent a shiver up my spine, causing me to stop eating for a moment as my head wrapped around that question. I am a Wonderbolt, so how are they gonna react to this?

I mean, sure, they’ll just take somebody from the reserves to replace me, but is that really going to be the extent of it? A “hey, that sucks. Seeya”?

Especially after all I’ve done to make it to be a Wonderbolt?

My mind moves to subconsciously shuffle my wings awkwardly, only for me to give a sigh when the feathery appendages refuse to respond. After so many years, this was gonna take forever to get used to.

''Rainbow Dash?'' Scootaloo asked in worry as she finished the last of her sandwich. ''Are…you okay?''

I instantly prepare some cool thing to say to look tough in front of the filly, but stop myself. Right now if there’s anybody in Equestria that could relate with me, it’s her. What could be the harm in confiding in just one pony?

''To be honest, squirt, I’m just worried about the Wonderbolts. And where I’m gonna work. And just… everything! I’ve never had to think of what I’d do if I lived on the ground so right now I just feel a bit… overwhelmed.''

The filly I have come to call a sister gave me a sad look and put her front hooves on the table. ''Well, I don’t think the Wonderbolts are just gonna kick you out and say ‘good luck’. And… Well I mean don’t you sometimes get that thing where to work somewhere for a while and then when you leave they pay you a little for the rest of your life?''

I cocked my head to the side as I tried to figure out what Scootaloo was even talking about. ''Do you mean a tenure? To get one of those you need to be a Wonderbolt for 20 years. Nah, I’m pretty sure they are just gonna say ‘good luck’ and that’ll be it.''

''I...don't really think that's gonna-''

''Hello, again!'' The voice of Juicy Strudel sang as she approached us. ''Are you two finished with your meal? It's good, huh?''

The sudden appearance of the mare made me jump a bit. I almost choked on the bite I’d just taken.

After coughing on, then proceeding to swallow my food, I looked at the mare a bit awkwardly and nodded.

''Very good!'' Strudel purred. ''Would you like me to bring the check?''


Oh ponyfeathers!

I instinctively felt around for my saddlebags to pull out a bit pouch, freezing when I found nothing there.

Oh ponyfeathers, my saddlebag is still in my house!

''Scoots, stay here, I forgot my bit pouch at home!'' I ordered, moving to flare out my wings and taking a leap as I prepared to fly. I proceeded to have a very close and intimate meeting with the patch of dirt next to our table, landing face first with a grunt of pain.

Staring backwards, I saw my wings still firmly attached to my side, and two ponies looking at me with some concern. I rapidly stood up and dusted myself off, trying to hide my blush.

''Right. Still flightless.'' I sighed. ''I’m sorry ma’am, in the rush today I completely forgot my bit pouch. Can I grab some and pay you back tomorrow? Honor system?''

''Oh, you're fine!'' Strudel waved a hoof. ''As long as you pay, we're willing to let ya go!''

''Right. I’ll be sure to do that.'' I chuckled, glancing at the check.

4 bits. I embarrassed myself in front of everypony for 4 bits.

''So, Scootaloo, how about we go?'' I gave off a sheepish chuckle as I rubbed the back of my head. ''After all, we're gonna be spending the day together, right?''

Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom had already been waiting when we had finally ambled into the Crusader’s clubhouse. Not long after leaving the café, Scooaloo had run into Apple Bloom in town, and upon Scootaloo’s request, Apple Bloom had run off to find Sweetie Belle, and rushed to the clubhouse.

I smartly walked to the middle of the clubhouse and sat down, feeling the full states of three sets of fillies. ''So whatcha doing?''

''So!'' Apple Bloom announced, sitting behind the stand in the front of the room. ''First order of business, Crusaders, helping Rainbow Dash get used to life stuck on the ground. Any suggestions?''

''Oh, I know, I know!'' Sweetie Belle held her hoof up excitedly. ''How about we give her a walk around town?''

''I’ve lived here for years. I know my way around town.'' I chuckled nervously.

''But you're always flying! This could be a chance to have a new opportunity for yourself!''

“How about we find her a job here in town?” Apple Bloom countered.

''Uh...'' I gulped a bit, but then looked to Scootaloo.

“And a place to live!” Scootaloo piped in. “Unless you’re going to be fully moving in with Fluttershy?”

''I guess I am for right now, squirt.'' I patted her head with a slight smile. ''Can't be that bad, right?''

“Nope!” Scootaloo chirped.

''Hey!'' Sweetie Belle grinned. ''That's a great idea! Let's find her a job!''

“Alright Crusaders!” Apple Bloom grinned. “Let’s go get Rainbow Dash a job!”

“Yeah!” They yelled in stereo, jumping up and clapping their hooves together.

“So…” Apple Bloom trailed off. “Who do we know that Rainbow Dash can work with?”

“Maybe my sister can help!” Sweetie Belle squeaked.

“I really don’t think that will w-” I protested.

“Let’s go find out!”

''Oh, no, no, no, absolutely not!'' Rarity shrieked at the concept. ''She'd ruin all of the decor!''

''Jeez, thanks for the vote of faith, Rarity.'' I quipped.

''Apologies, Rainbow Dash, but you simply must understand. I run a business of fashion and how you handle clothing is not satisfactory towards it. Besides, I don't need any assistance at my Boutique. I can handle all my own commissions and you can’t sew, darling.''

''Uh-huh.'' I frowned. ''I'm pretty sure we all know that.''

''Maybe Applejack can help her?'' Apple Bloom suggested. ''Rainbow Dash can buck, can’t she?''

“Let’s go ask her!” Sweetie Belle replied cheerfully.

“I’m sorry sugarcube.” Applejack apologized. “You know I’d love to help you out, but we just don’t have the bits to hire somepony. Especially with winter coming in a few months, we have to make do with every little bit we have.”

''Don’t worry about it.'' I sighed. Despite my assurances of it being fine, this 'finding a job' thing was a lot harder than I thought it would be. ''Thanks anyway.''

''Maybe ask Pinkie or Rarity? Those two probably make enough to hire somepony else.'' Applejack suggested.

''We actually just came from asking Rarity.'' Sweetie Belle said.

''Let me guess, she said no.'' Applejack replied with a flat expression as I shrugged.

''She didn't want me to ruin her dresses.''

Applejack rolled her eyes. ''Alright, since I doubt Twi is looking for an assistant librarian, I’d say ask Pinkie or Fluttershy.''

I pursed my lips. ''I’m already staying with Fluttershy, and besides the fact I’m confident I couldn’t afford it, I think she only gives me stuff to do out of pity.''

''So that just leaves…''

''Pinkie Pie.'' I finished.

I really didn’t have anything against Pinkie. She was one of my best friends. But the thing about Pinkie is she is best taken in small doses. Hang out with her too long and she’ll stop being fun and be more annoying. And working with her? I didn’t know if I could handle that much Pinkie in one day.

Although Pinkie knows everypony. She might be able to point me in the direction of somepony else that could offer me a job.

At this moment I became aware I was just idly staring into space without speaking, and four sets of eyes were watching me with apprehension.

''To Tartarus with it.'' I finally decided. ''Let’s go talk to Pinkie.''

It was a short walk to Sugarcube Corner. As our little group padded along the Crusaders recalled the one time they had volunteered at the bakery trying to get their cutie marks in baking.

''Oh come on Sweetie Belle.'' Scootaloo laughed. ''There’s no way Rainbow Dash could be as bad a baker as you. If Pinkie hadn’t stopped you she said you would’ve blown the whole bakery up!''

''That was one time.'' Sweetie Belle grumped. ''And I’m pretty sure Pinkie Pie was just being Pinkie Pie. I’m sure at worst the cake would just have been a bit… crispy.''

''Crispy?'' Apple Bloom stared at her unicorn friend. ''That cake was almost a piece of coal when we pulled it out of the oven! Her reaction alone was proof it was a disaster. Remember on the day we met I burned a batch of cupcakes black? She ate those without complaint but wouldn’t even look at your cake!''

Scootaloo giggled. ''I still can’t believe she held a funeral for it. Holding my laughter in as she read the epitaph was the hardest thing in my life!''

That broke the feeling of trepidation I was feeling. ''Wait, she actually did that? That’s hilarious!'' I let out a chuckle as Sweetie Belle just stared at the ground angrily.

At least it sounds like the bar is set pretty low for new bakers.

We finally reached the front of Sugarcube Corner. I took a deep breath and pushed the door open.

Here goes nothing…

Pinkie Pie was sitting behind the front desk, somehow making a card castle, but with soup ladles instead.

''Dashie!'' Pinkie exclaimed. ''You’re 2.6 seconds late! I already got your application paperwork ready. You just need to sign your name!''


''Don’t be silly, silly. I was thinking since you can’t bust clouds anymore that you needed some way to make a living wage, and would go to all your friends. And I know Rarity wouldn’t want you Rainbow Dashing up her shop, and neither Applejack or Twilight would be interested. And then you would think of me. And then you would get annoyed at the idea. And you would walk over here around this time and open the door. And then Spitfire would come visit an-''

Pinkie Pie promptly shut up, a blank expression on her face and pulled a ringed binder full of paper out of thin air. The binder was titled 'Clipped Wings Script'.

''Whoops, we’re not on that chapter yet. Anyways I filled the form out for you!'' Pinkie smiled sweetly, throwing the paper behind her.

My muzzle hung open as I looked at her, in complete bafflement at her knowing everything without even being told. ''H-How?''

Pinkie just kept smiling.

One thing I had come to learn about being friends with Pinkie is that as soon as she got involved with anything, it stopped making sense. It was best to try to take her in strides.

I sighed and shook my head a little, walking over to the forms Pinkie had prepared.

At least my new job won’t be boring.

Author's Note:


As Rainbow Dash starts to settle in fully, she realizes the hard way of what living with Fluttershy means: taking care of animals.

Comments ( 1 )

Disown her and forget about her is more likely. Just like she did with Soarin' during the Equestria Games tryouts.

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