• Published 22nd Jun 2020
  • 275 Views, 3 Comments

A Bizarre Combo - Applefai

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A Bizarre Combo

Author's Note:

What inspired this story is something I actually tried, and after reading, for those with an open mind I suggest you try it, with anything you want.

It was a beautiful Saturday morning in Canterlot City, birds were chrirping and the sun was shining with narry a cloud in the sky.

The sun shines through Pinkie Pie's bedroom window focusing a ray onto her face as she leaps out of bed in a rapturous manner greeting the morning with a smile. After opening the window and breathing in a breath of fresh air she heads to the bathroom to get ready for the day she has planned. While she takes a shower she contemplates on how she decided to throw this together, she had found a quite unusual, but pretty tasty combination.

Pinkie exits the shower and dries off before putting on her clothes and combing her hair as she recalls how she made the discovery, and the answer was simple, she was board and curious. She exits the bathroom and goes to the store to get the things she needs for her event. She had invited her friends to share in her discovery.

At the store Pinkie Pie buys ham, cheese, and bread, the rest of the stuff she has at home. While shopping for her items she runs into Applejack and Applefai who was delivering a crate of apples to the store.

"Ah, Howdy there Pinkie." Applejack said with a tip of her hat. "I can't wait to see what ya have planned." She continued as Applefai brought in the last crate.

"That's the last of them cuz." Applefai said wiping the sweat off his brow. "I'll go get our payment."

As Applefai left they talked for awhile before Pinkie cut it sort. "I'm sorry AJ, but I really must be going if I'm going to get ready.

"Alright sugar cube, I'll let ya go." Applejack said as she went to meet back up with her cousin.

Pinkie Pie returned home noticing that her friends would soon arrive, so she hurried into the kitchen and put on an appron that read "party with the chef" before laying out bread, ham, provolone cheese, and the secret ingredient that she had made the night before and placed it in the fridge.

Pinkie began by placing two pieces of ham and provolone on one slice of bread each leaving the second bare as she placed them in the toaster oven for eight minutes as her friends showed up.

Pinkie went to answer the door and let in her friends. Once they all came inside Pinkie told them to make themselves at home as she finished making the sandwiches.

Once she got back into the kitchen the timer went off on the toaster oven and using a mitt she pulled out the tray that held the toaster bread and the warm ham covered in melted cheese. She placed the tray on the counter and began to spread the condiment on the bare slices, the condiment she used had a white-ish-brown-ish color. She placed the slices on top of the ones with the ham and cheese and cut the sandwiches into triangular slices and served them to her friends with a glass of tea.

Sitting down Pinkie was grinning with delight as she spoke, "I hope you guys like this, I kinda was bored one day and I tried something, now I'd like you to try it."

One by one her guest tried the sandwiches she had put her heart and soul into and after each of her friends had finished eating one half of their sandwich, she asked them what they thought brimming from ear to ear.

"It was really good, there was a subtle sweetness to it that brought out the flavor of the ham and cheese." Applefai said as he sipped his tea.

"There was a subtle sweet taste, though I can't place it." Twilight said as she studied her other half trying to deduce what the sweet taste was.

Pinkie grinned ear to ear as her friends continued to give her their two cents.

"It was, really good, sugar cube. Ah swear I've tasted that flavor before." Applejack said as she started to eat her second half.

"I must say Pinkie, knowing how you like to experiment with your cooking and baking, this is really delightful." Rarity said as she wipes her mouth of the excess crumbs and white-ish-brown-ish condiment.

"I can tell it was mayonnaise, but I don't think I can tell what gave it an added sweetness." Fluttershy said as she also began to indulge in her second half.

"It's amazing Pinkie Pie, you'll have to tell me your secret." Rainbow Dash said as she put an arm around her and shacking her in a friendly manner.

Pinkie looked at her friend and smiled, "Sorry, but one of you has to guess."

Rainbow Dash sighed and said "Come on, that'll take forever. Can't you tell me, pleeease?" Rainbow Dash begged but to no avail.

As Applefai sipped his tea and ate his other half of the sandwich his eyes lit up with recognition, "Cinnamon" he said as he broke the silence.

"Yeah right Applefai, you don't put cinnamon in mayo, everyone knows that." Rainbow Dash said as she tried to think of another possibility.

"No, Applefai is right, Dashie." Pinkie Pie said revealing that Applefai had guessed right. "I was bored one day and so I thought I'd try to put cinnamon in mayo and to my surprise, like Applefai it gave the sandwich a subtle sweet taste and also brought out the flavor of the meat and cheese. When I tried it, just to be safe I put a little mayo in a portion size cup and mix in the cinnamon in case I didn't like it."

The gang sat around the coffee table in the living room as the info sank in, then they all told Pinkie that they really liked it and all politely asked for another one, luckily Pinkie had planned for such an occasion and brought out another tray from the kitchen with ham and cheese sandwiches cut into triangular slices on it.

One by one the guest took one plate each, and Pinkie turned on the t.v to watch as they ate, and subtly the theme to their favorite show began to play as they enjoyed the sandwiches Pinkie made for them.

Comments ( 3 )

As Applefai left they talked for awhile before Pinkie cut it sort. "I'm sorry AJ, but I really must be going if I'm going to get ready.”(——

Once they all came inside Pinkie told them to make themselves

Sitting down Pinkie was grinning with delight as she spoke, "I hope you guys like this, I kinda was bored one day and I tried something, now I'd like you to try it."

the they all told Pinkie that they really liked it

This was a little fast paced and you should have explained a bit who Applefai is. Otherwise it was good.

Comment posted by Applefai deleted Nov 30th, 2021

Thanks man.

If you want there's a little more info about Applefai in my story, Applejack's Love Bug

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